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1906-1938 comp. 12 pcs of entires with perfins, i.a. Wichterle & Kovařík - Prostějov, Kneisl - Všetuly (!), F. Wawerka - Lipník, invoice with revenue and perfin f. L. Popper - Trieste, used perfins on/for postcards 2x, Un response mailing Stein and Fortuna 4x; good condition U:A4
1917-1919 FRANCE selection of 18 pcs of entires with postmarks Czechosl. units in France, part prisoner cards, courier post, various postmark i.a. MISSION MILITAIRE FRANCISSE EN SIBÉRIE, 2x letter with cancel. MISSION MILITAIRE FRANCISSE/ PRAGUE etc..; various quality, valuable selection of U:A5
1919 FRANCE service letter with content from Czechosl. national council/court in Paris to Czechoslovakia, double-circle violet cancel. CONSEIL NATIONAL DES PAYS TCHEQUES - PARIS, 84, RUE BONAPARTE, supplemented with FP-postmark "F.M." and CDS PRAGUE - HRAD/ 10.VII.19; nice postal imprints, good condition U:A5
1918 ITALY postmark POSTA MILITARE 52/ 16.12.18 on/for Italian PC FP from member of Czechosl. unit 31. regiment CZECHOSL., addressed to to Nového Bydžova; good condition, decorative U:A5
1918 ITALY edict to udělenému medal member Czechosl. legions in Italy after/behind zranění in fight on/for Piavě 19.6.1918, postmark 33. ČESKOSLOVENSKÝ REGIMENT supplemented with straight line postmark PLUKOVNÍK VELÍCÍ PLUKU/ RICCARDO BARRECA with autograph, supplemented with round cancel. 33. ČESKOSLOVENSKÝ REGIMENT/ VELITELSTVÍ; cross fold, toned, rare! U:A3v–
1919 RUSSIA letter sent between members armies in Russia, several times redirected, black cancel. FIELD POST / CZECHOSL. ARMY NA RUSI, supplemented with violet big cancel. FIELD POST 3/ CZECHOSL. ARMY NA RUSI, by hand written notice; good condition U:A5
1918 RUSSIA FP card sent between legionnaires, arrival violet round cancel. with carskou eagle VII. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ TATRANSKÝ REGIMENT, 1. troop, according to text written Berezovaja Rudka 1.1.1918, as certificate of sale supplemented with envelope auction firm in/at former GDR U:A5
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ITALY selection of more than 60 pcs of various entires from members Czechoslovak units in Italy, various uniquely designed postmarks, postmark FP POSTA MILITARE 52 and other, part prisoner correspondence, postcard etc..; various quality, valuable selection of U:O5
1919 COMMISSIONE MILITARE ITALIANA DI CONTROLLO/ Č. BUDĚJOVICE violet round and straight line postmark on Ppc sent to Italy, with Hradčany 25h black-violet with bar type, Pof.11bD IIp; good condition, rare military unit postmarks Italian units on/for Czechosl. territory! U:A5
1919 VELITELSTVÍ 1. PRAPORU ČESKOSL. NÁMOŘN. + 3.SETNINA CZECHOSL. NÁMOŘNICTVA + CZECHOSLOVAK NAVY./ 1. BATTALION, comp. of 3 various FP cachet postmarks Czechosl. marine, supplemented with CDS POZSONY, 2x on Ppc, 1x on letter card YMCA; good condition U:A5
1919-1920 ČS. PANCÉŘOVÝ VLAK ČÍS. I / with CDS CZECHOSL FP 28/ 9.IV.20 + TELEGRAFNÍ SETNINA with CDS CZECHOSL FP 35/ 22.VIII.19 on 2 postcards; good condition, nice postal imprints U:A5
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 100 pcs of Ppc with various uniquely designed postmarks Czechosl. units on a mission in Slovakia and Moravia, big part originally units Czechosl. legions from Italy, mohé interesting pieces, part interesting topographical postcard also thematic military postcard; various quality, valuable selection of U:O5
1937 SPAIN / INTERNATIONAL BRIGADES franked with. postcard sent by air mail to Czechoslovakia, posting framed CDS 7.Ago.37, passed through censorship red framed pmk VISADO lieut. la CENSURA MILITAR, arrival postmark PRAGUE 11.VII.37; good condition U:A5
1921-1930 KARKOVY VARY / V. Congress of German Philatelists, selection of cut-squares with black and violet additional-printing on/for 8 pcs of stamp. Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker and issue Agriculture and Science, supplemented with labels with stamp. from 3. congress and several cut-squares with cancel. KARLOVY VARY/ XII. Zionist Congress 1921 and PRAGUE/ World Zionist Congress 1930 U:A4
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSL. ITALIAN LEGIONS comp. 11 pcs of photo postcard and autentických photos (3 pcs of) with views soldiers Czechoslovak Italian legions, from that 1x authentic fotka vojáku in/at personal car with cancel. POZSONY and red FP cachet cancel. 55. SEKCE ... with monogram CZECHOSL, 4 pcs of photos with views places fights on/for Italian front, supplemented with 13 pcs of color military caricatures Italian origin U:O5