Public Auction 57 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Other Issues to 1918

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201737 - 1915 Ferch.180, War issue 3h infantry in trench - definitive
1915 Ferch.180, War issue 3h "infantry in trench" - definitive stamp and original photo (Prof. Koloman Moser); mounted on carton with inscriptions "AUFNAHME" and "ORIGINAL"; unique, ex. Wiener Postarchiv!
Starting price: CZK
201738 - 1915 Ferch.181, War issue 5h riders - definitive stamp and o
1915 Ferch.181, War issue 5h "riders" - definitive stamp and original photo, (Prof. Koloman Moser); mounted on carton with inscriptions "AUFNAHME" and "ORIGINAL"; unique, ex. Wiener Postarchiv!
Starting price: CZK
197666 - 1899-1900 POSTAGE-DUE  ANK.13, 15, 18-21, selection of 6 imp
1899-1900 POSTAGE-DUE ANK.13, 15, 18-21, selection of 6 imperforated bloks of four, values 4H, 6H, 15H, 20H(!), 40H and 100H, part marginal; always block of four with one hinge, cat. 874€
Starting price: CZK
202397 - 1894-1916 POSTAGE-DUE  group of issues o postage-due stamps,
1894-1916 POSTAGE-DUE group of issues o postage-due stamps, contains also several used blocks of four, values 100h issue 1899 and 1900, bisected franking issue 1908 etc.., supplemented with newspaper revenues 1858 etc.; placed on two album cards A4
Starting price: CZK
201612 - 1911 POSTAGE-DUE - PLATE PROOF for Mi.P46U, marginal pair 10
1911 POSTAGE-DUE - PLATE PROOF for Mi.P46U, marginal pair 10K violet, imperforated; without gum as issued, cat. (*) 1.800€; very rare
Starting price: CZK
201477 - 1873 TELEGRAPH / Ferch.10, 17, corner blocks of four of PLAT
1873 TELEGRAPH / Ferch.10, 17, corner blocks of four of PLATE PROOFS for 5 Kreuzer and 2Gld, copperprint "Bogenproben", in black color; very fine and rare plate proofs!
Starting price: CZK
202329 - 1869 TELEGRAPH Mi.I-V, so-called. Viennese telegraph stamps
1869 TELEGRAPH Mi.I-V, so-called. "Viennese" telegraph stamps 10Kr-1Zl20Kr; cat. 150€, rare
Starting price: CZK
202293 - 1890 whole dispatch-note to Palermo, franked with mixed fran
1890 whole dispatch-note to Palermo, franked with mixed franking 3 Kreuzer 1890 + 10Kr 1883 (!) + 50 Kreuzer 1890, CDS WIEN WIPPLINGERSTRASSE 30/9 90, "ferma in post" (Poste Restante); very fine, cat. 720€++; rare franking!
Starting price: CZK
201479 - 1890 Newspaper revenue stamps - PSEUDO MISCHFRANKATUR 2 Kreu
1890 Newspaper revenue stamps - PSEUDO MISCHFRANKATUR 2 Kreuzer green + postage stamp 1/2P South Australia on address stripe, addressed to Bohemia, marked "2"(Kr) as tax fee for newspaper from abroad, CDS NETOLICE 21/8 99; cat. 500€ ++, rare!
Starting price: CZK
201510 - 1899 letter from Prague to Brunsweig, 2x heavier, with 10Kr
1899 letter from Prague to Brunsweig, 2x heavier, with 10Kr Franz Joseph issue 1890, RED CDS PRAGUE 18, 28/5 99, arrival BRUNSWICK 29.5.99; cat. only for cut square 400€, very rare letter!
Starting price: CZK
202398 - 1900 POSTAGE-DUE  issue 1894, certificate of mailing with fe
1900 POSTAGE-DUE issue 1894, certificate of mailing with fee paid on reverse block of four Postage due stamp 50 Kreuzer brown, Ferch.9, perf line perforation 11½;; good condition
Starting price: CZK
201739 - 1914 Postal ID card of Czech famous painter Bedřich Žení
1914 Postal ID card of Czech famous painter Bedřich Ženíšek, with paid fee 50h by Austrian POSTAGE-DUE stamp 50h red (1908), CDS MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ 12.VIII.14; perfect condition, from famous "Sammlung Bernardini"; rare document
Starting price: CZK
198108 - 1917 bank money letter for 60.000K on printed matter envelop
1917 bank money letter for 60.000K on printed matter envelope i.a. franked with Coat of arms 10K dark, Mi.203 and 190, 196, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.VI.17; envelope opened from 2 sides, cut seals, small tearing in corner, cat. by estimation 600€, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
197664 - 1917 whole address newspaper wrapper sent as Printed matter,
1917 whole address newspaper wrapper sent as Printed matter, underpaid with Crown 3h and special-delivery 2h triangle, Mi.185, 217, burdened by Postage due 10h, fee paid by usage of block-of-10 1h with overprint PORTO, Mi.P58, 1x stamp with variety of overprint - thin "O", MC WIEN 11.II.17, postage due stamp cancelled by CDS WIEN 12.II.17; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
200260 - 1918 2 bank money letters on printed envelopes addressed to
1918 2 bank money letters on printed envelopes addressed to sugar factory in Most, both on 20.000K: 1x franked with 2 pcs of Coat of arms 3 K, Mi.205 in front + Mi.199 and 224 on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 25.9.18.; 1x franked with 3 pcs of Coat of arms 2 K, Mi.204 in front + Mi.195 on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 3. ? ; on reverse seal; good quality
Starting price: CZK
202396 - 1890-1917 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of issues from 1890, part
1890-1917 [COLLECTIONS] selection of issues from 1890, part unused hinged, various types of perforations, postmarks, color shades, papers etc..; on 4 cards A4
Starting price: CZK