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1915 Ferch.180, War issue 3h "infantry in trench" - definitive stamp and original photo (Prof. Koloman Moser); mounted on carton with inscriptions "AUFNAHME" and "ORIGINAL"; unique, ex. Wiener Postarchiv! U:A5
1915 Ferch.181, War issue 5h "riders" - definitive stamp and original photo, (Prof. Koloman Moser); mounted on carton with inscriptions "AUFNAHME" and "ORIGINAL"; unique, ex. Wiener Postarchiv! U:A5
1899-1900 POSTAGE-DUE ANK.13, 15, 18-21, selection of 6 imperforated bloks of four, values 4H, 6H, 15H, 20H(!), 40H and 100H, part marginal; always block of four with one hinge, cat. 874€ U:A5
1894-1916 POSTAGE-DUE group of issues o postage-due stamps, contains also several used blocks of four, values 100h issue 1899 and 1900, bisected franking issue 1908 etc.., supplemented with newspaper revenues 1858 etc.; placed on two album cards A4 U:A4
1911 POSTAGE-DUE - PLATE PROOF for Mi.P46U, marginal pair 10K violet, imperforated; without gum as issued, cat. (*) 1.800€; very rare U:A5
1873 TELEGRAPH / Ferch.10, 17, corner blocks of four of PLATE PROOFS for 5 Kreuzer and 2Gld, copperprint "Bogenproben", in black color; very fine and rare plate proofs! U:A5
1869 TELEGRAPH Mi.I-V, so-called. "Viennese" telegraph stamps 10Kr-1Zl20Kr; cat. 150€, rare U:A5
1890 whole dispatch-note to Palermo, franked with mixed franking 3 Kreuzer 1890 + 10Kr 1883 (!) + 50 Kreuzer 1890, CDS WIEN WIPPLINGERSTRASSE 30/9 90, "ferma in post" (Poste Restante); very fine, cat. 720€++; rare franking! U:A5
1890 Newspaper revenue stamps - PSEUDO MISCHFRANKATUR 2 Kreuzer green + postage stamp 1/2P South Australia on address stripe, addressed to Bohemia, marked "2"(Kr) as tax fee for newspaper from abroad, CDS NETOLICE 21/8 99; cat. 500€ ++, rare! U:A5
1899 letter from Prague to Brunsweig, 2x heavier, with 10Kr Franz Joseph issue 1890, RED CDS PRAGUE 18, 28/5 99, arrival BRUNSWICK 29.5.99; cat. only for cut square 400€, very rare letter! U:A4
1900 POSTAGE-DUE issue 1894, certificate of mailing with fee paid on reverse block of four Postage due stamp 50 Kreuzer brown, Ferch.9, perf line perforation 11½;; good condition U:A5
1914 Postal ID card of Czech famous painter Bedřich Ženíšek, with paid fee 50h by Austrian POSTAGE-DUE stamp 50h red (1908), CDS MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ 12.VIII.14; perfect condition, from famous "Sammlung Bernardini"; rare document U:A5
1917 bank money letter for 60.000K on printed matter envelope i.a. franked with Coat of arms 10K dark, Mi.203 and 190, 196, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.VI.17; envelope opened from 2 sides, cut seals, small tearing in corner, cat. by estimation 600€, rare usage U:A5
1917 whole address newspaper wrapper sent as Printed matter, underpaid with Crown 3h and special-delivery 2h triangle, Mi.185, 217, burdened by Postage due 10h, fee paid by usage of block-of-10 1h with overprint PORTO, Mi.P58, 1x stamp with variety of overprint - thin "O", MC WIEN 11.II.17, postage due stamp cancelled by CDS WIEN 12.II.17; good condition, decorative U:A5
1918 2 bank money letters on printed envelopes addressed to sugar factory in Most, both on 20.000K: 1x franked with 2 pcs of Coat of arms 3 K, Mi.205 in front + Mi.199 and 224 on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 25.9.18.; 1x franked with 3 pcs of Coat of arms 2 K, Mi.204 in front + Mi.195 on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 3. ? ; on reverse seal; good quality U:A5
1890-1917 [COLLECTIONS] selection of issues from 1890, part unused hinged, various types of perforations, postmarks, color shades, papers etc..; on 4 cards A4 U:O4