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1840 SG.1; 2x PENNY BLACK intense black, letters E-E and H-A; very nice quality, on cut-square with red Maltese cross, cat. min. £1.000 (for both on cut-square min. + 20%) U:A5
1840 SG.2, 7, PENNY BLACK and ONE PENNY RED, rare "Matched Pair", letters A-I, same plate 5 (!); very fine, cat. £575 ++ U:A5
1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, plate 1a, letters M-L; very fine piece on cut-square with red Malt. cross, cat. £425 + 20% U:A5
1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black plate 2, letters M-A; very fine piece on cut-square with red Maltese cross, cat. £425 + 20% U:A5
1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black plate 4, letters E-E; very fine piece on cut-square with red Maltese cross, cat. £425 + 20% U:A5
1840 SG.2bb, Penny Black grey - blac on large cut-square, plate 1a, letters O-A, full margins, nice print of red Maltese cross; cat. £500++ U:A5
1840-1841 SG.2, 7, PENNY BLACK and ONE PENNY RED, rare "Matched Pair", letters C-D, same plate 8 (!); very fine, cat. £715++ U:A5
1840 SG.3, PENNY BLACK grey-black, plate 1a, K-E; very fine piece on cut-square with red Malt. cross, cat. £500 + 20% U:A5
1841 SG.8, Penny Red, horizontal strip of 5, letters GF-GJ, full margins on all sides, numeral pmk.; only light vert. bend, otherwise very nice piece U:A5
1841 SG.13, 2P light blue, horizontal strip of 3, letters SF-SH, full margins, numeral pmk.; 1x small cutting between stamps, otherwise nice quality U:A5
1841 SG.14, 2P blue, horizontal pair, letters NG-NH, full margins, left with part of adjacent stamp, numeral pmk 148; very nice piece U:A5
1854 IMPRIMATUR SG.17, 1P red-brown, letters A-I, plate 37; wmk "Large Crown", piece with upper margin in perfect quality, fine color, only 21 imprimatur prints exist from this plate, cat. Gibbons Spec. "from £1.300"
1858-1879 SG.47, 2x 2 Pence "thin lines" plate 15, original gum; perfin I. & S. 66, cat. £1.050 U:A5
1870 SG.51,52, Victoria 1½P, both colors - rose red and lake red, cat. £1.100 U:A5
1847 SG.60, Embossed 6P purple, on cut-square with BLUE cancellation type 1844 - '232' Cuckfield; perfect margins, fine color; rare, cat. for black pmk £1.200++ U:A5
1855 SG.62a, 4P pale bright carmine, wmk "small Garter", on cut-square with decorative cancel. "spoon" BIRMINGHAM NO.8.1855; certificate Richter, cat. min. £450 U:A5
1883-1884 SG.183, 10Sh ultramarine, letters F-H, wmk "anchor"; well centered with round CDS BRADFORD; cat. £525 U:A5
1883 SG.187s, 190s, 191s, 193s, 195s, ½P, 2½P, 3P, 5P, 9P, all SPECIMEN; perfect quality, original gum and fine condition of color, cat. £835 U:A5
1840 SG.3, PENNY BLACK frey-čblack, plate 1a, letters B-I, on letter in early period 22.6.1840 from Preston to Manchester; certificate BPA, cat. £1.400, extraordinary entire! U:A5
1842 SG.2, Penny Black, plate 2, letters D-B, full margins, on letter to Petworth, nice print of red Maltese cross and straight line postmark KNIGHTSBRIDGE; nice quality, cat. £700 U:A5
1841 SG.10, pair of 1P dark red-brown 1841, plate 17, letters BK-BL, on folded letter, cancelled dark blue Maltese cross; certificate Karl Louis BPP, very fine and rare letter, cat. only for single stamp. £1.700 U:A5