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1949 NORTH CHINA - civil war, Mi.40B-44B set "May", EAST CHINA Mi.56A-64A set "Liberation Nankingu"; very fine, issued without gum U:A5
1950 Mi.8I-11I, "National congress"; Mi.81I, "1. anniv of republic" highest value 2.000$; Mi.113I, "Pigeon-issue" 400$; Mi.131I "Coins" 800$; Mi.137I-140I "Tibet" 400$-1000$, perf 12½;; Mi.180-183 "Válka with Japan", Mi. 110I-112I "30 years KS"a used Mi.33I "Mao" 2000$ and Mi.127I-128I " Lu Xun"; very fine selection of sought first issue, c.v.. 460€ U:A5
1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint "1841 HONG KONG JUBILEE 1891", the bottom stamp shows "tall narrow K"; rare joined types, stamp SG.51d **, cat. * min. £1.775, as ** ca. £3.075, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1935 SG.133c-134c, Jubilee George V. 3C and 5C, both with LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR, very fine, cat. £775 U:A5
1896-1934 set of 12 unused postage and special stamps, it contains e.g. Mi.74 (120€), 75, 82 (minor faults), 91 with line perforation 12 (180€), 96 (85€), 116 I., 89A with line perforation 12 (50€); Mi.113 without gum excluded from sum, cat. over 610€ U:A5
1948-1985 SPORT selection of 58 pcs of stamps with favourite motive, it contains e.g. Mi.404, 433, 459, 629, 361, pair Mi.546-47 (2x), 606-07, 646-47, 660-61 and other; all mint never hinged, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1949 Mi.475, Week of Philately 8Y violet; VF, cat. 160€ U:A5
1954 Reg and airmail postal stationery cover to Czechoslovakia, 10 Cheun, uprated by. Mi.19xBa, 50B, 53B, 52bB, CDS and Reg cancel CHUN - XIN, air-mail PAR AVION; nice quality U:A5
1955-1990 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc sent to Czechoslovakia, i.a. franked by stmp Mi.53, 95, 97, 118; good condition U:A5
1960-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection blocks, PB, Pa and printing sheet various issues in 5 folders on/for sheets and 3 cards A5, all sets, interesting motives etc.; mainly very nice quality, evidentně high catalogue value U:Z