POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT, Mi.204IIU, Coat of arms 2 Koruna light blue, ŠIROKÁ, imperforated block of four; very fine, issued without gum, c.v.. (*) min. 1.750€
POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT, Mi.205IIU, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, ŠIROKÁ, imperforated corner blk-of-4; in perfect quality, issued without gum, c.v.. (*) min. 6.000€, it is UNIKÁT, imperforate wide and light 3-koruny are in addition one from most precious PLATE PROOF of whole Austria!
AIRMAIL STAMPS 1918 / ANK-catalogue 225yB-227yB, pair Coat of arms 2 Koruna - 4 Koruna without overprint FLUGPOST, imperforated, white paper; 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna **, 4 Koruna as always (*), very fine and in/at pair rare, ex. Wiener Postarchiv, c.v.. 2.000€++
EXPRESS - Mi.217U, 218U; 2h and 5h trojúhelníky imperforated in pairs with sheet margin, superb, c.v.. as single stamps 1.200€, like that min. 1.500€; rare, ex. Postarchiv Wien
EXPRESS - Mi.219U, 220U, 2h and 5h obdélníky, imperforated in blocks of four with sheet margin and krajovou ledge; superb, c.v.. as single stamps 1.680€, like that min. 2.500€; very rare, ex. Postarchiv Wien (dochoval with single sheet!)
POSTAGE-DUE - MALÉ ČÍSLICE Mi.56A and 57A, 5 Koruna and 10K blue, both stamp. with comb perforation 12½:13, from every values 32-blok (!); mint never hinged, fold in perforation, cat. ANK 1.184€
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝFORMÁT comp. 5 pcs of entires with forerunner and parallel franking, 1x heavier Reg letter franked with. 2x Charles 20h and Hradčany 10h with CDS RÁJEC/ 18.II.19, 1x postcard franked with. pair Crown 5h green with CDS PRAGUE 4/ 10.XII.18, 1x PC Charles 8h uprated with stamp Crown 3h violet with railway pmk etc..; good condition
1918 Pof.RV1-RV15, RV20-RV21, Prague overprint I - Small Emblem, line stmp with overprint Crown, Charles, Coat of arms and Express to values 1 Koruna, 17 pcs of; light hinged, exp. by Gilbert
1918 Pof.RV22-RV36, RV41-RV42, Prague overprint II - large emblem, line stmp with overprint Crown, Charles, Coat of arms and Express to values 1 Koruna, 17 pcs of; light hinged, exp. by Gilbert
1918 Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) 3h-1K, 15 pcs of with overprint in black color; mint never hinged, several pcs minor gum fault, marked and exp. Vrba
1918 Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) 3h-1K, 15 pcs of with overprint in red color; mint never hinged, several pcs minor gum fault, marked and exp. by Mrnak., resp. Vrba
1918 letter with mounted complete Hungarian sets Charles and Zita with black overprint - osmilistý flower, CDS POZSONY/ 918 Nov.16.; bumped margins envelope/-s, philatelically motivated entire
1918 Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) Registered and Express letter with Pof.RV43, RV47 and RV51 (3x), CDS BOROVANY (date badly readable); sound condition, without arrival cancel.
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1 and 2, 1h brown and 3h violet, comp. 6 pcs of sheets of 100, value 1h 4 pcs of, without perf plate 1+2 (plate 2 with postmark from favor), with perf plate 1+2, value 3h 2 pcs of, plate 1+2, plate 2 with plate variety interrupted branch, plate 1 incomplete 90 pcs of sheet - without 1 vertical line; always several hints of label, part with fold
Pof.1-20, (without 6, 7, 9N, 11, 13N, 15, 18), comp. 13 pcs of bloks of four, from that 5h blue-green LR corner + 3x marginal block-of-4; mint never hinged
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2, 3h violet, comp. 2 pcs of complete sheets of 100, plate 1+2, plate 2 with plate variety interrupted branch; mint never hinged and undamaged margins, plate 2 with light fold
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.3 and 8, 5h light green and 20h blue-green, complete sheets of 100 with overprint "T", 5h plate 2, 20h plate 1; vert. fold, several hints of labels
COUNTER SHEET / selection of big parts of sheets, i.a. Pof.3D, 5h light green with line perforation 11½; (missing only UR corner blk-of-4), then nezoubkované: 5h light green, 94-blok; 20h blue-green 93-blok, 25h blue marginal blk-of-18 and 3h 90-blok; overall fine, c.v.. 2.650Kč
Pof.3 production flaw, 5h light green, block of four with lower margin, where part one stamps is with significant print - underlaid; lightly hinged, exp. by Gilbert
Pof.4Na joined bar types, 5h dark blue-green, block of four without perf with joined bar type, pos. 7, plate 4; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 4.000CZK, Mercure 22.000CZK, very nice shade, quite rare occurrence spojeného bar type in dark modrozeleném shade on/for 5h stamp as blk-of-4, ex Oliva
Pof.4Na, 5h dark blue-green, block of four without perf with plate number III; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, very nice shade, rare occurrence corner block of four with plate number on/for dark modrozeleném shade, ex Oliva
Pof.4Nb production flaw, 5h dark green, incomplete block of 6, on both sides print, on face-side multiple with much paper creases and folded paper + Pof.7a production flaw, 15h vermilion, incomplete block of 8, multiple print in front and smaller paper crease, on reverse full offset; both multiblocks on stamp paper with gum
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.5, 10h red, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 1 with retouch clock on pos. 91; more/larger thin place in L upper pair, several light hints of labels, vert. fold, sought with retouch clock!
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.5, 10h red, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, plate 1 with retouch clock on pos. 91; very nice quality, only horiz. fold, sought with retouch clock!
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.7, 15h bricky red, 100 stamps sheet glued-up from several original part/-s, plate 2, 1x joined spiral types, 3x joined bar types; viewing of quality recommended, for study purposes