1922-1928PARTIE / selection of 36 pcs of bloks of four postage-due stamp. from issue Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany - Definitive issue, i.a. also separate stamp. Hradčany 50/75h with frame type *; block of four issue Agriculture and Science 50/500h with comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;; issue Chainbreaker 50/150h with line perforation 13¾; etc..; practically all mint never hinged, as multiple interesting
1928-1938 [COLLECTIONS] DEFINITIVNÍ ISSUE - collection 27 pcs of entires with fee paid Postage due stamps Definitive issue, all on 15 unbound album pages, contains various franking on/for commercial letters, court obsílkách, parcel bills etc..; part from exhibit ex. Oliva
1929DEFINITIVNÍ ISSUE unpaid heavier letter letter in the place, burdened with surtax in/at general value 3.40Kč, fee was/were paid by usage i.a. PŮLENÉ stamp. 2CZK, Pof.DL63 and 1CZK corner stmp with plate number 29, Pof.DL62, CDS KREMNICA/ 12.I.29; letter open from 3 sides, quite rare franking, ex Oliva
1929-1933DEFINITIVNÍ ISSUE comp. 2 pcs of letters with interesting double frankings postage-due stamp., 1x unfranked letter burdened with surtax, odmítnutý recipient and returned through/over Prague dead letter off., CDS PRAHA/19.XII.30 (torn off corner 1 stamp.) + 1x underpaid commercial letter odmítnutý recipient, returned back, CDS BRNO/ 17.VI.33; good condition
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.SO2, Hradčany 3h violet with nepřepážkovou line perforation 11½;, plate 1, overprint plate A, 2x plate variety - thin "O" on pos. 14+27; mint never hinged, without folds
Pof.SO6 production flaw, Hradčany 20h blue-green, vertical pair with lower margin - oblique expressive shift of overprint out of stmp.; minor gum fault, exp. Vrba
Pof.SO7 IIp, Hradčany 20h red without perf with lower margin with control-numbers, bar subtype (!), pos. 96, plate 1, overprint plate B/1b; minor gum fault, exp. by Mrnak., Le, mark Ekstein, c.v.. Pofis 70.000CZK, Mercure 120.000CZK, very rare stamp with bar subtype!
Pof.SO7A, 20h red, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, LR 20ti-blok with control-numbers, plate 2, under the pos. 100 plate mark (2x interrupted dash), then several interesting odlišností, for example. big distance between 2 and 0 (1920) on pos. 90; interesting
Pof.SO8C over-printing plate, 25h violet, comb perforation 11¾;, double overprint; from old collection, marked and exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, mark Šula
Pof.SO22ZT, Hradčany 500h brown, spiral type I., overprint trial printing in red color + 500h with blue overprint with unofficial perf. 13¾; + issued imperforated 500h with blue overprint; all exp. Vrba
Pof.SO25N, T. G. Masaryk 1000h brown, UNISSUED without perf; very wide margins, marginal piece, hinged, exp. by Karasek + 2 commercial marks, c.v.. 7.000Kč+
Pof.SO27 production flaw, Express stamp 5h green, block of four with production flaw - significantly shifted overprint SO1920 (overprint) between stamps; hinged, exp. Vrba, decorative multiple
Pof.SO33-SO43, Postage due stmp 5h - 1000h, missing only cheap value 25h, otherwise complete set in blocks of four; superb, values 500h and 1000h exp. by Karasek
1919POLSKÝ occupation insufficiently franked letter to Těšín from II. postal rate, with Hradčany 1h brown, Pof.1, nationalized CDS FRÝDEK/ 27.V.19, postage due paid/franked Polish stamp. 50h (Mi.77) with overprint "PORTO", CDS TESCHEN 2/ 31.V.19; philatelically influenced mailing
1920 POLAND Reg letter to Prostějov, franked on front side by pair stmp with overprint S.O./ 1920 Eagle 5f, Mi.1 and on reverse 30 pcs of stamp. Orice 3f without overprint Mi.77, CDS TESCHEN 1/ 21.VII.20; only toned, otherwise good condition
1919 Pof.PP2-4A, Charitable stamps - Silhouette 25k - 1Rbl, line perforation 11½;, value 50k minor gum fault, value 1Rbl with omitted perf at top; perf and types marked, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba
1919 Pof.PP5, 2 pcs of, 1x small and 1x big sabre + 1x PLATE PROOF light blue/ light red centre, exp. by Gilbert + PP10 and PP15, 10k and 1Rbl with black additional-printing year 1920 and green value numeral, exp. by Mrnak., resp. Gilbert + selection of 32 pcs of various forgeries (!), from that 3 pcs of Pof.PP5, 1 pcs of PP6 and 28 pcs of PP7-PP15; to/at research purposes, all forgeries marked, from them 10 pcs of "Falsch" Mahr BPP
1919 Pof.PP6-PP15, Charitable stamps - lion, 1Rbl with black additional-printing and 2k/1R - 1R/1R with additional-printing and green value numeral, all type "Sibířské"; hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Vrba, c.v.. 4.650Kč
1919 Pof.PP9, PP10 and PP13 Charitable stamps - lion 5k, 10k and 35k without year; usual production gum skips, value 5k exp. by Gilbert., 10k exp. by Mrnak., Pofis-m, 35k new gum, c.v.. for * ca. 4.500CZK
1918 envelope addressed to to military camp Žofín (lieut.. Rychlý), franked with. scout stamp. 20h red. Pof.SK2, oval pmk NV ĆESKOSLOVENSKÝ V PRAGUE + round cancel. NV and with straight line postmark "Letter from skauta..../ převzal....." with both signatures; envelope open from 2 sides, vertical fold, exp. by Gilbert
1918 letter sent to District hospodářskou TESTER on/for Smíchově, franked with. scout stamp. 20h light red, Pof.SK2a, with black round cancel. "N.V.", supplemented with round cancel. POST SKAUTU/ Prague/ 27/XI 1918 + violet straight line postmark "Letter from skauta..../ převzal...." with signature STRETTI (Charles Stretti, known Prague revolucionář from organization Junák (scout)); sound condition, exp. by Gilbert
1918 letter sent to Country obilní institution, franked with. scout stamp. 10h blue, Pof.SK1, with black round cancel. "N.V.", supplemented with round cancel. POST SKAUTU/ Prague/ 22/XI 1918 + violet straight line postmark "Letter from skauta..../ převzal...." with signature STRETTI (Charles Stretti, known Prague revolucionář from organization Junák (scout)); nice small/rare letter, exp. by Gilbert
1918 Pof.SK2, Scout stamp 20h red mounted on telegram with notification about war usury, to "Národní výbor Vršovice, posted in Sázava, cancelled by pmk POŠTA SKAUTŮ / PRAHA 8/XI 1918, on reverse oval and evidence postmark of "Národní výbor v Praze"; very good condition, only folds, stamp exp. by Gilbert., entire exp. by Karasek, (for genuiness see text in catalogue Pofis, page. 195, the date of origin of this telegram is still unclear)
1918 Pof.SK4, Scout stamp 20h red with black overprint "Příjezd presidenta Masaryka" mounted on telegram sent from České Budějovice, where president T. G. Masaryk spent night on 20. to 21. of December 1918 during his journey back to Prague (Czechoslovakia), cancelled by POŠTA SKAUTŮ / PRAHA 21/XII 1918, supplemented with straight line postmark Dopis od skauta/ Převzal; very good condition, only folds, certificate Vrba, stamp exp. by Gilbert., Pittermann, Beneš, entire exp. Pittermann; certificate Vrba only deals with genuiness of the Scout stamp, not the entire telegram - see text in catalogue Pofis, page 195; telegram from period of the beginning of the independent Czechoslovakia with genuine overprint Scout stamp, very rare
1918Rijáček: joined printing 13 pcs of various nerealizovaných designes, 2 pcs of, 1x in violet color on grey paper and 1x in/at orange color on yellowy paper, both without gum; sound condition
1918-1919 printing-works HAASE selection of 22 pcs of refused designes on/for postage stmp in values 5 - 1000H, various national motives St. Wenceslas, J. Huss, Castles, 1x design Mudruňka Děvčátko 60h, outside 1 pcs of all on stamp. paper with gum in various colors, set Castles with full offsets; mint never hinged
1918-1919VOLKAR Z. selection of 23 pcs of refused designes on/for postage stmp in values 1h - 25h, various national motives in colour blue, violet and green on/for stronger white paper without gum
1906-1938 comp. 12 pcs of entires with perfins, i.a. Wichterle & Kovařík - Prostějov, Kneisl - Všetuly (!), F. Wawerka - Lipník, invoice with revenue and perfin f. L. Popper - Trieste, used perfins on/for postcards 2x, Un response mailing Stein and Fortuna 4x; good condition
1917-1919 FRANCE selection of 18 pcs of entires with postmarks Czechosl. units in France, part prisoner cards, courier post, various postmark i.a. MISSION MILITAIRE FRANCISSE EN SIBÉRIE, 2x letter with cancel. MISSION MILITAIRE FRANCISSE/ PRAGUE etc..; various quality, valuable selection of
1919 FRANCE service letter with content from Czechosl. national council/court in Paris to Czechoslovakia, double-circle violet cancel. CONSEILNATIONAL DES PAYSTCHEQUES - PARIS, 84, RUEBONAPARTE, supplemented with FP-postmark "F.M." and CDS PRAGUE - HRAD/ 10.VII.19; nice postal imprints, good condition
1918 ITALY postmark POSTA MILITARE 52/ 16.12.18 on/for Italian PC FP from member of Czechosl. unit 31. regiment CZECHOSL., addressed to to Nového Bydžova; good condition, decorative
1918ITALY edict to udělenému medal member Czechosl. legions in Italy after/behind zranění in fight on/for Piavě 19.6.1918, postmark 33. ČESKOSLOVENSKÝ REGIMENT supplemented with straight line postmark PLUKOVNÍKVELÍCÍPLUKU/ RICCARDOBARRECA with autograph, supplemented with round cancel. 33. ČESKOSLOVENSKÝ REGIMENT/ VELITELSTVÍ; cross fold, toned, rare!
1919 RUSSIA letter sent between members armies in Russia, several times redirected, black cancel. FIELD POST / CZECHOSL. ARMY NA RUSI, supplemented with violet big cancel. FIELD POST 3/ CZECHOSL. ARMY NA RUSI, by hand written notice; good condition
1918 RUSSIA FP card sent between legionnaires, arrival violet round cancel. with carskou eagle VII. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝTATRANSKÝ REGIMENT, 1. troop, according to text written BerezovajaRudka 1.1.1918, as certificate of sale supplemented with envelope auction firm in/at former GDR
1918-1919[COLLECTIONS] ITALY selection of more than 60 pcs of various entires from members Czechoslovak units in Italy, various uniquely designed postmarks, postmark FP POSTA MILITARE 52 and other, part prisoner correspondence, postcard etc..; various quality, valuable selection of
1919COMMISSIONE MILITARE ITALIANA DI CONTROLLO/ Č. BUDĚJOVICE violet round and straight line postmark on Ppc sent to Italy, with Hradčany 25h black-violet with bar type, Pof.11bD IIp; good condition, rare military unit postmarks Italian units on/for Czechosl. territory!
1919-1920 ČS. PANCÉŘOVÝ VLAK ČÍS. I / with CDS CZECHOSL FP 28/ 9.IV.20 + TELEGRAFNÍ SETNINA with CDS CZECHOSL FP 35/ 22.VIII.19 on 2 postcards; good condition, nice postal imprints
1919-1920[COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 100 pcs of Ppc with various uniquely designed postmarks Czechosl. units on a mission in Slovakia and Moravia, big part originally units Czechosl. legions from Italy, mohé interesting pieces, part interesting topographical postcard also thematic military postcard; various quality, valuable selection of