Pof.21, 120h grey, selection of 117 pcs of stamp., stripe and bloks of four, various shades, 3x marginal block-of-4, 1x block of 6, control-numbers, offsets etc..; mint never hinged also hinged, high catalogue value
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine as blk-of-4, plate 2, pos. 54-55/ 64-65, on pos. 54 plate variety - interrupted frame above ČE and O (CZECH REPUBLIC); mint never hinged
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, selection of 58 pcs of mostly postmarked stamps, from that 1 pcs of with ministerial perf line perforation 11½; + 2x block of four (both */**), wide škála various color shades incl. dark green, several pcs closer margin; on/for plate A4, c.v.. surely through/over 2.300CZK
Pof.24, 400h blue-violet as blk-of-4, plate 1, pos. 46-47/ 56-57, on pos. 47 plate variety - white point above right holubicí, on pos. 56 plate variety - color point in L holubici; usual margins, mint never hinged
Pof.4Ms(2), 5h blue-green, SAME FACING 2-stamps unissued gutter, unfolded, upper stamp from plate 4, the bottom from plate 3, on stamp paper with gum; hinged, production folds in paper, right at top from front sides minor faults of paper; certificate Vrba, extremely rare vertical gutter!
Pof.5M(2), 10h red, unfolded opposite facing 2-stamps. vert. gutter as Pr, all stamp. with overprint "T" and CDS from favor KRALOVICE by/on/at PLZNĚ/ 12.1.19; thin/light bend and small thin place
[COLLECTIONS] BALÍČKY / HRADČANY-issue quite extraordinary estate parcels Hradčany (imperforated also perforated) after/around businessman, by estimation ca. 25.000 stamps, incl. values 75h, 500h etc.., supplemented with about/by ca. 100 pcs of dispatch-notes with issues Hradčany and other parcels other issues as Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science etc..; unsorted, adjusted in/at original bounded packets after/around ca. 50 pcs of, placed in middle box
Pof.1C, 4B, 6C, production flaw, production perf defects on stmp 1h brown - oblique shift horiz. perf, 5h blue-green - double stroke perforation comb, 10h green vertical pair with double horiz. perf; outside 1h mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.3D, 5h light green with line perforation 11½;, 100 stamps sheet horiz. glued-up with original polovin, plate 1; viewing of quality recommended, for study purposes
Pof.3D-21D, line stamp. with line perforation 11½;, without 30h violet; 20h and 120h lightly hinged, 5h blue-green, 25h violet and 120h exp. by Gilbert
Pof.6B production flaw, 10h light green, comb perforation 11¾;, lower corner blok of 4 with control-numbers, significant shifted perforation downward and R to to picture of adjacent stamp., at top double stroke comb; partially povolená vert. perf in the middle between stamp. and production fold in paper, after all interesting, exp. by Gilbert + signature
Pof.6D, 10h green in vertical pair with lower margin, nepřepážková perf line perforation 11½;, pos. 88,98, plate 2; mint never hinged, notice by pencil in lower margin exp. Štolfa, rare perf
Pof.7E STk, 15h bricky red, UL corner pair with line perforation 11½; : 10¾;, combination types combination - bar subtype, pos. 1, spiral type together with bar type II pos. 2, plate 1; mint never hinged, several short tooth, Vrba certificate, Karásek, exp. by Karasek., Gilbert, cat. min. 40.000CZK, combined combination types in very rare perf!
Pof.8A production flaw, 20h blue-green, upper block of four with několikanásobným stroke perforation comb, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.10A, 25h blue with comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, plate 2, horiz. glued-up 100 stamps sheet from original part/-s; viewing of quality recommended, for study purposes
Pof.11B production flaw, 25h violet, horiz. corner str-of-3 with lower margin with significant odskokem perforation comb, comb perforation 11¾;; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Pof.2Cvz-25Cvz, incomplete selection of 16 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 13¾; and overprint VZOREC, i.a. 5h blue-green, 20h carmine, 50h violet, 200h ultramarine, 500h brown etc..; mint never hinged, all exp. Vrba
1918 Pof.4Dvz, 25Cvz, 500h brown with line perforation 13¾; and 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½;, both overprint VZOREC; 500h exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 1.600CZK
Pof.11Lvz, 18Lvz, 21Lvz, comp. 3 pcs of stamp. with line perforation 10½; and overprint VZOREC, value 25h violet - carton paper, 75h and 120h; mint never hinged only 120h, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 10h red, block of four with plate variety clock in towers, pos. 91/1, full print same values also on reverse, on/for stronger paper without gum; exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 10h red Pof.5, in/at joined printing with newspaper 2h Sokol green Pof.NV1, irregular multiblock on brownish paper without gum, through/over 1 stamp. 10h more/larger paper crease
PLATE PROOF values 75h, V. printing, plate proof in black color on chalky paper, with different tvarem numeral(s) "7", double impression, neopracovaná plate; rare occurrence, exp. Vrba
COUNTER SHEET / PLATE PROOF plate proofs in/at whole sheets on common paper without gum, value 100h brown - complete 100 stamps sheet plate 1, double impression, value 5h light green - complete 100 stamps sheet, value 1h brown - incomplete 90 pcs of sheet (without right vertical line)
PLATE PROOF values 1000h in definitive color on brownish paper without gum, with interesting mixed zoubkováním: upper stamp. line perforation + comb perforation 11½; : 13½; : 13¾; : 13½;, the bottom stamp. comb perforation 13¾; : 13½; and above upper stamp. small hints of perf 13¾;; definitely interesting!