Public Auction 57 / Philately / Asia

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201616 - 1880 letter from Peshavaru to Kábulu, franked 1 Abasi červ
1880 letter from Peshavaru to Kábulu, franked 1 Abasi červeno-purpurová, rarer hand obliteration with written date; very fine
Starting price: CZK
201617 - 1880 letter from Peshavaru to Kábulu, franked 1 Abasi dark
1880 letter from Peshavaru to Kábulu, franked 1 Abasi dark purple, hand obliteration; usual signs of age
Starting price: CZK
201614 - 1881 letter from town Pesh-Bolak to Kábulu, franked 1 Abasi
1881 letter from town Pesh-Bolak to Kábulu, franked 1 Abasi light hnědopurpurová, hand obliteration; very fine, atypical rose paper
Starting price: CZK
201421 - 1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION, SG.J75, Farmář 3C light blue, pa
1943 JAPANESE OCCUPATION, SG.J75, Farmář 3C light blue, pair S VYNECHANOU SVISLOU PERFORACÍ, cancel. BASSEIN - BURMA / 25MAR. 43; very fine, certificate Sismondo, c.v.. £350, rare, underprized!
Starting price: CZK
202483 - 1973 Mi.557-563, 10Ch - 9Nu, complete set plates; very fine,
1973 Mi.557-563, 10Ch - 9Nu, complete set "plates"; very fine, c.v.. 400€, rare issue
Starting price: CZK
191348 - 1857 SG.2, 3, 5, Victoria (Perkins Bacon) 1P, 2P, 5P, wmk st
1857 SG.2, 3, 5, Victoria (Perkins Bacon) 1P, 2P, 5P, wmk "star"; VF, cat. £295
Starting price: CZK
191349 - 1857 SG.9, Victoria (Perkins Bacon) 10P dull vermilion; VF,
1857 SG.9, Victoria (Perkins Bacon) 10P dull vermilion; VF, cat. £325
Starting price: CZK
200767 - 1918 SG.337by, overprint George V. 5C with overprint ONE CEN
1918 SG.337by, overprint George V. 5C with overprint "ONE CENT", upper right corner block-of-6 with plate number with INVERTED AND REVERSED wmk Mult Crown CA; very fine and rare multiple, hinged only in margins, stamps mint never hinged, cat. * £960++, rare multiple
Starting price: CZK
201467 - 1867-1930 selection 25 stmp: BHOPAL (14 pcs of), JIND and KA
1867-1930 selection 25 stmp: BHOPAL (14 pcs of), JIND and KASHMIR, i.a. Bhopal SG.O318b; nice set, cat. min. £200
Starting price: CZK
201728 - 1876-1933 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on/for old pages and 2 c
1876-1933 [COLLECTIONS] collection on/for old pages and 2 cards, Bhopal, Bhor, Soruth, Sirmoor, Bundi, Cochin, Charkhari, Bussahir, Travancore, Duttia, Dhar, Bijawar, Bamra; much unusual stamps and sets, several reprints, in overwhelming majority but originály, c.v.. ca. £2.000-£3.000, extraordinary offer, ticket with cenovým potenciálem!
Starting price: CZK
201503 - 1891 letter sent lokálně in/at Bhópálu with SG.38, 1/2 A
1891 letter sent lokálně in/at Bhópálu with SG.38, 1/2 Ann red "Nawab Shah Jahan Begam", provisional perf; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
201726 - 1915 SG.O17a var, Radža 1 Ann as blk-of-4 (complete printin
1915 SG.O17a var, "Radža" 1 Ann as blk-of-4 (complete printing sheet) S POOTOČENÝM OVERPRINT (sideways overprint); very fine, certificate RPSL; SG. NEUVÁDÍ, (only as 4 stamps with normal overprint £220), extraordinary offer from important collection!
Starting price: CZK
201725 - 1915 SG.O17a var, Radža 1 Ann as blk-of-4 (complete printin
1915 SG.O17a var, "Radža" 1 Ann as blk-of-4 (complete printing sheet) S INVERTED OVERPRINT; very fine, certificate RPSL; SG. NEUVÁDÍ (only as 4 stamps with normal overprint £220), extraordinary offer from important collection!
Starting price: CZK
195511 - 1887 SG.1-21, nominal complete set (Sc.1-15), Victoria 1/2A-
1887 SG.1-21, nominal complete set (Sc.1-15), Victoria 1/2A-5Rp with overprint CHAMBA STATE; perfect quality, cat. "set of 15" £700
Starting price: CZK
201732 - 1913 SG.43-53, George V. 3Pies-1Rp; complete set with overpr
1913 SG.43-53, George V. 3Pies-1Rp; complete set with overprint CHAMBA STATE type 1, c.v.. £75
Starting price: CZK
201730 - 1927-1937 SG.62-75, George V. 3Pies-1Rp; complete set with o
1927-1937 SG.62-75, George V. 3Pies-1Rp; complete set with overprint CHAMBA STATE type 2; in addition nominal full issue SG.76-81, c.v.. £95
Starting price: CZK
201859 - 1912 SG.27, issue Maharadža Singh - Zkřížené swords 1P
1912 SG.27, issue Maharadža Singh - "Zkřížené swords" 1P violet; worse quality, however good "space filler" and very rare stamp, which/what in collections always missing, c.v.. £1400, vyvoláváme after/behind symbolical price!
Starting price: CZK
201502 - 1878 JAMNU - indická postal stationery cover Victoria 1/2A
1878 JAMNU - indická postal stationery cover Victoria 1/2A (general issue) uprated local stmp Coat of arms 1/2A hnědo-červená "native paper, oil colour" (SG.72, on letter £255, as uprated markedly more); CDS SEALKOTE JUN 14 (today SIALKOT in/at Pakistan, at that time base II. division Brit. "North armády"), then postmark "seal obliterator", arrival UMBALLA JUN 14 and UMRITSUR JUN 15; very fine, as lokálně uprated is this very rare entire!
Starting price: CZK
195510 - 1885 SG.14-33, nominal complete set (Sc.11-25), Victoria 1/2
1885 SG.14-33, nominal complete set (Sc.11-25), Victoria 1/2A-5Rp with overprint NABHA STATE; in perfect quality, cat. £700
Starting price: CZK
195502 - 1937 SG.80-97, George VI. 3ps-25Rp with overprint PATIALA ST
1937 SG.80-97, George VI. 3ps-25Rp with overprint PATIALA STATE; complete set in perfect quality, cat. £750
Starting price: CZK
195503 - 1948 SG.1B-7B, complete issue BUNDI STATE with provisional f
1948 SG.1B-7B, complete issue BUNDI STATE with provisional frame overprint Rajastan, 1/4 Ann - 1Rp; very fine, rare offer, cat. £720
Starting price: CZK
200764 - 1935 SG.89a, Jubilee George V. 3½A, BIRD FLAW; mint nev
1935 SG.89a, Jubilee George V. 3½A, BIRD FLAW; mint never hingeg, cat. * £375, ** £750, sought
Starting price: CZK
192317 - 1871 Incoming mail - letter from England to Peshavar (today
1871 Incoming mail - letter from England to Peshavar (today Pakistan) and then redirected, franked with SG.43(3x), 97 with CDS HEREFORD 15.SP 71, arrival PESHAVAR 8.OC, here additionally franked with stamp of India SG.58 1A brown and redirected with remark "Doonga Galli near Murree", arrival MURREE 19.OC 71; i.a. interesting transit SEA POST OFFICE and two various railway postmarks; rare mixed franking and destination!
Starting price: CZK
202506 - 1952 SG.100-113, Sultan Saifuddin 1C - $5; complete mint nev
1952 SG.100-113, Sultan Saifuddin 1C - $5; complete mint never hinged set, part marginal pieces
Starting price: CZK
201740 - 1945 UNISSUED  George VI. 8C grey with overprint BMA; very f
1945 UNISSUED George VI. 8C grey with overprint BMA; very fine and rare stamp, c.v.. £550, (see SG. 2018, page. 388)
Starting price: CZK
189519 - 1912-1923 SG.215, George V. $500 purple / orange, wmk multip
1912-1923 SG.215, George V. $500 purple / orange, wmk multiple CA, with red fiscal cancel. MALACCA, at top relief of another postmark, with some minor faults in margins; overall very nice and attractive piece, cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
192316 - 1861 Incoming mail - letter from Guernsey to Penang, sent to
1861 Incoming mail - letter from Guernsey to Penang, sent to Madras, with mixed franking SG.40(3),70, cancel. 324 GUERNSEY 9.MY 61, arrival PENANG 3. JUN and G.P.O. MADRAS JY24 1861; very nice quality, small format, rare destination "Penang, Straits of Malacca"
Starting price: CZK
195851 - 1892 SG.27a, Brooke 3C, block of four with overprint ONE CEN
1892 SG.27a, Brooke 3C, block of four with overprint ONE CENT, on 3 stamps overprint almost completely OMITTED; interesting and attractive speciality!
Starting price: CZK
180658 - 1894 SG.83var, Coat of arms 1$ scarlet, marginal piece, with
1894 SG.83var, Coat of arms 1$ scarlet, marginal piece, without right vertical perf, linear cancel., interesting uncatalogued type!
Starting price: CZK
180656 - 1901 SG.134c, Bear 10C with Opt BRITISH PROTECTORATE, printi
1901 SG.134c, Bear 10C with Opt BRITISH PROTECTORATE, printing error without dots after "PROTECTORATE", cat. £325
Starting price: CZK
201527 - 1949 NORTH CHINA - civil war, Mi.40B-44B set May, EAST CHINA
1949 NORTH CHINA - civil war, Mi.40B-44B set "May", EAST CHINA Mi.56A-64A set "Liberation Nankingu"; very fine, issued without gum
Starting price: CZK
201528 - 1950 Mi.8I-11I, National congress; Mi.81I, 1. anniv of repub
1950 Mi.8I-11I, "National congress"; Mi.81I, "1. anniv of republic" highest value 2.000$; Mi.113I, "Pigeon-issue" 400$; Mi.131I "Coins" 800$; Mi.137I-140I "Tibet" 400$-1000$, perf 12½;; Mi.180-183 "Válka with Japan", Mi. 110I-112I "30 years KS"a used Mi.33I "Mao" 2000$ and Mi.127I-128I " Lu Xun"; very fine selection of sought first issue, c.v.. 460€
Starting price: CZK
200750 - 1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint 184
1891 SG.51+51d, vertical pair Victoria 2C with overprint "1841 HONG KONG JUBILEE 1891", the bottom stamp shows "tall narrow K"; rare joined types, stamp SG.51d **, cat. * min. £1.775, as ** ca. £3.075, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
199726 - 1935 SG.133c-134c, Jubilee George V. 3C and 5C, both with LI
1935 SG.133c-134c, Jubilee George V. 3C and 5C, both with LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR, very fine, cat. £775
Starting price: CZK
194629 - 1896-1934 set of 12 unused postage and special stamps, it co
1896-1934 set of 12 unused postage and special stamps, it contains e.g. Mi.74 (120€), 75, 82 (minor faults), 91 with line perforation 12 (180€), 96 (85€), 116 I., 89A with line perforation 12 (50€); Mi.113 without gum excluded from sum, cat. over 610€
Starting price: CZK
198836 - 1948-1985 SPORT  selection of 58 pcs of stamps with favourit
1948-1985 SPORT selection of 58 pcs of stamps with favourite motive, it contains e.g. Mi.404, 433, 459, 629, 361, pair Mi.546-47 (2x), 606-07, 646-47, 660-61 and other; all mint never hinged, c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
194621 - 1949 Mi.475, Week of Philately 8Y violet; VF, cat. 160€
1949 Mi.475, Week of Philately 8Y violet; VF, cat. 160€
Starting price: CZK
201641 - 1954 Reg and airmail postal stationery cover to Czechoslovak
1954 Reg and airmail postal stationery cover to Czechoslovakia, 10 Cheun, uprated by. Mi.19xBa, 50B, 53B, 52bB, CDS and Reg cancel CHUN - XIN, air-mail PAR AVION; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
202768 - 1955-1990 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc sent to Czechoslovakia, i.a. fr
1955-1990 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc sent to Czechoslovakia, i.a. franked by stmp Mi.53, 95, 97, 118; good condition
Starting price: CZK
203169 - 1960-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  collection blocks, PB, Pa and print
1960-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection blocks, PB, Pa and printing sheet various issues in 5 folders on/for sheets and 3 cards A5, all sets, interesting motives etc.; mainly very nice quality, evidentně high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
202510 - 1964 SG.1-11, Sultan Shakhbut 5np-10R; complete mint never h
1964 SG.1-11, Sultan Shakhbut 5np-10R; complete mint never hinged set
Starting price: CZK
202517 - 1942-1946 SG.1-11, Sultan Shihr and Mukalla ½A-5R; comp
1942-1946 SG.1-11, Sultan Shihr and Mukalla ½A-5R; complete set, only cheap 2½A *, otherwise all mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
193832 - 1950 SG.78, 78a, George VI. 5Sh with overprint BAHRAIN 5 RUP
1950 SG.78, 78a, George VI. 5Sh with overprint BAHRAIN 5 RUPEES, marginal blok-of-4, left lower overprint on face value with EXTRA BAR; perfect quality, cat. £950+
Starting price: CZK
201411 - 1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.20, 10Pa red, overpri
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.20, 10Pa red, overprint "blue crescent" on/for Brit. post přebarven ink (on all stamps from end September 1917), with provisory overprint 1/2 An BAGHDAD IN BRITISH OCCUPATION; very fine, certificate Holcombe c.v.. £500
Starting price: CZK
201410 - 1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.24, 1Pia blue, overpr
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION / BAGHDAD - SG.24, 1Pia blue, overprint "red crescent" on/for Brit. post přebarven ink (on all stamps from end September 1917), with provisory overprint 2 Ans BAGHDAD IN BRITISH OCCUPATION; very fine, red signature and certificate Exp. TESTER The philatelic Foundation N.Y., c.v.. £500
Starting price: CZK
202182 - 1948-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  incomplete collection on pages Scha
1948-1980 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection on pages Schaubek in screw stockbook and spring folder, contains coupons, i.a. Mi.28-29, 41, also souvenir sheets etc..
Starting price: CZK
U:Z | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
201591 - 1926 SG.2, 3, two blocks of four Coat of arms and sabre 2,5
1926 SG.2, 3, two blocks of four "Coat of arms and sabre" 2,5 Bogache used and 5 Bogache (*); c.v.. as single £960, exclusive offer ex. Dr. Rieger, used complexes these first stamps are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
191029 - 1921-1925 French occupation, selection of 24 stamps Sower, M
1921-1925 French occupation, selection of 24 stamps Sower, Merson and Pasteur with Opt SYRIE and face-values; according to cat. Maury 131c-153b, all OVERPRINTS DOUBLE AND INVERTED; very fine, index inserted, cat. 1.270€
Starting price: CZK
186834 - 1923 FRENCH MANDATE  set of 13 values from Mi.185-193, all w
1923 FRENCH MANDATE set of 13 values from Mi.185-193, all with INVERTED or DOUBLE Opt SYRIE - GRAND LIBAN on stamps "Merson" and "Sower", cat. Maury 650€ ++ , in addition Mi.199DD; very interesting selection, good destination!
Starting price: CZK
186833 - 1924 Maury 81d, 81e, Airmail No.8, issue Merson with Opt O.M
1924 Maury 81d, 81e, Airmail No.8, issue "Merson" with Opt O.M.F. SYRIE, 60C Opt INVERTED and Opt DOUBLE, 1Fr AVION with normal Opt; perfect, cat. 430€
Starting price: CZK
186836 - 1929 Mi.316-317 (K and DD), cat. Maury airmail No. 40, 40a,
1929 Mi.316-317 (K and DD), cat. Maury airmail No. 40, 40a, 41a, 41c, Airmail 25P with Opt "aircraft" and "aircraft + 15C", 2 OVERPRINTS DOUBLE and 2 OVERPRINTS INVERTED; rare specialties, cat. for * 620€
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 57 / Philately / Asia - Information

V této části naleznete poštovní známky, celiny a celistvosti vydané v jednotlivých částech Asie, zahrnuje mj. Indii, Čínu, země Blízkého východu, Japonsko, Malajsii atd. První poštovní známkou Asie byla indická Scinde Dawk (1852).