1986-1993 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of M-sheets and PB in large album A4, mostly 10x; i.a. Mi.Klb 2352-53, 2493-96, souvenir sheets from Mi.Bl.87, stamp bklt etc.., cat. min. 2.000€
1865-2000[COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection in 5 albums A4, contains many good unused sets and stamps, i.a. Mi.33, 89-99, 145-158 - highest values in good quality, then for example Mi.191-203, 235-243, 244-249, 266-269, 291-297 etc.., also 3x miniature sheet Block No.1 (viewing of quality recommended) etc..; inter-war sets mainly */**, later issues **, supplemented with about used duplication, high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration, it is worth seeing
1855-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / accumulation of used MH stamps of Belgium in 8 stockbooks, from classic period, various complete also incomplete sets, some more often, also for example officials, railways etc.. + 2x stockbook Netherlands ditto; various quality, placed in middle box
1879-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 20 pages in full stockbook, from classic, some better stamps from issue Coat of arms, also inter-war sets, incomplete also complete, mainly used; higher catalogue, various quality
1874-1920 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of unused stamps issue Montenegro and Yugoslavia on 21 old pages, from issue 1874, then SHS, Chainbreakers etc.; higher catalogue
1851-1858 [COLLECTIONS] study selection of 100 stamps values 4S, from Mi.1 to Mi.7, identified various postmarks, plates, types etc..; placed in small stockbook A4
1905-1926 [COLLECTIONS] AFA 64-80, Numer Issues (wavy lines) / study collection of used stamps, aimed on plate flaws and flaw prints, according to the values + in addition supplemented with ca. 100 pcs with perfins; placed in stockbook A4
1924-1997[COLLECTIONS] MACHINE POSTMARKS (TEKST MASKINSTEMPLER) / extraordinary collection of ca. 1700 pcs of machine postmarks, from No. 1, in addition supplemented with about 140 entires and specialized catalogue TMS; placed in 3 large albums A4 + letter file for entires, extraordinary offer
1918-1924 [COLLECTIONS] collection on more than 20 album pages, various issues, newspapers, postage-dues etc.., mixed used / MH; overprints without guarantee, offered as is
1924-1943 [COLLECTIONS] part of important estate on 3 sheets in stockbook A4, stamps and miniature sheets - all as strips, blocks, gutters, i.a. Mi.Bl.2 *, Exhibition Strasbourg 5 + 10Fr; Bl.3 used, ministerial prints of Exhibition Paris 1843; interesting set, high catalogue value
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS collection in two spring folders on pages + 1x letter file A4, from classic period, i.a. Napoleon 1Fr, inter-war sets, then for example airmail 10Fr 1936 etc.., mostly used stamps, high catalogue value
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two spring folders on pages + 1x smaller stockbook A4, inter-war period mainly incomplete, after 1945 more complete, supplemented with several stamp booklets and miniature sheets
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / in full 30-pages stockbook, from classic period, incomplete sets, single stamps more times, also postage-dues etc..; various quality
1900-1950 selection of stamps on card A4 two-sided, mainly complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.345-353, Mi.576-590, Mi.154, Trieste Mi.1-17 (ZONE A), Tripolis etc..; various quality, part mint never hinged
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / ITALY, VATICAN CITY, SAN MARINO, FIUME / accumulation in 7 stockbooks A4, mostly used stamps, divided according to catalogue, some stamps more times; various quality
1915-1918[COLLECTIONS] PADUA IN GREAT WAR / an exhibit on 79 pages contains more than 150 entires from period of mobilization, cards of field post - several air-mail units as 23. SQUADRIGLIA AEROPLANI, AVTOPARKO AVIAZIONI, SEZIONE RADIO TELEGRAFICE DI AERONAUTICE, DIREZIONE TECNICA DELL AVIAZIONE MILITARE, cards from members of French, British and Czechoslovak military formations (PM-52), cards from hospitals, prisoner cards, postcards etc, supplemented with more than 40 various additional entires; good condition, rare regional collection from period of WWI., ex Procházka
1940-1950[COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN PRISONS A CONCENTRATION CAMPS OF FASCIST REGIME / large exhibit on 117 pages, contains more than 140 entires, i.a. camps CITTA S.ANGELO, NOTARESCO, CASOLI, CORROPOLT, ISOLA DEL GRAN SASSO, ISTONIA MARINA, NERETO, TORTORETO, PISTICCI, BOLZANO, FERRAMONTI DI TARSIA and many more, mainly cards, but also letters, part Reg letters, part addressed from abroad to Italy or from Italy abroad (!), many entires incl. content, censorships, supplemented with several entires from camps for refugies and prisoners; good condition, rare collection, ex Procházka
1943-1944[COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD AND PRISONER OF WAR MAIL part from large exhibit on 66 pages with descriptions, contains more than 100 entires, cards of field post from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia etc.., entires from and to military POW camps in Great Britain, Germany also Switzerland etc..; good condition, ex Procházka
1918-1987? [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on pages in stockbook A4, sets, souvenir sheets, air-mails, postage-dues etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 3.000€
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection in large 30-pages stockbook A4, complete sets, souvenir sheets, blocks of four etc..; overall nice quality, high catalogue value, according to owner ca. 4.000€
1866-1945 [COLLECTIONS] CROATIA / SERBIA / YUGOSLAVIA / BOSNIA collection on album sheets in spring folder, mainly MH / used, i.a. Croatia incl. various miniature sheets and several PB; interesting collection
1918-1920[COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL POSTAL STATIONERY A ENTIRES collection of 116 entires from first years of Yugoslavia, contains 33 Used overprint PC from them part as Registered, 5x larger part of dispatch notes, 32x letter, Ppc and unused PC, supplemented with 46 cuts from dispatch notes and basic sets of stamps with overprint from year 1918, rich mixed franking, i.a. railway pmk Carinthia, censorship, 1x with surtax in Czechoslovakia etc..; good condition, all placed in stockbook for entires Leuchtturm, nice collection
1919-1920[COLLECTIONS] OCCUPATION OF AUSTRIAN CORINTHIA BY YUGOSLAVIAN ARMY selection of 8 entires from places occupied by Yugoslavian armies mostly only to plebiscite, CDS as TBOVLJE, ŽITARAVAS, VELIKOVEC, CELOVEC, BLEIBURG, BISTRICA, supplemented with several overprint sets; good condition, placed on 3 pages for entires
1912-1961[COLLECTIONS] almost complete strong collection on pages Safe, from Mi.1-3 incl. good sets, i.a. Mi.53-60 *, 72-74 *, 78-81, from Mi.82-89 mainly mint never hinged, then for example Mi.94-107, air-mails 108-113, Zeppelins, Vaduz block lightly hinged, included to sum as ** stamp, then Mi.119-121, 140-142, good postwar complete sets and souvenir sheets, postage-dues Mi.1-8 *, supplemented with several entires; overall very nice quality, set * included to sum as 30% of **, cat. 14.000€, rare offer!
1871-1990 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection on album sheets MH / used, from issue Franz Joseph I., lot of complete interwar also postwar sets, PB etc.., i.a. Mi.261-265, 403-410, souvenir sheets etc.., also for example. Mi.1111A **, miniature sheet Block No.1 *, without better miniature sheets Roosevelt, Bridges etc..; various quality, placed in middle box
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] LARGE ACCUMULATION / of used / MH / MNH stamps in full IKEA box in 18 stockbooks, i.a. semifinished collection */** 1945-1958, i.a. souvenir sheets Roosevelt *, Bridges **/*, Bl.25, 27, 28 etc.., accumulation divided according to catalogue, from issue Franz Joseph I., some stamps more times, complete also incomplete sets, postage-dues, occupied territories etc..; various quality, a lot of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1919 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL ISSUES AND OCCUPIED TERRITORIES / collection on more than 60 album sheets, contains Szeged, Arad, Banát, Baranya, Debrecín, Temešvár etc..; without guarantee, offered as is, interesting
1851-1868[COLLECTIONS] small collection of classics on 6 sheets in stockbook A4, various issues, postmarks, cut-squares, postage-dues etc..; high catalogue value, various quality, offered as is
1940-1945[COLLECTIONS] GERMAN POW CAMPS - STALAG, OFLAG large accumulation of cards and folded cards from military POW camps in Germany and occupied territories, mainly addressed to Italy, larger box with ca. 500 entires, sorted according to censor's postmark numbers, supplemented with entires FP and entires sent from labour camps in Germany; mainly good quality, ex Procházka
1870-1946[COLLECTIONS] nice collection in 16-pages stockbook A4, from issue Eagle small and large shield, many complete sets, mainly *, but part also **, i.a. air-mails, zeppelins, miniature sheet IPOSTA Mi.Bl.1 * etc.., also postage-dues, officials and 4 pages after year 1945; high catalogue value, by estimation more than 5.000€, we advice examination!
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of used stamps of German states and Germany in 2 stockbooks, contains some item of Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony etc.., supplemented with larger stockbook with stamps of Deutsches Reich, frome issues Eagle with small and large shield, used stamps from period of inflation, set of airmails 1926 5Pf-3M, airmail stamp Zeppelin 1M - 4M, Polar flight, set Chicagofahrt, set Wagner, miniature sheet OSTROPA 1935 mounted on Reg letter (damaged), souvenir sheets A. H. 1937, miniature sheet Nraune Band etc.., supplemented with used stamps of General Government and stamps of French occupation zones; cat. ca. 5.000€
1860-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 8 pages of stockbook A4, contains German states, i.a. Bavaria, Baden, Hamburg, Württemberg, then also Saar, GDR (East Germany) etc..; higher catalogue
1860-1980 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection on hingeless sheets in 4 large spring folder KABE, from German states, Deutsches Reich, from 1920s better, i.a. several ** sets as Mi.609-616, 686-688, souvenir sheets Bl.5, 6, 10 etc.., also occupied territories (General Government, Danzig, Memel etc..) and also period after 1945; various quality
1890-1948 [COLLECTIONS] DANZIG, COLONIES, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, General Government, Zones / interesting collection on hingeless sheets in large screw folder, used / MH, for example good colonies
19012-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mint stamps, contains i.a. air-mails 1912 Mi.I-III, issue from 1920s as Mi.355-361, 398-401, Zeppelin Mi.424, 498, stronger 3rd Reich, occupied territories, souvenir sheets A. H., Braune Ban, damaged miniature sheet OSTROPA 1935, Olympic games etc..; various quality, cat. ca. 2.000€
1860-1980 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / of mainly used stamps in 25 large albums, placed in IKEA box, mainly GDR, part zones and older issues of German states, Memel etc..; various quality, a lot of material, over 35kg, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
193-1970 [COLLECTIONS] large accumulation of hundreds entires, contains letters also p.stats, part Reg, Ex, Field-Post II. WW, Sudetenland, commemorative postmarks., frankotypes, train post, censorships, perfins, from occupied territories, occupation zones, some classic, Bavaria, III. empire, GDR, FRG, town post etc..; various quality, mainly good condition, almost 6kg of material in middle box, part of estate
1949-1999 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / FRG, BERLIN, GDR, Czechoslovakia, KUBA selection of correspondence, by estimation 200 entires, contains several letters franked with better stamps from beginning of FRG as Mi.146, 170, 166, GDR Mi.254, 285, 288 etc., supplemented with ca. 50 letters sent from Cuba to Czechoslovakia and several journals with newspaper stamps Czechoslovakia from 1945-48, first day sheets Czechoslovakia 1955-56, envelope with scattered stams CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 etc..; various quality, only better frankings of Germany ca. 1.000€, interesting, part of estate
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in 12 stockbooks, contains 2 stockbooks with collection, better after 1945 + duplication of moder used stamps; placed in middle box
1918-1990 [COLLECTIONS] solid collection on album pges MH / used, from Mi.2, various complete sets, souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.5A-5B, war issues, postwar issues, many PB, miniature sheets etc.., in addition supplemented with Generalgouvernament; various quality, placed in middle box
1918-1980 [COLLECTIONS] LARGE ACCUMULATION / of used / MH / MNH stamps in full IKEA box in 19 stockbooks, divided according to catalogue, some stamps more times complete also incomplete sets; various quality, a lot of of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1820-1899 [COLLECTIONS] WIEN PARCEL POST collection of 78 larger parts of parcel cards and similar documents of parcel post with mounted or imprinted revenues of Kreuzer period with postmarks of all Viennese post, housed on free sheets with descriptions, contains several better entires as 7 pcs of freight letters for railroad with imprinted stamps, 1x larger part of dispatch-note with franking 6 stamps 12Kr, Mi.55, 1x dispatch-note with with perfin etc..
1870-1918[COLLECTIONS] large selection of several hundreds various pieces of Austrian used also unused postal stationery, - various language types, contains PC from "yellow" to last issue 1918, letter-cards also used by Prague pneumatic-tube post, dispatch-notes, newspaper wrappers, postal stationery covers, posting cards, interesting postmarks, part thimble etc..; mainly good quality, part of estate, valuable selection suitable to futher elaboration!
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheets in spring folder, contains mainly complete sets, general Issues Franz Joseph I. and Charles, also issue for Italy, Romania, Serbia, then Bosnia, from issue Eagle 1879, sets Landscape, Franz Joseph I., Charles, Postage due stamps etc.., part on cut-squares
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 entires with various cancel. of military units from period of WW I, i.a. ship postmarks, mobile units, prisons, Reg letters from EPA posts, valuable letters, hospital units, letters franked with FP stamps, franked cuts of dispatch-notes sent through various field postoffices, censorships etc..; various quality, estate, very interesting selection, suitable for further elaboration
1824-1918 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS, NEWSPAPER MARKS, FISCAL STAMPS, PREPHILATELIC LETTERS selection of tens of pieces of newspapers with signetes from 1824, 1837 etc., also freight letters for railroad with imprinted stamps 1871, 1875, Blue Mercury on newspapers without cancellation postmark, front parts of newspapers and journals with revenue newspaper stamps issues 1877, 1890, ration coupons from year 1918 etc.., stockbook with cut-squares of revenue stamps 1875 - 1893; various quality, part of estate, interesting
1870-1918[COLLECTIONS] selection of cca. 300 entires, contains various frankings from VI. issue and so on, Reg also Ex, cuts also larger parts of dispatch-notes, letters from Bosnia and Herzegovina mainly philatelically motivated, several money letters, franked return cards by stamps of VII. issue etc., thimple pmks, postmark of ship post TRIESTE - KORFU 41 etc..; various quality, part of estate
1918-1970 [COLLECTIONS] selection of cca. 200 entires, contains inflation period, letters Reg or Ex, meter stamps, mailing abroad, entires with mixed frankings after Anschluss, propagandistic postmarks, postwar baloon flights on postal stationery covers, letters with issue Costumes etc..; valuable selection
1865-1920[COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection in 30-pages stockbook A4, contains postage stamps (without special), from Mi.11-285, collected according to wmks, perf and shades - according to Romanian Monograph (offered with this collection); all described, cat. according to owner more than 10.000€, excluded from sum mixed perf etc.., rare offer!
1890-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 entires, private correspondence franked with Charles, the first issue 1894, 1898, 1900 and 1909, from that 9x as Registered, interesting multicolor frankings, postmarks, part Us PC; various quality, interesting material
1919-1921[COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY - ROMANIA selection of 34 entires from places which bacame parts of Romania, provisional overprint PC, forerunners, from that 12 mainly used PC, various frankings, 5x Reg, part sent abroad, censorship, advertising added print on´p.stationeries etc..; good condition, placed in stockbook, nice collection
1866-1985 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on pages in 3 spring folders, contains lot of complete sets, miniature sheets, mainly used, part also unused; very high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1947-1958 [COLLECTIONS] small incomplete collection on ca. 20 sheets, contains various complete sets and souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.9, 12, 21, 27 etc..; various quality, unused souvenir sheets mainly (*)
1860-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION of mainly used stamps in 4 stockbooks A4, from issue Hermes, also Crete and other issues of Aegean islands; various quality