1942-1943[COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN ALBANIA exhibit on 5 sheets contains 7 entires from various C.C., KLOS 4 x from that 1x as Registered letter, ANTIVARI 2x, GERMAN - BURREL; good condition, rare, ex Procházka
1849-1858 Mi.1-2, 3-6 etc.., Leopold I., selection of 30 classical stamps, contains i.a. 4x Mi.1 from that 1x - pair; 10x Mi.2 from that 1x pair, then 8x Mi.3B, 6x Mi.4B; 4x on cut-square, various quality and margins, some very nice, cat. only basic shades and colors ca. 1.200€
1865-2000[COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection in 5 albums A4, contains many good unused sets and stamps, i.a. Mi.33, 89-99, 145-158 - highest values in good quality, then for example Mi.191-203, 235-243, 244-249, 266-269, 291-297 etc.., also 3x miniature sheet Block No.1 (viewing of quality recommended) etc..; inter-war sets mainly */**, later issues **, supplemented with about used duplication, high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration, it is worth seeing
1874-1920 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of unused stamps issue Montenegro and Yugoslavia on 21 old pages, from issue 1874, then SHS, Chainbreakers etc.; higher catalogue
1852 Mi.1, AFA 1ax, Coat of arms FIRE R.B.S., Thiele, with plate variety - "Kranhold", plate 2, pos. 5, dumb round cancel.; very fine piece with certificate Gronlund
1853 Mi.1, AFA 1IIbx, Coat of arms FIRE R.B.S., Thiele II, with plate variety - "Kranhold", plate 2, pos. 5, round numeral pmk "1"; very fine piece with certificate Nielsen
1852 Mi.2, AFA 2b, Coat of arms 2 RIGSBANK SKILLING, type 5, Thiele II, very wide margins, light round cancel. "1"; very nice piece, cat. Michel 1.000€
1853-1858 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 50 stamps AFA 1-9, all chosen pieces, identified types, editions, colors; cat. ca. 2.200€, valuable selection
1924-1997[COLLECTIONS] MACHINE POSTMARKS (TEKST MASKINSTEMPLER) / extraordinary collection of ca. 1700 pcs of machine postmarks, from No. 1, in addition supplemented with about 140 entires and specialized catalogue TMS; placed in 3 large albums A4 + letter file for entires, extraordinary offer
1853 Mi.13, 14; set of 3 PLATE PROOFS, Napoleon 20C in carmine pink color for 80C, with large incomplete printing of color lower; then single and double impression of 25C in orange color for 40C; rare and attractive plate proofs!
1853 PLATE PROOF Mi.16, selection of 7 plate proofs of the value 80C in various colors incl. rare citreous yellow, see. i.a. Maury 2017 page. 136; very fine, cat. 460€
1871 folded letter to Lyon, franked with tricolor mixed franking Ceres 20C + Napoleon 1C and 4C, Mi. 24, 26 and 34, numeral pmk "4093", on reverse arrival postmark
1934-1947 selection of better sets and values: Mi.292-293, 303-304, 359-360 all * + airmail Mi.311, 50Fr with minor faults (small thin place - cat. 1.100€) + ** Mi. 782; cat. for ** 1.880€
1881-1937 selection of 26 common p.stat, contains 20 post cards (some more often), 5 envelopes and 1 newspaper strip, from that 11 with additional frankings, 3 unused, usual quality
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS collection in two spring folders on pages + 1x letter file A4, from classic period, i.a. Napoleon 1Fr, inter-war sets, then for example airmail 10Fr 1936 etc.., mostly used stamps, high catalogue value
1941-1943 Mi.39-40, 47-64K, 85U 2x, 86-90, 98AaU, Bl.3A+B, Bl.5A+B, set of 115 stamps and miniature sheets, supplemented with several pieces of plate proofs; mint never hinged, cat. ca. 380€
1860-1868 set of 4 folded letters with issue 1852, from that 1x bisected franking of stamps 2Baj, Mi.3 with CDS ANCONA, 1x letter burdened with postage-due, postmaster's note and mounted pair of postage-due Italian stamps Mi.P1, arrival CDS LIVORNO, 1x straight line postmark CASTRO etc..; good condition
1852-1936 [COLLECTIONS] PAPAL STATE / VATICAN selection of classical stamp of Papal state, mainly used stamps of the 1. issue etc., incl. forgeries, supplemented with several sets of stamps Vatican, used also unused hinged; in small stockbook A5
1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, very rare classic stamp, cat. 42.000€!
1852Sass.9, Lion 60Cr, right at top margins to marginal line, otherwise close, but full margins; overall nice piece with certificate A. Diena, rare stamp, cat. 37.500€!
1943 C.C. CAMPO CONCENTRAMENTO INTERNATI CIVILI DI CHIESANUOVA PADUA, set of 4 Italian PC and 1 letter, from that 1x written to prisoner of camp and 4x sent from camp, from that 4x to Slovenia, nice prints, red-violet and black color pmks, censorship
1946 POLISH FIELD POST - Corpo Polacco Foglietti Sass.2var, on sheet from old Italian exhibit; miniature sheet "Anthem" 1L+99L with overprint "aircraft" POCZTA LOTNICZA + 500 (Lire); (for comparison including basic miniature sheet Sass.2); very rare
1922-1934 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 47 various sets of occupation Aegean islands and Italian eastern Africa; overprint, postage stamps, air-mails etc.., cat. Sassone 3.030€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation of Greek islands, Sass.40-42, provisional issue on Greek "George II." 1Dr, 3Dr, 8Dr; used corner pairs with overprint ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE....; very fine, exp. Diena etc., certificate Raybaudi, cat. only as singles 3.100€
1916-1919 ITALIAN OCCUPATION OF ALBANIA comp. of 4 entires: a) Ppc with 5c, Mi.88, CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 1. TRUPPE OCCUPATIONE/ 19.6.17, supplemented with FP cachet and censorship cancel.; b) FP card with CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 3. TRUPPE OCCUPATIONE/ 26.6.16, 2 military unit postmarks; c) FP card with CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 141/ 17.11.18, subdivision and censorship mark., 5. Regiment, Bestrova; d) FP card, CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 114, telegraph station in Fieri - patina + folds; all to Italy, as multiple good
1912-1919 FIELD POST IN LYBIA set of 11 cards with FP postmarks FP in Lybia, 2x franked with Italian stamps, various unit postmarks, censorships etc; various quality
1915-1918[COLLECTIONS] PADUA IN GREAT WAR / an exhibit on 79 pages contains more than 150 entires from period of mobilization, cards of field post - several air-mail units as 23. SQUADRIGLIA AEROPLANI, AVTOPARKO AVIAZIONI, SEZIONE RADIO TELEGRAFICE DI AERONAUTICE, DIREZIONE TECNICA DELL AVIAZIONE MILITARE, cards from members of French, British and Czechoslovak military formations (PM-52), cards from hospitals, prisoner cards, postcards etc, supplemented with more than 40 various additional entires; good condition, rare regional collection from period of WWI., ex Procházka
1940-1950[COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN PRISONS A CONCENTRATION CAMPS OF FASCIST REGIME / large exhibit on 117 pages, contains more than 140 entires, i.a. camps CITTA S.ANGELO, NOTARESCO, CASOLI, CORROPOLT, ISOLA DEL GRAN SASSO, ISTONIA MARINA, NERETO, TORTORETO, PISTICCI, BOLZANO, FERRAMONTI DI TARSIA and many more, mainly cards, but also letters, part Reg letters, part addressed from abroad to Italy or from Italy abroad (!), many entires incl. content, censorships, supplemented with several entires from camps for refugies and prisoners; good condition, rare collection, ex Procházka
1943-1944[COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD AND PRISONER OF WAR MAIL part from large exhibit on 66 pages with descriptions, contains more than 100 entires, cards of field post from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia etc.., entires from and to military POW camps in Great Britain, Germany also Switzerland etc..; good condition, ex Procházka