Public Auction 58 / Picture Postcards / Topography

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199623 - 1898 BRNO - Carl Tomaschek Cafe, interior and view from stre
1898 BRNO - Carl Tomaschek Cafe, interior and view from street, B/W 2-views postcard, long address, Us; slightly wrinkled only 1 corner
Starting price: CZK
199619 - 1899 ROSICE U./B. - color lithography, long address, Us; onl
1899 ROSICE U./B. - color lithography, long address, Us; only slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
199621 - 1898 LEDNICE (Eisgrub) - color lithography, Lednicko - Valti
1898 LEDNICE (Eisgrub) - color lithography, Lednicko - Valtický castle area, long address; Us, only slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
199622 - 1898 VESELÍ N. M. (Wessely an der March)  - color lithograp
1898 VESELÍ N. M. (Wessely an der March) - color lithography, Us, long address; unstuck stamps, only slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
199611 - 1898 JIHLAVA - comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x two colour lithography
1898 JIHLAVA - comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x two colour lithography - i.a. memorial F. Joseph + 1x B/W multi-window collage, both long address; 1x Us, 1x Un with postmark publisher Schwidernoch, only slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
199606 - 1898 ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN - comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x color lithogr
1898 ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN - comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x color lithography - i.a. railway-station + 1x B/W single-view view of street Sachsenbergstrasse, both long address; Us, only slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
199613 - 1900 SUŠICE - single-view color lithography, overview of to
1900 SUŠICE - single-view color lithography, overview of town, long address, Us; only slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
205591 - 1908 JEZBINY by/on/at JAROMĚŘE  steam train on/for viaduct
1908 JEZBINY by/on/at JAROMĚŘE steam train on/for viaduct, color coated; Us, pulled-down stamp, decorative
Starting price: CZK
205613 - 1904 PARDUBICE - AKCIOVÝ BREWERY  2-view lithography collag
1904 PARDUBICE - AKCIOVÝ BREWERY 2-view lithography collage with building brewery and pavilonem on/for Východočeské exhibition in Pardubice, supplemented with additional-printing International exhibition industry pivovarnického in Vienna 1908, long address; Un, only light wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
203982 - 1901 POČÁTKY - embossed one window; Us, long address, perf
1901 POČÁTKY - embossed one window; Us, long address, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
203983 - 1903 PÍSEK - future; Us, sound condition
1903 PÍSEK - future; Us, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
205614 - 1900-1907 HRANICE N./M.  comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x 3-views coll
1900-1907 HRANICE N./M. comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x 3-views collage Hotel Brno - hoteliér Th. Langer, long address, Un, small toned + photo postacard Town plynárna, publisher F. Helsner, Us toned
Starting price: CZK
199608 - 1898 PŘEROV - color lithography - i.a. railway-station, lon
1898 PŘEROV - color lithography - i.a. railway-station, long address; Us, partially protlačený text from address side/party and slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
205360 - 1898-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  BÍLINA  collection 343ks Ppc town
1898-1950 [COLLECTIONS] BÍLINA collection 343ks Ppc town Bílina, contains lithography, fotopohledy, 13 pcs of Ppc before/(in front of) y. 1900, 5 pcs of with coats of arms, embossed, long address, šachty and colliery, interiors hotels and restaurant, vystěhování Czechs, barracks, railway-station etc.. + supplemented with 6 pcs of Ppc NEŠTĚMICE N. L.; mainly good condition, market price ca. 70.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
203981 - 1899-1930 SELECTION of  6 pcs of interesting topographical l
1899-1930 SELECTION of 6 pcs of interesting topographical litografií: HROBY; ROKYTNICE N. J.; TANVALD; SOBOTKA; KLADSKO, WAMBIERZYCE - all long address, then colored postcard Czech (TESTER) joint-stock brewery in/at Č. Budějovice + 17 pcs of other, mainly portrait Ppc; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
203582 - 1919-1920 comp. 7 pcs of topographical Ppc, Markhausen - Hra
1919-1920 comp. 7 pcs of topographical Ppc, Markhausen - Hraničná dist. Sokolov, Königsmühle, Weidenau, Gabersdorf - Libeč, Hořovice, Chrást etc.., all Us with interesting frankings Hradcany-issue stamp.; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
205594 - 1900-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 100 pcs of Ppc sm
1900-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of Ppc small format, smaller part Czechosl. topography, but also motives, part abroad, contains i.a. Lithography Jičín, Franzensbad, Třebechovice, other interesting postcard as Prague Jewish town-hall, A. Mucha luneta, Chomutov 2x, F. Joseph I. 1848-1908, Borohrádek, Rajnochovice, Toyen Družstevní práce, Heřmanův Městec, Hrochův Týnec - railway-station, F. Ferdinand, Holice, Rokytnice etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
204393 - 1950-1999 [COLLECTIONS]   VELKÝ FORMÁT  collection of ca.
1950-1999 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÝ FORMÁT collection of ca. 10.000ks Ppc big format, contains ca. 4.000ks mainly Czechosl. topography, smaller part abroad from that ca. 1.000 pcs of B/W postcard, then congratulatory, Lada, animals, Vinetou etc..; all in/at one box IKEA, total 40kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
203583 - 1919-1920 comp. 11 pcs of topographical Ppc from Slovakia, c
1919-1920 comp. 11 pcs of topographical Ppc from Slovakia, contains i.a. Mezölaborc, Meczenzéf, Dubovinka, Levoča, Ružomberok, Csap, Porda + Tatras 3x from that 1x lithography, Bratislava 2x, all Us with Hradčany franking or FP-postmark.; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
204966 - 1939 selection of two colored picture-postcards: 1x Tiso Prv
1939 selection of two colored picture-postcards: 1x Tiso "Prvý president Slovenskej republiky" + 1x collage Slovakia; 1x with special postmark, good condition
Starting price: CZK
204910 - 1940 TISO Jozef (1887-1947) and HLINKA Andrew (1864–1938);
1940 TISO Jozef (1887-1947) and HLINKA Andrew (1864–1938); selection of two printed portrait Ppc, 1x special postmark RUŽOMBEROK; Un, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
203584 - 1919-1920 Perecseny, Perečín - chemical plant, Berehovo -
1919-1920 Perecseny, Perečín - chemical plant, Berehovo - square, Aknaszlatina - interesting text about poměrech in Carpathian Ruthenia and Nikolovi Šohajovi, Us, nice color single-view postcard; wrinkled corners, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
202225 - 1935 [COLLECTIONS]  complete set 5 sets Ppc from Carpathian
1935 [COLLECTIONS] complete set 5 sets Ppc from Carpathian Ruthenia, issued by publ. Zeibrdlich in Prague, every set with accompanying word Amálie Kožmínové, all in original wrappings, set I-III. after/around 6 pcs., set IV. with 5 pieces and set V. with 7 pieces Ppc, total 30 pieces, all monochrome in/at hnědočerném tone, covers slightly wrinkled, postcard in perfect quality
Starting price: CZK