Public Auction 58 / Philately / Europe / Switzerland

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205280 - 1843 ZÜRICH / Mi.1I, Local Taxe 4Rp, vertical background pr
1843 ZÜRICH / Mi.1I, "Local Taxe" 4Rp, vertical background print, black rosette pmk., on complete front side of letter with CDS WINTERTHUR 18/2, right close, rest full to wide margins; very nice piece, cat. min. 18.000€, scarce
Starting price: CZK
206040 - 1843 ZÜRICH  Mi.2II, Numerals 6Rp black, horiz. background
1843 ZÜRICH Mi.2II, Numerals 6Rp black, horiz. background print, complete rosette pmk in black color; perfect piece, cat. 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
205839 - 1845 GENEVA, Mi.3, Small Eagle 5C; very nice piece with whol
1845 GENEVA, Mi.3, Small Eagle 5C; very nice piece with whole red rosette pmk, cat. 1.600€
Starting price: CZK
205122 - 1845 GENEVA Mi.4, Large Eagle 5C on cut-square, full margins
1845 GENEVA Mi.4, "Large Eagle" 5C on cut-square, full margins on all four sides (!); small thin place, cat. 1.700€++, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
205836 - 1850 Mi.2, 5C WAADT, black grid pmk RAUTE; good to wide marg
1850 Mi.2, 5C "WAADT", black grid pmk RAUTE; good to wide margins, small thin place left lower, otherwise very fine piece with certificate van der Weid, cat. 1.600€
Starting price: CZK
205837 - 1850 Mi.4, WINTERTHUR 2½Rp; very fine piece with certif
1850 Mi.4, "WINTERTHUR" 2½Rp; very fine piece with certificates Moser, Rellstab, Marchand, cat. 3.800€, rare classic stamp in very fine quality
Starting price: CZK
206365 - 1850 Mi.7II., RAYON I. 5Rp grey-blue, cross without frame wi
1850 Mi.7II., RAYON I. 5Rp grey-blue, cross without frame with black PP postmark on small cut-square; left lower close, otherwise full margins, certificate Rellstab
Starting price: CZK
205128 - 1850-1852 Mi.7-10, 12, selection of 11 stamps: 5Rp RAYON I 1
1850-1852 Mi.7-10, 12, selection of 11 stamps: 5Rp RAYON I 1850, 10Rp RAYON II (2x), 5Rp RAYON I 1851 (4x), 15Rp RAYON III small numerals 1x + ditto big numerals 3x; various margins, overall good quality, cat. 2.300€
Starting price: CZK
206361 - 1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange-red on small cut-
1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange-red on small cut-square with whole blue rhombic cancel.; nice piece, certificate Rellstab
Starting price: CZK
206359 - 1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange-red, without fram
1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange-red, without frame cross, black PP postmark; wide margins, certificate von der Weid
Starting price: CZK
206362 - 1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange / red, cross with
1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange / red, cross without frame, light black rhombic pmk; fine
Starting price: CZK
206357 - 1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange red, cross withou
1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II. 10Rp black / orange red, cross without frame, blue line cancel.; wide margins, light postmark, certificate von der Weid
Starting price: CZK
204736 - 1852 Mi.10, RAYON III 15Rp small number, on cut-square with
1852 Mi.10, RAYON III 15Rp "small number", on cut-square with red hand-made cancellation and CDS AARAU 4/6, wide margins; very fine piece, cat. 800€
Starting price: CZK
204737 - 1852 Mi.11b, pair of RAYON III, 15Cts red with whole red pos
1852 Mi.11b, pair of RAYON III, 15Cts red with whole red postmark "Rauten", stamp positions 7 and 8; very fine piece, cat. Mi.Spez. for pair Mi.11a 3.000€, for Mi.11b and in addition with whole postmark ca. 4.700€ + red color min. + 25%, extraordinary piece
Starting price: CZK
206356 - 1852 Mi.12 + Mi.9II, two used stamps, RAYON III 15Rp Large n
1852 Mi.12 + Mi.9II, two used stamps, RAYON III 15Rp "Large numerals" together with stamp RAYON I 5Rp with blue line postmark; wide margins, originally unstuck stamps from one cut-square; certificate von der Weid
Starting price: CZK
206367 - 1855 Mi.14IIAzm, Zu.23Bb, Sitting Helvetia (so-called. Strub
1855 Mi.14IIAzm, Zu.23Bb, Sitting Helvetia (so-called. Strubel) 10Rp light blue, 1. Bern print, thin paper, green silk line, light line cancel.; at right lower close, otherwise wide margins, cat. 900€, certificate Renggli
Starting price: CZK
206374 - 1854 Mi.16II Bym, Zu.25G, Sitting Helvetia (so-called. Strub
1854 Mi.16II Bym, Zu.25G, Sitting Helvetia (so-called. Strubel) 20Rp orange, Bern print, strong paper, green sil line, light print of CDS SCHÜPFHEIN/ 30.Dec.57; certificate von der Weid, very nice piece with full margins
Starting price: CZK
204738 - 1863 Mi.16IIB+23, mixed franking of 20Rp Strubel imperforate
1863 Mi.16IIB+23, mixed franking of 20Rp "Strubel" imperforated and 10C "Sitting Helvetia" perforated, CDS ZURICH/ 15. JAN 63; very fine, cat. 550€
Starting price: CZK
206377 - 1862 Mi.27, Sitting Helvetia 60C reddish bronze, light cance
1862 Mi.27, Sitting Helvetia 60C reddish bronze, light cancel. GENÈVE, reperforated, certificate Renggli, nice piece
Starting price: CZK
205590 - 1854-1941 selection of 40 stamps Sitting Helvetia on card A5
1854-1941 selection of 40 stamps Sitting Helvetia on card A5, from issue 1854, values 5Rp-40Rp, various prints, then issue 1862-1881 etc.., supplemented with Mi.Bl.2, Airmail Mi.387-394 ** etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
206366 - 1867 Mi.35a, Sitting Helvetia 50c violet, marginal block-of-
1867 Mi.35a, Sitting Helvetia 50c violet, marginal block-of-10; mint never hinged, VF, cat. 1.000€
Starting price: CZK
206388 - 1938 Mi.322I plate variety, Palace 30C ultramarine with plat
1938 Mi.322I plate variety, Palace 30C ultramarine with plate variety - "4. Säule gebrochen"; nice piece with certificate Renglli, cat. 300€
Starting price: CZK
206389 - 1398 Mi.326z, Pro Patria 10+10C, block of four with upper ma
1398 Mi.326z, Pro Patria 10+10C, block of four with upper margin with inscriptions, ribbed "geriffelte" paper, memorial cancel. SCHWEITZPOST MUSEUM 15.VIII.38; certificate Liniger, very fine, cat. 480€++, sought
Starting price: CZK
206378 - 1955 Mi611, 612 + Bl.15, stamps and miniature sheet LAUSANNE
1955 Mi611, 612 + Bl.15, stamps and miniature sheet LAUSANNE; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
203434 - 1970-1989 STAMP BOOKLETS / 4 stamp booklets, i.a. Pro Juvent
1970-1989 STAMP BOOKLETS / 4 stamp booklets, i.a. Pro Juventute 1970, 1989 and Pro Patria 1989; very fine, cat. 97CHFr
Starting price: CZK
203432 - 1912 complete parcel card addressed to Turčianské Teplice
1912 complete parcel card addressed to Turčianské Teplice with Sitting Helvetia 1Fr, MI.109, CDS ST. GALLEN/ 18.IX.12, on reverse transit pmk WIEN, POZSONY, ZSOLNA and STUBNYA (2x); minor faults - 1x vertical folded and lower in the middle slightly torn, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
205318 - 1927 first flight LAUSANNE - LA CAUX DE FONDS - LE LOCLE - L
1927 first flight LAUSANNE - LA CAUX DE FONDS - LE LOCLE - LAUSANNE/ 30.5.1927 black oval pmk on air-mail p.stat envelope with airmail stamp 35c and violet additional-printing NHORA, arrival postmark LAUSSANE/ POSTE AÉRIENNE SUISSE/ 30.V.27; very fine and rare p.stat; edition only 300 (!)
Starting price: CZK
205126 - 1851 Mi.6I, Coat of arms 2½Rp POSTE LOCALE on larger pi
1851 Mi.6I, Coat of arms 2½Rp POSTE LOCALE on larger piece of letter to Wyl, cross with frame, very fine full margins with cancel. P.P., CDS ST. GALLEN and on reverse arrival WYL; cat. for cover 4.000€ (!), very rare
Starting price: CZK
205124 - 1851 Mi.5I, Coat of arms 2½Rp ORTPOST on larger piece o
1851 Mi.5I, Coat of arms 2½Rp ORTPOST on larger piece of letter to Wyl, cross with frame, left closer, otherwise full margins, CDS ST. GALLEN and cancel. P.P., on reverse arrival WYL; cat. for letter 5.500€ (!), very rare!
Starting price: CZK
205325 - 1923-1938 4 letters and 1 front side with chosen frankings o
1923-1938 4 letters and 1 front side with chosen frankings of airmail stamps, i.a. Mi.179-184, 234(!), 258, 291- 293b,c, etc.. i.a. letter to Palestine, then Wien, Prag, local Ruti with CDS FLIUGTAG/ 30.Sept. 1923; cat. only stamps 510€
Starting price: CZK
203430 - 1925-1947 7 airmail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, it
1925-1947 7 airmail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, it contains e.g. 1x flight Basel - Zürich 1925, 3x Reg and airmail letter with Mi.179, 190, 233; resp. Mi.183,191; or Mi.256 (2x), 184; in addition postcard with Mi.780, flight Langenbruck - Bern - Locarno
Starting price: CZK
205316 - 1926 Reg and airmail letter with airmail Mi.181(2), 184x, 35
1926 Reg and airmail letter with airmail Mi.181(2), 184x, 35+35+50C, CDS ZURICH/ FLUGPOST/ 28.XI.26, through Alexandria to Pretoria, flight cancel. SCHWEIZER AFRIKAFLUG; very fine, only used stamps 150€, rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
205324 - 1933-1937 4 airmail letters to Austria, with various frankin
1933-1937 4 airmail letters to Austria, with various frankings with Mi.233, all correctly franked and with arrival CDS WIEN/ FLUGPOST; very fine, only used stamps 300€
Starting price: CZK
203433 - 1955-1980 FDC / selection of 12 FDC, contains better issues
1955-1980 FDC / selection of 12 FDC, contains better issues Pro Juventute from 1953, 55, 56, 58, 60 and 1961 + Pro Patria from 1956, 60, 72, 73, 77 and 1980, from that 10 used (1x as Reg); good quality, cat. over 350€
Starting price: CZK
203435 - 1884-1906 POSTAGE-DUE / 2 letters burdened with postage dues
1884-1906 POSTAGE-DUE / 2 letters burdened with postage dues: 1x letter from France to Neuschatel, with 15c Allegory, Mi.73a, mounted Postage due stamp 20c, Mi.19, CDS NEUCHATEL/ 30.XII.84 + 1x letter from Vienna, small format addressed to to Hungary, with 10h Franz Joseph, CDS WIEN 50/ 12.I.06, more times redirected, in Switzerland burdened by postage-due 10+15c, CDS ST. MORITZ/ 18.II.06, in Monaco postage-due 15c, various postmarks, nobiliary correspondence, good condition
Starting price: CZK
203531 - 1879-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  collection ca. 200 p.stat, postal s
1879-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 200 p.stat, postal stationery covers, from period of Mi.P1-P184, also Mi.U3, U15, U22 etc..; mainly used, various quality
Starting price: CZK