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1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection in stockbook A4, contains i.a. Overprint issue, then for example. Landscape, horseshoe A. Hitler. 10K-50K, horseshoe Birthday A. Hitler., Smetana, St. Vitus etc.., also postage-due, official etc..; overall fine, higher catalogue U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE NUMBERS business supply of stamps with plate number issue Official, mainly issue II., 2x complete line 1-43 and 2-43, from that part 2. printing, i.a. 1,50 Koruna block of four 1-43, the first issue in blocks of four also corner pcs., again more times, Postage due stmp gutter also plate number, other issue gutter-pair, coupons, blocks of four etc..; all in/at 1 stockbook A4, c.v.. ca. 15.000CZK U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / estate in 3 stockbooks + ca. 15 cards A4, contains basic collection i.a. with 10CZK upper and the bottom coupon, complete cancel. overprint issue, then interestingly occupied issue A. Hitler. 10K-50K - stamp. with coupons, blocks of four with coupons etc.., then Towns - according to x/*, coupons, bands, also Official - block of four with plate number and bnd-of-20 with plate number etc.. + supplemented with about/by smaller addition Slovakia 1939-1945 in stockbook A4; various, mainly however solid quality, high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration U:K
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / very interesting accumulation unused and postmarked stamps in quite filled IKEA box in 9 stockbooks A4 + 6 letter files in folders, i.a. overprint issue, postage stmp, postage-due, official, newspaper, also coupons, blocks, plate number, bands, miniatures etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing, a lot of of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation / estate in 3 zásobních (1x A4, 2x more/larger A5), contains i.a. complete overprint issue, then blocks of four overprint issue, part also corner, also i.a. 10CZK with lower coupon, 5 Koruna and 4 Koruna (minor faults), then single postage stmp also Surtax issue, Landscape with coupons and in blocks of four, big horseshoe A. Hitler. 1942, postage-due, Official (II.) with lower and upper bnd-of-20 etc.., supplemented with about/by archovinu, i.a. complete Red Cross (I. and III.), Mozart etc.. (several minor faults); high catalogue value, various, overall however solid quality, we advice viewings U:Z
1918-1980 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / unused stamp. in 8-sheet stockbook, i.a. several coupon variants Pof.74-75, Newspaper stamps 10h (I) - 3x block of four with plate number 3-40 with trigon, then official etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by ca. 150 parcels cancel. stamps, i.a. A. Hitler. 50K, 30K etc.. + různorodé stamps abroad common values, also cuts dispatch-notes with stamp. Hradčany etc.. in 3 small and 1x A4 stockbook + several creases U:K
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] 20-PÁSY selection of bnd-of-20 Landscape I. and issue II., A. Hitler. after/behind pultem, A. Hitler. in window, B. Smetana, Postage due stmp 10h - 20K (here bands have detached from L or right side/party 1 column - charged as cut 4-stamp gutter and L or P margin; several pcs with stains - excluded from sum, c.v.. ca. 22.000CZK U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] BALÍČKY / stovky parcels with stamps, various issue, also postage-due, official etc..; smaller part also unused, thousands stamps, placed in smaller filled box, through/over 2kg of material U:K
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / big collection of ca. 1000 pcs of various entires franked with. all issued issues, part commercial correspondence, part personal with philatelic záměrem, contains lot of R, Reg and Express letters, PC, forerunner and parallel entires - part on/for cuts dispatch-notes etc..; mainly good condition, more than 5kg of material in larger box, estate of dealer with big value! U:K
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of entires on/for more than 90 album pages, cross section single issues, letters, Reg, commercial, frankotypes, cut-squares dispatch-notes etc..; mainly nice quality, valuable selection of U:K
1830-2009 VYŠKOV - REGIONÁLNÍ POSTAL HISTORY collection on/for 39 lístech A4 postal history town Vyškov, contains 55 pcs of entires and 8 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares, zahrnuje period Austria-Hungary - prephilatelic letters, the first issue., yellow, various postmark, I. republic, prevails Protectorate - German FP units put in/at region, part through/over German Off. Mail, Service suspended, Frankotypy, Měnová reform up to Českou republic; various quality U:Z