1944 Pof.RV184, 186-189, Khust overprint 20f - 1P Crown of St. Stephen, complete set, values 20, 30 and 50f exp. by Sablatura., 80f exp. Bodor, 1P exp. Blaha; all mint never hinged, c.v.. 4.800CZK
1945 NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M., comp. 7 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. 50K + St. Vitus 1,50, 3x with coupons, from that 1x with printing error "9415" instead "1945" - (new gum), supplemented with group of stamp. with various overprints 37 pcs of, 2x first day sheet Holešov + Ústí n./O., 1x card with 3 pcs of stmp with overprint with cancel. PRAGUE 54/ 9.V.45; nice quality
1945 PRAGUE - VOKOVICE black Opt SVOBODNÉ / CZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIA / 1945 selection of Bohemian and Moravian postage stmp A. Hitler. 10h - 20K, Pof.78-96, separate stamp., horiz. strips also blocks of 8 incl. overprint coupons, gutter-pair, total 148 stamps; on stock-sheet A4
1945 RAKOVNÍK Reg letter with mixed franking stmp with overprint A. Hitler. "ČESKO-SLOVENSKO 9.V. 1945 (4 pcs of) and one Bohemian and Moravian A. Hitler., cancelled nationalized railway pmk No. 326/ RAKOVNÍK - BEROUN/ 10.V.45; good condition
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL POSTMARKS Czechoslovakia 1945 - 1946, selection of 41 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, 21 pcs of as Registered, Postage due, Cash franked/paid etc.., contains i.a. postmark POUZDŘANY, UHERSKÝ BROD, NĚMECKÁ VYSKYTNÁ, HORNÍ NĚMČÍ, ŠTERNBERK, FRÝVALDOV, VLACHOVICE, POŠTORNÁ on postcard, ODRY, VRANOV on Ppc, KYLEŠOVICE, STARÝ JIČÍN etc..; mainly good condition, valuable selection of
Pof.353-359, values 1,50 Koruna - 20K, selection of bloks of four also single stamps, contains i.a. 2 Koruna corner blk-of-4 with plate number A1, 6 Koruna single stamp. with plate number A1, 6x 5 Koruna block of four, 6x block of four 6 Koruna etc.., various shades etc..; cat. only basic shades more than 1.700CZK
Pof.353Mv(4)-356Mv(4), Košice-issue, specialized set of all values according to shades colors, incl. 2- also 4-stamps. vertical also horiz. gutter, in addition some catalogue plate variety; very interesting selection of on/for four pages Lindner, c.v.. 10.230Kč
Pof.353Ms(4)-356Ms(4), selection of horiz. and vertical 4-stamps. meziarší: 2 Koruna red vertical also horiz. 2x, 5 Koruna grey-black and light grey horiz., dark grey and light grey vertical, 6 Koruna dark blue and light blue horiz., blue and light blue vertical; nice quality, c.v.. 6.400Kč
Pof.353Mv(2)-356Mv(2), selection of horiz. and vertical 2-stamps. meziarší: 2 Koruna red vertical also horiz., 5 Koruna dark grey vertical, 6 Koruna blue vertical and marginal horiz. with retouch plate mark; nice quality
Pof.354Mv-356Mv, comp. 11 pcs of vertical and horiz. 4-stamp gutter values 2K-6K + 1x 8-zn. gutter, shades, margins and all three values with plate number; mint never hinged, horiz. gutter with plate marks light folded
Pof.354Mx, 2 Koruna red, incomplete divided upper part of sheet with big cross, 56-blok, large cross + 10x 4-stamps. vert. gutter; i.a. plate variety 10/B; mint never hinged, 32-blok with cross R production oblique bend (outside large cross), interesting multiple
Pof.354Ms+Mv, 355Ms, 355bMv, 356bMv; selection of five 4-stamp gutter., 2 vertical, 3 horiz., from that 5 Koruna light grey with retouch plate number; mint never hinged
FORGERY value 13 Koruna brown-carmine in colour values 1.50K, Pof.358, comp. 4 pcs of corner blk-of-4 tvořících miniature with plate number A1; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 production flaw 1, Kosice MS with production flaw 1 - blue stain in helmet soldier on/for 6 Koruna; minor gum fault, 2x vertical, from the front netransparentní production bend, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 6.000CZK, rare occurrence
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, combination 15/111 (according to Čtvrtečka), stain before/(in front of) numeral "2", in LR corner mark; mint never hinged
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Ex+R-celistvostí with 2K+5K+6K, Pofis. 354-356, passed through censorship, 1x letter, posting nationalized CDS KOŠICE 1/ 16.IV.45, on reverse arrival CDS PIEŠŤANY/ 24.V.45, incl. certificate of mailing + 1x PC CDV 73, red special postmark KOŠICE/ 3.IV.1945/ NÁVRATPRESIDENTA plate variety VLASTI; good condition, philatelically motivated, but Us entires
Pof.360-362, Kosice MS with plate variety "score in tail lion" on R letter with red special postmark Brno 1/ Jubilee of 28. October 1945; on letter quite exceptional!, only cancel. miniature sheet c.v.. 4.000CZK
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.360-362, Kosice MS, collection of ca. 70 pcs of, various types, i.a. 1x plate variety - broken paw **, 1x plate variety - score in tail lion (hinged, minor gum fault), supplemented with ca. 20 pcs of used miniature sheets; part various quality
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A360-362, Kosice MS, complete set 15 MS pos., in addition MS pos. 2 with plate variety - broken paw; 1 pcs of minor faults, otherwise nice quality
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.363-371A+B, Bratislava's, selection of 100 pcs of and 200 pcs of unfolded (!) sheets, complete sheets of 100 all 5 values without defects, by/on/at 200 pcs of sheets missing value 2,40 Koruna, value 4 Koruna 2 pcs of, damaged sheets fold - value 1,50 Koruna, 2 Koruna and 6 Koruna, all plate variety, i.a. value 10K incl. ST "close 0" on pos. 26, significant color stain between stamp. at value 4 Koruna 2x etc..; unfolded, in hard cover
1945 Pof.384, Moscow-issue 50h, LR corner blk-of-4, on/for upper margin missing in vertical perf 2x three perforation hole next to themselves (!); very rare - commonly missing only one hole
1945 Pof.385 VP, Moscow 1 Koruna red, vertical pair with upper margin, at top omitted perforation + Pof.386 VP, Moscow 2 Koruna blue, marginal piece, also with omitted perf at top; mint never hinged
1945 COUNTER SHEET Pof.387-402, War Heroes, complete set of 200 pcs of sheets all values, contains plate variety at value 10CZK pos. 183/1 - feather in a hat, various plate number A and B; mint never hinged, only folded