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1939 CDV1 CDCH A, Hlinka 50h - Bradlo, Un, plate flaw - thin/light dot after/behind mark month V., orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) BREZOVÁ P. B./ 7.V.39; printing only 5.000ks, sound condition U:A5
1939 CDV1, Hlinka 50h - Bradlo, Un, blue special postmark BREZOVÁ P. B./ 4.V.39, wide cut; printing only 5.000ks, nice stav
1939 CDV1, Hlinka 50h - Bradlo, Un, orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) BREZOVÁ P. B./ 7.V.39 outside printed stmp., shifted cut; printing only 5.000ks, sound condition U:A5
1940-1941 selection of two p.stat sent to Protektorátu: CDV2, Hlinka 50h as Express, uprated by. pair Hlinka 1 Koruna, Sy.30X with CDS NÁMESTOVO 6.III.40, arrival postmark BRNO 11.III.40, used censorship + CDV8, Tiso 50h, uprated by. i.a. airmail Sy.L3, CDS NITRA 25.VIII.41; good condition U:A5
1941 CDV4/12, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna sent as express to Vienna, uprated by. pair stamp. Sy.31A, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 1.IV.41, arrival postmark WIEN 1 and WIEN 64/ 2.IV.41; good condition U:A5
1944 CDV4/33, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, PC abroad sent inlandly (!) as Registered to Bratislava, uprated with stamp Hlinka 2,50 Koruna, Sy.31Y, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 28.VIII.44; non-philatelic entire, cat. min. 125€, rare U:A5
1939 CDV5X/II, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna red - color printing error, answer part sent from Slovakia to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS TATRANSKÁ KOTLINA/ 16.X.39; sound condition, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1943 CORRESPONDENCE PŘÍSLUŠNÍKA SS / CDV5 I. + II., two-piece PC Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, (single part/-s rozřezány and slepeny), sent to member of SS to Holešov, part I uprated by. airmail stamp 1Ks, Sy.L3 with CDS PIEŠŤANY 16.VII.43 and arrival cancel. HOLEŠOV 20.VII.43, answer part with CDS HOLEŠOV 23.VII.43, passed through censorship; very interesting U:A5
1941 CDV8, Tiso 50h sent as express to Vienna, uprated with stamp Sy.38, Sy.42 and Sy.48, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 24.III.41, arrival postmark WIEN 1 26.III.41; good condition U:A5
1940 parcel card with printed revenue 50h, uprated. stamp. Hlinka 3 Koruna, Sy.32, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 19.IV.40, on reverse forerunner Czechosl. stmp food tax 2CZK, Pof.PD10A, hand-made crossed out, arrival BRATISLAVA 1/ 20.VI.40 in front also on reverse; sent Express on/for Jewish ústr. office; judaica (!), rare occurrence, good condition, c.v.. Synek. shows, but doesn't evaluate U:A5