Public Auction 58 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - Collections

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205302 - 1918-1926 [COLLECTIONS]  nice small collection on/for old pa
1918-1926 [COLLECTIONS] nice small collection on/for old pages, i.a. Hradčany and other "knihtisky", POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Express stamp 2h black Opt, Turul 2f-60f, Parliament to 5 Koruna, Zita, Postage due stmp 4-25h and 5h-5K, PORTO 1h, 10h, 20h, Red number 2f-30f, then for example. Festival, Congress, Airmail, Masaryk SO1920 (overprint), Postage due stmp etc.., in no way unexamined concerning perf, wmk and types, higher catalogue through/over 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
203638 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on hingeless sheets in s
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets in spiral stockbook Lindner, from issue Hradčany, then POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 for example. Coat of arms 1 Koruna black Opt, Postage due stmp Large numerals 4h, 25h, Small numerals 10K, postage-due PORTO, complete Red numerals, T. G. Masaryk 1920 125h ultramarine perforated and imperforated, issue Chainbreaker opposite facing pair, Congress, Festival, 4-stamp gutter Nitra 50h green */**, air-mail the first issue., SO1920 (overprint), postage-due, newspaper etc..; major part hinged, better item/-s expertized, high catalogue value by estimation 50.000Kč+, we advice viewings
Starting price: CZK
204058 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stmp and entires plac
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stmp and entires placed in 8 stockbooks, contains basic line stamp. with mild specialisation plate flaws and postmarks, issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk, Festival, Congress, Skautskée, Postage due stmp provisory, basic issue, gutter, opposite facing pair, plate variety, single-circle cancel. etc..; various quality, mainly stamp. used and with label, dodáno from abroad, c.v.. ca. 50.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
204468 - 1918-1927 [COLLECTIONS]  HRADČANY-issue, PIGEON-issue, issu
1918-1927 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue, PIGEON-issue, issue Chainbreaker, VYPOTŘEBNÍ POSTAGE-DUE zbylá part from exhibit with nepoužitými stamp. issues Hradčany, Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker, outside basic stamp. also PLATE PROOF, part designs on stmp marked as Patisk, plate variety, Retuše on/for used stamp., production defects, color shades and perf; placed in clamping pockets on/for 48 unbound album pages, c.v.. ca. 20.000CZK, ex Oliva
Starting price: CZK
203851 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  nice semifinished collection on hin
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] nice semifinished collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder, from issue Hradčany, then POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterpress issues, Festival, Congress, air-mail, SO1920 (overprint), newspaper etc..; higher catalogue, in addition supplemented with about/by rozpracovanou collection used stamp., it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
203233 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  semifinished basic collection on hi
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished basic collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder, mainly *; contains forerunner, Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, i.a. Triangle 2h, Rectangle 2h and 5h with blank coupons with line perforation 12½; (always II. and type III.), then for example. Parliament 3 Koruna, HaVm complete Festival, SO1920 (overprint) etc..; some issue nezastoupeny, catalogue for * by estimation 10.000CZK, better stamp. expertized
Starting price: CZK
206234 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  big accumulation Un stamp. CZECHOSL
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] big accumulation Un stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in two big, full, 30-sheet stockbooks, contains all issue as Hradčany, Legionaire, PČ 1919 (overprint), issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk, very contains 30. years, contains i.a. airmail overprint issue FLUGPOST, lot of values large Coat of arms, miniature sheet Anthem-issue value 1CZK in folder, plate number, plate variety, blocks, PLATE PROOF, supplemented with several entires; part mint never hinged, prevail stamp. hinged, ideální material on/for supplement folds, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 9 stockbooks is contains major part issues as Hradčany, SO1920 (overprint), Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 to to 30. years, mainly Un stamp., supplemented with trial printings, part forgeries - marked, supplemented with used stamp. etc..; placed in larger box, high catalogue value, interesting material to other sale, ex Oliva
Starting price: CZK
205569 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ESTATE / exceedingly interesting est
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ESTATE / exceedingly interesting estate of dealer in 8 various albums and spring folder + on stock-sheets A4, all in middle box, contains cross section all issues incl. various specialities, blocks, stripe etc.., often also more times, originally připraveno to other sale, supplemented with about/by used duplication, incomplete collection and unused stamps in/at small box; various quality, mainly *, part various defects - viewing of quality recommended, we advice examination, very high catalogue value!
Starting price: CZK
202973 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  used collection in 2 quite full sto
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] used collection in 2 quite full stockbooks A4, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint, Sokol, Festival, 30. years, SO1920 (overprint) etc..; part determined, various quality, very high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
204706 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  old collection from abroad on album
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] old collection from abroad on album sheets in spring folder, * / cancel., from issue POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, i.a. Triangle 2h *, Large numerals 14h, Small numerals 5 Koruna etc.., also for example. Masaryk Jubilee 200h and 300h as blk-of-4, Festival, Congress, unissued newspaper Falcon in Flight (issue) 20h violet, postage-due, newspaper, SO1920 (overprint) etc..; various quality, forgeries marked, we advice viewings
Starting price: CZK
203537 - 1918-1939 PARTIE / comp. of stamps on 20 sides in/at nice st
1918-1939 PARTIE / comp. of stamps on 20 sides in/at nice stockbook A4, contains by/on/at typography issue various types, perf also printing defects, types by/on/at POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, on issues T. G. Masaryk, Prague–Tatras, Landscape also wmk, from 30. years line complete sets + choice notebook A4/ 46 sheets, from that on 11 pages stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., originates from Germany
Starting price: CZK
204458 - 1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS]  HRADČANY-issue, issue Chainbreaker
1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue, issue Chainbreaker, PIGEON-issue, issue Agriculture and Science comp. of cancelled stamps., cut-squares and cuts dispatch notes with stamp. issues printed knihtiskem with příměsí also other issues; freely scattered in/at envelopes, cuts, choice notebook, stockbooks, all in/at one small box, from estate suitable to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
204981 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  remaining selection mainly postmark
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] remaining selection mainly postmarked stamps, i.a. Hradčany 500h, 100h, letterpress issues, then for example. air-mail Definitive 50h - 20CZK unused, waste etc..; placed in two zásobních, two notebooks and envelopes
Starting price: CZK
1918-3938 [COLLECTIONS] ARCHY, ČÁSTI ARCHŮ, PÁSY S KUPONY selection of part/-s and whole sheets sheets stamp. Hradčany 1h (4x set), parts of sheets stamp. overprint Newspaper on/for Express, parts of sheets SO1920 (overprint) Hradčany 3h, Newspaper stamps Sokol 2h, complete 50 pcs of sheets additional printing B.I.T., part/-s Legionaire with added-print, complete bands with coupons Purkyně, Funeral T. G. Masaryk, Winter Sokol Games, 20. Anniv fights legions, X. Sokol festival, lot of band gutter exhibition Plzeň, Košice, 20. Anniv issue Czechosl. stamps, Definitive air-mail 30h 4 pcs of 50 pcs of sheets with plate number 1-4; mainly good quality
Starting price: CZK
204245 - 1930-1939 selection of bloks of four and stamps with coupons
1930-1939 selection of bloks of four and stamps with coupons on 9 cards A4, contains i.a. upper and the bottom blocks of four with coupons Arras, blocks of four with coupon For Children-issue 1936 and 1937; gutter Method 50h-2Kč etc.., also corner pieces with plate number, significant color shades etc..; c.v.. more than 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
205636 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / selection of several
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several hundreds entires, mainly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 with příměsí abroad, contains i.a. forerunner also parallel franking, several Hradčany-issue letters, other issue as Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science and 30. years, part as Registered or Ex, Airmail, Field post, commemorative postmarks etc..; various quality, all in middle box, estate of collector
Starting price: CZK
203643 - 1919-2014 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / HRADČANY-issue  + MI
1919-2014 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / HRADČANY-issue + MIX selection of more than 30 pcs of various entires, mainly postcard with Hradčany, part with Hungarian cancel. from Slovakia, FP-postmark., 1x cash franked/paid with cancel. BAR FRANKO, 3x surtax, mailing abroad, mixed franking with other issues as issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, supplemented with revolutionary overprints CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 (part forgeries), Reg letter with mixed franking of stmp with overprint Post Czechoslovak 1919, FDC CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 i.a. Costumes, several interesting topographical Ppc from Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia etc..
Starting price: CZK
205027 - 1920-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI /  collection of ca. 70
1920-1938 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 700 pcs of entires from period of 1. republic, prevail letters with advertising machine print with from 30. years, frankotypes, but also other issue as issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue and Hradčany, part as Registered, Ex, surtax, cards field post etc..; prevails good quality, 5kg of material in/at smaller box, estate of dealer
Starting price: CZK