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1919 FRANCE / 22. REGIMENT TCHECO-SLOVAQUE/ 1. BATALION blue round military unit postmarks on letter sent from Prague to Paris, supplemented with CDS PARIS/ 10.6.19; good condition, superb postal imprint, decorative entire, ex Procházka U:A5
1919 FRANCE / 22. REGIMENT TCHECO-SLOVAQUE/ 1. BATALION blue round military unit postmarks on letter sent from Prague to Paris, supplemented with frame cancel. CENSORSHIP/ MIN. NÁR. OBRANY, on reverse sender Kancelář legionaries Prague; good condition, very nice postal imprints, ex Procházka U:A5
1919 FRANCE / DÉPOT DES RÉGIMENTS TCHÉCO-SLOVAQUES/ FRANCHISE MILITAIRE violet round military unit postmarks on letter sent from Cognaku to Paris, CDS COGNAC/ 27.1.19; good condition, superb postal imprint, ex Procházka U:A5
1919 FRANCE / MISSION MILITARIE FRANCAISE PRAGUE/ LA GÉNÉRAL red round cancel. on letter sent from Prague to Paris, arrival postmark PARIS/ 8.12.19, on reverse red straight line postmark CAPITANE PENDARIES/ MISSION PELLÉ PRAGUE; good condition, quite rare entire!, ex Procházka U:A5
1920 FRANCE / MISSION MILITARIE FRANCAISE PRAGUE/ LA GÉNÉRAL smaller blue round cancel. on Ppc sent from Prague to Chatonnay, arrival postmark CHATONNAY/ 24.3.20; good condition, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 FRANCE / XXII. RÉGIMENT CCHECO-SLOVAQUÉ/ II. BATALLION/ DES COMMANDANT smaller violet round cancel. on/for prisoner PC Red Cross addressed to to Bohemia, oval censorship mark OUVERT 386 and arrival nationalized CDS PRAGUE 28.? - incomplete print, according to text written 1/9 18, according to nationalized CDS Prague came up to origin Czechoslovakia; good condition, rare, ex Procházka U:A5
1919 ITALY / 7. REGGIMENTO GENIO/ 144 COMPAGNIA TELEGRAFISTI blue straight line postmark on/for blank form registered mailing, 1x with zaznamenanou zásilkou to Bratislava with CDS PADUA/ 10.6.19 - 1. day opening activity/-ies this unit!; good condition, rare document, ex Procházka U:A4
1919 ITALY / DOMOBRANA franked with. postcard to Italy on/for Czech member Milizia Territoriale in/at Gallarate by/on/at Milan, CDS TRUTNOV/ 19.VII.19, supplemented with straight line postmark POSTA PRIGIONERI MILAN; good condition, rare U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 162 card Italian FP sent Czechosl. member legions from Italy to Bohemia, cancel. PM 162/ 19.12.18; superb postal imprint, small tearing in margin, slightly toned, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 162 without franking postcard Padua, sent Czechosl. member legions from Italy to Märisch-Ostrau, cancel. PM 162/ 18.12.18; superb postal imprint, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 29 letter with 20c addressed to to Milan, with cancel. PM 29/ 18.8.18, on reverse round also straight line postmark COMANDO CORPO CZECO-SLOVACCO IN ITALIA/ COMANDO 6 DIVISIONE, and MC MILAN 20.VIII.18; short tearing in margin envelope/-s, else preserved, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 cut credit notes sent via field post PM 52 with dots/ 22.7.18; good condition, quite rare, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 - A, rarest FP-postmark Italian legions on service letter, CDS PM 52-A/ 20.10.18 supplemented with violet oval cancel. R. POSTE/ AMNINISTRAZIONE/ DEPOSITO CZECO - SLOVACCO/ IN FOLIGNO, on reverse same formation/section, but round coat of arms' postmark.; very good condition, superb print all postmarks, rare offer rare postmark field post, known only several pieces, ex Procházka U:A5
1919 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, letter sent from Italian Foligna to Plzen, with cancel. PM 52 with asterisks/ 13.2.19, violet military unit postmarks BATTAGLIONE TERRITORIALE C.S.; superb postal imprints, good condition, ex Procházka U:A5
1919 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, card Italian prisoner post sent from Foligna to Prague Czechosl. member Deposita, postal imprint PM 52 with asterisks/ 23.3.19; good condition, superb postal imprint, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, letter sent to Czech member Com. Dep. Speciale C.S. to Sulmony, with cancel. PM 52 with dots/ 25.10.18, censor stick-on label supplemented with censorship šestiúhelníkovým cancel. CENSORSHIP MILITARE 52, handwritten mark liry, as surtax 20c, on reverse arrival postmark SULMONA 30/10 18; very nice postal imprints, decorative piece, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP to Foligna, correspondence between Czechosl. members, postal imprint PM 52/ 15.9.18, round violet cancel. 2. REGGIMENTO CZECO-SLOVACCO/ AMMINISTRAZIONE with emblem, supplemented with line censorship postmark; vertical fold, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP to Modena, correspondence Czechosl. members, postal imprint PM 52/ 11.10.18, supplemented with line censorship postmark; superb condition, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP sent by member of Czechosl. legion to Milan, postal imprint PM 52/ 12.9.18, supplemented with line censorship postmark; bend, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP sent by member of Czechosl. legion in/at Legnaru by/on/at Padua, postal imprint PM 52/ 1.12.18, supplemented with round postmark CAMPO RIORDINAMENTO CS, censorship and arrival postmark ST. MARGRERITA/ 4.12.18; good condition, photo-certificate G. Marchese, decorative piece, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP sent from Spiazzi to Naples (Napoli), postal imprint PM 52/ 26.7.18, round green cancel. COMANDO DEL CORPO CZECO-SLOVACCO IN ITALIA/ 1. DIVISIONE with emblem, supplemented with line censorship postmark; good condition, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, postcard to Paris, with cancel. PM 52 with dots/ 30.9.18, supplemented with censorship šestiúhelníkovým cancel. CENSORSHIP MILITARE 52 and line censorship cancel.; nice postal imprints, good condition, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, Reg letter with sought postmark FP Italian legions PM 52 with dots/ 20.8.18, with 20 + 25c, R label POSTA MILITARE/ 52, on reverse subdivision round cancel. CZECHOSL. VELITELSTVÍ SBORU/ ITALY, sender R. Cotti.Comando 6 Divisione Czeco-Slovecca; envelope lower slightly cut, otherwise without defects, superb print all postmarks, rare offer Reg mailing with postmark PM 52, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / Přepravní sheet for Czechosl. member on/for way between Padovou and Římem, line also circular military postmark COMANDO DEL CORPO CZECO-SLOVACCO IN ITALIA/ QUARTIERE GENERALE and CZECHOSL VELITELSTVÍ SBORU ITALY; folds, small tearing, rare document/attribut, ex Procházka U:A4
1918 ITALY / Reg letter incl. content, correspondence between officers Czechosl. legions, with 10c + 45c, CDS FOLIGNO/ 16.6.18, sender CZECO-SLOVACCO 51. BATTALION, on reverse arrival ABAZIA DI SULMONA/ 18.6.19; good condition, reko letters between members Czechosl. units are sought, ex Procházka U:A5
1919 ITALY / SLOVAKIA / CORPO CZECO-CLOVACCO IN ITALIA/ COMANDO 34. REGGIMENTO violet round coat of arms' postmark on letter franked with. Austrian parallel stamp. Charles 20h with CDS LOSONCZ/ 919 Jan.20., envelope with red additional-printing 34. Regiment C.S. with coats of arms on/for flap; good condition, decorative piece from period of else/yet nefungující field post, ex Procházka U:A5
1916-1918 ITALY / PRISONER OF WAR MAIL comp. 15 pcs of cards on/for (4x) and from (11x) Czech prisoners in Italy, all with Austrian and Italian censorship, 4 pcs of addressed to to prisoner to Italy are 3x on/for island Asinara to Formelli by/on/at Sardinia and 1x to Genoa; all good condition U:A5
1918 ITALY/ V. GRUPPO AEROPLANI/ 38. SQUADRIGLIA confirmation print line FP cachet postmark on/for shozovém flyer with Czech text, with calling Czech members Austria-Hungary army, on reverse handwritten text with signature commander and date 19.7.18; only fold, quite rare document, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 OD CZECHOSL. LEGIÍ/ POŠTOVNÉHO PROSTO red straight line postmark on Ppc with nationalized CDS VESELÍ N. M./ 30.XII.18, supplemented with military cancel. 39. REGGIMENTO ESPLORATORI Č.3/ 1. BATTAGLIONE; good condition, nice postal imprints, sought postmark used before/(in front of) zprovozněním field post! U:A5
1920 FP MILITARY DOMOV ČÍS.2 / ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE + ČS: POSÁDKOVÉ VELITELSTVÍ V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH, round and line violet cancel., letter from legionnaire (major Fr. Ducháček, i.a. participant famous čeljabinského incidentu), supplemented with daily postmark, incl. content, interesting entire U:A5
1919 RUSSIA / 10. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT JANA SLADKÉHO KOZINY/ 10.ROTA round postmark on envelope YMCA in/at Russian alphabet addressed to to Czechoslovakia; good condition, nice print postmark on front also back side U:A5
1919 RUSSIA / letter to Czechoslovakia from member of Czechosl. armies, mounted stamp. Lion 1R - I. printing without little lines above second "I" in/at SIBIŘSKÉ and complete sets Silhouette with hrubou line perforation 11½;, Pof.PP2A-PP4A, cancelled black cancel. FIELD POST/ CZECHOSL ARMY NA RUSI/ POSTA MILITARE, inserted documents/attributes about/by autentičnosti sender; good condition, exp. by Karasek., and stamp. Lion Majer, probably additionally arisen philatelically motivated entire U:A5
1919 RUSSIA / letter to Czechoslovakia from member of Czechosl. armies, mounted stamp. Silhouette with hrubou line perforation 11½;, value 50k on reverse, Pof.PP3A, with bicircular violet cancel. FIELD POST CZECHOSL. VOJSK with flashes, on face-side additionally mounted stamp. 25k same issue - through/over already otištěné postmark, sender: Dobrovolec Š. A., 10. stř. Regiment John Sladkého Kozina/ 1. Batt, 3 troop, at that time. Russia; small format, both stamp. dusky margins U:A5
1919 RUSSIA / JAPAN COMMISSARIAT OF THE CZECHOSLOVAK ARMY IN SIBERIA, envelope with additional-printing Czechosl. military office franked with. Japanese stamp. with red special postmark with head berana addressed to to Vladivostok, incl. letter, according to text sent from Tokyo 4.VII.19 + postcard sent from Japan to Vladivostok, CDS CHANGCHUN/ 25.12.19; all good condition U:A5
1919 RUSSIA / FIELD POST 1 POSTE MILITARIE round violet postmark on envelope over stmp FP 1R and 25k with hrubou line perforation 11½;, Pof.PP4, PP2, addressed to to Trutnov; good condition, stamp. exp. by Gilbert., philatelically motivated U:A5
1919 RUSSIA / rusky written blank form "Ekstěrnyj otzyv" with violet round cancel. SPRÁVA FIELD POST/ Czech Republic - Slovak army, according to text Čeljabinsk 10.3.19, signature náčelníka FP Novotný; only fold, exp. by Karasek U:A5
1920 RUSSIA / comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter sent without franking to Czechoslovakia with modrozeleným FP-postmark./ PM CZECHOSL ARMY NA RUSI/ 1, sender member 5. Prague T. G. Masaryk regiment (toned + fold) + 1x certificate of mailing CZECHOSL FP for parcel to Czechoslovakia with červenofialovým FP-postmark./ PM CZECHOSL ARMY NA RUSI/ 3 (only folds) U:A5
1918-1920 RUSSIA / comp. 3 pcs of entires from members Czechosl. armies in Russia, 1x postcard with mounted stamp. 1R Lion, 1x YMCA envelope with mounted stamp. 50k Silhouette and certificate of mailing CZECHOSL FP on/for money letter, both entires with straight line postmark CZECHOSL ARMY/ FP No.2 resp. FP No.1; good condition, all exp. by Karasek., probably additionally dolepené charitable stamp. U:A5
1919-1920 RUSSIA / comp. 3 pcs of entires sent members Czechosl. army in Russia, 1x letter with violet round cancel. EVAKUAČNÍ ÚŘAD (= office) CZECHOSL. VOJSKA V RUSKU on reverse with Hradčany 25h with CDS LIBÁŇ 5/3 20, postcard with view staff Czechosl. army in Vladivostok with violet FP-postmark with flashes and postcard with red cancel. CZECHOSL. Red Cross/ Prisoner division with CDS PRAGUE - HRAD 5.II.20; good condition, exp. by Karasek U:A5
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSL. ITALIAN LEGIONS comp. 11 pcs of photo postcard and autentických photos (3 pcs of) with views soldiers Czechoslovak Italian legions, from that 1x authentic fotka vojáku in/at personal car with cancel. POZSONY and red FP cachet cancel. 55. SEKCE ... with monogram CZECHOSL, 4 pcs of photos with views places fights on/for Italian front, supplemented with 13 pcs of color military caricatures Italian origin U:O5