Public Auction 58 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Third (Definitive) Airmail Issue 1930

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203236 -  Pof.L7-L14, Definitive issue, 18 pcs of bloks of four singl
Pof.L7-L14, Definitive issue, 18 pcs of bloks of four single values with plate number, 20CZK corner piece, i.a. 3CZK type I with plate number 1 and type II with plate number 2, 4CZK type I - 2 pcs of bloks of four with plate number 1 - distinctive shades; in addition 2 pcs of corner blk-of-4 3CZK and 20CZK with bordurou; several usual minor faults and minor gum fault, interesting for specialist
Starting price: CZK
204383 -  Pof.L7-L15 A+B+C, Definitive issue 50h-20Kč, complete set
Pof.L7-L15 A+B+C, Definitive issue 50h-20Kč, complete set of types also perf and shades color without L12A and L14C; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
206339 -  Pof.L7-L15, Definitive issue, selection of 27 pcs of lower
Pof.L7-L15, Definitive issue, selection of 27 pcs of lower corner pieces with plate number + in addition 4 pcs of marginal blk-of-10 30h with plate number 1-4; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
205527 -  Pof.L8A, Definitive issue 1CZK red, LL corner blk-of-4 with
Pof.L8A, Definitive issue 1CZK red, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1, line perforation 12¼;; superb, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
205526 -  Pof.L9A, Definitive issue 2CZK green, LL corner blk-of-4 wi
Pof.L9A, Definitive issue 2CZK green, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1, T I., line perforation 12¼;; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., sought
Starting price: CZK
203240 -  Pof.L10 production flaw, Definitive issue 3CZK, vertical ma
Pof.L10 production flaw, Definitive issue 3CZK, vertical marginal Pr, lower double horiz. perf; mint never hinged, expert Benes
Starting price: CZK
205525 -  Pof.L11, Definitive issue 4CZK dark blue, block of four wit
Pof.L11, Definitive issue 4CZK dark blue, block of four with R margin, T II.; exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
205524 -  Pof.L13a, Definitive issue 10CZK ultramarine, LL corner blk
Pof.L13a, Definitive issue 10CZK ultramarine, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1; mint never hinged decorative multiple, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
206115 -  Pof.L13a, Definitive issue 10CZK ultramarine, UL corner blk
Pof.L13a, Definitive issue 10CZK ultramarine, UL corner blk-of-4; L at top minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
205075 -  PLATE PROOF  Pof.L7-L8, Definitive issue 50h green, horizon
PLATE PROOF Pof.L7-L8, Definitive issue 50h green, horizontal strip of 5, on 3 stamp. double impression + L8, 1CZK red, block of 6 with double print, both blocks with lower margin PB
Starting price: CZK
204384 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 11 pcs of plate proofs all values Defini
PLATE PROOF comp. 11 pcs of plate proofs all values Definitive issue 50h - 20CZK in original colors on pink paper without gum, outside 1 pcs of all with margin or corner pieces; part with label
Starting price: CZK
206432 - 1931-1935 comp. 3 pcs of air-mail letters addressed to Germa
1931-1935 comp. 3 pcs of air-mail letters addressed to Germany, 2x registered and as Air-mail, 2x Reg, express and airmail, multicolor frankings, i.a. value 20CZK, 2x 10CZK, all attributes; good condition, part philatelically motivated mailing
Starting price: CZK
190482 - 1932 comp. 5 pcs of airmail letters franked with. air stamp.
1932 comp. 5 pcs of airmail letters franked with. air stamp. The 3rd issue., 3x Reg, from that 2 pcs of addressed to Germany, 1 pcs of intrastate mailing Prague - Aš, supplemented with 2 pcs of airmail letters, 1x Bratislava - Abbazzie and sent back, 1x from Prague - Wien (Vienna); good condition
Starting price: CZK
202268 - 1933 first flight PRAGUE - BUKUREŠŤ,  Reg and airmail sent
1933 first flight PRAGUE - BUKUREŠŤ, Reg and airmail sent international pictorial PC 1,20CZK, CDV46/7, uprated with stamp Pof.L10, 258, CDS PRAGUE 86 VELETRHY/ 10.IX.33, years. framed CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 11.IX.33, red cachet 1. flight, arrival postmark BUCHAREST/ 11.IX.33, card returned back, on reverse náležitá postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
204586 - 1933 first flight UZHHOROD - KLUŽ, pictorial PC T. G. Masar
1933 first flight UZHHOROD - KLUŽ, pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 50h sent 1. flight Prague - Bucharest, franked with. i.a. already invalidated stamp. The 2nd issue Pof.L4 and airmail stamp The 3rd issue Pof.L8, uprated by. postage stamp. Pof.243, 246, 250, 260 3x, posting air mail postmark UZHHOROD/ 11.IX.33, arrival CLUJ 11.Sep.33; interesting; good condition, according to c.v.. Horka mere 50 mailing
Starting price: CZK
202270 - 1933 first flight UZHHOROD - KLUŽ, pictorial PC T. G. Masar
1933 first flight UZHHOROD - KLUŽ, pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 50h sent registered and as Air-mail 1. flight Prague - Bucharest, uprated by. i.a. already invalidated stamp. The 2nd issue Pof.L5 and airmail stamp definitive issue Pof.L7, L8, then postage stamp. Pof.260 3x, 250, posting air mail postmark UZHHOROD/ 11.IX.33, arrival CLUJ/ 11.Sep.33; good condition, pseudosmíšená franktura two years. issues, ex Oliva
Starting price: CZK
204579 - 1935 first flight PRAGUE - MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, comp. 8 pcs of
1935 first flight PRAGUE - MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, comp. 8 pcs of entires with blue special postmark, 4 pcs of PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT and PRAGUE 7 AIRMAIL/ 2.VII.35, 2x with special postmark MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA/ 1.VII.35, 2x HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ/ 1.VII.35, from that 1x Reg and airmail letter, 2x PC Coat of arms 50h, 2x postcard 1. flight, mixed franking air-mail and postage stmp.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
197819 - 1935 ZEPPELIN / 3. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1935 - connecting flight
1935 ZEPPELIN / 3. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1935 - connecting flight, commercial air-mail letter small format addressed to to Brazil forwarded by airship LZ 129 Graf Zeppelin, with multicolor franking Czechosl. years. stamps on reverse, Pof.L7 (2x), L8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, CDS JABLONEC n. N. 1/ 3.V.35 worse readable, supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 7/ LET. POST/ 4.V.35, red flight cachet "Nachbringerflug ab Berlin" with distinctive. "character a" in front; envelope rozříznuta from 3 sides, cat. Sieger 296.Bb
Starting price: CZK
204343 - 1935-1937 comp. 8 pcs of air-mail entires delivered first fl
1935-1937 comp. 8 pcs of air-mail entires delivered first flights., from that 7x registered and as Air-mail, contains from year 1935 Reg and airmail letter Prague - Marseille redirected and returned back, Piešťany - Wien (Vienna), Bratislava - Wien (Vienna), Prague - Uzhhorod, Prague - Bucharest, Moravská Ostrava - Prague, from year 1936 Reg and airmail letter to Sweden 1. flight Prague - Moscow, from year 1937 Bratislava - Klagenfurt, Prague - Benátky and Reg and airmail letter to London 1. flight Liberec - Prague; all good condition
Starting price: CZK
204581 - 1936 first flight MOSCOW - PRAGUE, PRAGUE - MOSCOW, comp. 7
1936 first flight MOSCOW - PRAGUE, PRAGUE - MOSCOW, comp. 7 pcs of entires with blue special postmark , 1x postcard 1. flight Moscow - Prague 1.9.36, 3x Prague - Moscow 2.IX.36, 2x Prague - Uzhhorod 2.IX.36, 1x Uzhhorod - Moscow 2.IX.36, mainly franked with. air stamp., 3x registered and as Air-mail; good condition
Starting price: CZK
190679 - 1936 first flight PRAGUE - MOSCOW, set of 2 airmail entires
1936 first flight PRAGUE - MOSCOW, set of 2 airmail entires sent to Rumania, line PRAGUE - KLUJ, 1 franked with i.a. airmail stamp Pof.L10 and 1 i.a. franked with issue Arras 2Kč blue with upper coupon, Pof.290KH, blue cancel. 1. flight from 2.IX.36, frame cachet and arrival postmark CLUJ/ 3.SEP.36; good condition, cat. Horka 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
204937 - 1936 air-mail letter sent from Liberec to Switzerland, frank
1936 air-mail letter sent from Liberec to Switzerland, franked with. airmail stamp Definitive issue 4CZK with line perforation 12¼;, Pof.L11A, CDS LIBEREC-REICHENBERG/ 9.XII.36, on reverse transit framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 10.XII.36, AIRMAIL - POSTA AÉRIENNE
Starting price: CZK
190676 - 1936 PRAGUE - FRANKFURT, Reg and airmail sent I. part of int
1936 PRAGUE - FRANKFURT, Reg and airmail sent I. part of international postcard Masaryk 1,20Kč, CDV34/I, uprated with stamp Pof.L10 and 301, exact postal rate of 4,70Kč, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 28.VIl.36 supplemented with violet frame cachet, air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 28.VII.36; good condition, decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
190677 - 1936 PRAGUE - SYDNEY, set of 2 airmail letters sent to Austr
1936 PRAGUE - SYDNEY, set of 2 airmail letters sent to Australia, 1x Reg and airmail, with Pof.L14, L12, L9 with mailing CDS PRAGUE 11/ 20.V.36, 1x airmail letter with mixed franking (1 stamp with torn off corner), CDS Postal Agency (!) BÍLSKO (CHOLINA), CDS CHOLINA/ 8.IX.36; viewing of quality recommended, unusual rare destination
Starting price: CZK
204585 - 1937 first flight PRAGUE - BRUSEL 5.IV.37, comp. 6 pcs of en
1937 first flight PRAGUE - BRUSEL 5.IV.37, comp. 6 pcs of entires + first flight BRNO - ZLÍN - PIEŠŤANY 1.V.37, comp. 7 pcs of entires + first flight PRAGUE - LIBEREC 15.VI.37 comp. 4 pcs of entires, total 17 pcs of entires from that 4x registered and as Air-mail, 8x postcard 1. flight, franked with. air stamp. or mixed frankings; good condition
Starting price: CZK
203994 - 1937 BOLIVIE  Flight sent letter to Bolivia with multicolor
1937 BOLIVIE Flight sent letter to Bolivia with multicolor franking in/at general value 17,50CZK, stamp. Pof.325 8x, 322, 323, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 8.X.37, on reverse mourning air mail postmark T. G. Masaryk 8.X.37 and arrival postmark LA PAZ/ 20.Oct.37; good condition, rare destination
Starting price: CZK
203991 - 1937 EKVÁDOR  / commercial air-mail letter to Ecuador, gene
1937 EKVÁDOR / commercial air-mail letter to Ecuador, general postage 9CZK stamp. Pof.325 2x (from that 1x with coupon), 312, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 5.XI.37, on reverse framed pmk air-mail 5.XI.37 and arrival postmark GUAYAQUIL; good condition, rare destination!
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 58 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Third (Definitive) Airmail Issue 1930 - Information

16.12.1930  -  Definitivní vydání

Pro všechny známky tohoto vydání použila poštovní správa techniku fotomontáže upraveného snímku krajiny nebo města a letadla, jména pracovníků tiskárny kteří tyto fotomontáže provedli nejsou známa. Celkovou úpravu 8 leteckých známek v hodnotách 50 h, 1 Kč, 2 Kč, 3 Kč, 4 Kč, 5 Kč, 10 Kč, 20 Kč a jejich rytiny provedl Karel Seizinger. Všechny vytiskla Česká grafická Unie v Praze rotačním ocelotiskem na 2 různých tiskařských strojích, při použití 3 různých tiskařských forem (1 x 100 ks, nebo 1 x 50 ks, nebo 1 x  50 + 100 ks) a 16 tiskových desek. V souvislosti s různými úpravami tiskových desek vznikly u hodnot 50 h a 1 Kč dva různé formáty známek a u hodnot 50 h, 2 Kč, 3 Kč a 4 Kč různé typy. Během poměrně dlouhého období tisku této emise, několika nákladů všech hodnot, odlišného složení barev a dvou různých tiskařských strojů sběratelé specialisté rozlišují celou řadu barevných odstínů od každé hodnoty. Pro tisk leteckých známek byla použita celá škála papírů různé kvality, např. hladký nažloutlý papír, někdy i porézní, slabý průsvitný, ojediněle i tlustý. Lep je bezbarvý až nažloutlý, u většiny hodnot byl nanášen v poměrně silné vrstvě i ručně, takže je často popraskaný. Všechny hodnoty vydané v roce 1930 byly dány do prodeje s řádkovým zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾. Počínaje rokem 1936 nacházeli sběratelé postupně 6 různých hodnot s ŘZ 12 1/4, dvě hodnoty se smíšeným zoubkováním 13¾ : 12 1/4 a hodnotu 1 Kč s ŘZ 12 1/4 : 13¾. Náklady jednotlivých hodnot:  50 h - 1,842 mil., 1 Kč - 1,135 mil., 2 Kč - 932.000, 3 Kč - 720.200, 4 Kč - 262.500, 5 Kč - 565.500, 10 Kč - 344.500, 20 Kč - 575.500. Platnost leteckých známek definitiního vydání byla ukončena v protektorátu 15.12.1939, na Slovensku zůstaly v platnosti hodnoty 2 Kč až 5 Kč do 31.3.1939, ostatné hodnoty až do 31.7.1940.

Kvůli snížení leteckého příplatku pro zásilky v tuzemsku z 50 h na 30 h připravila poštovní správa novou leteckou známku s rozděleným názvem státu Česko - slovensko. K jejímu vydání ale došlo až po okupaci a rozdělení Československa 22. dubna 1939. Tisk byl prodeden 150 kusovou deskou s opravenou původní hodnotou 50 h na 30 h (přepážkové archy 50-kusové a 100-kusové), deskové označení je u 50 ks i 100 ks archu stejné: 1, 2, 3 a 4. Známka byla vytištěna v odlišné fialové barvě na bílém papíru, lep je lesklý, bezbarvý, někdy i slabě nažloutlý. Náklad byl více než 3 miliony kusů, jejich platnost skončila 15.12.1939.