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1852-1857 SG.13, Cartier 10P bright blue, thin hand-made paper, small seven circle pmk; very fine piece with certificate PF NY, cat. £1.800 U:A5
1852-1857 SG.20, Cartier 10P blue, medium strong paper; very nice, with part of original gum, small tearing in right margin, wide margins, certificate BPA, cat. £16.000; important classic rarity U:DR
1851 SG.4, 6P olive yellow, oval grid pmk; fine stamp, cat. £800 U:A5
1932 SG.221, Transatlantic Flight, overprint One Dollar and Fifty Cents on $1 SG.197; lower short teeth, cat. £250 U:A5
1851 SG.2, Heraldic Flowers 3P, dark blue; cat. £170 U:A5
1845-1846 LOCAL ISSUE NEW YORK Sc.9X1a, Washington 5C black, postmaster initials ACM, orange cancel.; left at top close, otherwise wide margins, cat. $575 U:A5
1857-1861 Mi.13b, Washington 24C grey, marginal piece with complete marginal line at right, cat. 600€++, very nice piece U:A5
1893 Sc.242, "Columbus" 1$ "salmon", light print of CDS SAINT LOUIS; very fine, cat. $650 ++, fine stmp! U:A5
1898 Sc.292, Trans-Mississippi 1$ black; very fine, cat. $700, sought stamp! U:A5
1842 Sc.6LB5b, CARRIERS STAMP Washington 3C, black / blue, on letter with red cancel. and CDS CITY DESPATCH N.Y. MAY 6; very fine and rare letter, cat. $750 U:A5
1844 Sc.75L2, LOCAL POST, CITY DESPATCH "Hale & Co., Boston" 6C red on letter to Hartford; cancellation by pen and CDS "Forwarder by Hale & Co. from Springfield"; VF, exp. E. Diena, cat. $1.500, rare cover! U:A5
1853-1904 set of 8 letters; i.a. with Sc.10A type II., Sc.114, Reg letter from 1904 to Przemysl, Konfederation Sc.11, 12; various quality, cat. ca. $450 U:A5
1860-1865 selection of 19 "PATRIOTIC COVERS" union issue from period of Civil war; letterprint also copperprints (!); rare Whitemore (Boston) 2x, Upham (N.Y.), Gates (Cincinnati) 2x etc..; mostly very fine U:A5
1927 set of two airmail letters sent to Bohemia, franked with 1x i.a. airmail stamp 10C, round special postmark SPECIAL FLIGHT LINDBERGH DAY and posting SPRINGFIELD AUG.15/1927 + 1x with green cachet FIRST FLIGHT/ BY AIRMAIL LONDON-BERLIN; transit and CDS.; good condition U:A5
1929 ZEPPELIN / First Round the World Flight / p.stat 1C to Italy LZ 127, uprated with i.a. 2 airmail stamps 10C, CDS NEW YORK, flight cachet, on reverse transit FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and arrival S. MARIA TARO; decorative U:A5
1929 postcard sent by flight LZ 127 to Germany with violet cachet of US post - First Round the World Flight, with Mi.279 2x, 271, 310, CDS New York Aug.5. 1929, arrival postmark Friedrichshafen 10.Aug.29 U:A5
1930 ZEPPELIN / 1.SAF, with Mi.328, Zeppelin $2,60 blue; "round flight", VARICK N.Y. APR. 26 1930 - FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and back, arrival green LAKEHURST MAI 31; American also German flight postmarks, VF U:A5
1930 ZEPPELIN / 1. SAF, franked with 4x Mi.326, Zeppelin 65c green, 2x strip of 2, 1x plate number; "round flight", NEW YORK/ APR. 26 1930 - FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and back, arrival green LAKEHURST MAI 31; American also German flight pmks; VF, rare U:A5
1933-1936 ZEPPELIN / 2x card, 1x 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT addressed to Germany on H. Sieger, transported by Hindenburg, franked with airmail stamps 15c + 25c, CDS NEW YORK MAY 11/1936, violet cachet Lakehurst - Frankfurt am Main, arrival postmark FRANKFURT 14.5.36 and arrival FRANKFURT + 1x card to Austria "Mit Luftschiff GRAF ZEPPELIN", franked with Zeppelin stamp 50C, CDS CHICAGO DEC I / 1933; sound condition U:A5
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder, some classic stamps, several entires and miniature sheets; various quality U:Z
1863 Sc.11, 11a, Davis 10C blue on letter with blue CDS COLUMBIA S.C. (South Carolina) JUL 22, to Richmond in Virginia, here franked with 10C, light blue with CDS RICHMOND JUL 26; very fine small letter, provenance ex."Stephen D. Brown" Collection of US Stamps and Covers, 1939, Harmer Rooke & Co U:A5
1859 Sc.16, Mi.10a, INTER ISLAND 2C black / grey, blue cancel.; wide margins, cat. $850, VF U:A5
1955 FDC franked with miniature sheet Block No.1, 2x, 2 various MC UNITED NATIONS/ NEW YORK/ OCT.24.1955; interesting, good condition, cat. 600€ U:A5
[COLLECTIONS] large collection of stamps U.N. (flags - stamps also FDC - and other modern issues) in album and on free album sheets Lindner, lot of material U:Z
1899 SG.69c, overprint Victoria 50C / 1Sh grey with overprint REVENUE 11mm; very fine, cat. 425£, rare stamp U:A5
1938-1947 SG.150-161, George VI. - Motives; complete set, mint never hinged, only $1 lightly hinged, cat. £190 U:A5
1924 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.J12-J14, two complete sets Postage-due stamps USA 1C-10C with overprint CANAL ZONE, two various editions - high and wide overprint; 1C stamp with wide overprint spots, otherwise all very fine, cat. $830 U:A5
1904 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.13b+13, block of four 10C yellow Panama / CANAL ZONE, right at top overprint ZONE in type "antique", as joined types with 3 basic stamps in block; very fine, cat. $235 U:A5
1932 ZEPPELIN / 4. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT card sent Reg and airmail to Germany, richly franked with airmail stamps, flight cachet, CDS BUENOS AIRES and arrival FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and BERLIN; good condition U:A5
1890-1940 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 40 p.stat and letters, part addressed to Italy, mainly picture PC, envelopes, newspaper covers from that 11 unused, supplemented with lot of p.stat cut-squares - front sides of letter cards, covers and envelopes U:O5
1866-1881 selection of 20 classical stamp, for example. Mi.25, 26, 28-30, 37 etc.; various quality, cat. ca. 300€ U:A5
1930 Mi.Zp.1-Zp.3, Zeppelin 5000R - 20000R, complete private issue of airmail stamps; hinged, cat. for * 250€, rare offer U:A5
1930 Mi.Zp.4-Zp.6, Zeppelin 5000R - 20000R with overprint USA, complete private issue of airmail stamps for USA, 5000R and 10000R **, 2000R corner piece with minor faults in paper - thin place; cat. for * 360€, rare offer U:A5
1931 ZEPPELIN / 4. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT, zeppelin postcard to Germany as Reg + airmail, franked with air-mails 300R (2x), 2.500R/5000R, CDS RIO DE JANEIRO and arrival FRIEDRICHSHAFEN; good condition U:A5
1899 postcard sent from Valparaisa to Prague, franked with multicolor franking of Columbus, Mi.32, 33 2x, 34, CDS VALPARAISO 26.III.99, supplemented with red straight line postmark "VIA LOS ANDES", arrival postmark SMÍCHOV 28/4 99; good condition U:A5
1879-1888 TOLIMA - stamps for prepayment of money letters, so-called. "Cubiertas", Mi.1-11, Mi.4 in addition in ultramarine color; very fine, extraordinary offer! U:A4
1932 Mi.305-317, 318, issue SCADTA for Columbia 5C - 5P, overprint CORREO AEREO; hinged, cat. for * 350€ U:A5
1886 letter addressed to Germany, with Sc.65, 26, CDS LIMA, on reverse arrival postmark HAMBURG 4/5 86; good condition, certificate Holcombe U:A5
1929-1946 13 airmail letters; i.a. 2x PARAGUAY with zeppelinpostmarks, Zeppelin-letter from SAO PAULO to Brno 1934, then COLOMBIA, BOLIVIE - wrong to USA instead Czechoslovakia, VENEZUELA, in addition DOMINICANA the first flight to USA and Zeppelin-letter N.Y. - FRIEDRICHSHAFEN Weltrundfahrt 1929; interesting set U:A5
1929-1950 [COLLECTIONS] COLOMBIA, QUATEMALA, VENEZUELA, PERU, EQUADOR, CHILE, ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, KUBA, HAITI, BOLIVIA, HONDURAS, PANAMA, URUQUAY, selection of cca. 200 covers addressed to Czechoslovakia; good condition U:K
1863 SG.14w, Victoria 1P scarlet "Perkins Bacon", WMK INVERTED; very nice piece, cat. £200 U:A5
1862 SG.12, Victoria "Chalon Head" 1P "carmine-lake"; rare issue without watermark; VF, with part of original gum, certificate APES, horiz. bend, cat. £2.250, rare U:A5
1863-1877 SG.34, Victoria "Chalon Head" 1P "scarlet", wmk CC, perf 14; very fine piece with original gum, certificate Rendon, cat. £1.000 U:A5
1918 SG.92w, George V. 1P carmine WAR TAX with transparent INVERTED wmk; mint never hinged marginal piece, cat. * £300+ U:A5
1920 SG.107y, George V. 1P carmine, upper left corner block-of-4 with transparent wmk "Crown to the right of CA and reversed"; mint never hinged, very nice multiple, cat. for * block of four £1.500++ U:DR
1935 SG.141h, Jubilee George V. 1½P with plate variety - dot by flagstaff, used; cat. £200 U:A5
1935 SG.142f, Jubilee George V. 2½P with plate variety - diagonal line by turret, used; cat. £250 U:A5
1938 SG.155-156, George VI. 1Sh and 5Sh, both strong paper; cat. £205 U:A5
1938 SG.157, George VI. £1 grey-green and black, strong paper; cat. £250 U:A5
1942 SG.162-175, George V. 1/2P-1£; complete set, cat. £80 U:A5
1942 SG.162c, overprint George VI. 1P blue-green, upper right corner block-of-4, left upper stamp with plate variety - accent flaw - line above the first "A" in "BAHAMAS"; superb multiple, cat. £600+ U:A5
1949 SG.199var, UPU 1Sh carmine with omitted "A" in wmk "CA"; very fine piece with certificate KG VI Expertising U:A5
1861-1870 SG.21, 23, 32, 34, 43, 43b, 45, Sitting Britannia (Perkins Bacon) without watermark 1P-1Sh nominal complete issue, with 6P "dull orange vermilion"; then with wmk "star" 1P green, 1P yellow-green and rarer 4P "dull vermilion", all very nice, cat. £260 U:A5
1871 SG.48, Britannia (1P) blue, wmk "Small Star", perf 14-16; very fine piece with full original gum, cat. £180 U:A5
1871 SG.49, Britannia 4P dull rose red, wmk "Small Star", perf 14-16; very fine piece with certificate Sismondo, cat. £1.300; rare stamp U:A5
1871 SG.51, Britannia 1Sh black, wmk "Small Star", perf 14-16; very fine piece with o.g., cat. £250 U:A5
1892 PLATE PROOF for SG.105, 1 Farthing etc., print of finished gravure "Seal of the Colony" on chalky carton 92x60mm, BEFORE HARDENING and date 2.FEB.92; trare plate proof ex. De La Rue archives U:A5
1944 German war propaganda, overprint "Liquidation of Empire - Barbados" on George VI. ½P-3P, certificate Pieles, minimum printing, rare set U:A5
1944 German war propaganda, overprint "Liquidation of Empire - BARBADOS" on corner stamp George VI. 1½P, pmk LONDON SPECIAL STAMP, certificate Pieles, rare U:A5
1938-1953 SG.117be, George VI. 2Sh6P black and red / grey-blue with plate variety - "broken lower right scroll"; very fine mint never hinged piece, cat. for * £650 U:A5