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1881 ALFRED SMITH & CO. - Standard Catalogue, London 1881; rare publication U:O4
1947 Neil, D. M. - THE 1D KING GEORGE V AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH STAMPS - SURFACE PRINTED TYPES 1914 TO 1937. Published in 1947 by The Australian Commonwealth Specialists Society of Great Britain, London. Card covers, 71 pages. A profound study of the Five Plates used for the Issue of the 1d. King George V, including Design and Dies, Inverted and Reversed Watermarks, Perforations & Imperforate, Constant and Double Varieties, Flaws and Retouchings etc. A classic and specialised handbook including many (enlarged) illustrations. In fine condition. U:Z
2000 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF BAHAMAS. Published in 2000, 392 pages. A specialised study, including General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Postmarks and Post Offices, Inter-Insular Services. Including many illustrations, especially of the Postal Markings. A major philatelic handbook on the subject. In like new condition U:Z
1970 BARBADOS - THE BRITANNIA ISSUES, Roett, Freeland (FRPSL), Longmuir; Christies-Robson Lowe, N.Y. 1970; rare publication U:Z
1951 1951 Winkler, Karl - HANDBUCH DER BAYERISCHEN POSTSTEMPEL. Published in 1951 by Karl Ulrich & Co., Nürnberg. Hardbound, 383 pages. The classic handbook and, although published in 1951, still considered as a major reference to the subject. With detailed descriptions of the various cancellations (see scan "Inhaltsverzeichnis"), including foldout maps for the Types of Cancellations and Post Offices. In fine condition. U:Z
1996 1996 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF BASUTOLAND & BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE. Published in 1996, 382 pages. The profound and detailed study by Edward Proud, including General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Postmarks and Post Offices, Bibliography and a Postmark Index. Profusely illustrated with photo material and illustrations of the Postal Markings. An important handbook of the subject. In like new condition.1996 U:Z
2009 BELGIUM / complete set 6 výpravných specializovaných bulletins to Belgian classic issued near/in/at occasion exhibition Monacophil 2009, skvělá product with lot of color picture - sheets, plate proofs, entires etc..; placed in original gift box, superb condition, skvělý zdroj nejnovějších information to Belgian classic, extraordinary offer! U:K
1948-1970 Billig's Philatelic Handbooks, Volmue IV, 17, 19, 22 and 25, selection of five volumes from legendary edition, contains set important and interesting essays from renomovaných experts and authors, i.a. INDIAN AIRWAYS I-III; CANADA: CATALOGUE OF CONSTANT PLATE VARIETIES; MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN FOGERIES; STAMPS OF THE NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS; SPECIALIZED CATALOGUE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA including HISTORICAL AND OFFICIAL FIRST FLIGHTS; DAI NIPPON IN SOUTH EAST ASIA etc..; perfect condition, today rare publication containing a lot of valuable information U:Z
2001 Taveira, Walter Gonçalves : BRASIL 1844-1846 "INCLINADOS" - SELOS DO IMPERIO DO BRASIL, 2e ESTAMPA. (SLANTED NUMERALS - STAMPS OF THE EMPIRE OF BRAZIL, 2nd ISSUE). Published in 2001 by Camara Brasileira de Filatelia, Belo Horizonte. Hardbound, 627 large pages. The definitive handbook on the stamps of the second Issue ("Inclinados") of Brazil. All aspects of the Stamps are described in detail, including Dies and PLates, Reprints and Double Printings, Paper used for Printing etc. A beautiful handbook in brazilian and english language with many splendid illustrations, published in a limited edition. In very fine condition. U:Z
1989 1989 Stroud, Richard - CEYLON - THE CAMPS FOR BOER PRISONERS OF WAR 1900-1902 - THEIR POSTAL HISTORY. Published in 1989 by The Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society, Cheshire. Card covers, Chapters 1-10 + Annexes A-H. The profound study of the Postal History of the Camps for Boer Prisoners shipped overseas to Ceylon. Including an introduction of the Camps, Prisoners of War on Parole and in Prison, Postal Markings, Miscellaneous Mail and special attention to Censors and Censoring Arrangements, Censor Seals & Cachets. An important reference work on the subject with many illustrations. In fine condition. U:Z
1949 Lowe, Robson - ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS : Vol.II : The Empire in Africa, London 1949, Hardbound, 450 pages. The classic work by Robson Lowe describing in detail all aspects of the British Empire Postage Stamps, including Postal Stationery, Cancellations, Local Stamps, Ex-British Possessions in Europe, Consular Post Offices etc. The orignal edition in fine condition U:Z
1951 Lowe, Robson - ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS : THE EMPIRE IN ASIA. Published in 1951 by Robson Lowe Ltd., London. Hardbound, xvi + 559 pages including Appendix I-II (pages 485-559). Divided in three parts : the Empire in the Middle East, South Central Asia and the Far East. The classic handbook in the original edition. Fine condition U:Z
1962 Lowe, Robson - ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS : THE EMPIRE IN AUSTRALASIA. Published in 1962 by Robson Lowe Ltd., London. Hardbound, xvi + 623 pages. Divided in two parts : Australia and Dependencies, New Zealand and Dependencies. The original edition of this classic handbook. In fine condition. U:Z
1973 Lowe, Robson - ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS : THE EMPIRE IN NORTH AMERICA. Published in 1973 by Robson Lowe Ltd., London. Hardbound, xv + 760 pages. Divided in five parts : American Colonies, Canada, Maritime Provinces, Newfoundland & British Columbia and British Postal Agencies. The original edition in very fine condition U:Z
1974-1980 DENMARK / selection of čtyř specializovaných bulletins i.a.: Die Poststamps Dänemarks 1854-1863; Danske Poststempler; Brev samlinsstempler; U:Z
1951 DENMARK / POSTAGE STAMPS OF DENMARK 1851-1951, Schmidt-Andersen (RDP), Copenhagen 1951, wide Monograph to/at 100. Anniv dánských stamp., významně contains classic issue, detail typology, editions, shades, plate proofs etc.., supplemented with row picture with descriptions; důležitá work to Danish classic on/for more than 230 sides, rare offer, very good condition! U:Z
1987 DIE FERRARY AUKTIONEN - J. Erhardt, 1987, souborné issue all 14 auction catalogues Paris I-XIV 1921-1925 about sale biggest collection all period (in addition special auction Zurich 1929 - Ferraryho collection Greece); complete texts, thousands zobrazených tickets and auction výsledky, předmluva Prof. Dr. C. Brühl; all world rarities first-time and naposled pohromadě, ikonická and motivující book for every collector classic, superb condition U:Z
1994-1998 two publications by Dehn, Roy A. - THE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF FIUME 1600-1924, profound and detailed study including the pre-stamp period, the first Austrian stamps, Fiume in Hungary, Fiume Overprints on Hungarian Stamps, Postal Offices, Postal Stationery, Forgeries, Bibliography (published in 1998, 120 pages) and DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH AND ITALIAN PHILATELIC TERMS, the very useful help with both dictionnaries from english to italian language and italian to english (published in 1994, 63 pages). In fine conition U:Z
1989 Reinhardt, Albert - DÉPARTEMENTS CONQUIS 1792-1815 (Catalogue des Départements Conquis et des Provinces Illyriennes). Published in 1989 by Feuser Verlag, Stuttgart. Hardbound, 336 pages. The specialised catalogue of the Postmarks and their valuation used in the "Départements Conquis" (numbered 84-134) during the French Occupation by Napoleon. With many illustrations of all the postmarks and maps of the Départements with the Post Office locations. An indispendible handbook for identifying the pre-adhesive covers from this period under the French Occupation 1792-1815. Scarce and in very fine condition. U:Z
1986 FRANZÖSISCHE ARMEEPOST 1792-1848 (Katalog der Post- und Portofreiheitsstempel der Französichen Streitkrafte), A. Reinhardt 1986, Feuser Verlag, Stuttgart. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 287 pages. The outstanding publication by Reinhardt of the Franch Military Post during the period 1792-1848. Handbook and Catalogue of about 2400 Postmarks with special attention to the Occupation years by Napoleon and the numerous cancellations of the Grande Armée. Including many illustrations and full descriptions of the Postmarks. The classic handbook and most important reference work to the subject. In very fine condition. U:Z
1949 1949 Maury, Arthur - HISTOIRE DES TIMBRES-POSTE FRANÇAIS (Edition du Centenaire entièrement revue et corrigée, avec une introduction, des notes et des commentaires par Emmanuel Blanc). Published in 1949 by the Société de Timbrologie, Paris.Softbound, viii + 370 pages. Arthur Maury's classic handbook from 1907 republished in 1949, revised and introduced by Emmanuel Blanc. Including Envelopes, Télégraphe Stamps, Essays, Cancellations and Postal Markings etc. Up to this day considered as a major publication of French philatelic literature. In fine condition (slight staining on first pages U:Z
1930 1930 Champion, Théodore - CATALOGUE HISTORIQUE ET DESCRIPTIF DE LA POSTE AÉRIENNE. Published in 1930 by the author, Paris. Hardbound, 547 pages. Sixth edition, with many illustrations, of this excellent specialised catalogue of Air Mail stamps (cachets, postmarks, etc.) of the world. A scarce and important catalogue. Slight staining to paper edges, otherwise in very fine condition U:Z
1967 GILL - BURRUS; FRANCE - 2 auction catalogues Behr / Robienau, Paris 1967; extraordinary auction French rarities proslulého Maurice Burruse (1882-1959) and general Roberta Gilla de Baltimore (1889-1983); biggest collection France after/around Ferrarym, today very rare catalogues! U:Z
1984 Antonini, E. & Grasset, Dr. J. - HISTOIRE POSTALE DES LACS ET DES RIVIÈRES DU MONDE, by David Feldman, Geneve. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 168 pages + 8 pages separate rarity guide. A defintive study of the cancellations used on the mail transported on lakes and rivers all over the world (except USA). Organised by country including maps and many illustrations of the cancellations. In very fine condition. U:Z
1996 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF IRAQ. Published in 1994, 262 pages. A highly specialised study, including General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Airmails, Postal Stationery, Post Offices and Postmarks. Including many illustrations, especially of the Postal Markings. An important Iraq philatelic handbook. In like new condition U:Z
1996 ITALY / THE MASS FLIGHTS OF ITALO BALBO - THE FLIGHTS OF 1928, 1929, 1930 AND 1933 (A History and Catalog of Their Postal Artifacts), R. Lana, issued The American Air Mail Society U:Z
1883 J.B. MOENS - CATALOGUE PRIX-COURANT DE TIMBRES POSTE, Brussels 1882, 780 sides and 220 sides with 4.750 pictures; catalogue with cenami stamps, p.stat, essays, revenues etc.. of whole world; the best catalogue 19. century; perfect condition and unique zdroj tržních information from beginning philately! U:Z
1878 J.B. MOENS - LES TIMBRES DE MAURICE ET DE LUXEMBOURG, Brussels 1878, 270 sides; detailed and widened Monograph especially about/by all Mauricijských stmp, with kontexty, date, editions etc.., from of pen "Otce founder world philately", legendárního businessman, owner major-part POST OFFICE etc..; perfectly in good condition and IKONICKÝ PRAMEN ! U:Z
1981 Rowe, Kenneth - POSTAL HISTORY OF THE CANADIAN CONTINGENTS IN THE ANGLO-BOER WAR 1899-1902. Published in 1981 by the Vincent G. Green Philatelic Research Foundation, Toronto. Hardbound, 104 pages. Describes the Canadian involvement in the Anglo-Boer War with a detailed study of the Postal History and historical background. Including many illustrations, a list of the postmarks and their valuation and an extensive bibliography. In very fine condition U:Z
1996-2001 1966-2001 LATIN AMERICA - Three publications : PERU - THE 1858 MEDIO PESO ERROR OF COLOUR - AN INVENTORY by Percy Bargholtz (Published in 2001, Mainsheet Special Editon No. 1), PHILATELIC HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN PERU AND CHILE byW. G. Howland (Published in1966 by the American Philatelic Society) and BRIEFMARKEN UND FISKALMARKEN VON CHILE by Jörg Maier (Published in 1987). Specialised Latin America studies, in good condition. U:Z
1959 1959 Smythies, E. A. - CANADIAN DUPLEX CANCELLATIONS OF THE VICTORIAN ERA 1860-1902. Published in 1959 by the Canadian Philatelic Society, 27 pages + VIII plates. and 1954 Whitehead, Alfred - THE SQUARED CIRCLE POSTMARKS OF CANADA. Published in 1959 by the BNA Philatelic Society, 42 pages. Two important specialised publications regarding the Postmarks and Cancellations of Canada. In fine condition. U:Z
1976-1979 CANADA / FORGERIES selection of two important studií: NOVA SCOTIA, FAKES & FORGERIES and FAKES & FORGERIES OF NEW BRUNSWICK & PRINCE EDWARD ICELAND; detailně rozebrána problematika forgeries classical stamp, descriptions, line picture; skvělý zdroj information U:Z
1999 Sessions, David F. - PHILATELIC FANTASIES OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA 1860-1910. Published in 1999 by Charles G. Firby Publications, Waterford MI. Card covers, 125 pp. The fascinating story of the Bogus Local Stamps of Canada and Provinces produced by Local Delivery Companies and Individual Creators such as Craig & Melvin, Rovert McLachlan, John Nutter and Samuel Taylor. Including College Stamps, Varieties, Valuations and many illustrations of the Bogus Issues. The reference work on the subject.
1937-1952 KING GEORGE V. - SILVER JUBILEE STAMP, H.& A. Wallace, London 1937 - detailed elaboration Jubilejních 1935 - evidently nejsbíranější issue of whole impéria; print, editions, discovery printing specialities and their/its valuation; then KING GEORGE VI. - COLONIAL STAMP, Potter & Shelton, London, 1952 - in/at common catalogues neuváděné color shades, wmk and papers; skvělá manual for specialist! U:Z
2013 KING GEORGE V. KEY PLATES OF THE IMPERIUM POSTAGE, Peter Fernbank (Crawford Medal), British West Indies Study Circle, 2013; rare publication U:Z
1949 1949 Braun, Dr.L. - KONSTRUKTIVE PHILATELIE, EIN BEITRAG ZUR PHILATELISTISCHEN VOLKSERZIEHUNG. Published in 1949 by Éditions Hermès, Strassbourg. Card covers, 72 pages. "Pädagogisch-philosophische Abhandlung, Forderung nach Weiterbildung der Philatelisten, Philatelie als Beitrag zur Volkserziehung etc., - selten" An educational and philosophical essay, the first publication by the "Internationalen Verbandes für konstruktive Philatelie" (Hermes-Bücherei - Reihe A. Nr. 1). A very scarce philatelic handbook
1998 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF CYPRUS, published in 1998 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 688 pages. An extensive and specialised study of Cyprus, including General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Postmarks and Post Offices, Rural Postal Services and Mail Routes, Travelling Post Offices. Including many illustrations, especially of the Postal Markings. A major philatelic handbook on the subject. In new condition
1949 Muller, Frank - CATALOGUE DES AÉROGRAMMES DU MONDE ENTIER. Published in 1949 by La Maison de la Poste Aérienne, Paris. Hardbound, 459 pages. The Specialised Catalogue by Frank Muller in the original 1949 edition. Divided in three parts, the catalogue gives a detailed description of the 'Aérogrammes', the special flight cancellations : year, date and location of the flight departures, destinations, the flying companies, etc. A classic title in philatelic literature and important reference work on the subject. A very scarce handbook, in fine condition. U:Z
1947 AIRMAIL / CATALOGUE DES ETIQUETTES AÉROPOSTALES F. Muller, Paris 1947, specialized catalogue U:Z
1955 Clement, Alfred - HANDBUCH DER MILITÄR-LUFTPOST 1793 - 1954. Published in 1955 by the Author, Graz. Hardbound, 158 pages. The classic and specialised publication by Alfred Clement for which he received the Siegerpreis in 1955. Discribes in detail and with many illustrations all aspects of the Military Air Mail from the bginning until 1954. This is a hardbound copy of the original book, which has become very scarce. In fine condition. U:Z
1936-1977 LUXEMBOURG - Three publications : RUNDUM DIE LUXEMBURGER BRIEFMARKEN by M. Märtin (published in 1936 in a limited edition of 500 copies) - HANDBUCH DER BRIEFMARKENKUNDE : LUXEMBURG by Hans von Rudolphi (hardbound, published in 1944) and GENÈSE DES PREMIERS TIMBRES-POSTE DU GRAND-DUCHÉ DE LUXEMBOURG by Joseph Kayser (published in 1977). Specialised studies, two of them (Märtin, Rudolphi) very scarce. In good condition. U:Z
1999 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF MALTA. Published in 1999, 320 pages. A specialised study, including General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Post Offices and Postmarks and British Stamps issued in Malta. Including many illustrations, especially of the Postal Markings. An important philatelic handbook. In very fine condition U:Z
1954 Linn, George Ward : MEXICO - THE WHITE AND GREEN SEAL ISSUES OF SOMORA. Pages 67-146 from Billig's Philatelic Handbook, Volume 20. Published in 1954 by Fritz Billig, New York. Also included in this volume HONDURAS - THE PROVISIONALS OF 1922 AND 1923 by Irving Green, Irving - pages 40-66. In fine condition.
1965 1965 Yag, Otto & Bash, John K. - THE PRE-STAMP POSTAL MARKINGS OF MEXICO. Published in 1965 by the Elmhurst Philatelic Society, Elmhurst. Hardbound, viii + 153 pages. The outstanding study by Yag and Basch which has become the reference work for the Pre-Stamp Postal Markings of Mexico. With an illustration, use, colour and valuation of each know Postal Mark. Including Mexican Cancels in the US, British and US Cancels in Mexico, Miscellaneous Cancels and Alphabetic Listings of Towns. A scarce and classic philatelic handbook. In good condition. U:Z
1997-2006 MONAKO / CATALOGUE DE ´l EXPOSITION 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2006; comp. of 4 superb catalogues to exhibitions 100 rarities nejprestižnějšího philatelic club Monte Carlo; pictured biggest world rarities, perfect condition U:Z
1999 Gerlach, H.-H./Birken, A - DEUTSCHE KOLONIEN UND DEUTSCHE KOLONIALPOLITIK - DEUTSCH-OSTAFRIKA (Atlas - Handbuch - Katalog der postalischen Entwertungen). Published in 1999 by Philathek-Verlag. Hardbound, 88 pages. A profound study of the Political and Postal History of German East Africa, including an extensive and detailed Atlas (29 pages), Political and Postal History from the beginning till 1963, General Index, the Postal Markings and their valuations. A specialised philatelic handbook in german language. Fine condition U:Z
2008 Maaßen, Wolfgang - DIE GESCHICHTE DES PRÜFWESENS IN DER DEUTSCHEN PHILATELIE (1860 - 1945) Published in 2008 by Phil Creativ, Schwalmtal. Hardbound, 496 large pages. Soon after the introduction of the Stamps came the first Forgers and, as a reaction, the first Philatelic Experts to discover the Forgeries. In his outstanding study Maassen describes in great detail the development on both sides, with special attention to the Forgers (such as Krippner, Fouré, Sperati) and the first Experts (Moschkau, Herrmann etc.) A reference work on the subject and beautiful handbook, profusely illustrated with 662 illustrations. In new condition. U:Z
1958 Chase, Carroll & Meyer, Henry A.- THE POSTAL HISTORY OF THE KINGDOM OF WESTPHALIA UNDER NAPOLEON 1807-1814. Published in 1958 by the Authors, 47 pages. A detailed study of Westphalia (Westfalen) including the History and Postal History, the Postal Markings, Departure Town Markings, Déboursé Markings, Entry and Transit Markings, seven Geographical Maps and an extensive table of the Post Offices and Postmarks. Scarce publication in good condition U:Z
1948 Hurt, E. F. & Hollick, Dr. J. R. : THURN & TAXIS - FOUNDERS OF THE POSTS OF EUROPE WITH A HISTORY OF THE FAMILY AND THEIR POSTS, THE STAMPS AND POSTAL MARKINGS. Pages 89-212 from Billig's Philatelic Handbook, Volume VIII. Published in 1948 by Fritz Billig, New York. The specialised study by Hurt and Hollick of the House of Thurn & Taxis, including the History, Postal Administration and Rates, Adhesive Stamps, Postal Markings, Forgeries. In fine condition. U:Z
2014 NEVIS / THE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY 1661-1890, F. Borromeo (FRPSL); rare publication U:Z
1992 NORWAY - KONSORTIUM I. Zurich, June 1992. The splendid collection of Classic Issues of Norway, with special attention to Norway's First Stamp, the Skilling Issues and Postal History, including many rarities from former famous collections. A beautiful hardbound auction catalogue, profusely illustrated with many splendid illustrations of the Stamps and Covers. U:Z
1956-1962 THE ORANGE FREE STATE - POSTAL AND OTHER MARKINGS 1868-1910; THE POST OFFICES OF THE ORANGE FREE STATE postal rate 1910 and DIE BRIEFMARKEN VON ORANJEFREISTAAT; zaměřeno for stamps, postmark, post offices etc.., line tables, maps, valuation etc..; perfect condition U:Z
1929-1985 1929-1985 FORGERIES - Five publications : THE TRANSVAAL HANDBOOK : FIRST REPUBLIC - GENUINE AND FORGED, by Nick Meisel (published in 1985 by the Author, 117 pages), S.P.A. FAKES AND FORGERIES SEMINAR by Milton Mitchell (punlished in 1979, 15 pages), COUNTERFEITS CRETE : FIRST SIX ISSUES - GERMAN COLONIES : POSTMARKS by Charles THompson (published in 1943 by the Weekly Philatelic Gossip, 16 pages), FORGERIES AND FAKES - WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MODERN METHODS OF DETECTION by Alexander Séfi (published in 1929 by the Author, 28 pages) and HANDBOOK ON PHILATELIC FORGERIES by Spying Eye (published in 1948 by The Maplewood Press, 48 pages). U:Z
1993 Brun, Jean-François : OUT-FOXING THE FAKERS. Published in 1993 by the American Philatelic Society, State College, PA. Hardbound, 119 pages. Detailed descriptions of the forgery printing techniques, altered stamps, falsified documents, counterfeiters and their counterfeits. The classic work by Jean-François Brun "Faux et Truqués" translated into english by Raymond Gaillaguet. In very fine condition. U:Z
1991 FORGERIES / PHILATELIC FORGERS - THEIR LIVES AND WORKS, V. E. Tyler, extraordinary publication shrnující activity best-known padělatelů from start philately, supplemented with about/by rich picture insert; poutavé elaboration on/for more than 150 sides U:Z
1996 1996 Lowe, Robson & Walske, Carl - THE ONEGLIA ENGRAVED FORGERIES (Commonly Attributed to Angelo Panelli). Published in 1996 by James Bendon Ltd., Limassol. Hardbound, 100 pages + Appendix, References and Country Index. The most important publication on the forgeries produced by Erasmo Oneglia. Including Oneglia's biographie, his forgeries described and listed by country and many illustrations. In very fine condition. U:Z
1920-1930 Heydon, Frederick E. - THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF PANAMA (A SPECIALIZED STUDY OF THE STAMPS OF A MOST INTERESTING COUNTRY). Published in the 1920's by Severn-Wylie-Jewett Co., Portland. Card covers, 62 pages. An early and specialised study of the Classic Issues of Panama,1878-1920. Including Commemorative Stamps, Registration- and Receipt Stamps, Postage Due Stamps, Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers, Fiscal- and Telegraph Stamps, with many illustrations. A very scarce Panama publication, in fine condition. U:Z