1913-1946 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on 12 pages from stockbook A4, from issue 1913, used also unused, complete also incomplete sets, overprints, air-mails, postage-dues, also souvenir sheets etc..; high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1905-1926 [COLLECTIONS] AFA 64-80, Numer Issues (wavy lines) / study collection of used stamps, aimed on plate flaws and flaw prints, according to the values + in addition supplemented with ca. 100 pcs with perfins; placed in stockbook A4
1924-1997 [COLLECTIONS] MACHINE POSTMARKS (TEKST MASKINSTEMPLER) / extraordinary collection of ca. 1700 pcs of machine postmarks, from No. 1, in addition supplemented with about 140 entires and specialized catalogue TMS; placed in 3 large albums A4 + letter file for entires, extraordinary offer
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] BALTIC STATES small collection of stamp Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on 12 pages from stockbook A4, used also unused, various complete also incomplete sets, air-mail etc..
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] about 200 various entires of France, Belgium, Monaco, Luxembourg etc.., letters, cards, postcards etc.., part older issues to 1940, various frankings, Reg, airmail, also FDC etc..; various quality
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY / part of specialized collection of p.stat, exhibit on 21 sheets, total of 41 pcs of PC, contains first overprint issue on Bosnian p.stat (4 pcs unused), then provisionla overprints on FP cards (25x used) and 12x overprint p.stat for Croatia on Hungarian PC etc.
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 25 sheets, contains complete good sets from 1950´s, also printing sheets (i.a. Klb.352 etc..) part also blocks of four etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 2.900€
1871-1980 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection in two albums A4, from issue Franz Joseph I. 1871, generally to 1938, contains various issues, complete sets, better sets of 1920s-1930s, Zeppelins Mi.478-479, then for example. Mi.502-510 etc.., also souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.1 etc.., in addition printing sheets Mi.696-698A and B, postwar souvenir sheets Roosevelt and printing sheets, souvenir sheets Bridges etc..; mainly *, some set also **, part of stamps worse quality, after all interesting, we advice examination, high catalogue value!
1949-1985 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets Schaubek in 5 screw stockbooks, incl. better miniature sheets Roosevelt, Bridges, 80 years of Stamp etc.., many complete sets, also imperforated, postage-dues etc.; all hinged, several single pieces used, supplemented with stockbook A4 with duplication, high catalogue value
1905-1999, 2011[COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in 5 superb spiral albums Yvert on hingeless sheets, from year 1923, contains complete sets as Mi.54-64, 97-103, 138-142, 149-162, 247-256, 348-356, 394-396 etc.., also postage-due from 1905, souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.1 etc.., also joined printings, block-of-10 etc.., from 1940 complete to 1999, then various annual volumes 1999-2011; mostly all mint never hinged, overall very fine quality, high catalogue value ca. 7.000€, it is worth seeing
1948-1985 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 8-pages stockbook A4, contains i.a. good years 1949-1957, in addition incomplete selection of years 1960-1985 **; high catalogue value
1890-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection / collection on 8 album pages A4, contains China, i.a. with Mi.15a, Germania 3Pf with horiz. overprint "China", on small cut-square with full bicircular CDS K.D. Feld-Poststation/ Taku/ Südfort - without date, then various colonies, i.a. complete set of GERMAN NEW GUINEA Mi.1-6, German postage stamps with overprint "Deutsch (German)/ Neu-Guinea", various complete also incomplete sets of Emperor´s Yacht + 5 entires; interesting collection
1958-1969 [COLLECTIONS] LUFTHANSA - FIRST FLIGHTS collection of 98 entires with cancel. of 1. flights, from that 28 sent from Czechoslovakia - letters, PC also aerograms, placed on sheets A4 in spiral stockbook; mainly very good condition
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION OF ENTIRE selection of more than 800 various entires, mainly entires from period 1915-1945, Bundes and GDR, field post from period of I. also WWII., inflation, commemorative postmarks, postmark of railway post office and postal-agencies, mainly postcards, but also p.stat and letters, commercial also private correspondence addressed to Czechoslovakia; various quality, placed in 3 office folders, estate of dealer
1800-1850 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 150 mainly folded prephilatelic letters, from that ca. 120 postmarks from Bohemia and Moravia, supplemented with several pieces of cancel. from Slovak territory and Upper Austria, contains i.a. ROZDALOVITZ, FALKENAU, HOHENMAUTH, ZERHOWITZ, WOTTITZ, ZDITZ, TEPLITZ, TRIESCH, STARKENBACH, SOBOTKA, PLANIAN, PILGRAM, NICOLSBURG, NEUHAUS, NAPAGEDL, MEDONOST, NEUDORF, KREMS, LEUTOMYSCHLHOLLABRUN, COMMOTAUG. MESERITSCHJAMNIT etc..; mainly good condition, nice postal imprints
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] smaller basic collection with some specialisation on perforation, basic sets. used also unused incl. postage-dues, Landscape with varieties of perforation, supplemented with overprint stamp SHS and stamps for Crete and Levant; placed in 1 stockbook A4, cat. min. 1.500€
1875-1935 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA / ACCUMULATION OF POSTAL STATIONERIES / selection of more than 600 PC, letter cards, p.stat newspaper wrappers, envelopes, contains PC from issue "yellow", many pieces with interesting postmarks, part unused PC and envelopes, from that also issue for Levant, language types, double PC etc.., postwar with interesting frankings from period of inflation, supplemented with many larger parts of dispatch notes; various quality, placed in 2 office folders, part of estate
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] Austria-Hungary FIELD-POST / ISSUES FOR ITALY, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, SERBIA collection of stamp, many complete sets - hinged, some MNH or used, addition Bosnia and Herzegovina; all in 1 stockbook A4, cat. ca. 1.200€
1914-1918[COLLECTIONS] K.u.K FIELD-POST - ACCUMULATION OF ENTIRES selection of more than 2000 cards, Ppc and letters with postmarks of Austria-Hungary field post, contains many numeral postmark, various unit postmarks as Command Headquaters, hospitals, hospital trains, railway units, postmark of war ships, correspondence on Czech sailors, base post, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Poland, transport units etc..; various quality, placed in 8 binders in IKEA box, more than 20kg of material, high market value, estate, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1914-1948[COLLECTIONS] K.u.K FIELD-POST - NUMERAL POSTMARKS collection ca. 700 cards and Ppc with postmarks of Austria-Hungary FP from No.3 - Nr.650, various types, supplemented with various military postmarks, many interesting postcards, war motives etc..; various quality, mainly good, placed in 3 folders
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Safe, except 2 K 1910 complete, i.a. 2x issue 1850, 2 Kreuzer and 3 Kreuzer 1858 I. types, Newspaper stamps 1851, 58, 61 (4x), 3 Kreuzer 1861 with red cancel., 5x 50 Kreuzer 1867, perf and color postmarks, 3x 10K 1908, 5 Koruna and 10K 1910 cancel., air-mail more times, postage-due set; many stamps used and mint, cat. min. 9.500€
1878-1847 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / large stockbook, contains Postage 1936-1937, postage-dues from year 1890, Telegraphs, DDSG (excluded from sum), ND Mercury 1933; a lot of of material, cat. over 9.000€
1850-1990[COLLECTIONS] LARGE ACCUMULATION OF ENTIRES / selection by estimation 2.000 letters, PC, envelopes, mainly from period of 1900 - 1950, contains many pieces with interesting postmarks, imperial Austria in worse quality, lot of dispatch-notes, surtax, inflation, postmark of train post, Postal Agencies, occupation of Austria, commemorative postmarks - exhibition, FDC, private also commercial correspondence, from larger part addressed to Czechoslovakia; various quality, placed in 7 office letter folderss in box IKEA, estate of dealer, more than 17kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1865-1920[COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection in 30-pages stockbook A4, contains postage stamps (without special), from Mi.11-285, collected according to wmks, perf and shades - according to Romanian Monograph (offered with this collection); all described, cat. according to owner more than 10.000€, excluded from sum mixed perf etc.., rare offer!
1957-2014 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of miniature sheets and printing sheets on 6 cards A4 - Sport, NATO, Personalities etc.., i.a. Mi.Bl.53 standard + with omitted "i" in ARTIFICIALI, Bl.312 ** - large cut, then i.a. coupons Mi.1647-1654, 1603, 1660, also "yellow triangle" Mi.3904I, Klb.5772-5773, 5342-5344, 6619 etc..; cat. ca. 850€
1992-2006 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two large albums A4, contains many miniature sheets, printing sheets, joined printings, many interesting motives etc..; high catalogue value
1865-1991[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 8 large albums A4, period to 1960 mainly used, contains many complete sets, after 1960 unused **/*, in addition interesting duplication in two stockbooks and on album sheets; high catalogue value by estimation 8.000€, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP, we advice examination!
1864 [COLLECTIONS] SG.43, specialized collection of ca. 170 One Penny Red, many pairs, strips of 3, blocks of 6, plates, chosen pmks, plate 122 and 219 *, cat. min. £1.100
1952-1996 [COLLECTIONS] QE II. / nice specialized collection in 5 large albums Safe and Lindner, divided on pre-decimal and decimální period, contains postage stamps, memorial also Postage due stamps, also some wmk, types, shades, prints, dates of print, plate numbers, multiples etc.., unused and part used; it is worth seeing, high catalogue and face-value
1840-1936 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in album SAFE, issue Victoria - Edward VII., semi specialised on plates, shades, wmks etc.., without higher values, also used Mulready letter sheet and unused Mulready's envelope etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination
1840-1993[COLLECTIONS] fine collection in large album DAVO, contains single issues and values, incl. higher values (various quality), without Pound values, from Victoria - Elizabeth II., from issues Edward VIII. mainly unused, also postage stamps, regional issues, Guernsey, Mulready's envelopes etc..; various quality - part of better values with faults, high catalogue value, we advice examination
1841-1980 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / GREAT BRITAIN AND COLONIES / selection of stamps in two stockbooks A4, various destinations, mainly low values and incomplete sets; various quality
1864-1879 [COLLECTIONS] Victoria 1d, issue 1864, hundreds of stamps in 22 old choice notebooks and loosely scattered in paper bags, larger part determined plate number; various quality
1937-1990 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION interesting selection of duplication, contains 2x large stockbook A4 period George V. - Elizabeth II., cards with sorted stamps of various issues Elizabeth II., then i.a. ca. 700 stamps issue Coronation George VI. 1½P - interesting for specialist, and 9 sheets of so-called. Bag post; interesting
1840-1940 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two large albums SCHAUBEK - Lucke Leipzig 41 (ca. 900 sheets); a lot of stamps by major-part of countries, incl. sets and many better and middle values, especially Germany (classic, sets, occupied territories, Olympics 1936), Belgium, Danzig, Estonia, Finland (Mi.4, 6, 9, 15, complete used sets), France (Pexip), Poland, Russia, USSR - some sets from 1920ś. 1930s, Switzerland (Juventute) etc-; interesting collection
1975-1990 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation ca. 300 screensheets and MS from popular destinations, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Jersey, Man, Faer islands, Liechenstein, EUROPA etc..; all more times, very high catalogue value
1943-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SHEETS / SELECTION of more than 24 complete sheets in original wrappings, interesting motives as birds, flowers, history, sport, flags, singers, butterflies etc..; mint never hinged, face-value 240$
1962-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps, miniature sheets, PB, from beginning of "Autonomy", incl. important and valuable motive sets - i.a. Mi.87-100, 120-122, Klb.449-452, golden stamps 1994 etc..; VF, placed in album, stockbook and large envelope (used stamps), cat. mi. 3.500€
1870-1925 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on 12 sheets, from issue 1870, complete and incomplete sets, postage-dues etc..; overall nice quality, cat. according to owner ca. 2.300€
1991-2000 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection on sheets Lindner, incl. rare sets Fauna Mi.517-534 and 629-646, in addition booklets Fauna 87, postage-due from 1967, 11 postal stationery covers; only stamps cat. 680€
1892-1935[COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection on 21 old sheets, contains many complete sets, also air-mails etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 1.400€, rare destination
1898-1978 [COLLECTIONS] RHODESIA, SOUTH RHODESIA, NORTH RHODESIA and NYASSALAND / collection on ca. 30 sheets, i.a. important complete sets, Elizabeth II. incl. "pounds", attractive motive sets etc.., cat. 950€