Public Auction 59 / Exclusive items
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1854 letter to Berlin with Mi.3, 4, 6, values 2Sk+4Sk+16Sk, CDS KJOBENHAVEN 5/1, tricolour franking, very fine, decorative letter! U:A5
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - newspaper Gazette des Absents no. 8 from besieged Paris, sent as "Lettre Journal" by baloo LE GENERAL ULRICH franked with Ceres 10+20C, to Belgium and here redirected, CDS "PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 17 NOV. 70", arrival NEUFVILLES and MONS; very fine quality! U:A5
1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, very rare classic stamp, cat. 42.000€! U:DR
1951 Mi.Bl.20, unissued souvenir sheets 80 years of Hungarian stamps 60f violet, 1x perforated, 1x imperforated (light paper crease at right top); nice quality, MNH, very rare occurrence, missing in most collections, cat. 2.200€ U:A5
1935 SG.213+213a, Jubilee George V. 1Sh, vertical pair, upper stamp with plate variety EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; VF, cat. only for MH £440 U:A5
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, size 104x148mm; very fine, cat. 1.600€ U:A5
1901 Mi.15-24, 25I, 25II, 26I, 26II, 27II, Germania "Reichspost" 3Pfg-5M; 2M and 3M incl. types II (!); certificate Steuer for Mi.27, very fine, cat. 625€, rare set! U:A5
1884 Mi.1-5, complete set PFENNIG with overprints 10Pa-2½Pia; very fine, i.a. shades Mi.1a,b, 3c,d (two cheapest variants), 5a,b (dunkel oliv), cat. 990€; (note. for ** 10.000€) rare offer 1. issue! U:A5
1850 Ferch.1HIa, ANK.1e; Coat of arms 1 Kr BROWNORANGE Ia type on hand-made paper; fine, certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. 1.500€, rare stamp U:A5
1856 ANK.1MIII, Coat of arms 1Kr with perf 18½ - VERSUCHZAHNUNG, typical breakiing gum; nice perforation, cat. 2.800€, rare stamp U:A5
1850 Ferch.5H IIb, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer dark blue, hand-made paper IIb type, complete dumb postmark BIELITZ, Müller Nr.218c/=2.550 points; some fault at upper margin, certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. Müller 2.550 points, significantly underlaid middle, rich full color; certificate Ferchenbauer, very nice piece - Prachtstück! U:A5
1850 Ferch.5HIIc, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer light grey-blue, corner pair type IIc on hand-made paper, CDS PRZIBRAM 11.NOV, margins total 18mm (!); very fine, cat. min. 1.500€ U:A5
Mi. and ANK190ZVU, folded imperforated gutter 15H Franz Joseph red, from imprimature sheet for stamp booklets MH4; very rare!, exists only 10 gutters, ex Postarchiv Wien, cat. 750€ U:A5
1863 Ferch.29, Coat of arms 1,05 Kreuzer brownlila, two blocks of four on part of newspapers with CDS VENICE 2/5; very fine, very rare, cat. min. 4.800€, one of largest known frankings U:A5
1858 Newspaper revenue stamps Ferch.4a, Coat of arms 4Kr brown as block of 6, upper strip-of-3 MNH; very fine, cat. 5.000€ U:A5
1933 ANK.Bl.1, miniature sheet WIPA, right size 127x 104 mm; lightly hinged, cat. 3.100€ U:A5
1946 UNISSUED Mi.VI-VII, Masks 5+3g and 12+12g; sought set, VF, cat. 2.600€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2HI, ANK.LV2, Coat of arms 10Cts black with original gum; very fine, exp. Seitz, certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. ANK 5.000€, very rare classic stamp U:DR
1850 Ferch.5, Coat of arms 45Cts type I on hand-made paper, light blue, with red postmark PADUA 8.GIU, in addition machine offset; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer "frisches Prachtstück!", cat. 1.250€ U:A5
1872 BULGARIA / BURGAS folded letter to Constantinople, with Franz Joseph I. VI. issue 2Sld (pair) and 2x 3Sld, single circle cancel BURGAS 2/12; fold over 1 stamp, however still very fine and rare letter, cat. Ferchenbauer 3.600€! U:A5
1867 LEVANT / letter to Marseille franked with 10Sld + 25Sld, CDS SMIRNE 25/10, by ship through BRINDISI, arrival MARSEILLES 2.NOV; 25Sld in rarest color "grau lilac", certificate Hochleutner, cat. for basic color 1.600€, very attractive and rare entire! U:A5
1869 LEVANT / letter with 2x Ferch.21, 5Sld 1864 with CDS METELINE 28/5, on SYROS in Greece, rate 10Sld to LLOYD AGENCY 29/5 (Pireos) and then additionally franked 20L Hermes for transport from Pireus to Syra; very fine, exp. Diena, cat. 2.000€, rare combination (see. Ferchenbauer IV., page. 586) also very late usage of the 5. issue stamps! U:A5
1879 PLATE PROOF Ferch.1I, 3I, 5I, 6I, 8I, 9I, Coat of arms 1/2kr, 2 Kreuzer, 5 Kreuzer, 10Kreuzer (2 shades), 20kr and 25kr, imperforated plate proofs - LITHOGRAPHY, corner (!) blocks of four; very rare, ex. Wiener Postarchiv U:A5
1912 Ferch.81, Franz Joseph I. 2K, PLATE PROOF in blue-violet color- definitive color used for print of stamps 10K (!), thin pink "Kupferdruckpapier", "miniature sheet"; perfect quality, certificate Veličkovič, very rare PLATE PROOF! U:A5
1871 DDSG / Ferch.4, 10Kr red CDS SISTOV on letter to Orsova; very fine letter, cat. 2.700€, very rare U:A5
1958 UNISSUED / Mi.XXA, 25. years of industry 40K brown, perf 12:12½, NOT ISSUED; mint never hinged, cat. 1.500€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.33, MS "Tokio"; very fine with very low number 000173, rare offer! U:A5
1864 letter with Mi.18-21, Hermes 5L-40L, on letter with cancel. "31" GALAMATA 12/5 64, by ship through Athens to Trieste, very fine 4-coloured franking; exp. Bühler, rare letter ex. F. H. Zinckgraf U:A5
1848 GENEVA / Mi.5, Coat of arms "Large Eagle" dark green on cut-square with red rosette pmk and CDS GENÈVE 29 MAI 49; exceedingly quality with certificate W. Abt, cat. 2.800€ + ca. 25%, very rare! U:A5
1840 SG.2, Penny Black, black, plate 2, INVERTED WATERMARK; wide margins, cat. £2.500, rare stamp U:DR
1840 SG.2ue, Penny Black black on cut-square, nice regular margins, plate 10, letters J-L with extremely rare cancel. Maltese cross WOTTON UNDER EDGE in black color, supplemented with CDS WOTTON UNDER EDGE FE.21/ 1841; very rare piece with certificate RPS London, cat. £6.500++, on letter £25.000! U:DR
1864 SG.43, One Penny Red, letters in all corners, plate 202, very nice block of 29; cat. min. £3.200 U:A5
1840 letter with SG.3, Penny Black, grey-black, plate 1a, cancel. PRESTON 22.7.1840; certificate BPA, cat. min. £1.100, VF U:A5
1845 POSTMASTER´S PROVISIONAL NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington 5c black, "without signature"; very fine unused piece with certificate PSE 2016, cat. $3.750, very rare stamp! U:DR
1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X1-3X24, Miyako District, 1 Sen - 1 Yen, nominal complete issue with overprint "sealˇ"of postmaster J. Tomiyama, 1 Yen is on cut-square and is very rare stamp; very fine set, cat. $3.600 U:DR
1916 SG.118a, George V. 3C orange with DOUBLE OVERPRINT "WAR"; very fine piece with certificate BPA, cat. £400 U:A5
1892 SG.115, Coat of arms 2Sh6P, imperforated PLATE PROOF in yellow color with wmk CA; with gum U:A5
1938 SG.119be, George VI. 10Sh yellow-green / dark carmine, BROKEN LOWER RIGHT SCROLL; very rare printing speciality, very fine, cat. £2.500 U:DR
1883 SG.36a, Victoria 1Sh light violet, opposite facing pair - tête-bêche, wmk crown; very fine unused pair with large part original gum, certificate Brandon, cat. £2.000 U:DR
1917 SG.55, George V. 2½P dark blue with overprint WAR 1½P; very fine piece with certificate Brandon, cat. £750; rare stamp U:A5
1938-1951 SG.110a, George VI. 1Sh black / emerald with plate variety "DI FLAW" - damaged letters "DI"; very fine piece, sought, cat. £650 U:A5
1876 SG.2b, Victoria "Perkins, Bacon" issue for Antigua 6P green with overprint MONTSERRAT, in overprint INVERTED "S"; very fine, certificate BPA, cat. £1.900 U:A5
1857 SG.Z1, Brit. Victoria 1P (1857) used as forerunner with cancel. "A11", very fine, cat. £1.300, rare U:A5
1952 SG.60-68var, postage-due 1C-50C with Arabian overprints; PLATE PROOFS of these overprints in 4 colors on values 1C-20C and in 3 colors on 50C; complete set of 35, VF, on reverse with postmarks "palace Koubbeh", very rare U:A5
1922 SG.O92w, official 1Mill brown with INVERTED WMK; very fine, certificate Hass, one of four known, rare U:A5
1935 SG.124+124f, Jubilee George V. 20C, left bottom corner block of 4 with plate number 1 and 2x plate variety - DIAGONAL LINE BY TURRET; superb and decorative multiple, cat. for * £285 U:A5
1938 SG.131, 131ab, 131ad COMPLETE COUNTER SHEET Ceorge VI. 1 Cent, with OMITTED "A" IN WATERMARK, also RETOUCHED VALUE TABLET; very fine, cat. £360++ U:A3s|
1935 SG.247f, 247g, Jubilee George V. 20C with plate variety DIAGONAL LINE BY TURRET and DOT TO LEFT OF CHAPEL; mint never hinged, cat. for * £550 U:A5
1896 SG.61a, local issue of F. Rowling in Lubwa , "Victoria Regina" 5 Rupees, printing error "SMALL O in PoSTAGE"; perfect marginal piece, issued without gum, signed, cat. £900 U:A5
1882 SG.3j, Victoria 1/2A green with overprint ZANZIDAR instead ZANZIBAR; certificate BPA, cat. £700, French ship postmark! U:A5
1895 SG.5k, pair Victoria 1A6Pies with overprint ZANZIBAR, right printing error ZANIBAR; certificate RPSL (1933) and BPA, cat. £1.600, very rare! U:DR
1895 SG.8k, Victoria 2A6Pies with overprint ZANIBAR instead ZANZIBAR, certificate BPA; cat. £700 U:A5
1896 SG.42j, Victoria 1A carmine with DOUBLE OVERPRINT "ZANZIBAR", in addition missing dot above "I"; certificate BPA, cat. min. £750 U:A5
1902-05 SG.46-55, Edward VII. 1/2P-3Sh, set without 2P, all SPECIMEN, in addition blue hand-made Opt ULTRAMAR; without gum as usual, according to James Bendon "UPU Specimen Stamps" (1988) - only 25 pieces of each stamps exists, very rare U:A5
1902 SG.56a, Edward VII. 3Sh, carmine and green / yellow, CA, DENTED FRAME; VF, cat. £1.200, scarce stamp U:A5
1904 SG.67a, Edward VII. 1Sh green / violet, multiple CA, DENTED FRAME; very fine, cat. £700 U:A5
1909 SG.85a, Edward VII. so-called. COLOUR CHANGED ISSUE 3Sh green /yellow, multiple CA, DENTED FRAME; very fine, cat. £750 U:A5
1889 SG.24, Victoria 20Sh green / red; VF, deep color, with large part original gum, smal hinge trace, certificate BPA, cat. £3.500++, scarce U:DR
1924-1933 SG.20b, George V. Coat of arms 3Sh grey-black with plate variety - TORN FLAG; very fine piece, cat. £900, rare stamp U:A5
1934 SG.27+27a, George V. Map 8P with sought plate variety "TEARDROPS FLAW" as pair with normal stamp; mint never hinged, cat. for * £505 U:A5