1913-1946 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on 12 pages from stockbook A4, from issue 1913, used also unused, complete also incomplete sets, overprints, air-mails, postage-dues, also souvenir sheets etc..; high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1894 PERFIN "E. B" in printed stamp 10c on international PC, CDS GAND 12/Oct 94 with print commercial postmark on front also back side EDWIN BUTTERWORTH & Cié, addressed to Germany; good condition
1852 Mi.2, AFA 2b, Coat of arms 2 RIGSBANK SKILLING, type 7, Thiele II, wide margins, round cancel. "1"; very nice piece with certificate Möller, cat. Michel 1.000€
1870 baloon letter from besiged Paris, preprinted letter sheet PAR BALLON MONTÉ, franked with 30C Napoleon III., CDS PARIS 8.OCT 70, to London "Poste Restante" additional cancel. INSUFFICIENTLY ADDRESSED, red LONDON etc.; rare entire in perfect quality
1870 PAR BALLON MONTÉ - newspaper Gazette des Absents no. 8 from besieged Paris, sent as "Lettre Journal" by baloo LE GENERAL ULRICH franked with Ceres 10+20C, to Belgium and here redirected, CDS "PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 17 NOV. 70", arrival NEUFVILLES and MONS; very fine quality!
1854 CRIMEAN WAR / OCCUPATION OF VARNA small unfranked folded letter to France with cancel. ARMY D´ORIENT 18.OCT.54 and mark "30", on reverse arrival postmark; rare letter!
1864 MARTINIQUE / letter to Bordeaux franked with 1. colonial issue Eagle 40c and strip-of-3 10C, typical rhombic cancel. MQE and and CDS MARTINIQUE 26.AVRIL.1864, red PD, on reverse arrival postmark
1869 MARTINIK / larger part of letter to France franked with tricolor franking of 1. colonial issue Eagle 10C, 20C and 40C, typical rhombic cancel. MQE and blue "V. ANGLAISE" and CDS MARTINIQUE 26.NOV.69 and red over-printing plate; decorative
1899-1936 SHIP MAIL selection of 8 Ppc delivered by ship post, cancel. as PER MARE TESTER, VAPORE/ DALLA DALMAZIA ED ISTRIA, DINKO VITEZIČ, JUPITER, HELIOS and ship on Danube BATASEK; good condition, nice postal imprint
1917-1918 CROATIAN UNITS / set of 11 cards with cancel. i.a. KR. UG. 3. PUČKO - USTAŠKI BATALJUN ZA OBRANU MORSKE OBALA, KR. UG. IV/25 PUČKO USTAŠKOG PJEŠAČKOG BATALJUN etc.., supplemented with FP-postmark 194, 357, 111, 628; good condition
1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, very rare classic stamp, cat. 42.000€!
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 25 sheets, contains complete good sets from 1950´s, also printing sheets (i.a. Klb.352 etc..) part also blocks of four etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 2.900€
1898 PAQUETBOT / letter to Fiume originally sent from Hungaria, franked with Hungarian stamps issue Letter with cipher 2f, 3f and 5f, single circle cancel GIBRALTAR MY.27.98 and two cancel. PAQUETBOT, on reverse arrival postmark
1951 Mi.Bl.20, unissued souvenir sheets 80 years of Hungarian stamps 60f violet, 1x perforated, 1x imperforated (light paper crease at right top); nice quality, MNH, very rare occurrence, missing in most collections, cat. 2.200€
1922 SG.111b, George V. 2Sh violet and blue with overprint SELFGOVERNMENT with plate variety BROKEN CROWN AND SCROLL; very fine piece, cat. £1.100, rare stamp
1905-1999, 2011[COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in 5 superb spiral albums Yvert on hingeless sheets, from year 1923, contains complete sets as Mi.54-64, 97-103, 138-142, 149-162, 247-256, 348-356, 394-396 etc.., also postage-due from 1905, souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.1 etc.., also joined printings, block-of-10 etc.., from 1940 complete to 1999, then various annual volumes 1999-2011; mostly all mint never hinged, overall very fine quality, high catalogue value ca. 7.000€, it is worth seeing
1941-1944 WAR PROPAGANDA / 2 postcards FP - Chamberlain and Churchill "Wert keinen Pfennig", franked with stamps and sent from Berlin and from Munich; very fine and as used rare!
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE, letter with stamp St. Nazaire FRONT ATLANTIQUE 2Fr brown / green, IMPEROFRATED, corner piece, with overprint LIBERATION; CDS BATZ SUR IMER 11/5 45, arrival LA BAULE 12/5 45; very fine and very rare letter, cat. 2.000€
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE, letter with stamp St. Nazaire FRONT ATLANTIQUE 50C dark / green, IMPERFORATED, corner piece, with overprint LIBERATION and in addition overprint on edge; CDS BATZ SUR IMER 11/5 45, arrival LA BAULE 12/5 45; very fine and very rare letter, cat. 2.000€
1943 INDIA / AZAD HIND "Freies Indien", unissued imperforated Mi.VIIBa-c, 3x 1Rp black, black / orange and black / orange / green, all marginal pieces + set IB-VIB and VIIIB-XB; VF, kat.1.400€, rare stamps!
1942-1944 SERBIA / selection of 9 entires to Bohemia-Moravia, 4x franked with overprint issues 1941, 2x as PC, 1x Reg letter, with Mi.8, 7, 5, 3, 2, then 4x Reg letters franked with issues Monasteries Mi.80, 79, 78, 75, all CDS BELGRADE, passed through German censorship; good condition
1898 Mi.1II-6II, "Krone / Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint CHINA 56°, 3Pfg in two shades 10Pfg "dunkelrosarot", in addition this stamp **, other *, cat. 400€
1899 Mi.1-6, "Krone - Adler" overprints 3C/3Pfg-60C/50Pfg; very fine and complete set, incl. Mi.5b 30C dark orange and Mi.3c,3d, 10C "rotkarmin" and "lilarot" (UV jednoznačné dunkelrot and hellzinnobe, cat. 530€
1889 Mi.6-10, "Krone-Adler" 10Pa- 2½Pia, 20Pa is "lilarot" Mi.7da; in addition 2½; Pia "mittelbraunrot" Mi.10c and 9B is with FPVI "divided "I" at top in inscription REICHSPOST", certificate Steuer, cat. 440€