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1912 SG.76-85, complete set George V. ½P to £1, complete set of 12, incl. other 2 shades of values 1Sh; hinged, cat. £387 U:A5
1925-1932 SG.108, George V. £5 violet / black; VF, cat. £1.600, rare stamp! U:DR
1935 SG.115a, Jubilee George V. 3P with plate variety - EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; cat. £325 U:A5
1935 SG.116c, Jubilee George V. 6P with plate variety - LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR; VF, cat. for * £300 U:A5
1911 Reg letter to Germany, franked with marginal stamp Edward VII. 2Sh, oval CDS REGISTERED GIBRALTAR11.DEC.11, transit PLYMOUTH and arrival APOLDA U:A5