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1898 PAQUETBOT / letter to Fiume originally sent from Hungaria, franked with Hungarian stamps issue Letter with cipher 2f, 3f and 5f, single circle cancel GIBRALTAR MY.27.98 and two cancel. PAQUETBOT, on reverse arrival postmark U:A5
1915 SLOVAKIA / commercial letter sent from Slovakia (Stupava) to Jerusalem (!), with Turul 5f and 20f, single circle cancel STOMFA 915/MAR.17, transit pmk GALATA and arrival JERUSALEM; interesting destination U:A5
1934 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Philatelic Exhibition Budapest; VF, cat. 170€ U:A5
1951 Mi.Bl.20, unissued souvenir sheets 80 years of Hungarian stamps 60f violet, 1x perforated, 1x imperforated (light paper crease at right top); nice quality, MNH, very rare occurrence, missing in most collections, cat. 2.200€ U:A5
1959-1964 10 letters FDC with favourite IMPERFORATED sets and souvenir sheets "Cosmos", i.a. 1907B-1918B, 1873B-1879B, 1991B-1998B, from that 6 to Venezuela (!), cat. min. 575€ U:A5
1913 complete Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, with fee paid by Franz Joseph. 2 K blue, CDS LUGOS/ 913 Okt.28 (Banát); good condition U:A5
1871-1980 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection in two albums A4, from issue Franz Joseph I. 1871, generally to 1938, contains various issues, complete sets, better sets of 1920s-1930s, Zeppelins Mi.478-479, then for example. Mi.502-510 etc.., also souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.1 etc.., in addition printing sheets Mi.696-698A and B, postwar souvenir sheets Roosevelt and printing sheets, souvenir sheets Bridges etc..; mainly *, some set also **, part of stamps worse quality, after all interesting, we advice examination, high catalogue value! U:Z
1949-1985 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets Schaubek in 5 screw stockbooks, incl. better miniature sheets Roosevelt, Bridges, 80 years of Stamp etc.., many complete sets, also imperforated, postage-dues etc.; all hinged, several single pieces used, supplemented with stockbook A4 with duplication, high catalogue value U:Z