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1862 Mi.18-22, Coat of arms 1Kr-30Kr, i.a. 9 Kreuzer hellocker; 18Kr green exp. Riog with new gum, otherwise very fine, cat. * 1.120€ U:A5
1849-1862 selection of stamps on stock-sheet A5, numeral issue 1849-1862, various cancel., pair, strips-of-3 etc..; various quality, part reprints U:A5
1861 Mi.1-3(*), 4-5 *, Coat of arms 1/2Sch-4Sc; exp. Roig, Bernichon, Friedemann etc., 1/2Sch and 1Sch minor faults, otherwise fine, complete issue! U:A5
1861 Mi.2KSZ, Coat of arms 1Sch black, OPPOSITE FACING PAIR; very fine, original gum, exp. Roig, Senf and oths.; cat. 250€ U:A5
1861 Mi.3K, Coat of arms 1½Sch black / yellow, opposite facing pair; very fine, original gum, exp. Roig, Kosack and oths.; cat. 150€ U:A5
1859-1862 Mi.4-7, Coat of arms 2½S * exp. Roig, 4S(*) exp. Delgado; issue 1862 ½S and 1S (*), cat. 360€ U:A5
1859 Mi.5a, Coat of arms 4S green, with typical grid pmk.; very nice piece, exp. Kosack and Bühler, cat. 750€ U:A5
1863-1865 Mi.8A-12A,13, 14, Coats of arms in oval, set, 2½S and 4S with original gum, others with new gum; stamps (*) considered according to catalogue, cat. 370€ U:A5
1861-1867 Mi.14-19, 22-26, complete Prussian Coats of arms; both currency, 6Pfg, 1-3Sgr, 3Pfg and 1Kr-9Kr; without gum or with new gum; issue 1867 exp. Roig U:A5
1852-1853 set of 3 folded letters, from that 2x Saxony with Mi.4a and Mi.6, CDS DRESDEN and LEIPZIG + 1x Prussia, letter with Mi.4a, numeral pmk "570" supplemented with CDS HAMBURG; all full to wide margins, sound condition U:A5
1850 Mi.1a, Coat of arms 1S Prussian blue; very fine, exp. Roig, cat. 400€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2, Coat of arms 2S dark rose; very fine, 3 marks, cat. 700€ U:A5
1851 letter with Denmark Mi.1 from FLENSBURG 16/9 1853, numeral pmk 16; very fine U:A5
1923 Mi.242Uu, 25M ochre, block of four with lower margin with omitted bottom horiz. perf; mint never hinged, lightly hinged only on upper pair stamps, cat. 600€, decorative U:A5
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, size 104x148mm; very fine, cat. 1.600€ U:A5
1912 SEMIOFFICIAL airmail stamp Mi.4b, 50Pfg ultramarine; VF, certificate Brettl, cat. 300€ U:A5
1922-1937 12 airmail entires, i.a. with Mi.212-217 to Latvia, LUPOSTA 32, first flights Munich - Prague and Breslau - Munich 1927, very interesting letter to Argentina with Mi.563 to Jewish kibuc COLONIA AVIGDOR etc. U:A5
1941-1944 WAR PROPAGANDA / 2 postcards FP - Chamberlain and Churchill "Wert keinen Pfennig", franked with stamps and sent from Berlin and from Munich; very fine and as used rare! U:A5
1941 FRANCE - issue for French legion, Mi.Bl.1, "bear"; size 94x 116mm, at right small production gum flaw, otherwise very fine, cat. 850€ U:A5
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE, letter with stamp St. Nazaire FRONT ATLANTIQUE 2Fr brown / green, IMPEROFRATED, corner piece, with overprint LIBERATION; CDS BATZ SUR IMER 11/5 45, arrival LA BAULE 12/5 45; very fine and very rare letter, cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE, letter with stamp St. Nazaire FRONT ATLANTIQUE 50C dark / green, IMPERFORATED, corner piece, with overprint LIBERATION and in addition overprint on edge; CDS BATZ SUR IMER 11/5 45, arrival LA BAULE 12/5 45; very fine and very rare letter, cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1943 INDIA / AZAD HIND "Freies Indien", unissued imperforated Mi.VIIBa-c, 3x 1Rp black, black / orange and black / orange / green, all marginal pieces + set IB-VIB and VIIIB-XB; VF, kat.1.400€, rare stamps! U:A5
1942-1943 LUBLAŇ / BREZOVICA PRI LJUBLJANI / set of 5 uprated Italian p.stat sent to one prisoner to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x as Registered, censorship etc..; good condition U:A5
1942-1943 LEIBACH / selection of 19 letters sent to Bohemia-Moravia from one sender, i.a. 15x Reg, 4x franked with overprint issues Eagle, 1x sent from C.C. incl. content, censorship, various franking etc. U:A5
1939 TSCHECHOSLOVAKEI / OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1939 / selection of 17 entires with identified FP-postmarks; chosen pieces, interesting set U:O5
1942-1944 SERBIA / selection of 9 entires to Bohemia-Moravia, 4x franked with overprint issues 1941, 2x as PC, 1x Reg letter, with Mi.8, 7, 5, 3, 2, then 4x Reg letters franked with issues Monasteries Mi.80, 79, 78, 75, all CDS BELGRADE, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1942 UKRAINE - LUBOML, Mi.22U, 12+18Pfg IMPERFORATED with violet cancel. "Gebietskommissar Luboml"; certificate Krischke, cat. 625€ U:A5
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] BELGIUM, ROMANIA, MOROCCO smaller selection of mainly used stamps on 4 sides album sheets A4, contains i.a. Belgium Mi.1-9, 10-25 etc..; higher catalogue U:O4
1948-1985 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 8-pages stockbook A4, contains i.a. good years 1949-1957, in addition incomplete selection of years 1960-1985 **; high catalogue value U:Z
1952-1985 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of used also unused stamps in 3 stockbooks (1x Berlin), without better sets U:Z
1898 Mi.1II-6II, "Krone / Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint CHINA 56°, 3Pfg in two shades 10Pfg "dunkelrosarot", in addition this stamp **, other *, cat. 400€ U:A5
1901 Mi.15-24, 25I, 25II, 26I, 26II, 27II, Germania "Reichspost" 3Pfg-5M; 2M and 3M incl. types II (!); certificate Steuer for Mi.27, very fine, cat. 625€, rare set! U:A5
1905 Mi.28-37, Mi.34 A also B, Germania "Deutsches Reich" without watermark with overprint CHINA and new face-values 1 Cent - 2½; Dollar, stamp ½D in both types; very fine, cat. 350€ U:A5
1906-1919 Mi.38-47, Germania "Deutsches Reich" with wmk, with overprint CHINA and new face-values 1 Cent - 2½; Dollar, several values incl. highest values types I and II; very fine, cat. min. 140€, nice set U:A5
1899 Mi.1-6, "Krone - Adler" overprints 3C/3Pfg-60C/50Pfg; very fine and complete set U:A5
1899 Mi.1-6, "Krone - Adler" overprints 3C/3Pfg-60C/50Pfg; very fine and complete set, incl. Mi.5b 30C dark orange and Mi.3c,3d, 10C "rotkarmin" and "lilarot" (UV jednoznačné dunkelrot and hellzinnobe, cat. 530€ U:A5
1900-1903 Mi.11-19II, set REICHSPOST with overprints 3C-6P25C; very fine, Mi.19II certificate Steuer, cat. 440€ U:A5
1905 Mi.20-33, set DEUTSCHES REICH with overprints 3C-6P25C; without Mi.31 2P50C, in addition Mi.30A 1P25C with perf 26:17; very fine, cat. 500€ U:A5
1911 Mi.46-57, set DEUTSCHES REICH with overprints MOROCCO 3C-6P25C; very fine and complete set, also in addition Mi.55II, 57B, 58II U:A5
1906 Mi.45, DEUTSCHES REICH 5M with overprint MOROCCO 6P25C; VF highest value, cat. 420€ U:A5
1911 MI.58IaM, 6P 25C / 5M black / deep carmine - so-called. "Ministerdruck", perfect piece with certificate Steuer, cat. 250€ U:A5
1899-1920 SELECTION / MOROCCO / BELGIUM interesting selection of used also unused stamps incl. higher values Scenes, various cancel.; various quality, high catalogue value, offered as is, interesting lot U:A4
1884 Mi.1-5, complete set PFENNIG with overprints 10Pa-2½Pia; very fine, i.a. shades Mi.1a,b, 3c,d (two cheapest variants), 5a,b (dunkel oliv), cat. 990€; (note. for ** 10.000€) rare offer 1. issue! U:A5
1889 Mi.6-10, "Krone-Adler" 10Pa- 2½Pia, 20Pa is "lilarot" Mi.7da; in addition 2½; Pia "mittelbraunrot" Mi.10c and 9B is with FPVI "divided "I" at top in inscription REICHSPOST", certificate Steuer, cat. 440€ U:A5
1900-1904 Mi.12II,13II,14II,15I-23I/II, REICHSPOST, 10Pa-25Pia; very fine and complete set; 25Pia/5M certificate Steuer, cat. 520€12 U:A5
1904 Mi.23II, REICHSPOST 25Pia/5M type II.; very fine, certificate Steuer, cat. 240€ U:A5
1905 Mi.24-35, set DEUTSCHES REICH without WMK, with overprints 10Pa-25Pia; very fine and complete set, 5Pia 10Pia **, cat. 780€ U:A5
1905 Mi.34a, DEUTSCHES REICH, 15Pia/3M overprint UV - "dunkelzinnober"; very fine, exp. Stolow, cat. 450€ , rare stamp! U:A5
1905 Mi.47a,b, 2x DEUTSCHES REICH 25Pia/5M, both color according to UV; very fine, cat. 170€ U:A5
1897 DEUTSCH NEU-GUINEA, Mi.1-6, complete overprint set "Krone-Adler" 3Pfg-50Pfg; very fine U:A5
1900 DEUTSCH NEU-GUINEA, Mi.7-19, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M without watermark; very fine, cat. 260€ U:A5
1900-1908 GERMAN NEW GUINEA Mi.7-19, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pf - 5M, complete set, highest value mint never hinged - 5M corner (!), in addition corner 5M with wmk with perf 25:17 **; cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1914 DEUTSCH NEU-GUINEA, Mi.21-24, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M wmk; very fine, incl. 23IA, 23IIB, cat. min. 105€ U:A5
1893 OSTAFRIKA / Mi.1-5, complete "Krone-Adler", overprints 2 PESA - 25 PESA; very fine, included to sum as cheapest types, cat. 220€ U:A5
1901 OSTAFRIKA / Mi.11-21, Emperor´s Yacht 2P-3Rp; very fine set, cat. 230€ U:A5
1905-1920 OSTAFRIKA / Mi.30-39, Emperor´s Yacht 2P-3Rp; very fine set incl. 38IA,IIB, 39IAa,IIB; cat. 430€ U:A5
1897-1898 DEUTSCH SÜDWESTAFRIKA Mi.1-10, complete set "Krone- Adler" SUDWEST-AFRIKA 3-20Pfg and SUDWESTAFRIKA 3-50Pfg; very fine, cat. 510€ U:A5
1906 DEUTSCH SÜDWESTAFRIKA / Mi.24-32, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M, incl. 29A,B, 31Bb, 32Aa, 32Ab, 32B; very fine, cat. 420€ U:A5
1897 DEUTSCH SÜDWESTAFRIKA / Mi.Ia, UNISSUED "Adler" 25Pfg SUDWEST-AFRIKA; certificate Steuer, cat. 280€ U:A5
1897 DEUTSCH SÜDWESTAFRIKA / Mi.II, UNISSUED "Adler" 50Pfg SUDWEST-AFRIKA; very fine, cat. 280€ U:A5