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1848 GENEVA / Mi.5, Coat of arms "Large Eagle" dark green on cut-square with red rosette pmk and CDS GENÈVE 29 MAI 49; exceedingly quality with certificate W. Abt, cat. 2.800€ + ca. 25%, very rare! U:A5
1851 BUNDESPOST / GENF incomplete folded letter addressed to Champel, franked with imperforated stamp 5C grey-black/ brown-red, cat. Mi.2a (WAADT 5) with black Geneva grid pmk, fresh color and wide margins, supplemented with 1-circle CDS GENÈVE/ 10 AVRI 51; detailed description of the quality of this interesting entire - see certificate, stamp on reverse exp. Thier + certificate Till Neumann BPP from 2017, cat. Michel 3.000€, rare U:A5
1851 Mi.5I, Coat of arms 2½Rp ORTPOST on larger piece of letter to Wyl, cross with frame, left closer, otherwise full margins, CDS ST. GALLEN and cancel. P.P., on reverse arrival WYL; cat. for letter 5.500€ (!), very rare! U:A5
1851 Mi.6I, Coat of arms 2½Rp POSTE LOCALE on larger piece of letter to Wyl, cross with frame, very fine full margins with cancel. P.P., CDS ST. GALLEN and on reverse arrival WYL; cat. for cover 4.000€ (!), very rare U:A5
1850-1852 Mi.7-10, 12, selection of 11 stamps: 5Rp RAYON I 1850, 10Rp RAYON II (2x), 5Rp RAYON I 1851 (4x), 15Rp RAYON III small numerals 1x + ditto big numerals 3x; various margins, overall good quality, cat. 2.300€ U:A5
1850 Mi.8II, RAYON II 10Rp, horizontal pair + single stamp; nice quality, ex. Rieger, cat. 480€ U:A5
1851-1852 Mi.8II, 9II, 12a; selection of RAYON I, II, III; 9 pcs, resp. 5 pcs, resp. 4 pcs, various colors, “stones”, papers and postmarks; all very fine, ex. Dr. Rieger, cat. min. 2.340€ U:A5
1851 Mi.9II, RYAYON II 5Rp, 7 single stamps + pair (!) and single stamp on cut-squares, various shades, stones etc..; overall nice quality, ex. Rieger, cat. 1.380€ U:A5
1852 Mi.12, RYAYON III 15Rp, 5 single stamps + pair (!) and single stamp on cut-square, various shades, stones etc..; overall nice quality, ex. Rieger, cat. min. 1.130€ U:A5
1905-1913 selection of sets Tell and Helvetia on stock-sheet A5, i.a. Mi.74-76, 95-97, 102-110, 111-113 etc..; cat. 750€ U:A5
1925-1932 3 airmail entires, Military flight BASEL-ZÜRICH with Mi.179 (2); ZEPPELIN Basel-Lorch with Mi.182, 213, 234; Reg and airmail letter to Berlin with Mi.256-258; fine set U:A5
1929-1949 SELECTION of / 18 airmail letters, i.a. Mi.291-293b, first flight Bern - Zurich 1927, Pro Aereo 49, Special airmails from Geneva on Martinik and to Vienna, FP letter 12SG with airmail Mi.213, sent in Switzerland, to Austria, Czechoslovakia, USA and Argentina; onyl used stamps 440€! U:A4
1951-1955 Mi.Bl.14, 15, souvenir sheets LUNABA and LAUSANNE on FDC; very fine, cat. 420€ U:A5
1945-1996 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two albums KA-BE, complete, incl. miniature sheets, i. e. PAX, War victims, Basel, Lunaba etc..; VF, cat. 3.100€ U:Z
1882-1955 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / 90 letters etc., incl. good frankings, Tell, TB, Juventute, Patria, old Postal Agencies, FP, Registered, airmail dispatch-notes, IMABA (120€ ), LAUSSANE (140€ ); valuable set U:O5