1943 1. anniv of death R .Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with print CDS BRÜNN 12/ e/ 4.VI.43, on paper with wmk in form of character "H" and black wide small frame; superb, sought
1943 1. anniv of death R. Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with print CDS BRÜNN 12/ d/ 4.VI.43, on paper with wmk in form of character "H" and black wide small frame; superb, sought
1943 Pof.111, photo postcard Heydrich with mounted stamp. to 1. anniv of death with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.VI.43 - date vzpomínkové celebration; sound condition, rare
1944 Frederic Smetana - comp. 4 pcs of first day sheets and 2 Ppc with mounted stamp. Pof.118-119, from that 5x with CDS 1. dne: PRAGUE 1, PRAGUE 45, KROMĚŘÍŽ 1, BUDWEIS 1/ 12.V.1944; good condition
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] collection 37 pcs of entires with forerunner and Bohemian and Moravian machine advertising cancel., contains i.a. SRP1 - PRAGUE 25, PRAGUE 14 and PŘEROV 2; SRP10 green and black; SRP12 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ; SRP11BRNO2; SRP13 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ etc..; mainly nice complete print, c.v.. 7.900Kč
1939-1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - introductory sheet exhibit with photo autentic printings "Přijíždítransport" + plan Terezín ghetto issued Postal oddělením Jewish self-government in/at Terezín + inserted copy from Denníhorozkazu No. 0325 commander Dr. Seidla about/by postal contact and Směrnice about/by postal transport between Germany and ghettem valid from 24.9.1942
1941GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking signed and sent several osobami from 1. transport AK I. (342 Jewish handicraftsmen), which/what mělipřipravit ghetto for other transporty! Z obav before/(in front of) vyzrazením was/were their/its written traffic, povolený from 25.11.1941 dnem 30.11.1941 zakázán (and again obnoven to 8.2.1942), correspondence was/were maybe only 5 days! Mimořádně rare and at our place still never nenabízená entire (!), perfect condition, Kurzbefund D. Pfeiffer BPP from year 2009, ex Hanzl
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking sent from ghetto to Protectorate 13.12.1942, sent to Právní detachment/section ŽNO in Prague 5, without franking and necenzurovaná!, transported courier; address odesílatelky Theresienstadt, objekt E / okrsek I; interesting!, perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking sent from ghetto to Protectorate after/around obnovení postal contact (8.2.1942), red 5-řádkové cancel. "Transport ... No. .../ Name/ Vorname/ Kas./ Zimmer" (type 1a - "Kas."), odesílatelka S. H., Transport No. L 925; receiving PC potvrdila post in ghetto date-stamp "27.III.1942", censorship mark "Z 11" and evidence cancel. "0064", from ghetto on/for ŽNO in Prague transported courier, three-line red cancel. "Answer nur durch (through)/ jüd. Kultusgemeinde/ Prag", blue auxiliary four-line cancel. with notice for post, předána to other transport CDS PRAG 1/ 8.IV.42, here burdened by postage-due 80h, on reverse 30 Slovak; perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking sent from ghetto to Protectorate after/around obnovení postal contact (8.2.1942), red 5-řádkové cancel., odesílatelka J. K., Transport No. T 570, receiving PC potvrdila post in ghetto date-stamp "6.IV.1942", rubber censorship mark "big Z 5" and evidence cancel. "249" (registrace mailing), from ghetto on/for ŽNO in Prague transported courier, three-line red cancel. "Answer nur durch (through)/ jüd. Kultusgemeinde/ Prag", on reverse 30 Slovak; very sound condition, ex Hanzl
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / unpaid PC from ghetto from period of February - May 1942, evidence č."896", date-stamp 30.IV.1942, 6-řádkové violet cancel. "Transport...", sender S. O., Transport No. U 907, address Hohenelber - Kaserne, from ghetto transported courier SS, censorship mark "Z 14", 2-lines cancel. ŽNO in Prague "Answer nur ..." - with chybou "duch" place správného "durch (through)" in 2 řádce; sought entire from early period existence Terezín ghetto (!), nice quality, ex Hanzl
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / unpaid PC from ghetto from period of from I. etapy "ghettoizace" town Terezín (24.11.1941-1.7.1942), evidence No.145, 6-řádkové cancel. "Transport/ Name ...", sender E. P., Transport No. 751 H, censorship mark "Z 6", auxiliary 2-lines cancel. ŽNO in Prague "Answer nur ...." with chybou "duch" place správného "durch (through)" in 2 řádce, posted at the post office PRAG 25/ 6.V.42, burdened by postage-due 80h, CDS PRAG 31/ 7.V.42; sought entire from early period existence Terezín ghetto (!), nice quality, ex Hanzl
1943GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking addressed to to Strážnice, transported from ghetto courier SS on/for Jewish Council of Elders in Prague and from here on/for branch Council of Jewish Elders in Mladá Boleslav, 1-řádkové cancel. "Came ... č.j. ...." + date-stamp 5.X.1943 and No. 7217, here with 60h A. Hitler, CDS JUNGBUNZLAU/ 5.X.43, four-line bilingual cancel. "Ältestenrat der Juden in Prag/ AussenstelleJungbunzlau/ + ditto Czech text", redirected to Hodonín; small tearing in margin, interesting, ex Hanzl
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / from period of 24.9.1942 - 28.2.1943, where was/were in/at adresách prisoners place names former barracks zavedenkódovaný system, here konkrétně "Qu 603" (Qu6=Querstrasse 6, 3 = number house), PC, CDS ..?.. tz bei BRÜNN/ 7.VI.43, date-stamp 8. Juni 1943, on reverse typed 5.VI.1943; sound condition
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking sent from ghetto to Protectorate courier after/around 1.7.1943, where was/were zavedeny civil names streets and number home/houses - here Neue Gasse 10, on reverse hand-made 5.5.44; nice jakost
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto addressed to to Holic, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague and from here on/for branch in Olomouc, red four-line off. cancel. "Rückantwort nur/ auf Postkarten..../ Philip de Monte Gasse18.", evidence cancel. 06017, with 60h A. Hitler and předána to other dopravě, CDS OLOMOUC 3/ 21.VIII.44, on reverse obsáhlý text writing typewriter with date 29.7.1944; interesting, good condition, ex Hanzl
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto to přeškolovacího (= internment) camp in/at Lípě by/on/at Havlíčkova Brod (from September 1943 was/were in/at camp Lípa only 80 Jews from mixed manželství), transported German by courier mail to Berlin on/for Association říšských Jews in Germany, here paid stamp. 6Pf A. Hitler, MC BERLIN N 4/ 12.7.44, on reverse dated 12.VI.1944, additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf..."; light fold, ex Hanzl
1944GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto to přeškolovacího (= internment) camp in/at Lípě by/on/at Havlíčkova Brod, transported German by courier mail, with new type three-line cancel. "Post des jüdischen/ Siedlungsgebietes/ Theresienstadt", auxiliary cancel. Jewish council/court older "Rückantwort nur ..." and off. cancel. delivery branch Council of Jewish Elders in Kolín; exceedingly rare! (in y 1944 was/were in/at camp Lípa only 80 Jews from mixed manželství), entire is pictured in/at publication "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 139 and in/at Mo. 11, ex Hanzl
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / official card in/at hnědožluté color for written traffic prisoners put in/at Small Fortress, with A. Hitler 60h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE/ 14.X.44; only fold in lower margin lísku
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto to Protectorate, auxiliary four-line cancel. "Answer nur über day/ Ältestenrat ...../ Phillip de Montegasse 18" in red color, with 60h A. Hitler and předána post to other transport, MC PRAG 25/ 28.II.45, addressed to to Mladá Boleslav, on reverse 30 Slovak; interesting, sound condition, ex Hanzl
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto from March 1945 addressed to to Prague, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, auxiliary four-line cancel. "Answer nur über day/ Ältestenrat ...../ Phillip de Montegasse 18" in black color, here with 50h A. Hitler as PC in the place and předána post to other transport, MC PRAG 25/ 30.III.45; interesting, usual quality, ex Hanzl
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto from March 1945 addressed to to Prague, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, auxiliary four-line cancel. "Answer nur über day/ Ältestenrat ...../ Phillip de Montegasse 18" in blue color, here paid stamp. 50h A. Hitler as PC in the place and předána to other transport p. ú. PRAG 2/ 5.III.45, on reverse 30 Slovak; sound condition, ex Hanzl
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / II. part double PC with confirmation about/by takeover parcel, sent from Terezin to Prostějov, with 60h A. Hitler., CDS PRAG 2/ 16.III.45, Druckvermerk: A 6/103 - G - 7n - 6/m - VIII.44 - De 140"; good condition
1945GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / Písemný traffic after/around freedom, unpaid PC sent to Main post in Prague, dated on reverse 10.5.45, transported post International of Red Cross! (post off. in/at Bohušovicíchnebyl in/at first days after/around freedom ghetto in/at transport), red four-line cancel. "cross/ POST/ M.Č. KŘÍŽE/ TEREZÍN" and red CDS PRAGUE 25/ 15.V.45, marked postage due 80h, date-stamp 16.V.1945 and hand-made "W/98"; rare and in addition quality entire, ex Hanzl
1944 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PC CDV16 to ghetto in time, where was/were mailing posílány common post by p. ú. in/at Bohušovicích, CDS PILSEN/ 8.IV.44, framed pmk post Jewish self-government in ghetto "JüdischeSelbstverwaltung/ Theresienstadt/ Post and Verkehr" as arrival, date-stamp 2.MAI 1944; nice stav
1942 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PC without franking sent from Protectorate to ghetto, evidence cancel. ŽNO in Prague supplemented with evidenčním cancel. "2728" and datumovými cancel. 31.III.1942 and 1.IV.1942, redirected to work camp in Kladno (from 16.3.1942 200 prisoners in/at tamníchdolech); rare occurrence, perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1942 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PC without franking sent from Protectorate to ghetto, new 12-dílné framed pmk zhotovené on/for request ŽNO in Prague - compensation for previous censor, evidence and expediční postmark, transported to Terezín ghetto 6.III.1942 courier SS; on reverse 30 Slovak, perfect condition
1942 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Bohemian and Moravian PC Pof.8 part II., transported to ghetto prostřednicímŽNO in Prague and then courier SS, with 12-dílnýmevidenčním cancel. with signature censor and datumovým cancel. expedition, evidence number "159"; incomplete address supplemented with by pencil statement "C III 78", on reverse numbered 30 Slovak; sound condition, ex Hanzl
1942-1943 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PC sent about/by Vánocích 1942 to ghetto prostřednicímŽNO in Prague, new 12ti-dílné evidence cancel. with date "4.I.1943" and signature censor, mailing neodpovídalaplatným rules (only 30 German Slovak) - see three-line cancel. "WegenFormfehlerunzustellbar./ Erlaubt sind nur 30 deutsche/ Worte in Blockachrift." (rare occurrence!) and was/were returned odesílatelce; perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1943 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PC without franking to ghetto, with new type 7-dílnéhoevidenčního cancel. Council of Jewish Elders in Prague in violet color, from 4.III.43! (dnem 1.III.1943 was/were Jewish religious community přejmenována on/for Jewish Council of Elders), date-stamp 16.APR.1943, recipient S. J. from transport A.A.D.68 with covering address "III.C.", upřesněno by pencil on/for "C III 78", on reverse 30 Slovak; perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1943-1945 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / comp. 4 pcs of certificates of mailing for parcel to ghetto, from that 2 pcs of from Protectorate, by/on/at adresátů number transport, resp. kódovaná address (number block and street) + 2 pcs of from Wien (Vienna), only with name addressee; fee after/behind vystavení certificate of mailing 1 Koruna, resp. 10Pf paid stamps; very fine
1944 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PC from Protectorate to ghetto, red evidence framed pmk Council of Jewish Elders in Prague with date 31.VIII.1944 and blue framed pmk post Jewish self-government in ghetto with date 7.AUG.; in/at address receiver declared number pokoje and house, on reverse 30 Slovak; nice quality
1944 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / I. part double PC with avizem about/by sending parcel, with pre-printed statement " Weiterleitung nur/ durch (through)/ Ältestenrat der Juden/ in Prag Abtlg. G", sent to Terezin (Theresienstadt) courier SS, Druckvermerk: A 6/103 - G - 6n - 6/m - V.44 - AD 348"; hand-made 5/X.1944, good condition, ex Hanzl
1944PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / complete letter sent directly to ghetto (!), no by ŽNO in Prague, with 1,20 Koruna A. Hitler, MC PRAG 25/ 23.VI.44, frame evidence cancel. post Jewish self-government in ghetto "JüdischeSelbstverwaltung/ Theresienstadt/ 15.Juli 44/ Post and Verkehr" over the stmp, incl. content napsaného writing typewriter on paper A4 !!, handwritten reparation address on/for "Q 607". (Rem.: Soukromá message in form letters to ghetto was/were quite vyloučena, in/at case prominentních persons rozhodoval about/by every výjimce commander komandatury in ghetto jednotlivě!). Naprosto exceptional (!), here for the first time in auction, good condition, ex Hanzl
1944 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / R service letter, pre-printed envelope Jewish council/court older - branch in Uhersky Brod., with 1 Koruna, 1,20 Koruna, 5 Koruna A. Hitler, CDS UNGARISCH-BROD/ 2.V.44 and hand-made Return card, addressed to to Old Town by/on/at Uherské Hradiště.; signs of usage., well preserved, ex Hanzl
1945 PROTECTORATE - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / ZPĚTNÝTRANSPORT prisoners to ghetto, PC CDV16 sent from Prague directly to ghetto, MC PRAG 36/ 21.III.45, arrival to ghetto date-stamp 14.IV.1945, address příjemkyně marked number transport and transportním number (total was/were returned to ghetto 3.654 prisoners in 9 transportech), address supplemented with hand-made in ghetto; interesting!; perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1943C.C. BUCHENWALD - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Písemný traffic between koncentračními camps and ghettem, off. PC C.C. Weimar - Buchenwald with black pre-printing, with 6Pf A. Hitler, CDS WEIMAR/ 8.? badly readable, addressed to wife directly to ghetto; entires from C.C. to ghetto are quite exceptional!, ex Hanzl
1944GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - C.C. AUSCHWITZ - BIRKENAU / PC sent from C.C. Auschwitz - Birkenaukam was/were in 1943 odeslány Jewish family from Terezín ghetto. Po 6 měsících were všichni 1.3.1944 donuceninapsatpříbuzným PC with date 25.3.1944 that are zdrávi, and 8.3.1944 were zavražděni in/at plynovýchkomorách! Card/Leaf addressed to to Náchod, MC BERLIN 26.4.44, additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf..."; vert. fold, with regard to rarities this entires nepodstatné, ex Hanzl
1945GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / PC 60h A. Hitler, sent from work camp in/at Osterode, CDS OSTERODE/ (HARZ)/ 28.2.45, addressed to deportované wife directly to ghetto, address supplemented with about/by statement "L 306", date-stamp arrival 14.IV.1945; exceedingly interesting!, at our place almost unknown "Arbeitslager"; perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1942GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / Písemný traffic between ghetem and pracovními camps, PC addressed to to work camp in/at křivoklátskýchlesích (13 TESTER skupin à 1.000 women), transported courier SS on/for Forest administration in/at Křivoklátu, here vydánavelitelce group/-s (Erna Lux), which/what došlou post předávalaadresátkám!, straight line postmark GHETTOPOST in violet color, date-stamp 3.V.1942, censorship mark "Z 4"; sound condition, ex Hanzl
1942GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / 2 PC from ghetto transported German by courier mail to work camp in Oslavany (mere 100 prisoners), red line cancel. GHETTOPOST, 1x type I (size 32mm) and censorship mark "Z 11" + 1x type II (28mm), censorship mark "Z 4", hand-made datované 18.10.1942, resp. 2.12.1942, same recipient also sender, Transport No. Ah 363; very sound condition, ex Hanzl
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / card sent via GHETTOPOST to work camp in Oslavany (where was/were nasazeno only 100 prisoners from Terezin), frame censorship mark "Z"; dusky corner, rare!
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / card sent from Terezin to work camp in Oslavany (in/at work camp was/were only 100 prisoners from Terezin), rare!
1945GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / PC addressed to to Nová Paka, with 1Pf and 5Pf A. Hitler, CDS BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/w/ 4.1.45, on reverse obsáhlý text with date 2.I.1945; absolutely rare occurrence (!), perfect condition, ex Hanzl
1943 WORK CAMP OSLAVANY - GHETTO TEREZIN / card sent by courier mail from work camp in Oslavany to Terezin (Theresienstadt), censor framed pmk "Z" with signature and dated cancel 28.VI.1943; good condition, in/at work camp was/were nasazeno only 100 prisoners from Terezin, very rare!
1943 WORK CAMP OSLAVANY - GHETTO TEREZIN / card sent by courier mail from work camp in Oslavany to Terezin (Theresienstadt), only dated cancel 15.VI.1943; good condition, in/at work camp was/were nasazeno only 100 prisoners from Terezin, very rare!
1943GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SLOVAKIA / PC without franking addressed to to hospital in/at LiptovskémMikuláši (!), transported courier SS to Prague and from here by ŽNO in Prague to Bratislava on/for Ústřednu Jews in Bratislava (Judenverwaltung Pressburg), quite exceptionally occurring additional four-line cancel. "DURCHVERMITTLUNG DER/ ABTEILUNGFÜRSONDERAUFTRÄGE/ DER JUDENVERWALUNGEN/ PRESSBURG ....... 6" worse readable; slightly toned, at our place popré in auction, entires addressed to to Slovakia are exceedingly vzácné!!, ex Hanzl
1942GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - BULGARIA / written traffic between ghettem and spřátelenou foreign countries, PC sent Jewish doctor to Bulgaria, franked with. German stamp. 6Pf and 12Pf A. Hitler, CDS BERLIN W 62/ date illegible, red censorship mark Wehrmacht + other 3 censorship mark., in front arrival postmark SOFIA B/ 11.XII., on reverse MC SOFIA/ 13.XII.42, redirected to small village; mailing to Bulgaria are quite exceptional (!), here for the first time in auction, interesting and quality entire, ex Hanzl
1942GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PALESTINE / written traffic with nepřátelskou foreign countries through/over International Red Cross in/at Geneva, letter-card German Red Cross sent from Krefeldu to Ramatain bei Tel Aviv (Palestine) posted to transport 17.7.1942, at top date-stamp "27.JUL.1942 378990", double circle pmk of Red Cross in/at Geneva, date-stamp 13.AOUT 1942, cenurní cancel. PALESTINE/ PASSED BY/ CENSOR/ T.6"; in text among others. "Wir verreisenalle nach Theresienstadt."(!), quite rare document/attribut, quality entire, ex Hanzl
1943GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - DENMARK / preprinted postcard - thanks for parcel addressed to to Copenhagen (!), with 30h A. Hitler. as printed matter, posted to transport on/for p. ú. PRAG 2/ 30.VIII.44, censorship Wehrmacht; entires from ghetto addressed to to Denmark practically don't occur in the market, to ghetto was/were deportováno "only" 466 dánských Jews; small toned, entire is pictured in book Beneš-Tošnerová "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 302 and in/at Mo. 11, ex Hanzl
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - GERMANY / written traffic between ghettem and empire územím was/were povolen 24.9.1942, mailing was/were cenzurovány in Berlin on/for pracovišti with krycím name "ZentralePrüfstelle des Reichspost - Ministerums-Amt4". Card/Leaf addressed to to Berlin with 5Pf A. Hitler (local porto), MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ 17.11.43 with distinctive characters "ac" as censor, additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf/ Postkarten in deutscher (= German) Sprache" in violet color, on reverse obsáhlý text datovaný 28.9.1943; sound condition
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - AUSTRIA / GERMANY / written traffic between ghettem and empire územím was/were povolen 24.9.1942, mailing was/were cenzuroványGestapem in/at berlínské quarter Charlottenburg on/for pracovišti with krycím name "ZentralePrüfstelle des Reichspost - Ministerums-Amt4". Card/Leaf addressed to to Vienna with 6Pf A. Hitler, as censorship mark used MC BERLIN 29.7.43, additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur über die/ Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Germany)/ Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, Kantstr. 158"; sound condition
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - AUSTRIA / GERMANY / written traffic between ghettem and empire územím from II. etapy "ghettoizace" town Terezín (1.7.1942-30.7.1943), where was/were in/at adresách prisoners place names various former barracks zavedenkódovaný system, here konkrétně "Qu 611" (Qu6=Querstrasse, 11=číslo house). PC addressed to to East Marky, with 6Pf A. Hitler, MC BERLIN 4.6.43, three-line cancel. Empire association Jews in Germany "Rückantwort nur über die ...." with defective name "Deutschland (Germany)" (rare usage !), interesting text; interesting, sound condition, ex Hanzl
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - AUSTRIA / GERMANY / written traffic between ghettem and empire územím, from III. etapy "ghettoizace" town Terezín (from 1.8.1943), where was/were from propagandistic reasons in/at adresách prisoners uváděnykonkrétní street in ghetto, here place original "L 2" now Bahnhofstrasse (which mělovytvořitdojem, that it is not ghetto but about/by "JüdischesSiedlungsgebiet", sídliště in which/what is also railway-station - in skutečnosti only 1 kolej with rampou, sloužící to formation věznů to transportů death). PC addressed to to Vienna, with 6Pf A. Hitler, MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ 8.11.43 (on reverse hand-made 4.Sept.1943), 2-lines cancel. Empire association Jews in Germany "Rückantwort nur auf ...." and censorship mark "Z" + signature; light fold, otherwise sound condition, ex Hanzl
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SWEDEN / return receipt - Swedish reply form on/for Reg mailing č.3863podanou 17.9.1943, adresovanou on/for prisoner H. S., her takeover confirmed frame cancel. "JüdischeSelbstverwaltung/ THERESIENSTADT/ ABT. POST and VERKEHRSWESEN", 2x CDS BAUSCHOWITZad EGER/ 6.X.43, returned sender to Stockholm; perfect condition, return receipt from Sweden are absolutely rare!, here for the first time in auction, ex Hanzl
1944GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - DENMARK / PC without franking addressed to to Copenhagen (!), transported by dánského of Red Cross, red four-line raz."kříž/ DANSKRODEKORG/ 24 JUL.1944/ CROIXROUGEDANOISE", 2-lines red cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf/ Postkarten ..." and consequently by švédského of Red Cross přeposlána to Sweden - see double circle pmk "CROIXROUGESUEDOISE/ STOCKHOLM", date-stamp 4.AUG.194" and "5.AUG.194" - without additionally written last numeral(s) in year (in summer 1944 was/were tajněpřevezeno 7.000 dánských Jews to Sweden), on reverse hand-made 29.II.44 and obsáhlý text; nesporně quite extraordinary entire (!), sound condition, ex Hanzl
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - HUNGARY / PC with 6Pf A. Hitler addressed to to Budapest, transported from ghetto courier SS to Berlin, 2x CDS BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ 8.7.44 (censorship Gestapo) and red censorship mark Wehrmacht, additional 2-lines cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf/ Postkarten ....."; good condition, entires addressed to to Hungary are rare!, ex Hanzl
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - GERMANY / written traffic between ghettem and empire územím was/were povolen 24.9.1942, mailing was/were cenzuroványGestapem in/at berlínské quarter Charlottenburg on/for pracovišti with krycím name "ZentralePrüfstelle des Reichspost - Ministerums-Amt4". Card/Leaf addressed to to Berlin with 5Pf A. Hitler, as censorship mark sloužilo MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ 4.5.44 with distinctive characters "ac", additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur ...", redirected, on reverse obsáhlejší text datovaný 26.1.1944 (!); sound condition