1940 airmail letter to Mexico (!), redirected and returned back, with Towns 5 Koruna, 4 Koruna and 50h, CDS PRAGUE/ 9.I.40, exchange control, arrival SERVICIO AEREO 8.FEB.40 MEXICO and PRAGUE 31/ 26.VIII.40; open from three sides
1939 Pof.NV4, NV6, NV7, Newspaper stamps 9h green (corner blk-of-10) + 20h dark green corner blk-of-4 - with print ledge in upper margin + 12h blue with print ledge in R margin; interesting selection of
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV10-NV18, Newspaper stamps issue II., complete set in/at whole 100 pcs of counter sheet, various plate number and break margins; mint never hinged, without folds
1939 Pof.DL3, 20h red, the bottom bnd-of-10 with margin and plate number 3A-40, x-y, L perforated margin; mint never hinged, rare variant, catalogue significantly misvalues!
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL10, value 1,20 Koruna, 2x complete 50 pcs of sheets with plate number 1-40, x-x light blue (horiz. fold in perforation) + plate number 4-40, x-x (very fine)
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL1-3, 6-7, 13, comp. 6 pcs of complete 50 pcs of sheets, contains values 10K plate number 1-39, y-x; 60h plate number 1A-39, x-x; 50h plate number 3A-40, x-y; 20h plate number 3A-40, x-x; 10h plate number 1A-39, x-x; 5h plate number 1-39, x-x; all mint never hinged, very fine
1939SMÍŠENĚFRANKATURY comp. 2 pcs of entires with surtax, 1x letter franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Štefánik 60h violet, CDS out of stmp PRAGUE 25/ 23.XII.39, at the delivery place burdened by surtax 1,20 Koruna in Czechosl postage-due stamp., refused, sent back and on reverse mounted Bohemian and Moravian Postage due stamp 60h 2x, CDS PRAGUE 51/ 28.XII.39 + 1x letter with mixed franking issue Linden Leaves and Air 30h, CDS ZLÍN 2/ 30.X.39, disallowed air stamp., at the delivery place burdened by surtax 60h, fee chosen Czechosl. forerunner Postage due stamp 60h, Pof.DL61, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 31.X.39; good condition, 1x torn flap, interesting mixed franking Czechosl. parallel and Bohemian and Moravian stamps!
1939[COLLECTIONS] MEZIARŠÍ / ucelená collection trhaných gutter with plate number, incl. popisů and determination, contains complete 2-stamps gutter 5h-20K incl. rare 50h 3-40/3A40 + ditto cancel. (excluded from sum) + 4-stamp gutter (part blocks of 8) - to set missing only 50h 3-40/3A40 and 30h 2-39/2A39; overall very fine, c.v.. more than 16.000CZK
1939[COLLECTIONS] accumulation bands with plate number, gutter and blocks with plate number on/for 28 pages in stockbook A4, part more times, several bnd-of-20 etc..; high catalogue value, several minor gum fault, overall however solid quality
1939[COLLECTIONS] ROHOVÉ4-BLOKY S DESKOVÝMIČÍSLY / extraordinary collection corner block of four with plate number incl. popisů and determination, from values 5h - 20K, incl. rare variants as 20h with plate number 3-40x and 3A-40y, then for example. 1,20 Koruna with 3-40y etc.., total 177 bloks of four, in addition supplemented with about/by 57 used bloks of four to values 10K; overall fine, only several minor faults, very high catalogue value, in this rozsahu rare offer, we advice viewings!
1939[COLLECTIONS] 20-PÁSY S plate number / complete set bands with plate number in/at transparent plastic films in big spiral stockbook, only 5 various plate number as bnd-of-10, otherwise all bnd-of-20, part in addition in/at duplication also as bnd-of-10, contains all variants plate number incl. rare 50h with plate number 3-40 / 3A-40 (bnd-of-10 without gum - excluded from sum), then for example. 40h 2-39 / 2A-39 x-y; 50h 1-39 / 1A-39 x-y and y-x; 20K 1-39 / 1A-39 bnd-of-20 also bnd-of-10 etc.., total 25 pcs of bnd-of-20 and 26 pcs of bnd-of-10; only several minor gum fault, otherwise nice quality, in addition supplemented with about/by 30 pcs of vertical 20- and 40-pásů with plate number, values 5h - 5 Koruna, i.a. 30h 2-39 / 2A-39; 50h 1-39 / 1A-39 and 2-39 / 2A-39 etc..; c.v.. total after/around zohlednění quality ca. 28.000CZK, rare offer, we advice viewings!
1941PROTECTIVE RÁMY A flaw print / Official I. / very interesting comp. 12 pcs of bloks of four and 7 corner stamp. with plate number various values, contains 11 pcs of with print protective frames in margins, then 2x offset and various flaw print for example. in frame with plate number etc..; rare selection of, interesting not only for specialist
1941 [COLLECTIONS] OFFICIAL I. ISSUE accumulation in/at 1 stockbook Pofis, contains stamp. and blocks of four, plate number, color shades, corner pieces and blocks etc..; mint never hinged, supplemented with several položkami used stamp., cat. min. 4.000CZK
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp dark green, line perforation 10½; with CDS PRAG 66/ 7.1.44; at top thin place, exp. by Karasek., viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. 7.500CZK
1943 Pof.PrA1a, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in brown color, No. 208, size 171x131mm, issued on paper without gum; very nice quality, without usual folds and bends, on reverse owner's mark
1943 Pof.PrA1b, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in black color, No. 249, size 171x131,5mm, issued on paper without gum; very nice quality, without usual folds and bends, sought
1944 part I blank form/-s for sending admission stamps in/at rose color with additionally additionally mounted admission stamp. Pof.Pr1A, imprint A5/227a-G-4n-IV.44-5m-A.D.348; only 2x light fold
1940-1943 comp. 3 pcs of idetifikačních entires with with perfins, Maxa K19, K51 and M18, 2x commercial PC and 1x Reg letter with commercial additional-printing; good condition
1944 ITALY / postcard sent Czechosl. member Protectorate army to Bohemia-Moravia, round military unit postmarks DIENSTELLE der FIELD-POST No. 19745 in red color, supplemented with line FIELD-POST, according to text 25.12.44, this is 5. batt./guidon from Kutná Hora; good condition
1945 ITALY / postcard sent from Italy to Bohemia-Moravia Czechosl. member Protectorate army, transported courier, MC PRAGUE 47/ 24.IV.45, supplemented with red straight line postmark Feldpost (Field-Post), passed through censorship, sender FP 57332b; good condition
1941-942 2 pcs of cuts with blue frankotypes, 1x with commercial "R" PRAGUE 1 / 24.11.41 with value 0,35K + 1x cut square with address and blue MELANTRICH / PRAGUE 1 / 2.12.41 with value 0,005; good condition
1942 CENSORSHIP Reg letter sent from Prague to Slovakia, returned back with straight line postmark "Zurück (Return), unzulässig!", inserted two censor cards with orders, i.a. about/by restriction sending postal stamps abroad; envelope with filling holes, otherwise good condition
1941 TRANSPORT NEPOVOLENA / letter to France, with Towns 2.50K, CDS BAKOV N. J./ 11.X.41, red three-line cancel. ZURÜCK! POSTVERKHRNOCHNICHTZUGELASSEN (Postal transport else/yet nepovolen), passed through censorship; interesting
1940PŘÍDAVNÁ POSTMARKS postcard addressed to to Sudetenland, where place Jaktař by/on/at Opava was/were napsáno Czech language and German, Czech text several times crossed out with supplemental cancel. "Nur mit deutscher (= German)/ Ortsangabezulässig", CDS FRÝDLANT N. O./ 23.XII.40; good condition
1941PR45 / Zwei years im Grossdeutschen Reich - PR45 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, envelope with additional-printing to Anniv with 3 print special postmark; without defects
1941PR51 / 2. Kriegsmuttertag, envelope and postcard with additional-printing mother/-s with child and always 2 print blue special postmark; good condition
1942PR100 / IglauerHeimatstage, selection of envelope/-s, card and nálepního sheet with added-print and print special postmark + 1x commemorative sheet with special postmark 92; good condition
1945 PR117 / PRAGUE 1/ Bolshevism never!/ 3.II.45 / 1x postal imprint on/for commercial card with A. Hitler. 10 and 50h, CDS PILSEN 7.III. 45; L light bend in corner
1939-1944PARTIE / 20 pcs of entires with commemorative postmarks as PR3 on Ppc franked with. Czechosl. airmail stamp 50h, special postmark 8, PR48, special postmark 58, PR86-PR93, PR110, PR114, 115, from that 10x Us entires; good condition
1944 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / PaLa-a, Memorial sheet for autopoštu Brünn A, four postal imprints BRÜNN A 8.VII.44 a-d, stamp. A. Hitler. 2 Koruna, 3 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 10K; číslovačkou "0004", very rare commemorative sheet issued to/at trial jízdě mobile post-office (on a bus) 8.7. 1944; perfect condition, quite rare occurrence, extraordinary offer!
1944 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / PaLb-a, Memorial sheet for autopoštu Brünn A, four postal imprints BRÜNN A 23.XI.44 a-d, stamp. A. Hitler. and St. Vitus; číslovačkou "9", rarest commemorative sheet issued to first usage mobile post-office (on a bus) after/around air raid in days 21.-23.11. 1944, represented by after/behind destroyed post BRNO 15 in/at Židenice; perfect condition, quite rare occurrence, here for the first time in auction, extraordinary offer!
1939SRP2, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Větší post. úřady....užívejte picture postal PC, PRAGUE 2/ 23.IV.39, nice print on printed-matter with Coat of arms 25h; good condition, c.v.. - , - ; rare occurrence
1939SRP3, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Visit Bezruč's kraj.., HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1/ 14.VII.39, nice print on letter with Coat of arms 30h; at top small tearing envelope/-s, else preserved, c.v.. - , - ; rare occurrence
1939-1942SRP8, SRP 30, SRP35, comp. of 3 letters with machine advertising cancel., PŘIHLAŠUJTESEZAPOSLUCHAČEROZHLASU, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 3; KAŽDÝČECHJEDNOU V PRAGUE, PRAGUE 25 and PRAGERMESSE, PRAGUE 25; 1x print with defective date 6.II.53; interesting
1941 VIKTORIA / comp. of 4 entires with various cancel. VIKTORIA, i.a. letter with four-line cancel. EMPIRE VÍTĚZÍ NA VŠECHFRONTÁCH!, 1x official printed matter with violet 2-lines cancel. EMPIRE VÍTĚZÍ NA VŠECHFRONTÁCH FOR EVROPU!, 1x straight line postmark VIKTORIA! WIRSIEGEN supplemented with "V" cancel. PARDUBICE 30.VIII.41; good condition
1941 VIKTORIA / off. envelope burdened by postage-due, imprinted red "V" Victoria, CDS MÄHRISCH OSTRAU 1/ 17.IX.41, line red cancel. POLIZEIDIREKTION IN M. OSTRAU, franked with. Postage due stamp 80h, arrival postmark SCHLESISCH OSTRAU; good condition
1941-1942 VIKTORIA / first day sheet PaLa-a/3 with 4 V-razítky and doplněnými special postmark cancel. 86-93, mounted stamp. Linden Leaves 5h; perfect condition
1942KARTE MAX / FDC drawn postcard A. Hitler. with mounted stamp. Pof.77, special postmark PRAG FÜHRERSGEBURTSTAG/ 20.IV.1942, large format postcard; part perf mounted stamp. browny, after all sought