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1939 Sy.5PP, Coat of arms 25h with inverted opt; lightly hinged, exp. by Synek., sought U:A5
1939 Sy.7ZPP, Comenius 40h in/at marginal block of four with vertical shifted overprint outside picture stamp.; on one stamp. lightly hinged, for comparison common block of four, c.v.. ca. 65€ U:A5
1939 Sy.11, Blue Štefánik 60h with overprint, as blk-of-4 with R margin; hinged only through/over one stamp., exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.11, Blue Štefánik 60h with overprint, as blk-of-4; lightly hinged through/over two stamp., exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.19a, 19b, 20-21, Slavkov 3,50CZK with red and blue overprint, Poděbrady 4CZK and Olomouc 5CZK, 2 pcs of marginal; hinged, all exp. by Synek., c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1939 Pof.20KH, Poděbrady 4CZK, UR corner blk-of-4 with 2 coupons; hinged, at top zpevněná perf, exp. by Synek., c.v.. ca. 170€ U:A5
1939 Sy.20KD, Poděbrady 4CZK violet with lower coupon; exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.21RE, Olomouc 5CZK green with retouch overprint; lightly hinged, exp. and marked Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.22KD, Bratislava 10CZK with lower coupon; lightly hinged on coupon, exp. by Synek., c.v.. ca. 305€ U:A5
1939 Sy.22KH, Bratislava 10CZK with upper coupon; lightly hinged on coupon, exp. by Synek., c.v.. ca. 325€, nice piece U:A5
1939 production flaw PŘETISKŮ / interesting selection of shifts, offsets, nedotisků etc.. on/for two cards A5, values 5h - 1CZK, 2x block of four, 3x pair; 2 pcs of exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 PLATE NUMBERS / selection of 19 pcs of corner blk-of-4, pairs and corner pieces with plate number, values 5h - 3CZK, i.a. 25h block of four with plate number 1 etc..; lightly hinged, all exp. by Synek., c.v.. for * ca. 100€ U:A4
1939 Sy.1, Blue Štefánik 60h; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Sy.S 23a, Hlinka 50h green with overprint, block 2 joined 5-stmp. gutter with omitted vertical perf between stamp.; block mounted on reverse PC, exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Pof.24AZVZ, Hlinka 1 Koruna with overprint, marginal piece with omitted the bottom horiz. perf + vertical pair with omitted perf in the middle + ditto with double perf in the middle (underglued) + corner blk-of-4 with significant shift vertical perf; hinged, 2 pcs of exp. by Synek., rare selection of U:A5
1939 Sy.24A, Hlinka 1 Koruna, block of 6 with shift one vertical perf to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Sy.NZ24Na, Hlinka 1 Koruna red with overprint imperforated, vertical pair, light print CDS BRATISLAVA/ 2.XII.39; good condition U:A5
1939 Sy.NZ23B, Hlinka 50h green, without overprint "Slovak Rep.", line perforation 10½;; exp. by Mahr and Möbs, c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1939 Sy.NZ24A, Hlinka 1 Koruna red, without overprint "Slovak Rep.", line perforation 12½;; mark Album, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1939 Sy.28ZVZ, Hlinka 30h violet, vertical and horizontal pair, both with omitted perf in the middle; hinged, exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.NZ30N(X), Hlinka 1Ks red without perf; mint never hinged, only small omission gum, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1939 Sy.NZ34N, NZ36N, Štefánik 40h and 1Ks, imperforated; hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1939 Sy.37 flaw print No.1, Štefánik 2 Koruna, horiz. marginal Pr with significant shifted print portrait in the direction of downward, so-called. "sníh on/for cap"; like that large shift rare, sought by specialists U:A5
Alb.NZ50YN, Tatra small format, value 25h grey-brown imperforated, wmk P2; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1942 Sy.NZ50YN, Tatra 25h grey-brown, horiz. imperforated pair; superb, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 90€+ U:A5
1944 Alb.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, miniature sheet field D; mint never hinged U:A5
1944 Sy.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, 2 pcs of, printing field A and E; very nice quality, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1944 Sy.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, 8 pcs of, complete set souvenir sheet fields A - H; 2x light povolená perf, otherwise nice quality, c.v.. Synek. 320€ U:A5
1939 philatelically influenced letter with whole set of stmp issue M.R. Štefánik, Sy.34-37, CDS PÚCHOV N. V./ 4.V.39, sent in the place, first day issue., validity only 1 day; good condition, c.v.. 200€, rare usage entires with cancel. of day validity! U:A5
1939 service letter to Nitra, free of postage, CDS HLOHOVEC/ 14.III.39 (the first day Slovak Rep.); very sought U:A5
1939-1944 comp. 12 pcs of entires, all with postmark mobile post-office (on a bus), memorial postmark, various franking, censorship, major-part Us U:A5
1940-1941 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 35 pcs of letters, from that 25 pcs of as Registered, intrastate post, mainly with Hlinka 3 Koruna also other, various also small post offices; various quality U:O5
1941 larger part Italian money dispatch-note addressed to to Slovakia with fee paid Postage due stamps 1Ks and 10h, Sy.D2, D8, cancelled by postmark BRATISLAVA/ 30.X.41; good condition U:A5
1941 parcel card from mailing food (ořechy) to Bratislava, CDS REVÚCE/ 22.VII.41, on reverse arrival postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ 24.VII.41 and stmp paušalizované TESTER tax 2 Koruna red, Sy.PD2Y, hand obliteration cancel; c.v.. Synek. 450€, very rare usage, sought! U:A5
1939-1940 selection of 30 pcs of stamp. with 10 various perfins, i.a. Maxa C18, K5, S14 and other; chosen pieces on/for card/sheet A4 U:A4
1943 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG - ŠTRBA letter to Berlin, with Tiso 70h, Štiavnica 1,20 Koruna and Tatra 10h, train post PREŠOV-ŽILINA/ 20.V.43, on reverse violet postmark KLV - LAGER (camp) SLO/16/ HAUS HUSKA; passed through censorship U:A5
1944 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG - TATRA MATLARENAU, letter sent to Vienna from KLV Matliary, with Sy.98 (4 pcs of), CDS MATLIARY/ 24.VI.44, on reverse violet postmark KLV - LAGER (camp) SLO/68/ PENSION WEISWASSER POST TATRA MATLARENAU; passed through censorship U:A5
1939 CDV5, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna brown, double card for near foreign countries with paid answer; nice quality U:A5
1944 CDV14, Rázus 1+1 TESTER, green double PC for near foreign countries with paid answer; nice quality, low edition, sought! U:A5
1939 [COLLECTIONS] CDV4/1-36, Promotional 1939, complete set of pictorial post cards, outside 18a; superb, placed in pages Leuchtturm, c.v.. 600€, rare usage, big specialisation see. new Monograph Földes - Havlíček U:Z
[COLLECTIONS] CDV13/ 1-18 Promotional 1944, complete set of 18 pcs of pictorial post cards; superb, placed in pages Leuchtturm, c.v.. 380€, rare usage, big specialisation see. new Monograph Földes - Havlíček U:Z
1942 CPV13, Hlinka 80h purple-red, post. order card, without průseků; very good quality U:A5
1939-1942 comp. 7 pcs of various Un celin: CDV11, Tiso 70h and double card with paid answer; CZL1 and CZL2b, CDV6, CAZ1, CPL2b; nice quality U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting slightly specialized collection on pages Schaubek in spiral stockbook, complete overprint issue hinged incl. 10CZK (exp. by Synek.), i.a. 3,50CZK red Opt 2x, 4CZK 3x, 5CZK 2x, then for example. overprint Blue Štefánik 2x as blk-of-4, also multiblocks and blocks of four overprint issue lower values, then for example. Blue Štefánik, 2-stamps gutter Hlinka 50h Sy.23B (minor faults), single issue, plate number, blocks of four, wmk, also postage-due, newspaper, miniature sheet For Children-issue, 2-stamps. and 4zn. gutter Tiso ** etc..; mainly * and */**, part also **, forgeries marked, we advice viewings, high catalogue value U:Z
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION stamp. and blocks, contains incomplete overprint set (without 10CZK), lot of cheap stmp with overprint Coat of arms, Štefánik and small Landscape, other issue in blocks or corner pcs. with plate mark; part with label, on 9 pages A4 U:Z
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 220 pcs entires, prevails commercial correspondence addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, contains issue as overprint, Hlinka, Airmail, part R, Ex, Flight, PC, mixed franking, censorship etc..; mainly good quality, placed in letter file, valuable estate of dealer U:Z