1945 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE black Opt "We thank the Allies/ for Liberation/ 5.V.1945" on/for 31 values stamp. various issues, practically complete, missing only value A. Hitler 10K green; mint never hinged - only minor gum fault
1945 OLOMOUC comp. 6 pcs of numbered miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle, value 120h green with anulací round hole + supplemented with 5 stamp. 60, 80, 120, 380 and 420h; on 2 album pages
1945 LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet in black color, print on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, in gum LL stamp. spots, interesting
1945 LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet in blue color, print on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, only small omission gum, interesting
1945 PRAGUE - MODŘANY, HLAS LIDU - PROSTĚJOV, BĚLÍK LOTTERY TICKETS - PRAGUE collection emergency newspaper labels, Modřany - values 30h, 80h, 1,20 Koruna and 4.20K, contains 6x vert. gutter from that 4x tete-beche/opposite, 2x protichůdný joined printing, color shades, Prostějov - joined printing 4 labels, Bělík tickets - 2x horiz. gutter, from that 1x tete-beche/opposite; mint never hinged or výrobně without gum, on 3 album pages A4
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA red Opt Czechoslovak Post. on/for Hungarian stamp. various issues 1f-1P, selection of 23 pcs of; mint never hinged, only stamp. 10h light hinged, part exp. Blaha
1945 ROŽŇAVA black Opt Czechoslovak Post with double line on 14 stamp., values 1f - 80f two Hungarian postage issues, from that 1x 30f with inverted opt - exp. Voloncs; mint never hinged
1945 RUMBURK comp. 14 pcs of corner blk-of-4 German stamp. A. Hitler 3Pf - 42P with black overprint "Czechoslovakia/ National Committee// Rumburk"; all mint never hinged
1945 ÚSTÍ N. L. selection of 17 pcs of corner blk-of-4 German postage stmp A. Hitler, values 1Pf - 80Pf with black overprint "Č.S.R./ 9.5.1945/ Ústí n.L."; all mint never hinged
1944RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA / POŠTOVY ÚŘAD (= office) BÁTKA provisional three-line black cancel. on letter to Rimavská Sobota, with 30f with red overprint "Č.S.P."; exceedingly rare
1945 OLOMOUC philatelically influenced letter franked with. 12 pcs of revolutionary stamp., complete set Moravská eagle 60h - 420h incl. blue 120h with skartačním hole, supplemented with 5 pcs of stmp with overprint A. Hitler, CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 26.V.45; good condition
1945 TEPLICE ŠANOV, black Opt Czechoslovak./ post on/for 20 values German stamp., A. Hitler 1Pf - 1RM, all with round service postmark with emblem, POST OFFICE TEPLICE ŠANOV/ 8.5.1945, used on 2 pages A4; good condition
1945 ZBRASLAV N. V. / FINIS GERMANIAE/ 10.V.45 total 15 copy-print cancel. on/for first day sheet with whole Bohemian and Moravian sets A. Hitler 10h - 50K + 4,20 Koruna; good condition
1945 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation more than 500 pcs of "Kalmanových" overprints PARDUBICE, from collection of tiskaře A. Žáka from Pardubice Contains all values, blocks of four, bands, coupons, horseshoe, combination colors etc.., supplemented with 3 pcs of commemorative sheets, 10 pcs of entires from that 1x more/larger envelope with whole sets 23 pcs of stamps, all in/at 1 stockbook A4
1945 [COLLECTIONS] REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS collection of stmp and entires in/at one older stockbook, contains 500 pcs of stamp. and blocks sorted to sets with descriptions places origin, supplemented with several entires, contains i.a. Hradec Králové, Konice, Mirošov, Mnichovo Hradiště , Plzeň, Písek, Říčany near Prague, Svitavy, Kežmarok etc..
1945[COLLECTIONS] big collection revolutionary overprints, estate after/around tiskaři A. Žákovi from Pardubice, which/what získalvýměnou with other tiskaři. Total more than 1.000 pcs of stamps (!) with overprints, from more than 40 various destinations, i.a. NÁCHOD, SKŘÍPOV, KONICE, LIBČICE, ŽAMBERK, MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, DEJVICE, UHERSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ, ROKYCANY, miniature sheet Liberated Prague - May 1945, NUSLE, PŘEROV, PODĚBRADY, SVITAVY, BOJKOVICE, CDS ZBRASLAV - FINIS GERMANIAE, ROVENSKO, PARDUBICE, HORNÍ BŘÍZA, ŽDÁNICE, CHOTĚBOŘ, VYSOKÉ MÝTO, DAČICE, FRÝDEK, DOMAŽLICE, DOBRUŠKA, HOŘICE etc.., all marked also with names tiskařů, in/at one older stockbook; very good condition, quite rare collection suitable also to/at studijnímu elaboration revolutionary overprints!!
1945[COLLECTIONS] accumulation more than 1.900ks "Kalmanových" overprints PARDUBICE, from collection of tiskaře A. Žáka from Pardubice Contains all values, blocks of four, bands, coupons, horseshoe, combination colors, plate proofs and several commemorative sheets, supplemented with kopií article K. Holoubka in Philately; all placed in full older stockbook, rare estate, suitable not only to sale, but also to/at studijnímu elaboration!
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL POSTMARKS Czechoslovakia 1945 - 1946, selection of 41 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, 21 pcs of as Registered, Postage due, Cash franked/paid etc.., contains i.a. postmark POUZDŘANY, UHERSKÝ BROD, NĚMECKÁ VYSKYTNÁ, HORNÍ NĚMČÍ, ŠTERNBERK, FRÝVALDOV, VLACHOVICE, POŠTORNÁ on postcard, ODRY, VRANOV on Ppc, KYLEŠOVICE, STARÝ JIČÍN etc..; mainly good condition, valuable selection of
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] original exhibit 125 pcs of entires from postal transport with specialization on/for liberated territory after/around Protectorate, mailing vyplácené cash etc..; placed on 67 pages in spring folder; part with stain after/around samolepících labels, as multiple interesting
Pof.353-359, complete set bottom L corner stamp. with plate mark both printing plates incl. retouch, both stamps values 1,50 Koruna significant shift průseků above author's name "J.GAJZER", 1x light carmine color; value 5 Koruna grey-black with retouch, value 20K plate 2 on/for L margin oblique pin hole; very nice quality, rare set
Pof.353-359DZ, 1.50K - 20K, comp. 11 pcs of plate marks, values 2K-6KHelmy with 1 plate mark, values 1.50 - 20K Ruce with both plate mark; mint never hinged
Pof.353, 354,367, comp. 5 pcs of bloks of four and 4 single stamp. with various plate variety (lines, stains), shift pin hole to stamps, oblique pin hole, plate number at value 2 Koruna, oblique paper crease, offset on gum etc..; mint never hinged, interesting set
Pof.354, comp. 3 pcs of marginal block-of-4 and 1x block of 8 values 2 Koruna, contains 1x partial offset on gum through/over two stamps, 1x significant red čáru through/over "SL" in/at name state, then block of four with plate mark A1, plate 1 with red smudge on edge, block of 8 with plate mark A1 plate 2 with five identifikovanými plate variety; interesting set
Pof.357, value 9K, horizontal strip of 3 with significant shift vert. pin hole to stamp. to to character "Z" name/-s "GAJZER", plate 2, pos. 1-3; mint never hinged, cat. only single stamp. 2.400CZK
Pof.354, 356, Košice-issue, selection of three matters of interest: 2 Koruna crease over whole stamp; 2 Koruna with production flaw 97/C - white circle before/(in front of) numeral 2 + value 6 Koruna with production flaw 85/C - white circle before/(in front of) numeral 6; sought
PLATE FLAWS / comp. of 10 catalogue plate variety and expressive production flaw (1x pair, 1x block of four) on sheet with descriptions, also with nice set color shades
Pof.354-356Ms(4), set vertical 4-stamp gutter., from that 6 Koruna light blue and 2 Koruna with L margin, in addition 6 Koruna 2-stamps. marginal dark blue; mint never hinged
Pof.354-356Mv(4) and Ms(4), selection of vertical and horiz. 4-stamp gutter 2K-6K, very nice quality + in addition vertical 4-stamp gutter 5 Koruna with light pásem and sporadically on/for two upper stamp. (minor gum fault); cat. min. 2.250CZK
Pof.354-356Mv(4), selection of horiz. gutter values 2K-6K with lower margin, value 2 Koruna with plate mark A1, retouch plate mark at value 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; mint never hinged, nice quality, c.v.. 4.100Kč
Pof.354, comp. 4 pcs of blk-of-16 with gutters, so 8x Ms(4) and 8x Mv(4), contains total 32 identifikovaných flaws, 1x with plate mark A1; mint never hinged, horiz. gutter light folded
Pof.354Mv(4), 356(v), selection of horiz. and vertical gutter 2 Koruna and 6 Koruna, all with various significant populárními errors/flaws (rings, lines, stains), upínací strip on edge etc..; mint never hinged, interesting
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety - broken paw + production flaw - large circle in/at tail lion in emblem between stamps; rare and sought combination!
Pof.A360/362DV, Kosice MS, plate variety - plamen by/on/at numeral value 2 Koruna red; mint never hinged nice piece, rare plate flaw missing in most collections!
Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with significant shifted print red color L - value 2 Koruna over margin printed perf, both red inscriptions posunuty outside marked field + red color point in value 6 Koruna blue; hinged, small thin place in lower margin, sought by specialists
Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with production flaw VV 3 - red stain between K and O and circle by numeral value 5; mint never hinged, very fine, sought plate flaw
Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with production flaw production flaw No.1 - blue stain in helmet on stmp 6 Koruna blue, AP4; mint never hinged, very fine, rare sought defect on MS!
Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with zdánlivým shift red also blue (!) color stamps 2 Koruna and 6 Koruna outside printed perf vzniklý shift color grey-green values 5 Koruna, emblem / symbol and "perf" in the direction of L and downward; mint never hinged, only small bend in/at right corner, exceedingly rare occurrence!
Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS, production flaw - 4 white big rings in value 6 Koruna blue - SEDMIKRÁSKA (see sken No. 3); mint never hinged nice piece, sought significant defect
Pof.A360-362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety "broken paw" + significant blue stain R from right upper corner stamps 2 Koruna, minor gum fault; interesting
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety "broken paw", field 111 (according to Čtvrtečka), 2 pcs of, 1x significantly thin place inscription "Gajdzica" at value 6 Koruna and 1x this inscription quite normal (according to Čtvrtečka always alespoň light thin place); very interesting, cat. only common miniature sheets with plate variety 2.400CZK
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate flaw "score in tail lion" + Registered and Express letter addressed to to Prague with same plate variety "score in tail lion", CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 25.VI.45 - first day issue miniature sheet, FDC, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 12/ 26.VI.45; miniature sheet with small dírkou in LL corner, letter good condition, nice collection favourite plate defects on MS also Us letter from 1. of day issue!