Pof.A360-362, Kosice MS, comp. 5 pcs of dopisů: three franked with. whole miniature sheet (2x R, combination according to Čtvrtečka 5/111, 11/112, 13/222), ordinary exp. by Kulda., one franked with. vystřižkem with stamp. 5 Koruna and uprated by.; in addition free miniature sheet with CDS Bratislava 1/ 15.4.45, combination 15/112, interesting
1945 1. TESTER PLATNOSTI selection of R+Ex-dopisu and 3 pcs of cut-squares with cancel. 1. of day, 1x Registered and Express letter with 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna with provisory CDS KOŠICE/ 26.III.45, incl. certificate of mailing (smaller stain between stamp.) + 3 pcs of cut-squares with stamp. 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna a- 6 Koruna with provisory cancel. FILAKOVO and date-stamp 26.III.1945
1945 2x Reg letter franked with. Košice stamp., 1x 6 Koruna blue and 1x str-of-3 2 Koruna red, both with hand-made cancellation "LIPIANY" 28/7 45 resp. 15/7 45; 1x envelope cut from 3 sides, 1x torn flap
1945 FDC, Pof.A360/362DV, Kosice MS with plate variety "broken paw" on/for R+Ex-dopise to Prague, cancelled by postmark BRATISLAVA/ 25.VI.45 - first day issue miniature sheet, on reverse arrival illegible postmark; good condition, favourite plate variety on/for Us letter from 1. of day issue!
1945firmení Reg letter to Bratislava, with 6 Koruna, Pof.355 with rare CDS BIDOVCE, with by hand additionally written date 4.7.45, provisional registry label; one from most precious postmarks, extraordinary offer!
1945 Reg letter to Bratislava, with 6 Koruna, violet rectangle CDS POST ÚRAD (off.) KOŠKOVICE with hand-made date 7.VII.1945, provisional registry label by pencil; tearing, rare postmark
1945 Reg letter to Prague, with Košice-issue 2 Koruna and 5 Koruna from miniature sheet + 2x 20h War Heroes, negative CDS VRANOV N.T. 1945, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 31/ 31.XII.45; very rare postmark cancel., according to V. PalkoskySV/K44e
1945 Reg letter to Trebišova, franked with. 4x value 2 Koruna (1x marginal strip-of-3) with part of postage due paid cash "0,50 zaúčtováno cash", round violet CDS POST ÚRAD (off.) KEŽMAROK (ÚV/KK 80), dated cancel 19.JUN.1945, on reverse arrival postmark
1945 Reg and Express letter franked with. i.a. cut-square stamp. 2 Koruna from miniature sheet, cancelled provisory cancel. Postal office LEVOČA with by hand additionally written date 28.VIII.45, on reverse arrival BRATISLAVA, supplemented with cut-square front sides letter i.a. franked by stmp from miniature sheet 6 Koruna blue; good condition
1945R+Ex-celina CDV74 sent in the place, uprated with stamp 5 Koruna and 2 Koruna, CDS PREŠOV 2/ 29.III.45, on reverse with mailing sheetlet, 3. day issue; L at top small tearing
1945 comp. of 2 dopisů: 1x Express letter to Bratislava, with 5 Koruna, line violet CDS SEČOVCE with date stamp 8.VIII.1945 + 1x R, franked with. pair 2 Koruna, hand obliteration RAKOVECn/O/ 9.VIII.45, provisional hand-made CDS
1945 selection of 25 pcs of cut-squares, single values separately also in pairs, various shades, postmark, gutter 2 Koruna with plate number A1, usage as postage due etc..; interesting multiple, detailed index inserted
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters addressed abroad and franked with. i.a. Košice miniature sheet, 1x Reg, express and airmail letter to Switzerland with mailing CDS BRATISLAVA 7/ 5.XI.45, 1x uprated by. Reg and airmail letter to USA, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 10.XII.45, arrival postmark on reverse both letters; good condition, entires addressed to abroad are rare!
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters franked with. Košice aršíkem: 1x Express letter with plate variety "broken paw", cut envelope, CDS LEVOČA/ 25.VI.45 (first day issue.) + letter with miniature sheet with guide mark in LR corner, MS pos. 6/222, CDS NÁCHOD/ 11.IX.45
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with usage CDS from 1. republic, 1x franked with. 2 Koruna (2x) with CDS SMOLNÍK/ 17.VIII.45 with broken out "Č" from period of Slovak Rep., 1x commercial with 6 Koruna blue with CDS HNÚŠŤA/ Czechoslovak Post/ 19.IV.45 - envelope open from 2 sides; good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with provisory postmarks also Reg label, 1x with 6 Koruna blue with cancel. PLAVEČ N. POPRADOM and by hand 14.7.45, missing back flap, 1x franked with. str-of-3 2 Koruna with straight line postmark SVIDNÍK and date stamp 20.Júl.1945, good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg and airmail letter addressed abroad, 1x to London, with 1,50 Koruna and 6 Koruna, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 13.X.45, 1x addressed. to New York with mounted whole sets Pof.353-359, from that 6 Koruna light blue, CDS PLZEŇ 1/ 5.XI.45, on reverse arrival NEW YORK 11.23.1945; good condition, philatelically motivated entires, Us abroad!
1945 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x business postcard with 1,50 Koruna with railway pmk TREBIŠOV - VRANOV N. TESTER/ 5.VI.45 with censorship, 1x commercial letter sent as Reg and C.O.D. on/for 227Kčs, i.a. franked by stmp 2K+ 13 Koruna with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 17.I.46, 1x Registered and Express letter i.a. franked by stmp 9K with CDS HÁJNIKY/ 29.XII.45, arrival postmark; good condition
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters and 1 cut-square with provisory cancel., 1x commercial Reg and express letter franked with. 4 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna with straight line postmark VRANOV N. TOPLOU and by hand 6/VII 45, censorship, arrival on reverse (envelope open from 2 sides); 1x R+dopis with 6 Koruna blue with round cancel. LUČENEC and date stamp 14.VI.1945, Hungarian Reg label with overprint; 1x commercial Reg letter with straight line postmark POPRAD 26.VI.1945 (envelope open from 3 sides) + front side Reg letter with round cancel. KOŠICE (light imprint) and provisional Hungarian R label
comp. 9 pcs of letters franked with. Košice stamp. 2 Koruna, 2x 3-tuple franking as Registered and Express letter with CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES, 1x simple franking, 6x mixed franking with various issues as Partisan, London-issue, Bratislava's, from that 3x Ex, 1x R with CDS KOŠICE 1/ 11.IX.45; good condition, valuable selection of
1945 selection of two entires: reminder sheet personnel post Chrudim with 6 Koruna from miniature sheet with sought production flaw - oval stain in helmet + Reg letter with part of miniature sheet with stamp. 2 Koruna and Bratislavké issue 3 Koruna and 50h, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 19.VI.45-19
1946 letter to PERBENÍKU (eastern Slovakia), franked with. in Slovakia already invalidated stamp. War Heroes 1CZK and 5h (2x), Pof.387 and 395, CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 10.I.46, postage due postpaid with stmp Pof.DL28 and Košice-issue 2 Koruna, arrival PERBENÍK/ without date
1946VODOROVNÁMEZIARŠÍ comp. 3 pcs of Reg or Ex letters franked with. 2-stamps. horiz. or 1x vertical gutter and sent in the place, 1x gutter 5 Koruna light grey, Pof.Ms355b, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 28.II.45, 1x gutter 2 Koruna red Pof.Ms354, CDS 28.II.46 (last day of validity), both letters incl. certificates of mailing + 1x Express letter franked with. i.a. vertical 2-stamps. gutter 5 Koruna grey-black, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 27.II.46, supplemented with row 2-stamps gutter Pof.Ms354 (*), 355a (**), 356(**); on/for envelopes only hints after sticking in exhibit
1945 Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with production flaw production flaw No.2 - red stain in helmet on stmp 6 Koruna blue, mounted on more/larger envelope as Reg letter, cancelled provisory cancel. BOHUMÍN 1/ 1945 with date stamp 6.XI.1945, mounted provisional registry label; good condition, philatelically motivated entire indeed with sought production flaw miniature sheet!
1945Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with rare combinations two expressive production flaws - strong shift red color - (stmp 2 Koruna outside perf) + wide paper crease in LL corner with incomplete printing red inscription, mounted on more/larger envelope as Reg letter, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 36/ 8.IX.45, addressed to in the place, good condition, philatelically motivated entire with very rare and sought production flaw!
1945[COLLECTIONS] quite exceptional study collection 101 pcs of Košice miniature sheets Pof.A360-362, all 15 souvenir sheet fields in/at 67 combinations printing plates, so-called. "full specialisation" according to J. Čtvrtečka, to úplnosti missing 2 rare combination (2 MS pos. combination 211 and 3 MS pos. combination 221), contains total 12 pcs of rare combination 211 and 13 pcs of combination 221, to exceptional vadám belongs to i.a.: "plamen", "blue stain in helmet", "oval in/at meandru", "clock in roof", "score in tail", then for example. rings and stains in large emblem, guide marks, joined printed and montážní marks etc..; overall supernormal quality, owner odvodilkatalogovou value on/for 96.000CZK, extraordinary offer!
1945 Pof.371, Bratislava's 10K black, horiz. bnd-of-40 with sheet margins, with production flaw - hair paper crease in paper (!), i.a. also types combination "close 0" on pos. 26, then 2x plate variety - rozlitý cross in emblem; decorative multiple
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava's 10K, upper 100 pcs of half-sheet, narrower zero on pos. 26, in addition plate variety - rozlitý cross on pos. 7 and 16; very nice quality
1945PARTIE / Moscow, selection 18 pcs of bloks of four, i.a. 50h, 1 Koruna and 2x 2 Koruna, all with omitted horiz. perf at top, then various plate variety etc..; several minor faults and minor gum fault, various quality papers, cat. only omitted perf 6.200Kč
1945 Pof.383VV, Moscow 20h brown, UR corner blk-of-10 with 2x double vertical perf in the middle through/over 4 stamp.; hinge in margin out of stmp., decorative multiple, c.v.. 4.000CZK
1945Pof.384VV, Moscow 50h green, bnd-of-20 with margin and oblique DVOJITOUVODOROVNOUPERFORACÍ between stamp., significant on 8 vertical pairs; mint never hinged, for the first time in auction, rare production defect in/at whole dvaceti-pásu!
1945 Pof.385, Moscow 1 Koruna red, 2 pcs of - significantly skidding print, from that 1x very rozostřený and 1x quite zalitý upper year 1945; very rare
1945 Pof.385VV, Moscow 1 Koruna red, block of four with R margin with significant oblique paper crease through/over right two stamps; stamps with paper crease **, rare
1945 Pof.386VV, Moscow 2 Koruna blue, block of four with upper margin, at top omitted horiz. perf + 1x omitted perforation hole in vertical centre perf; nice quality
1945 Pof.387-402, London-issue, specialized selection of single stamp., pairs and blocks with various production flaw - color stains, smudges, double plate number, then plate mark at value 10h and 20h, 10CZK with plate variety 183/1 - feather in a hat etc..; detailed index inserted, interesting
1945 Pof.389VV, London-issue 20h red, UR corner blk-of-21 with production flaw - significant paper crease (incomplete-printing) through/over 5 stamp. + significant shift vertical perf L-wards; mint never hinged decorative multiple