Public Auction 59 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Postal stationery

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209488 - 1904 CRETE / postcard Franz Joseph I. 5h sent from Vienna to
1904 CRETE / postcard Franz Joseph I. 5h sent from Vienna to Crete, uprated with stamp Franz Joseph I. 5h with bands, CDS WIEN and on Crete uprated with Greek postage-due 10L, transit pmk and CDS XANIA; exp. Ferechenbauer, rare
Starting price: CZK
200323 - 1864 Mi.U27, envelope 3 Kreuzer green sent as Reg, uprated o
1864 Mi.U27, envelope 3 Kreuzer green sent as Reg, uprated on reverse with 5 Kreuzer, same issue, Mi.32, red frame pmk WIEN/ RECOMMANDIRT 12/12 1864, on reverse arrival postmark WIEDEN in WIEN/ 12.12., some faults of upper lapel with commercial embossing "Dr. Fl. Fischer/ K.u.K.. Notar" and whole seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
209397 - 1861-1890 postal stationery cover - 15 Kr Franz Joseph, 15 K
1861-1890 postal stationery cover - 15 Kr Franz Joseph, 15 Kreuzer Eagle, 10Kr Eagle + 5 Kreuzer 1984 CDS PESTH (certificate Puschmann), R-COB 1890 5 Kreuzer + 2x 5 Kreuzer; cat. 265€
Starting price: CZK
209098 - 1867 postal stationery covers issue 1867, set of 3pcs, with
1867 postal stationery covers issue 1867, set of 3pcs, with value 5 Kreuzer red, 2x Reg from Brno to Vienna, on reverse uprated with stamp issue 1867 from that 1x uprated with 2x 5 Kreuzer, Mi.37II and 1x uprated with stamp 10Kr MI.38II, CDS BRÜN STADT 30/11 76 and 14/1 78 supplemented with red Reg round cancel. RECOMMANDIRT BRÜNN + envelope addressed to Greece, uprated on front side with 5 Kreuzer same issue, CDS BADEN 28/7 80, on reverse transit TRIESTE and arrival ATHENE; good condition, cat. Ferch. 550€
Starting price: CZK
207835 - 1890 postcard Ferch.59F, ERROR Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer ins
1890 postcard Ferch.59F, ERROR Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer instead 2 Kreuzer, CDS WIEN 60/ 6.10.94; minor faults on right margin, overall fine quality; very rare, cat. 1.400€++
Starting price: CZK
206383 - 1905 PC Franz Joseph 5h, Mi.P153 sent as Reg + C.O.D. on val
1905 PC Franz Joseph 5h, Mi.P153 sent as Reg + C.O.D. on value 171,55K, sent back, uprated with stamp Franz Joseph 5h + 2x 10h, CDS LITOMYŠL 4/8 05, arrival postmark WIZNITZ 7.VIII.05, sent back with label Refusé; signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
207823 - 1913 postcard Haida 5h, Zeppelin SACHSEN; plate variety obli
1913 postcard "Haida" 5h, Zeppelin SACHSEN; plate variety oblique imprint of value, very fine
Starting price: CZK
208411 - 1916 postcard Viribus Unitis 1914 used in Liechtenstein, CDS
1916 postcard Viribus Unitis 1914 used in Liechtenstein, CDS ESCHEN 5.IV.16, arrival VADUZ 6.IV.16, uprated to EXPRESS 5+10+10h (licht.) and 10h war Austrian Ferch.182; one 10h stamp minor faults, otherwise very fine, cat. min. 1.500€, rare
Starting price: CZK
206387 - 1908-1916 6 various PC Franz Joseph 5h, 8H, Crown 10h, Charl
1908-1916 6 various PC Franz Joseph 5h, 8H, Crown 10h, Charles 8H, 3x Reg, 3x as Express, from that 1x with marked surtax - refused and sent back, various CDS; good condition
Starting price: CZK
209333 - 1915-1917 set of 7 complete parcel cards with imprinted stam
1915-1917 set of 7 complete parcel cards with imprinted stamp 10h, all addressed to Turkey or present Syria, franked with high frankings stamp Jubilee 1908 2 K and 1 K, postage stamp issue 1916 Coat of arms 2 K and 3 K, various CDS WIEN, TRAUN, ZABLOCIE, PRAGUE; all good conditioncomp. 7 pcs of whole parcel cards with imprinted stamp 10h, all addressed to to Turkey or present Syria, franked with. high frankings stamp. Jubilee 1908 2 Koruna and 1 Koruna, postage stmp issue 1916 Coat of arms 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna, various CDS WIEN, TRAUN, ZABLOCIE, PRAGUE; all good condition
Starting price: CZK
1875-1935 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA / ACCUMULATION OF POSTAL STATIONERIES / selection of more than 600 PC, letter cards, p.stat newspaper wrappers, envelopes, contains PC from issue "yellow", many pieces with interesting postmarks, part unused PC and envelopes, from that also issue for Levant, language types, double PC etc.., postwar with interesting frankings from period of inflation, supplemented with many larger parts of dispatch notes; various quality, placed in 2 office folders, part of estate
Starting price: CZK