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1966 Pof.PL1574 plate variety, I. Art - Hollar 1Kčs, PB with plate variety 3/2 - tear; marked by Pofis., c.v.. 1.300CZK U:A5
1966 Pof.PL1574 plate variety, I. Art - Hollar 1Kčs, PB with plate variety 3/2 - tear; marked by Pofis., c.v.. 1.300CZK U:A5
1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, I. art, complete set PB + ditto with CDS PRAGUE 1, PL1574 with plate variety - tear; overall fine, c.v.. 2.300CZK U:A5
1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, I. art, complete set, Pof.1575 Kupecký types I + II (marked); superb, c.v.. 1.950CZK U:A5
1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, Art I., set in/at PB, c.v.. 1.500CZK U:A5
1966-1979 Pof.1574DV, I. art 1Kčs with plate variety - tear + Pof.2215DO + Pof.2369B with perf 11¾;; mint never hinged, 1x expertized, c.v.. 1.600CZK U:A5
1967-1980 SELECTION of / catalogue plate variety and other interest on/for filled card A4: contains i.a. Pof.1592, Water Birds 1,40Kčs plate variety 4/1; 1809c Svoboda 1Kčs plate variety 28/1 in/at corner blk-of-9 (in block very sought vada!); 1828 Lenin 60h plate variety 14/2 "line below by eye"; 2253 Uniforms 60h blk-of-40 with plate variety 31, 32 and 34/1; 2453 Papercutting 5Kčs, very significant shift violet R; all described, very nice collection, cat. min. 3.000CZK U:A4
1967 Pof.PL1624VV, PRAGA 1968, PB with production flaw - shift black color transport on all pane positions; unusual U:A5
1968 Pof.1678lt, Svoboda 60h + Pof.2111lt Letter with cipher 30h, both stamp. in vertical str-of-3, tropical gum; mint never hinged, marked by Pofis., c.v.. 2.100CZK U:A5
1968 Pof.1682-1687, New Prague, selection of sets in two various corner blocks of four, contains total 8 sought ZP+K+ZP in a luxury state, also with on/for supplement two PB 1686, cat. min. 1.200CZK U:A4
1968 UNISSUED XIV. Congress of Communists 30h and 60h, both stamp. UR corner pieces; superb, c.v.. significantly misvalues U:A5
1968-1973 Pof.1715VV, Coat of arms Ostrava 60h, single stamp. with production flaw - blue stain color L from emblem / symbol + ditto on 1 stmp Pof.2034, Coat of arms Smolenice in/at corner block of four; interesting U:A5
1969 Pof.1756, 1765, 1790, 1799, 1803, comp. of 6 various DV: 1756 plate variety 25/2; 1765 marginal plate variety 48/2; 1790 plate variety 1/1, plate variety 22/1, line bet. Reg and Č in the word HERČÍK; 1799 plate variety 2/1; 1803 marginal horizontal pair plate variety 26/2 U:A5
1969 Pof.A1791, Congress UPU 3,20Kčs, complete set miniature sheets plate A-D U:A4
1969-1975 Pof.1791, 2091, 2112, 2121, comp. 4 pcs of stamp., stripe and block of four with various production flaw, Congress UPU 3,20Kčs - shift orange color in/at value numeral, Brno 74 value 30h - vertical red smudge in margin and stamp., Postilion 1Kčs corner blk-of-4 - blue stain, Svitek 60h str-of-4 - omitted print in/at name state; all mint never hinged U:A5
1969 Pof.1808, Svoboda 50h, pair date 3.X.69 (str-of-4 and blk-of-15), but every printed on/for other typewriter, in/at the first middle of day on/for WIFAGu 2 and in other on/for WIFAGu 1 (půldenní surplus print, still nepublikovaný and extremely vzácný!), also with two other date from next reprint, quite exceptional chance U:A5
1970 Pof.1813, Beethoven 40h, type II.; superb U:A5
1970 Pof.1813ST, Beethoven 40h, horizontal pair with joined types II + I; exp. by Arbeit., superb, c.v.. 5.500CZK U:A5
1970-1972 Pof.1817, 1824, 1949, selection of interesting production vad: Osaka 80h, corner Pr with significant shift green L; Lada 1Kčs, horizontal strip of 3 - on/for two pos. more/larger black stains on/for věžičce to to břichu horses; Tichý 50h - shifted perforation up U:A5
1970 Pof.1824 II., Lada 1Kčs dark blue, type II.; mint never hinged U:A5
1970 Pof.1828DO, Lenin 60h, corner the bottom corner blk-of-10 with date of print, with plate variety 49/1 U:A5
1970 Pof.1828DV, Lenin 60h, horizontal strip of 4 with plate variety 14/2 part of edition + LR corner blk-of-8 with plate variety 49/1 U:A5
1970-1980 Pof.1828DO, Lenin 60h as Pr with plate variety 49/1 + Pof.2452ST, Papercutting 4Kčs as Pr with ST I. + II.; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.950Kčs U:A5
1971 Pof.1875xb, 1876xa, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs - vertical pair optically cleared paper + 1,60Kčs - horiz. corner str-of-3 with incomplete printing green and violet color on/for stupnici in lower margin, paper without optical brightener; all mint never hinged U:A5
1971 Pof.1875ya, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, production defect with shift vertical perf to picture of stmp., LR corner blk-of-4, fluorescing paper 1 - mainly strávená fluorescence + vertical pair with margin, fluorescing paper 1 - fluorescence good condition; mint never hinged U:A5
1971-1972 Vernacular Architecture, chosen selection of varieties papírů: 1Kčs optically cleared and fluorescent paper No.1; 1,60Kčs optically cleared, 2Kčs optically cleared, fluorescent paper No.1 and fluorescent paper No.2; 3Kčs optically cleared and fluorescent paper 1 and ditto 3,60Kčs; mint never hinged, 8 pcs of exp. and marked, c.v.. 2.200CZK U:A5
1971 Pof.1876xb, 1882, Vernacular Architecture, value 1,60Kčs optically cleared paper, complete 50 pcs of sheet with date of print 2.II.76, value 9Kčs complete 100 stamps sheet with date of print 14.VII.71; mint never hinged without fold, cat. min. 13.500CZK U:A3v–
1971 Pof.1877, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, complete set all existing varieties papers and color odstínů: paper without optical brightener - shades a), b), c); optically cleared paper - shades a), b), c); papers fluorescent paper No.1 and fluorescent paper No.2; rare offer!, very fine U:A5
1971 Pof.1877, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, fluorescing paper 1, corner vertical strip of 4 incl. marks TÚS (Technical Services), with date of print 26.VIII.80 - 8. surplus print; mint never hinged, nepoškozená fluorescence U:A5
1971 Pof.1877xb, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, block of four, optically cleared paper, shade type b) - orange instead yellow, rarest shade, significant shift all HT colors L-wards; mint never hinged, sought U:A5
1971 Pof.1879, Vernacular Architecture 3,60Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of vertical corner str-of-5 with date printing: 1x paper without optical brightener, 17.II.71; 1x optically cleared paper, 22.III.73; 1x paper fluorescent paper, 28.XII.81; very fine U:A5
1971 Pof.1884, UNESCO 1Kčs, LR corner blk-of-4 with coupons, at lower margin sheet imprint of transfer roll "UNESCO", on gum in addition horiz. line printing color; unusual and interesting U:A5
1971 Pof.1893 DV+RE, Climbing 30h, 2x LR corner blk-of-4, plate variety 50/1 - line by ice pick and retouch RE50/1; very fine U:A5
1972 Pof.1949VV, Graphic Art 50h, production flaw - without green color (in skutečnosti extremely thin/light print green color, quite without green doesn't exist); c.v.. very misvalues, exp. by Arbeit, for comparison normal piece U:A5
1972 Pof.1961-1962, Czechoslovakia world champion 60h and 1 Koruna, two corner blocks of four with date (incl. plate variety pos. 1 on/for 1Kčs), 60h with hledanými plate variety pos. 3, pos. 10 (both with margin) and pos. 21 - interrupted T in/at superb marginal block of four, c.v.. 2.300CZK U:A5
1972 Pof.1961-1962, Czechoslovakia world champion 60h and 1Kčs, comp. 12 pcs of with identified plate variety overprint, i.a. incl. plate variety 21 - interrupted T, missing only Pof.1962 with plate variety 7 U:A4
1972 Pof.1961-1962, Czechoslovakia world champion, lower corner bloks of 4 (1961 with plate variety 29, 1962 with plate variety 35), value 60h light blue Opt (for comparison stmp with common dark blue overprint), sought U:A5
1972 Pof.1961-1962DV, Czechoslovakia world champion, selection of 1 kompletního 35 pcs of counter sheet values 1Kčs and nekompletního counter sheet values 60h - missing L the bottom corner str-of-3 incl. plate variety 21; mint never hinged, outside přerušeného "T" all plate defects (Pof.1962 without plate variety 7) U:A3v–
1972 Pof.1966VV, Vernacular Architecture 3Kčs, complete 100 stamps sheet with significant shift red color transport; mint never hinged, cross quite povolená perf to to okrajům, c.v.. 20.000CZK, rare offer in/at whole sheet! U:A3v–
1972 Pof.1967VV, Vernacular Architecture 10Kčs, marginal piece, two vertical blue bands through/over whole stamp.; mint never hinged U:A5
1972 Pof.1975xb,1975xa, Drátenické řemeslo 60h, optically cleared paper, tropical gum; for comparison added common piece, sought by specialists, marked and exp. Kulda and We, c.v.. 6.000CZK U:A5
1967-1973 Pof.L61VV + 2032VV, comp. of 2 stamp. with production flaw, 2CZK air with bottom coupon and zelenými lines in the picture stamp. also coupon + corner Pr Coat of arms Mikulov with red vertical line through/over lower stamp. and lower margin; both stamp. with postmark and gum U:A5
1973 Pof.2035, University Olomouc, comp. 5 pcs of stripe and blocks with dates of print, contains block of four violet with date 24.IV.73, fialovomodrá horizontal pair with date 20.IV.73 and two vertical str-of-3 and one pair with date 2., 3. and 4.V.73; mint never hinged, rare U:A5
1973 Pof.2050-2051, Švabinský, selection of deseti PB according to desek: A, B, C1, C2 (two various shades), D1, D1 very light grey, D2 with plate variety on pos. 2, D2 ditto, but extremely dark grey-black; attractive selection of, in addition D1 with production flaw - significant stain in right upper corner on/for frame on pos. 1, described U:A4
1974 Pof.2061, 5. Anniv Czechoslovakia 30h, bnd-of-20 with date + horiz. bnd-of-10 with shift red up (wedge [ ˇ ] in golden printings) + horiz. bnd-of-9 (with shift red up and in addition transport); sought U:A4
1974 Pof.2061, 5. Anniv Czechoslovakia 30h, comp. of points of interest: str-of-3 reprint (dark blue and gold), for comparison block of four basic print (light blue and gold); pair reprint with production flaw - joined 30h in lower part blue line (significant, still nepublikované); pair reprint with shifted perforation transport U:A5
1974 Pof.PL2081 plate variety, UNESCO 2Kčs, 2x PB with various stages plate variety 1/1 - rabbet; both marked Pofis, c.v.. 1.600CZK. U:A5
1974 Pof.2082, Intersputnik 30h, complete sheet with production flaw - shift numeral value R on all stamps (sheet B, from 27.III.); also with three normal sheets from all three days print (26., 27., 28.III., 2x A, 1x B; 28.III. light shifted perforation R) and str-of-5 from 27.III., but with nezáměrným výmětem OZP, very interesting study selection of U:A3v–
1974 Pof.2084VV, Prague Castle 3Kčs, two PB, 1x shift red downward (numeral(s) is in contact with bottom frame), 1x shifted perforation up, interesting U:A5
1974 Pof.2090xa, Children's Day 60h + Pof.2126xa, International Year of Women, both stamp. paper -bp-; superb, exp. by Kulda and Profil U:A5
1974 Pof.2095xa, Můza with maskami 30h, paper without optical brightener; superb, marked by Profil U:A5
1974 Pof.2110xa production flaw, Postal emblems 20h, production flaw - orange stain between pair stamp. in lower line, horizontal pair with lower margin on paper with strávenou fluorescencí and the bottom block of four with pair oranžových stains on paper fluorescent paper No.1 - fluorescence without porušení; mint never hinged U:A5
1974 Pof.2110xb+xa production flaw, Postal emblems 20h, production defects, vertical corner str-of-5 with incomplete printing brown color on/for several stamp. + block of four with lower margin, shifted print yellow color, optically cleared paper + block of four with vertical blue and žlutým band over stmp and margin, fluorescing paper 1 - fluorescence strávená from larger part; mint never hinged U:A5
1974 Pof.2110ya production flaw, Postal emblems 20h, corner vertical blk-of-10, blue vertical band through/over 2 stamp. in/at next column, fluorescing paper 1, date of print 21.IV.80; fluorescence from larger part strávená, mint never hinged U:A5
1974 Pof.2111, Postal emblems 30h, comp. 3 pcs of corner str-of-5, 1x without marks TÚS (Technical Services), 1x with mark TÚS (Technical Services), 1x with mark TÚS (Technical Services) + inscription Luminescenční paper; very fine U:A5
1974 Pof.2111, Postal emblems 30h, comp. of 9 kusů: xa (paper without optical brightener, superb, request exp. by Arbeit.), xb (optically cleared paper) pět various shades, from that 2x shaded sachet (1x normal blue from April 1977, 1x daleko rarer light blue from July 1977, catalogue for the present nerozlišuje, light still never in auction nenabízena), ya (paper f11) three shades, from that 1x shift blue and red; nice selection of U:A5
1974 Pof.2111lt, Postal emblems 30h, marginal Pr, tropical gum; mint never hinged U:A5
1974 Pof.2111VV, Postal emblems 30h, 1x horizontal pair with shift blue color downward, fluorescing paper 1 + single stamp. larger part OMITTED blue color on/for psaníčku - shaded, optically cleared paper; mint never hinged, rare and sought! U:A5
1974 Pof.2111VV, Postal emblems 30h, optically cleared paper, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw No.1 - shaded sachet; mint never hinged, in/at c.v.. very underprized (print only single day), exp. Kulda U:A5
1974 Pof.2113VV, Postal emblems 60h, fluorescing paper 1, vertical pair in/at production flaw - significant defect scrap on edge counter sheet; decorative, mint never hinged U:A5