Public Auction 59 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Lombardy-Venetia

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208488 - 1850 Ferch.1H,3H- 5h I, Coat of arms 5Cts with paper crease
1850 Ferch.1H,3H- 5h I, Coat of arms 5Cts with paper crease with certificate Strakosch and 15Cts first print dunkelkarmin with certificate Strakosch, 15Cts underlaid middle, 30Cts nice offset, 30Cts ribbed paper and 45Cts blue, interspace 0,2mm between "5" and "C", in addition Balken 8mm, with certificate K. Huber; very fine and interesting speciality selection, cat. min. 790€
Starting price: CZK
202388 - 1850 Ferch.1-5, complete set of Coat of arms 5Cts-45Cts on h
1850 Ferch.1-5, complete set of Coat of arms 5Cts-45Cts on hand-made paper HP with wmk in the middle area of stamp + complete set Coat of arms 5Cts-45Cts with full offsets, 5Cts sheet inverted (!) offset, other machine offsets; part close, but full margins
Starting price: CZK
208480 - 1850 Ferch.1-5, set Coat of arms 5-45Cts; set HP also MP, va
1850 Ferch.1-5, set Coat of arms 5-45Cts; set HP also MP, various types and colors, i.a. 10Cts HP margin 4mm and Erstdruck, 15Cts margin 5mm; chosen quality, cat. 650€
Starting price: CZK
208478 - 1850 Ferch.1-5, set Coat of arms 5-45Cts; all HP, various ty
1850 Ferch.1-5, set Coat of arms 5-45Cts; all HP, various types and colors, 5Cts underlaid middle, 10Cts grey-black with plate variety - dot in "0", 15Cts lower margin, all on cut squares; chosen quality, 10Cts with better cancel. BARDOLINO, cat. ca. 510€
Starting price: CZK
201412 - 1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 5Cts-45Cts, all type I. and HP,
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 5Cts-45Cts, all type I. and HP, all with significant machine offsets; very fine, cat. 780€, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
207850 - 1850 Ferch.1H Ib, Coat of arms 1 Kr orange ochre Ib type on
1850 Ferch.1H Ib, Coat of arms 1 Kr orange ochre Ib type on hand-made paper, on cut-square, used on printed-matter, rarely with mailing also arrival cancel. OLLMUTZ 17. MAR. and BERAUN 18.3.; cat. 190€++
Starting price: CZK
208489 - 1850 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 5Cts double impression einteilig
1850 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 5Cts double impression "einteilig", CDS BRESCIA; very fine piece with certificate Karl Huber, cat. 325€
Starting price: CZK
208490 - 1850 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 5Cts dark orange, underlaid midd
1850 Ferch.1H, Coat of arms 5Cts dark orange, underlaid middle, CDS MILAN 12/6; very fine piece, cat. 190€
Starting price: CZK
208483 - 1850 Ferch.1HI and 2HI, Coat of arms 5Cts and 10Cts on cut-s
1850 Ferch.1HI and 2HI, Coat of arms 5Cts and 10Cts on cut-square with cancel. VEROLANOVA, 5Cts with underlaid middle; cat. min.430€
Starting price: CZK
208491 - 1850 Ferch.2H (2x), Coat of arms 10Cts black on cut-square w
1850 Ferch.2H (2x), Coat of arms 10Cts black on cut-square with CDS VENICE 28/8 and 10Cts grey-black with CDS VENICE 28.FEB, I. types; certificates Ferchenbauer and Strakosch, very fine, cat. 250€
Starting price: CZK
208690 - 1850 Ferch.2H I, Coat of arms 10Cts grey-black, horizontal s
1850 Ferch.2H I, Coat of arms 10Cts grey-black, horizontal strip of 3 on cut-square with railway-station cancel. MILAN 5.7.51, first print Erstdruck, joined types Ib+Ia+Ib (!); very wide margins, certificate Kopřiva, very fine decorative piece with joined types!
Starting price: CZK
207849 - 1850 Ferch.2HI, ANK.LV2, Coat of arms 10Cts black with origi
1850 Ferch.2HI, ANK.LV2, Coat of arms 10Cts black with original gum; very fine, exp. Seitz, certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. ANK 5.000€, very rare classic stamp
Starting price: CZK
208485 - 1850 Ferch.2HI, Coat of arms 10Cts silver grey, erstdruck, C
1850 Ferch.2HI, Coat of arms 10Cts silver grey, erstdruck, CDS ESTE 15. or 25. GIU (June 1850); cat. 750€++
Starting price: CZK
201480 - 1850 Ferch.5, Coat of arms 45Cts type I on hand-made paper,
1850 Ferch.5, Coat of arms 45Cts type I on hand-made paper, light blue, with red postmark PADUA 8.GIU, in addition machine offset; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer "frisches Prachtstück!", cat. 1.250€
Starting price: CZK
208432 - 1850 REPRINTS OF I. ISSUE/ issue 1870 15-45Cts (wmk), 1887 5
1850 REPRINTS OF I. ISSUE/ issue 1870 15-45Cts (wmk), 1887 5Cts both colors, 1884 10-45Cts; very fine, cat. 350€
Starting price: CZK
202376 - 1884-1894 REPRINTS  the first issue, comp. of 5 reprints, Co
1884-1894 REPRINTS the first issue, comp. of 5 reprints, Coat of arms 5Cts brown, 2x 10Cts black, 30Cts brown and 45Cts blue; 1x marked Neudruck
Starting price: CZK
205043 - 1858 Mi.6II, 7II(2x), 8II, Franz Joseph I. 2So, 3So black 2x
1858 Mi.6II, 7II(2x), 8II, Franz Joseph I. 2So, 3So black 2x (1x on cut-square) + 3So green + cut square with 2x 3So green; cat. Ferchenbauer 1.200€
Starting price: CZK
205026 - 1858 Mi.7(2x)+10, Franz Joseph I. 3So (2x) + 10So, II. types
1858 Mi.7(2x)+10, Franz Joseph I. 3So (2x) + 10So, II. types on cut-square with CDS VENICE; decorative, cat. Ferchenbauer 500€
Starting price: CZK
205082 - 1858 selection of 28 stamps values 5So-15So, Mi.9-11, 5x 5So
1858 selection of 28 stamps values 5So-15So, Mi.9-11, 5x 5So, 15x 10So, from that 8x on cut-square and 8x 15So, various types, postmark etc..; cat. min. 365€
Starting price: CZK
208413 - 1858 ND - issue 1884, complete blocks of four BOGENPROBEN 2S
1858 ND - issue 1884, complete blocks of four BOGENPROBEN 2Sld-15Sld; very fine, issued without gum, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.900€, rare!
Starting price: CZK
208430 - 1858 REPRINTS / issue 1870 5-15Sld, 1884 2-15Sld, 1887 2-3Sl
1858 REPRINTS / issue 1870 5-15Sld, 1884 2-15Sld, 1887 2-3Sld (green also black), 1894 2Sld orange and yellow; rare set, stamp hinged considered according to catalogue, cat. 550€
Starting price: CZK
208437 - 1861 REPRINTS III. ISSUE/ issue 1870, 5 and 10Sld, 1884 5 Sl
1861 REPRINTS III. ISSUE/ issue 1870, 5 and 10Sld, 1884 5 Sld (2 shades) and 15Sld, 1887 set (3 values), 1894 2x 3Sld; very fine, cat. 180€
Starting price: CZK
205030 - 1863 Mi.14-18, Eagle 2So - 15So, complete used set, i.a. 10S
1863 Mi.14-18, Eagle 2So - 15So, complete used set, i.a. 10So 2x; cat. 470€
Starting price: CZK
205076 - 1863-1864 selection of 31 stamps of issue 1864, part on cut-
1863-1864 selection of 31 stamps of issue 1864, part on cut-squares, i.a, 1x in mixed franking with issues 1863, in addition supplemented with 6 stamps issue 1863 and 1x 1861; nice set
Starting price: CZK
207825 - 1864 Ferch.21-23, blocks of four Eagle 5-15Sld, perf 9½
1864 Ferch.21-23, blocks of four Eagle 5-15Sld, perf 9½; value 10Sld 1 stam slightly loosen perforation, cat. 1.365€
Starting price: CZK
209113 - 1850 4 letters of the first issue, 2x with 45Cts, from that
1850 4 letters of the first issue, 2x with 45Cts, from that 1x with straight line postmark DOLO, 1x letter with 45Cts with CDS PADUA and 1x small envelope with two-color franking 45+30Cts with mailing CDS VERONA 11/6, on reverse arrival TORINO; good condition, wide margins, cat. Ferchenbauer 950€
Starting price: CZK