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1970-1975 BRYNNER Yul (1920-1985), slavný American actor originate from Russia, autograph on card - autograph získán near/in/at visit theatre performance King and Já in New York Czech emigrantkou, supplemented with about/by theatre program to this play; very interesting, rare signature U:A3s|
1930? FRÖHLICH Gustav (1902-1987), important Czech actor, photo postcard with signature; less frequent autograph U:A5
1935 HAAS Hugo (1901-1967), important Czech actor and film director, autograph on portrait photo postcard; very good condition, rare U:A5
1930? ACTORS / comp. of 3 portrait photos with signatures slavných Czech herců: Theodor Pištěk, Zdeněk Štěpánek and Ladislav Boháč; very sound condition U:A5
1985 KOPECKÝ Miloš (1922-1996), Czech theatre and movie actor, děkovný letter with whole signature U:A4
1901 KVAPILOVÁ Hana (1860-1907), important Czech theatre actress, handwritten 3-stránkový letter with whole signature and datací, incl. envelope/-s U:A5
1967 OLIVIER Lawrence (1907-1989), slavný Brit. actor, holder Oskara, film director, dramatist, povýšen to šlechtického status, autograph in/at program theatre performance near/in/at EXpo 1967 in/at Montreal; interesting and sought U:A5
cca 1935 ONDRA Ann (Ann Sophie Ondráková 1902-1987), known Czech movie actress, autograph on portrait photo postcard; good condition, decorative U:A5
cca 1900 VOJAN Edward (1853-1920), founder modern Czech herectví, cabinet card with handwritten podpsiem and dedication; mounted on carton U:A5
1965 VOJTA Jaroslav (1888-1970), Czech actor, celostránkový handwritten letter with signature U:A5
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC / quite extraordinary collection řádově several hundreds autografů and rukopisů important Czech skladatelů, virtuosů, dirigentů, operních pěvců and hudebníků in big filled IKEA box (!), contains i.a. Kubelík, Novotná, Henry, Janota, Kocián, Pícha, Ondříček, Hlobil, Hudeček, Hoffmeister, Hoffmann, Balatka, Aim, Burghauser, Blatný, Ondříčkovo quartette, Tichá, Podvalová, Vilímová, Novák, Mařák and much other, line photo postcard, partitur, koncertních program etc..; rare chance for collector autografů, suitable to other elaboration sale, 23kg of material (!), ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK