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1938 FOOTBALL / SK SLAVIA PRAGUE commemorative sheet to zápasu against FC Ferencváros with enclosed sheet with signatures of players as Plánička, Bureš, Vytlačil etc..; interesting U:A4
1966 HOCKEY/ championship 1966 Zagreb postcard sent from championship, with signatures hokejistů: Holík, Holeček, Nedomanský, Tikal, Kaberle, Meixner etc.., sender Charles Effa, sent to Vlastu Bubníka, CDS LJUBLJANA 11.III.66; perfect condition U:A5
1963 FIGURE SKATING / ROMANOVI Eva and Paul, 4-násobní world champions, photo with signatures both slavných sportsmen; decorative and rare U:A4
1935? MAX SCHMELING (1905-2005), ikona světového boxu and ANNY ONDRA (Ann Sophie Ondráková 1902-1987), slavná Czech actress, signatures both married couple on photograph 23x30cm, atelier Ströminger; rare and decorative, rare offer U:A3v–
1933-1935 [COLLECTIONS] MAX SCHMELING (1905-2005), ikona světového boxu on photograph 23x28cm (signs of age) with his wife Czech herečkou Ann Ondrákovou with manual signatures and dedication, in addition supplemented with about/by album with 12 originálními photos from wedding M. Schmelinga and A. Ondrákové and other family events; unique set! U:O4