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1950 SG.78, 78a, George VI. 5Sh with overprint BAHRAIN 5 RUPEES, marginal blok-of-4, left lower overprint on face value with EXTRA BAR; perfect quality, cat. £950+ U:A5
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.6 - Turkish 1Pia with overprint "BRITISH OCCUPATION BAGHDAD / 2 ANS", cat. £550 U:A5
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.18 - Turkish 1Pia with overprint "BRITISH OCCUPATION BAGHDAD / 2 ANS"", cat. £550 U:A5
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.22 - Turkish 20Pa with overprint "BRITISH OCCUPATION BAGHDAD / 1 AN", cat. £1.400 U:A5
1949 Mi.16, 18, Flags 20Pr and 75. anniv of foundation Petah Tiqwa 40Pr, marginal pieces with coupons; mint never hinged, cat. 210€ U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet TABUL 10Pr red; very fine, cat. 150€ U:A5
1949 Mi.18, 75. anniv of foundation Petah Tiqwa 40Pr, upper corner piece with coupon and date of print; superb, cat. 130€++ U:A5
1949 Mi.19-21, Jewish New Year 5C - 35C, complete set, corner pcs. with coupons (!); VF, cat. 950€+ U:A5
1949 Mi.22-27, Old coins 3Pr - 50Pr, complete set with coupons + 5Pr - 30Pr opposite facing pair; mint never hinged, cat. 155€ U:A5
1950 Mi.30-31, 2. Anniv of the state 20Pr and 40 Pr, complete set with coupons; cat. 650€ U:A5
1950 Mi.33-38, Exhibition of birds 5Pr - 250 Pr, complete set of marginal pieces with coupons; superb, cat. 260€ U:A5
1956-1960 set of 8 airmail letters to Prague and Vienna, from that 4 from today Palestine territory, cancel. SINJIL, BETLEHEM, SHU-FAT, SALFIT (Salfeet), rare! U:A5
1944-1951 [COLLECTIONS] MUSCAT / collection on 3 sheets, contains many complete sets; overall nice quality, cat. ca. £235 U:Z
1920 SG.30a, EEF London overprint issue PALESTINE 1P olive, INVERTED OVERPRINT; very fine, cat. £900; very interesting piece - overprint is in addition shifted, where PALESTINE is lower instead in the middle! U:A5
1920 SG.35, 1P dark indigo with SILVER OVERPRINT "Palestine"; very fine piece with certificate BPA, cat. £550 U:A5
1921 SG.60-70, EEF London overprint issue PALESTINE, complete 1mil - 20pia, all SPECIMEN; very fine, signed "S.R.", rare specimen set U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), "Surcharge" Mi.1-4; 1M-5M with DOUBLE OVPTS PALESTINE U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), Postage due stamps Mi.1IC, 2I, 3IC with DOUBLEI overprints and Mi.2I,4IC,5ICs INVERTED overprints; cat. only basic stamps 125€ U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION, Mi.1-3,5-10; King Husain, 1M - 50M with INVERTED overprints PALESTINE U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), "Surcharge" Mi.4; marginal block-of-4 5M, DOUBLE overprints PALESTINE U:A5
1949 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), Mi.17, 18, UPU 1M, 4M, with INVERTED DOUBLE overprints PALESTINE U:A5
1931 ZEPPELIN - PALESTINE RUNDFAHRT, letter with Egypt "Graf Zeppelin Avril 1931" 100Mill., SST PORT SAID 9.AP 31 and red cachet; through JERUSALEM 13.APR 31 to CAIRO 10.AP 31; very fine, Sie.105Ec - 1.000€, very rare U:A5
1932 airmail letter with SG. 94, 95, 1. FLIGHT PALESTINE - CYPRUS, CDS JAFFA 21 APR 32, flight cancel. through TIBERIAS to LIMASSOL and back, in addition special postmark; very fine, rare occurrence! U:A5
1921-1925 French occupation, selection of 24 stamps Sower, Merson and Pasteur with Opt SYRIE and face-values; according to cat. Maury 131c-153b, all OVERPRINTS DOUBLE AND INVERTED; very fine, index inserted, cat. 1.270€ U:A5
1923 FRENCH MANDATE set of 13 values from Mi.185-193, all with INVERTED or DOUBLE Opt SYRIE - GRAND LIBAN on stamps "Merson" and "Sower", cat. Maury 650€ ++ , in addition Mi.199DD; very interesting selection, good destination! U:A5
1924 Maury 81d, 81e, Airmail No.8, issue "Merson" with Opt O.M.F. SYRIE, 60C Opt INVERTED and Opt DOUBLE, 1Fr AVION with normal Opt; perfect, cat. 430€ U:A5