Public Auction 59 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 58 / II. BATTAGLIONE CZECO SLOVACO postcard addressed to to Paduly, on/for Czechosl. member obranného office, sent through/over Italian MP No. 58 with date 17.3.18, line military unit postmarks Czechosl. unit, passed through censorship; good condition, very rare usage MP 58 Czechosl. jednotkou, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207340 - 1918 ITALY / promotional Ppc sent between members Czechosl.
1918 ITALY / promotional Ppc sent between members Czechosl. units, with 10c with CDS VERONA/ 22.10.18, Us censorship, i.a. small black cancel. COMANDO MILITARE STAZIONE, supplemented with blue 8-úhelníkovým cancel. CENSURA MILITARE/ 52 and other round with number "8"; good condition, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207550 - 1918-1919 ITALY / comp. 6 pcs of documents, contains printed
1918-1919 ITALY / comp. 6 pcs of documents, contains printed Daily command Headquarters CZECHOSL home-defence in/at Galarte with postal sazbami, supplemented with 5 pcs of cuts money mailing Czechosl. legionaries, from that 2x posting cards on/for money obnosy sent from Switzerland with CDS BERNE; good condition, Daily command on/for original exhibition sheet with description
Starting price: CZK
207955 - 1919 ITALY / comp. 6 pcs of cards sent on/for or from member
1919 ITALY / comp. 6 pcs of cards sent on/for or from members Czechosl. legions in Italy, 1x postcard Foligna addressed to to Bohemia with cancel. POSTA MILITARE 52 with dots, 20.3.19, 2x franked with. postcard, other without franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
207509 - 1918-1919 ITALY / comp. 8 pcs of franked with. entires from
1918-1919 ITALY / comp. 8 pcs of franked with. entires from correspondence between members Czechosl. legions in Italy, i.a. 1x PC 10c sent to bratra legionnaire to USA - member US units (!), 1x postcard sent from Angoly to Italy etc..; mainly good condition, valuable interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
207548 - 1918-1919 ITALY / comp. 9 pcs of documents, from that 3x tel
1918-1919 ITALY / comp. 9 pcs of documents, from that 3x telegram - 1x with heading CORPO CZECHOSLOVACCO IN ITALIA, 1x blank form zapsaných mailing with cancel. 7. REGGIMENTO GENIO/ 144 COMPAGNIA TELEGRAFISTI, 1x pass with cancel. 18 DOMOBRANECKÝ Č. SL. BATTALION, 4x certificate of mailing for telegram, from that 1x from Padua to Bratislava; various quality, interesting documents, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
209489 - 1919 RUSSIA / FP card addressed to to Czechoslovakia, black
1919 RUSSIA / FP card addressed to to Czechoslovakia, black round FP-postmark CZECHOSL. VOJSK/ 1, supplemented with line violet cancel. CZECHOSL. ARMY/ Field post Čis.1B and FP cachet zelenomodrým round cancel. 1. CZECHOSL. HUSITSKÁ STŘEL. DIVISE/ DIVISNÍ ZÁSOBOVATEL, arrival postmark PRAGUE - HRAD/ 4.VIII.19, according to text written in/at Poletajevu 1.1.19; good condition, nice postal imprints!
Starting price: CZK
209486 - 1919 RUSSIA / FP card addressed to to Czechoslovakia, transp
1919 RUSSIA / FP card addressed to to Czechoslovakia, transported through/over French field post in/at Šanghaji - on face-side CDS COOR D ARMY/ SHANGHAI/ 26.7.19, transit pmk PARIS P.P./ ETRANGER/ 25.IX., according to text written in/at Petropavlovsku 18.6.19; good condition, nice postal imprints!
Starting price: CZK
209484 - 1919 RUSSIA / FP card addressed to to Czechoslovakia, with s
1919 RUSSIA / FP card addressed to to Czechoslovakia, with ship red French cancel. BATALION COLONIAL SIBERIEN/ LE COMANDANT with kotvou, supplemented with line FP cachet cancel. in/at Russian alphabet DIVIZNYJ INTENDANT/ I. ČECHOSLOVACKOJ/ GUSITSKOJ/ STRELKOVOJ DIVIZI, transfered by through/over French field post in/at Šanghaji - on reverse CDS COOR D ARMY/ SHANGHAI 24.5.19, according to text written in/at Zlatoústku 21.4.19; good condition, nice print rare postmarks!
Starting price: CZK
209491 - 1916 RUSSIA / Russian PC sent by Czech prisoner to editors C
1916 RUSSIA / Russian PC sent by Czech prisoner to editors Czech newspapers in Russia, CDS SPASKY/ 29.1.16, evidence framed pmk., supplemented with sheetlet with advertising added print Czech newspapers issued in Russia "RUSKÝ ČECH"
Starting price: CZK
197660 - 1920 RUSSIA / comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter sent without
1920 RUSSIA / comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter sent without franking to Czechoslovakia with modrozeleným FP-postmark./ PM CZECHOSL ARMY NA RUSI/ 1, sender member 5. Prague T. G. Masaryk regiment (toned + fold) + 1x certificate of mailing CZECHOSL FP for parcel to Czechoslovakia with červenofialovým FP-postmark./ PM CZECHOSL ARMY NA RUSI/ 3 (only folds)
Starting price: CZK
207935 - 1920 RUSSIA / franked with. postcard sent from Egypt to Prag
1920 RUSSIA / franked with. postcard sent from Egypt to Prague from XXXV. transport Czechosl. legionaries home, according to text from ship PRESIDENT GRAND II, CDS PORT SAID/ 7.X.20; good condition
Starting price: CZK
207502 - 1915-1919 [COLLECTIONS]  PRISONER OF WAR MAIL  selection of
1915-1919 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL selection of 30 pcs of cards and letters from Czech members Austria-Hungary army in/at italském imprisonment, all passed through censorship; good condition, valuable selection of, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
1918 VALAŠSKÁ COMPANY No.2/ NATIONAL GARDY V MOR. OSTRAVĚ, blue military unit postmark with CDS PŘÍVOZ/ 19.XI.18, postcard sent as FP, interesting text about přípravě mission members in/at Ostrava; slightly cut, after all exceptional!
Starting price: CZK
207513 - 1918 VELITELSTVÍ KROMĚŘÍŽ  by hand written pověření
1918 VELITELSTVÍ KROMĚŘÍŽ by hand written pověření for special kurýra, which/what přepravoval post between military. headquarters in Kroměříž and Padovou, dated 25.12.1918 with signature Italian majora G.C. Gotti, supplemented with violet postmark CZECHOSLOVAKIAN ARMY with monogram + front part telegram addressed from Italy on/for CZECHOSL. headquarters to Kroměříž with mailing CDS CAMPO SAN MARTINO/ 5.Mar.19, passed through censorship; good condition, rare, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207494 - 1919 AUTOKOLONY A RAILWAYS JEDNOTKY  comp. 14 pcs of mainly
1919 AUTOKOLONY A RAILWAYS JEDNOTKY comp. 14 pcs of mainly Ppc with military unit postmarks přepravních units as AUTOREPARTO AUTONOMO CORPO C.S. in red color, HLAVNÍ AUTODÍLNA FOR WEST SLOVAKIA, round also straight line postmark 7.Č.S. DIVISE - 7. AUTOODDÍL in blue color on envelope, VOZATAJSKÁ NÁHRADNÍ KOLONA Č.4, CZECHOSL. RAILWAYS PROVOZNÍ COMPANY Č.52, NÁDRAŽNÍ VELITELSTVÍ etc..; good condition, mainly nice postal imprints, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207386 - 1919 CZECHOSL. FIELD POST 50  comp. 6 pcs of entires with ca
1919 CZECHOSL. FIELD POST 50 comp. 6 pcs of entires with cancel. CZECHOSL FP 50, various uniquely designed postmarks units Czechosl. Italian legions, for example. 39. Reggimento Esploratori C.S. or 33. CZECHOSL Regiment/ 12. troop machine-guns, several interesting Ppc; good condition
Starting price: CZK
207381 - 1919 CZECHOSL. FIELD POST 75  selection of 21 pcs of entires
1919 CZECHOSL. FIELD POST 75 selection of 21 pcs of entires with cancel. CZECHOSL FP 75, various uniquely designed postmarks units Czechosl. Italian legions, several interesting topographical Ppc from Slovakia as Vyšný Medzev, Sabinov or from Carpathian Ruthenia Uzhhorod or Vyšný Berezný, supplemented with 2 pcs of envelopes with additional philatelic franking; various quality, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
1919 DOČASNÉ TESTER MAĎARSKÉHO TERRITORY - SÁTORALJAÚJHELY telegram signed Gen. Piccione from Cescomando 31. rgt. Sátoraljaujhély sent to headquarters to Miškolce, sent from Hungarian territory with CDS SÁTORALJAÚJHELY/ 919 Maj.11., this town was/were occupied 28.4.19 and was/were kontrolováno 20 days Czechosl. jednotkami; only folds, rare, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207512 - 1919 ITALY - COURIER MAIL  letter sent to prisoner to Montel
1919 ITALY - COURIER MAIL letter sent to prisoner to Montello Camp in Italy, franked with. Austrian parallel stamp. Charles 20h with CDS KNÖSCHNITZ 20/1 19, red round coat of arms' postmark on front also back side, supplemented with big blue cancel. LEGATION DES PAYS TCHECOSLOVAQUES - ROMA, Us Italian censorship, postmark with paper stick-on label + postcard sent from Rome to Bohemia with violet cancel. VYSLANECTVÍ CZECHOSL. REPUBLIKY V ŘÍMĚ/ MILITARY ZMOCNĚNEC and CDS PRAGUE/ 31.VII.18; good condition, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207504 - 1919 ITALIAN LEGIONS  comp. 10 pcs of Ppc with Italian milit
1919 ITALIAN LEGIONS comp. 10 pcs of Ppc with Italian military unit postmarks units on a mission in Slovakia, i.a. round 6. SEZIONE SANITA C.S., 39. REGG. ESPLORATORI C.S. 2x various, BATTAGLIONE REDIOTELEGRAFISTI, 1. BATTERIA PASANTE CAMPALE etc..; mainly good condition with nice postal imprints, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207506 - 1919 ITALIAN LEGIONS  comp. 9 pcs of entires with Italian mi
1919 ITALIAN LEGIONS comp. 9 pcs of entires with Italian military unit postmarks units on a mission in Slovakia, i.a. round 7. SEZIONE SANITA C.S., BRIGATA CZECO - SLOVACCA I-COMANDO, Italian - Czech big round cancel. VELITELSTVÍ SBORU Z ITALY / 7. DIVISE HLAVNÍ STAN and other ; mainly good condition with nice postal imprints, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207952 - 1919 NAVY  selection of 25 pcs of entires sent members Czech
1919 NAVY selection of 25 pcs of entires sent members Czechosl. armies on a mission to fights in Slovakia, from that 7 pcs of entires with 4 various varieties FP cachet cancel. Czechosl. marine, supplemented with other units as Country headquarters gendarmery for Slovakia, Hughesová station etc.., 2x photo postacard field kitchen with legionnaires and caricature issued for Air-mail military park in Olomouc; good condition
Starting price: CZK
207495 - 1919 NAVY  comp. 4 pcs of entires with military unit postmar
1919 NAVY comp. 4 pcs of entires with military unit postmarks as CZECHOSLOVAK NAVY/ 1. BATTALION blue straight line postmark with CDS POZSONY 919 Apr.4. on letter card YMCA, green straight line postmark 3.SETNINA CZECHOSL. NÁMOŘNICTVA/ 1. BATTALION, VELITELSTVÍ 1. PRAPORU ČESKOSL. NÁMORN. in violet and black color, nice single-view postcard Štúrova; good condition, nice postal imprints, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207347 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 162 letter sent from Kroměříž to Rom
1919 POSTA MILITARE 162 letter sent from Kroměříž to Rome, franked with. Italian stamp. 20C, two print cancel. PM 162/ 10.1.19, on reverse through/over klopu blue round cancel. CZECHOSL. VELITELSTVÍ ARMÁDNÍHO SBORU Z ITALY; only small toned in margins, rare!, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207051 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, letter with sought po
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, letter with sought postmark FP Italian legions to Rome, 3x postal imprint PM 52 with asterisks/ 1.3.19, franked with. Italian stamp. 5c + 2x 10c, on reverse violet military unit postmarks VRCHNÍ VELITELSTVÍ CZECHOSL. VOJSK NA SLOVENSKU/ with monogram Czechoslovakia; superb print all postmarks, toned in perforation stamp., nice piece rare letter mailing, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207071 - 1919 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, Italian postc
1919 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, Italian postcard with additional-printing YMCA to Bohemia, postal imprint PM 52/ 23.1.19, interesting lithographic spojenecká promotional Ppc; slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
207065 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, unpaid letter from Vr
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, unpaid letter from Vrchního headquarters in Kroměříž to Dynamitky in Bratislava, posting nationalized CDS KROMĚŘÍŽ supplemented with cancel. PM 52 with asterisks/ 17.2.19 and round FP cachet cancel. VRCHNÍ VELITELSTVÍ CZECHOSL VOJSK NA SLOVENSKU; readable print, good condition
Starting price: CZK
207066 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, postcard to Bohemia,
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, postcard to Bohemia, with cancel. PM 52 with asterisks/ 18.1.19, supplemented with line FP cachet cancel. 33. CZECHOSL. REGIMENT/ 2. TROOP, interesting místopisná postcard Bratislava - barracks; nice postal imprints, good condition, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207069 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with dots, card Italian FP sent from
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with dots, card Italian FP sent from Poprad to Ancony, postal imprint PM 52/ 9.1.19, supplemented with 2 pcs of violet FP cachet cancel. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT Č.32/ POST OFFICE and same cancel. SPRÁVNÍ ÚŘAD (= office); good condition, decorative piece, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207050 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, místopisná postcard Bratislava sen
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, místopisná postcard Bratislava sent Italian member unit to Italy, franked with. Italian stamp. 5c + 10c with three print cancel. PM 52 with dots/ 16.5.19, supplemented with blue FP cachet cancel. CZECHOSL TELEGRAPH TROOP Z ITALY; good condition, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207048 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, postcard sent Italian member unit in
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, postcard sent Italian member unit in Kroměříž to Milan, franked with. Italian stamp. 10c with two print cancel. PM 52 with dots/ 4.2..19; good condition, nice print postmark, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207044 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, postcard sent from Kroměříž to I
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, postcard sent from Kroměříž to Italian Raveny, with Hradčany 10h + 5h, 2x postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 14.1.19; only in picture side hints after sticking to černému background, rare franking on/for mailing to Italy
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
1919 PŘECHODNÉ TESTER MAĎARSKÉHO TERRITORY larger part C.O.D. dispatch-note with Hradčany 100h 4x and 10h 4x in front also on reverse, posting single circle Hungarian CDS PORÁD/ 919 Máj.14, addressed to to SÁTORALJAÚJHELY (from 30.4. to 6.6.1919 below dočasnou Czechosl. administration), on reverse mounted Czechosl. (!) Postage due stamp 10h, Pof.DL2 with CDS SÁTORALJAÚJHELY/ 919 Máj.19; only light vertical fold, sought by specialists, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
208136 - 1919 PŘECHODNÝ occupation  MAĎARSKÉHO TERRITORY  Czechos
1919 PŘECHODNÝ occupation MAĎARSKÉHO TERRITORY Czechosl. army from period of fights with Maďarskou republikou rad, comp. 4 pcs of topographical Ppc from places II. demarcation lines, Miskolc, Sárospatak, Szerenca and Ozd, all sent members Czechosl. armies in time 5. to 15. May 1919, military unit postmark as Railway alternate batt./guidon, 31. Czechosl. Regiment/ Headquarters troop regiment, 11. Czechosl. infantry reg. I. batt./guidon, 32. Regiment V. troop, supplemented with CDS FP No.22 and 75, 1x CDS KASSA, in text popisované fight with Maďary; good condition, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
207958 - 1919 selection of 18 pcs of cards sent members Czechosl. leg
1919 selection of 18 pcs of cards sent members Czechosl. legions from Italy on a mission to fights in Slovakia, Italian or Czech - Italian military unit postmark., i.a. REGGIMENTO ESPLORATORI C.S., COMANDO 35. REGGIMENTO, COMANDO BATTAGLIONE 34. REGG. C.S., home-defensive units etc.., postmark FP 22 or 75, nice postcard 33. Czechosl. regiment from Italy, interesting topographical views Levoča, Uzhhorod; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
207946 - 1919 comp. 9 pcs of entires sent as FP to Prague with railwa
1919 comp. 9 pcs of entires sent as FP to Prague with railway pmk ÓGYALLA - BAGOTA, oval or line, supplemented with straight line postmark "Meteor" Stará Ďala, 2x místopisná postcard Ógyala (Stará Ďala - present Hurbanovo), from that 1x local observatoř; outside 1 franked with. letter good condition
Starting price: CZK
207965 - 1919 comp. 9 pcs of cards sent members Czechosl. legions fro
1919 comp. 9 pcs of cards sent members Czechosl. legions from France on a mission after/behind fights in Slovakia, various French or Czech - French military unit postmark i.a. 23. REGIMENT TCHECO-SLOVAQUE/ LE COLONEL, 21. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT/ 3. KULOMETNÁ TROOP, 21. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT / POST OFFICE or 21. REGIMENT TCHÉCO-SLOVAQUE/ 3. CIE DE MITRAILLEUSES etc.. supplemented with FP-postmark No.75 or 22, then photo postcard Czechosl. legionaries near/in/at škrabání brambor in/at field kuchyni; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
207039 - 1919 official book posted rekomandačních mailing POSTA MIL
1919 official book posted rekomandačních mailing POSTA MILITARE 52, sent through/over 144. COMPAGNIA TELEGRAFISTI in time of action in Czechoslovakia, lot of entries from period of from 15.2.19 to 10.6.19, major-part mailing to Italy, but also to Bratislava, notebook with data on 12 pages; good condition, quite rare documentation mailing, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207941 - 1919 ŠNEJDÁREK'S CAMPAIGN  comp. 4 pcs of Ppc from members
1919 ŠNEJDÁREK'S CAMPAIGN comp. 4 pcs of Ppc from members Czechosl. units on a mission in Silesia, 2x CDS TESCHEN 2/ 28.I.19 and TESCHEN 1/ 8.II.19, 2x CDS KARWIN 21.III. and 3.VII.19, supplemented with military unit postmarks., from that 2x cancel. formations legions from France, 2x interesting místopisná postcard Stonavy and Karviná; good condition
Starting price: CZK
207567 - 1919 ŠNEJDÁREK'S CAMPAIGN - SILESIA  comp. 12 pcs of Ppc w
1919 ŠNEJDÁREK'S CAMPAIGN - SILESIA comp. 12 pcs of Ppc with cancel. formations on a mission in Silesia in time from 7.III. 19 - 14.I.20, contains military unit postmark as 22. ČESKO-SLOV REGIMENT FRANC. LEGIONS / 1. BATTALION, italsko-česká cancel. VELITELSTVÍ GRUPY TĚŽKÉHO POLNÍHO DĚLOSTŘELECTVA, 1. and 11. DOMOBRANECKÝ Č.SL. BATTALION (7 pcs of), VELISTELSTVÍ CZECHOSL. MILITARY POLICIE/ NA TĚŠÍNSKU, CDS KARWINA, HANNSDORF. MÄHR, OBER SUCHAU, TROPPAU and FRÝDEK, interesting also as topographical postcard, i.a. Opava railway-station, colliery Dolní Suchá and Hanušovice; mainly good condition, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207498 - 1919 TELEGRAPH JEDNOTKY  comp. 7 pcs of entires with cancel.
1919 TELEGRAPH JEDNOTKY comp. 7 pcs of entires with cancel. telegraph units, i.a. 1. TELEGRAPH TROOP CZECHOSL. VOJSK Z ITALY 2x on letter incl. content, 1x on Ppc Bratislava, I. SEKCE BEZDRÁTOVÉ TELEGRAFIE CZECHOSL. VOJSK Z ITALY on/for nice postcard Bratislava Dussil Imre utcza, TELEGRAPH COMPANY Č.3 and CZECHOSL. PĚŠÍ, supplemented with cancel. various FP; good condition, nice postal imprints
Starting price: CZK
207500 - 1919 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 86 pcs of entires with canc
1919 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 86 pcs of entires with cancel. various military formations on a mission in Slovakia, i.a. střelecké and artillery oddíly, hospital, guard oddíly, police unit etc.., several interesting topographical Ppc and photo postcard legionaries; mainly good condition, valuable selection of, ex Procházka
Starting price: CZK
207924 - 1935-1938 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST  comp. 4 pcs of entires delive
1935-1938 PNEUMATIC TUBE POST comp. 4 pcs of entires delivered Prague pneumatic-tube post, 2x PC Coat of arms 50h from that 1x I. part from double sent as Reg and Express, supplemented with 2 pcs of Ppc, all with mounted violet label; good condition
Starting price: CZK
203327 - 1918 CPŘ3, Austrian forerunner PC Charles 8h with private a
1918 CPŘ3, Austrian forerunner PC Charles 8h with private added print f. printing office Antonín. Škrombacha in/at Louny, sent as Reg, uprated with Austrian stamps Crown 3+5h and Charles 20h, CDS LOUNY/ 3.XII.18, on reverse arrival postmark KLOSTERGRAB/ 4.XII.18; good condition, decorative really Us piece commercial correspondence
Starting price: CZK
203332 - 1918 CPŘ3, comp. 2 pcs of Austrian forerunner PC 8h Charles
1918 CPŘ3, comp. 2 pcs of Austrian forerunner PC 8h Charles sent as Registered, 1x uprated with Austrian stamps Charles 25 and Crown 3h, CDS TVAROŽNÁ/ 2.XI.18 (good condition), supplemented with sheetlet with stronger patina, uprated with stamp Charles 30h, CDS TŘEBECHOVICE/ 12/11 18
Starting price: CZK
203343 - 1918 CPŘ5, parallel Austrian PC Crown 10h sent as Reg, upra
1918 CPŘ5, parallel Austrian PC Crown 10h sent as Reg, uprated by. for postal rate I Austrian forerunner stamp. Crown 5h and Charles 20h, CDS KAADEN/ 12.XII.18, supplemented with commercial oval cancel.; good condition, exp. Šablatúra, decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
203344 - 1918 CPŘ5, parallel Austrian PC Crown 10h sent as Reg, upra
1918 CPŘ5, parallel Austrian PC Crown 10h sent as Reg, uprated by. for postal rate I Austrian stamp. Crown 3h 2x and Charles 20h, CDS HRANICE/ 19.XII.18; slightly toned
Starting price: CZK
203345 - 1919 CPŘ5, parallel Austrian PC Crown 10h addressed to as R
1919 CPŘ5, parallel Austrian PC Crown 10h addressed to as Registered to Vienna, uprated by. for postal rate II stamp. Hradčany 50h violet and 5h, Pof.15, 3, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 7/ 18.VI.19; good condition, decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
208317 - 1920 CPŘ33, Hungarian PC 10f sent as Reg to Romanian Oradey
1920 CPŘ33, Hungarian PC 10f sent as Reg to Romanian Oradey (Nagyvarád), uprated with stamp Hradčany, pair 15h (spiral types combination), 5h and 2x 10h, posting Hungarian CDS ZAVAR/ 920 Feb.4., Us Romanian censorship - straight line postmark Cenzurat/ Cluj; good condition, parallel PC already without validity, after all Us, rare
Starting price: CZK
203334 - 1918-1920 comp. 8 pcs of p.stat letter cards, from that 6x f
1918-1920 comp. 8 pcs of p.stat letter cards, from that 6x forerunner Austrian Charles 15h 4x and 20h 2x, 1 pcs of Charles 20h without uprating (!) with MC PRAGUE/ 30.X.18, TESTER uprated with Austrian stamps Crown 3h or 5h and stamp. Hradčany 3h, 5h, 10h, from that 1x with forerunner railway pmk PRAG - FURTH/ 34 + supplemented with 2 pcs of Hradcany-issue letter cards, CZL1 uprated with stamp Hradčany and issue Chainbreaker; all without margins, good condition with nice pmk
Starting price: CZK
208636 - 1919 CDV1a+b, comp. 2 pcs of overprint PC Charles 10/8h with
1919 CDV1a+b, comp. 2 pcs of overprint PC Charles 10/8h with big monogram, 1x black Opt, nationalized CDS POLICE N. M./ 25.1.19 and 1x blue Opt, uprated with stamp 5h Hradčany, nationalized CDS HOŘOVICE/ 9.VI.19; nice decorative pieces
Starting price: CZK
203317 - 1919 CDV6, Charles 10/8h, three-line overprint Czechoslovaki
1919 CDV6, Charles 10/8h, three-line overprint Czechoslovakia -10-, nice clear pmk SLANÝ/ 10.I.19, commercial correspondence, very early usage; good condition, rare occurrence, in/at c.v.. price - , -
Starting price: CZK
203325 - 1920 CDV18, CDV19, CDV22 Hradčany 20h, comp. 6 pcs of PC co
1920 CDV18, CDV19, CDV22 Hradčany 20h, comp. 6 pcs of PC contains i.a. 1x double unilaterally used PC CDV19, 1x PC CDV22 sent as Express in/at III. postal rate, uprated by. 2 pcs of stamp. Hradčany 30h violet, Pof.13B with single-circle (!) CDS SPINDELMÜHLE 30/7 20
Starting price: CZK
207030 - 1925 CDV31/a-e, Olympic Congress, complete set 5 pcs of vari
1925 CDV31/a-e, Olympic Congress, complete set 5 pcs of various color added prints; all with special postmark to this action from favor
Starting price: CZK
207926 - 1925 CDV31/a-e, Olympic Congress, complete set 5 pcs of vari
1925 CDV31/a-e, Olympic Congress, complete set 5 pcs of various color added prints; good condition
Starting price: CZK
208810 - 1934 CDV52/6, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia -
1934 CDV52/6, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia - Repinné, Us with mailing CDS PŘEROV 2/ 25.VI.34; good condition, very rare usage
Starting price: CZK
208812 - 1934 CDV52/8, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia -
1934 CDV52/8, 15. Anniv. of Annexation Carpathian Ruthenia - Russian girl from Nevického, Us with mailing CDS PIEŠŤANY/ 30.VI.34; good condition, very rare usage
Starting price: CZK
204207 - 1936 CDV63/1-3, Central-Moravian exhibition in Přerov, comp
1936 CDV63/1-3, Central-Moravian exhibition in Přerov, complete set of pictorial post cards; superb
Starting price: CZK
205976 - 1937 CDV46 / CDV67/1-8, Promotional abroad T. G. Masaryk 1,2
1937 CDV46 / CDV67/1-8, Promotional abroad T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK, mix both issues, slightly wrinkled corners, c.v.. 1.200CZK
Starting price: CZK