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1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / nice, slightly specialized basic collection on hingeless sheets in 4 spring folder, contains i.a. London MS, then souvenir sheets Bratislava 52, Praga 1950, 1955, miniature sheet Zápotocký type II., without miniature sheet "Praga 1962", also for example. coupons Kozina and St. Vojtěch, Airmail with coupons, set corner or marginal pieces, shades, dates of print etc.., then for example. complete counter sheet I. art, PB Ondřejov, PB air-mail PRAGA 1968 etc.., also several black-prints, i.a. Hradčany PT5A and 5B; overall fine, originates from abroad, high catalogue value U:K
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL COLLECTION / in 7 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Praga 1950, 1955, Bratislava 52 etc.., miniature sheet Praga 1962 viewing of quality recommended - uncounted, then for example St. Vojtěch with coupons, air-mail, postage-due, lot of PB in stockbook and loosely in box (i.a. PL2164bp) etc.., in addition supplemented with several FDC and postcard; overall nice quality, higher catalogue, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1945-1953 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection old currency incl. all miniature sheets and major-part basic coupons double-sided, from y. 1951 more times, there, where are two basic set, with to y 1950 owner snažil zařadit stamps with odlišnými shades; very good condition, c.v.. 8.700CZK U:Z
1966-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on pages in 5 spring folder, incl. line PB, miniature sheets etc.., also with supplemented with about/by smaller krabičku with scattered stamp. - mainly corner blocks of four, line date prints, also several blk-of-10, PB etc..; higher catalogue U:K
1945-1961 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / semifinished specialized collection in/at 22-stránkovém stockbook, contains various souvenir sheets incl. A408-412, A564, 691-2, several A853-7A, A853-7B, 1268A, 1268B (on all determined field), PL1216 "linen", lot of coupons, various shades stamps, incl. several revolutionary overprints from y. 1945 (for example. Mirošov), various plate variety, c.v. 23.000CZK, in addition free added Kosice MS with plate variety "vykousnutý tail" with damaged gum U:Z
1945-1973 [COLLECTIONS] COLOR VARIETIES / comp. of stamps., blocks also PB with color varieties stamp. various issues old also new currency; on 3 sheets A4 in glassine envelopes U:O4
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS / nice specialized collection exclusively catalogued plate variety, plate variety, production flaw, types and ST from of whole period CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., total 140 items, often in blocks or strips, all described and marked; placed on 60 sides A4 in spiral folder, cat. over 26.000CZK, interesting offer U:Z
1966-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS A PAPERS / comp. of stamps., miniature sheets, PB and blocks with various plate variety and papers, all with descriptions; in 8-sheet stockbook Pofis U:Z
1952-1961 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / 66 date from nejhledanějšího period, contains also 19 nepřepůlených date from y. from y. 1955-1957 (nesehnatelné, in this period ničilo date extended sbírání corner blk-of-4) and complete set 1206-1215 in/at corner blocks of four with date U:Z
1962-1989 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / collection date print in blocks and strips, total 244 date, any other one (incl. 11 postage), in/at 24-stránkovém stockbook, c.v.. price stamps without date 6700CZK, like that significantly higher U:Z
1965-1992 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / collection date print postage (Towns, Vernacular Architecture, Postal emblems, Husák, Havel) and postage-due stamp. in/at strips and blocks two-sided on 5 pages, total 53 various date (from that two without gum, excluded from sum), also with strips and blocks with marks TÚS (Technical Services) and inscriptions Luminiscenční paper, cat. only single stamps through/over 8.000CZK, like that significantly more U:Z
1949-1981 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / selection of marginal block-of-4 mainly with dates of print from period of old also new currency, contains i.a. Airmail 1955, Prague Spring, Fair Brno etc..; on 4 sheets A4 in glassine envelopes, high catalogue value U:O4
1959-1969 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / wide collection date print from y. 1959-1969 budovaná tens years, total 424 date, from that much from postal transport (contains often several various date on/for same zn.), in 24-stránkovém stockbook, in this period date almost nikdo nesbíral, still nejrozsáhlejší offered collection date from 60. years, contains outside other also big group of plate mark on/for Cosmos 1964 (Pofis. 1369-76) and Mucha 60h (Pofis. 1775) with significantly horiz. šrafovaným background (with same date also normal); cat. only single stamp. without date 5.300 CZK, like that multiply higher, unrepeatable chance U:Z
1949-1989 [COLLECTIONS] ČTYŘBLOKY / collection corner blk-of-4 and blocks of 6, contains much sought sets from 50. years in a luxury state, also some matters of interest (Birds 20h without blue decoration in corner, Costumes 2Kčs, ST II + I, Ceramics 30h, 2xST II + I, some interesting shades, several sought plate variety from 70. years, for example. Racing 4,40Kčs plate variety 49/1 atd.), cat. only single stamps and varieties 10.800Kč, like that price significantly higher U:Z
1969-1985 [COLLECTIONS] KONTROLNÍ ZNAČKY / collection controll (autotronových) color marks in/at strips and blocks in two stockbooks (24-stránkovém and 32-stránkovém), in/at that period KBZ nikdo nesbíral, that's why very obtížně sehnatelné, unrepeatable chance, mostly complete set, total 526 pieces, suitable to continuation, contains also some catalogue plate variety and ST, c.v.. price only normálních stamp. more than 9.200Kč, like that price significantly higher U:Z
1972-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PŘEPÁŽKOVÉ SHEETS / study semifinished collection PB (only die-stamping from flat plates), every PB other, all carefully described according to fields, plates, perf rámců, případně colors, in/at 64-stránkovém superb stockbook, suitable to continuation, ušetří years work, contains also rare variants, cat. only nejběžnějších nepopsaných variants 19.800Kč, like that price much higher, exceptional offer U:Z
1953-1963 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / sought issues after monetary reform in/at densely full 32-stránkovém stockbook, much from 50. years in/at marginal blocks of four, also souvenir sheets and PB about/by 4 stmp, suitable to supplement fold, good quality, c.v.. 16.600CZK U:Z
1963-1975 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / issues from y. 1963-1975 in quite naplněném 42-stránkovém stockbook, contains all sought set from 60. years in a luxury state, mostly in pairs, later also more/larger complexes; c.v.. more than 10.400Kč U:Z
1976-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / supply of stamps from y. 1976-1992 in quite naplněném 32-stránkovém stockbook, much sets in/at strips, suitable for supplement fold; c.v.. 7.500CZK U:Z
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / 4-BLOKY / very interesting collection / accumulation in 11 full stockbooks A4, from Košice, from 50. years mainly complete set in blocks of four (!) - marginal, corner, part with dates of print, also air-mail, souvenir sheets i.a. Bratislava, "Praga 1962" etc.., by/on/at part/-s stamp. described plate variety, varieties papers, types etc.. + DUPLICATION in 4 albums A4, good annual volumes 50. and 60. years, blocks London issue etc..; mainly nice quality, very high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration, placed in filled IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / big accumulation PB in 9 full stockbooks A4, lot of complete sets PB Art (without I. art), line whole sets more times, supplemented with about/by souvenir sheets, i.a. miniature sheet Bratislava, souvenir sheets PRAGA 1955 more times etc.., part stamp. with identified plate variety; overall fine, part stamp. with identified plate variety, very high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION PB and whole sheets stamp. year 1992, contains 9 pcs of complete sheets stamp. Postal bank 20CZK, Pof.3021, 12k miniature sheets Columbus (+ 3 pcs of with damage in margin), Pof.A3006, Pof.PL3018-19 after/around 3 pcs of, Pof.PL3025 4 pcs of and Pof.PL3027 11 pcs of; mint never hinged, c.v.. total 17.500CZK U:Z
1945-1972 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / interesting accumulation duplication in two full 20-sheet stockbooks A4, contains London MS, Kosice MS, miniature sheet Bratislava 52, Praga 50 and 55, well contains 50. and 60. years, part marginal or corner pieces, also several bloks of four and line PB; overall fine U:Z
1945-1993 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / unused stamps placed detached/free in box, mainly 70. and 80. years - line PB, marginal pieces and blocks of four with dates of print etc.., supplemented with about/by stockbook A4 with cancel. duplication 1945-1962 U:Z
1988-1992 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / selection of 26 pcs of complete sheets issue Vernacular Architecture and other issue from 90. years as Beetles, Slovak tovaryšstvo, Flowers etc.., mostly from values 2 pcs of A+B; good condition U:Z
1973-1975 [COLLECTIONS] selection of complete archů: 2060 Day of Stamp 1Kčs with coupons A also B (with plate variety 1/1, plate variety 3/2 and 17/2), 2082 A also B (with plate variety 9/2), 2136-8 (2138 with plate variety 14/1), 2066, 2091-2 with coupons, all A also B, in addition Moscow 50h (plate 3), 1Kčs (plate 3) and 2Kčs (plate 1) with all plate variety, free sheets 429-30 (stokusové) 8 half-sheets 4 various values issue Linden Leaves and 19 various sheets labels to exhibitions Brno 74 and Praga 78 U:Z
1925-1993 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection by estimation 500 pcs of various entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 in middle box, contains set commemorative sheets, for example. mourning T. G. Masaryk (i.a. PRAGUE 7 AIRMAIL atd.), then FDC, first day sheet/-s, letters on/for C.O.D. with filatelistickými frankings etc..; as multiple interesting U:K
1945-1985 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÁ ACCUMULATION CELISTVOSTÍ / selection more than 1.000 pcs of letters, PC, postal stationery covers and FDC, contains various issue as Košice-issue, London-issue, Moscow, , Official, Postage due stmp, Delivery stmp, Airmail, provisional postmark., revolutionary overprints, commemorative postmarks., R, Ex, C.O.D., CP, picture PC from 40. years in/at whole sadách, added-print on postcards and envelopes etc.., placed in 5 office letter files; mainly in good quality, heterogeneous material to other elaboration, high market price, estate, more than 13kg of material in/at one IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK