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1952-1996 [COLLECTIONS] QE II. / nice specialized collection in 5 large albums Safe and Lindner, divided on pre-decimal and decimální period, contains postage stamps, memorial also Postage due stamps, also some wmk, types, shades, prints, dates of print, plate numbers, multiples etc.., unused and part used; it is worth seeing, high catalogue and face-value U:K
1840-1936 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in album SAFE, issue Victoria - Edward VII., semi specialised on plates, shades, wmks etc.., without higher values, also used Mulready letter sheet and unused Mulready's envelope etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination U:Z
1840-1993 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection in large album DAVO, contains single issues and values, incl. higher values (various quality), without Pound values, from Victoria - Elizabeth II., from issues Edward VIII. mainly unused, also postage stamps, regional issues, Guernsey, Mulready's envelopes etc..; various quality - part of better values with faults, high catalogue value, we advice examination U:Z
1841-1980 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / GREAT BRITAIN AND COLONIES / selection of stamps in two stockbooks A4, various destinations, mainly low values and incomplete sets; various quality U:Z
1864-1879 [COLLECTIONS] Victoria 1d, issue 1864, hundreds of stamps in 22 old choice notebooks and loosely scattered in paper bags, larger part determined plate number; various quality U:K
1937-1990 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION interesting selection of duplication, contains 2x large stockbook A4 period George V. - Elizabeth II., cards with sorted stamps of various issues Elizabeth II., then i.a. ca. 700 stamps issue Coronation George VI. 1½P - interesting for specialist, and 9 sheets of so-called. Bag post; interesting U:K
1937-1993 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheets in spring folder, from issue George VI., many complete sets, motives etc. U:Z
1993-2000 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS selection of 38 booklets Elizabeth II.; catalogue £650, high face-value U:O5
1863-1980 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 80 various entires, i.a. 1x letter to Austria 1861, mainly issue George V. - QE II., also p.stat, FDC etc.. U:K