Public Auction 59 / Philately / Carpatho-Ukraine / Carpatho-Ukraine after 1944

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208870 - 1944 MUKACHEVO  local issue overprint Czechoslovakia on/for
1944 MUKACHEVO local issue overprint "Czechoslovakia" on/for Hungarian picture PC 16f Tihanyi, Majer Md6, with additionally mounted overprint stamp. M84N, cancelled broken out Hungarian CDS, supplemented with straight line postmark MUKACHEVO, by hand filled recipient also sender; very fine, interesting, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208872 - 1944 KHUST  off. envelope with Hungarian stamp. 1Pengo with
1944 KHUST off. envelope with Hungarian stamp. 1Pengo with overprint "Czechoslovak Post / 1944", Majer C16, cancelled official cancel. KHUST / CS. POST, handwritten address M. Marko, Kalnik; good condition, exp. Blaha, very rare postmark also stmp, philatelically motivated entire, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208883 - 1945 UZHHOROD / MUKACHEVO  overprint p.stat NRZU, oblique ov
1945 UZHHOROD / MUKACHEVO overprint p.stat NRZU, oblique overprint in red color on/for Hungarian PC 1/18f, Majer Ud10, posting rubber violet cancel. MUKACHEVO/ b and by hand date 26.III.45, addressed to to Maďarského Szolnoku, censor framed pmk on face-side; good condition, c.v.. 25.000CZK, decorative piece overprint p.stat NRZU addressed to abroad with significant mailing cancel. Mukachevo, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208878 - 1945 BEREHOVE  grey shifted overprint NRZU on/for Hungarian
1945 BEREHOVE grey shifted overprint NRZU on/for Hungarian stationery 18f green, Majer Ud4I; very fine, exp. Bulat BPP
Starting price: CZK
208886 - 1945 BEREHOVE / UZHHOROD  overprint PC NRZU 40/18f dark gree
1945 BEREHOVE / UZHHOROD overprint PC NRZU 40/18f dark green, Majer Ud4aII, uprated with stamp definitive issue 60F red, incomplete print posting gumového cancel. UZHHOROD with date stamp 15.IX.45, addressed to to Budapest, frame censorship mark.; vertical fold in L margin, really Us overprint PC sent abroad, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208875 - 1945 UZHHOROD  letter franked with. overprint stamp. NRZU, 1
1945 UZHHOROD letter franked with. overprint stamp. NRZU, 1. issue overprint plate C on/for tax stamp. from wine 40/10f orange, Majer Uf51, + from 2. overprint issue surtax stamp 20/1+1f grey, Majer U83, provisional rubber hand stamp UZHHOROD/ b + date 2.V.45; vertical fold, envelope open from 2 sides, small spots in/at surtax stmp., after all very rare usage stmp with overprint NRZU both issue, c.v.. 24.300CZK, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208876 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
208873 - 1945 UZHHOROD / Vynohradiv   Us overprint PC NRZU on/for Hun
1945 UZHHOROD / Vynohradiv Us overprint PC NRZU on/for Hungarian stationery 18f, Majer Ud2, posting provisional postmark Vynohradiv with by hand written date 18.IV:45, in text side pre-printed message; light vertical bend in margin, c.v.. 30.00Kč, Us overprint p.stat are very rare, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208877 - 1945 UZHHOROD / Vynohradiv  letter addressed to to Budapest
1945 UZHHOROD / Vynohradiv letter addressed to to Budapest franked with. overprint stamp. NRZU the first issue., postage stmp 3 pcs of 60/24f from that 1x vertical pair and postage-due 20/10f Majer U6 3x, U21, violet rubber hand stamp Vynohradiv, on reverse frame censorship mark.; good condition, c.v.. 20.600Kč, rare censored entire addressed to abroad, franked with. rare overprint stamp. the first issue., ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208934 - 1945 BEREHOVE  letter addressed to to Budapest, franked with
1945 BEREHOVE letter addressed to to Budapest, franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. 1. definitive issue NRZU Řetěz values 100F blue with perf, Mi.79A, rubber hand stamp BEREGOVO/ A and by hand 11.VI.45, supplemented with censorship postmark; good condition, nice readable postmark, rare usage really Us entires, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208927 - 1945 ČOP  philatelically influenced Reg letter addressed to
1945 ČOP philatelically influenced Reg letter addressed to to Olomouc, with 2. definitive issue NRZU Hvězda 200F brown/ red, Mi.86, 2x print provisory gumového cancel. ČOP, by hand additionally written date 18.VIII.45 and drawn Reg label; good condition, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208913 - 1945 DUBOVÉ  folded letter from already used blank form/-s
1945 DUBOVÉ folded letter from already used blank form/-s with definitive issue Soldier 60F red, Mi.78A, posting provisional rubber hand stamp DUBOVE and by hand 30.VI.45; good condition, superb postal imprint small postal office, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208959 - 1945 CHOMEC  Reg letter franked cash sent from Chomece to Uz
1945 CHOMEC Reg letter franked cash sent from Chomece to Uzhhorod, posting rubber black postmark CHOMEC and by hand 27.III.45 with remark " 0,60, No.42" with signature clerk; good condition, quite rare mailing!, cancel. CHOMEC c.v.. Majer doesn't report, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208933 - 1945 KHUST  letter addressed to  to Hungary, with 1.a 2. def
1945 KHUST letter addressed to to Hungary, with 1.a 2. definitive issue NRZU Soldier 60F light red 3 pcs of, (1x type II.) and Hvězda 20F grey, Mi.78A 3x, 82, nationalized metal cancel. KHUST/ 13.VII.45, on reverse censor framed pmk and arrival BUDAPEST/ 45 VII.17.; good condition, interesting mixed franking on/for mailing abroad, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208899 - 1945 KHUST  already used envelope addressed to to Budapest,
1945 KHUST already used envelope addressed to to Budapest, franked with. vertical pair stamp. 1. definitive issue NRZU Řetěz values 100F blue with perf, Mi.79A, broken out Hungarian CDS KHUST/ 11.VII.45, on reverse censorship mark in red color and arrival postmark BUDAPEST/ 45 VII.14.; envelope open from 3 sides with folds and small tearing in margins, rare usage really Us entires, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208930 - 1945 KERECKI + SVALAVA  letter with 2. definitive issue Hvě
1945 KERECKI + SVALAVA letter with 2. definitive issue Hvězda 100F blue/ red, Mi.85, posting provisional rubber hand stamp KERECKI, on reverse arrival provisional postmark SVALAVA; good condition, nice clear postmark, rare mailing with arrival postmark
Starting price: CZK
208935 - 1945 KOSTRINA  folded letter to Uzhhorod, with Soldier 60F
1945 KOSTRINA folded letter to Uzhhorod, with Soldier 60F čevená 1. definitive issue NRZU, Mi.78A, cancelled rubber cancel. KOSTRINI and by hand 30.VI.45, supplemented with censorship mark and evidenčními postmarks; good condition, quite exceptionally superb postal imprint small postal office on/for Us entires - decorative piece, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208948 - 1945 LALOVO  letter cash paid, sent to Zahatí, posting blac
1945 LALOVO letter cash paid, sent to Zahatí, posting black rubber hand stamp LALOVO and by hand 23.VIII.1945, with by hand writen notice "60f", arrival postmark on face-side ZAGATJA; good condition, nice postmark small post offices, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208954 - 1945 PERČÍN - TUŘÍ REMETY  court reply form with rubber
1945 PERČÍN - TUŘÍ REMETY court reply form with rubber stamp PEREČIN and by hand 8.X.45, arrival postmark TURJA REMEA and by hand 9.X.45; good condition, rare document/attribut with pair postmarks small post offices, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208952 - 1945 RACHOVO  cash franked letter sent from Rachova to Gyuly
1945 RACHOVO cash franked letter sent from Rachova to Gyuly in/at Hungary, posting rubber hand stamp RACHIV, by hand notice " No.259, 2,00P ...", on reverse censor framed pmk in red color; good condition, rare Reg mailing abroad, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208906 - 1945 RÁKOŠÍN  letter franked with. horiz. str-of-3 defini
1945 RÁKOŠÍN letter franked with. horiz. str-of-3 definitive issue Hvězda 20F grey, Mi.82 with significant shift vertical perf, violet rubber hand stamp RÁKOŠÍN; good condition, c.v.. 13.500CZK, superb postal imprint small postal office, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208936 - 1945 SELCE  folded service letter addressed to to Iršavy, w
1945 SELCE folded service letter addressed to to Iršavy, with Hvězda 10F yellow, Mi.81, 2. definitive issue (significant shifted perforation), hand-made řepis SILCE with date 26.VI.45; good condition, rare occurrence, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208958 - 1945 SEREDNĚ  court reply form with rubber stamp SEREDNE an
1945 SEREDNĚ court reply form with rubber stamp SEREDNE and frame censorship cancel.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
208957 - 1945 Vynohradiv  Us telegram form (Tavirat) with rubber stam
1945 Vynohradiv Us telegram form (Tavirat) with rubber stamp SEVLUSH (Севлюш), back side with advertising added print and confirmation takeover with date 28.III.45; glued L margin blank form/-s and light folds, rare, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208931 - 1945 TARNOVCE  letter addressed to  to Hungary, with 1. defi
1945 TARNOVCE letter addressed to to Hungary, with 1. definitive issue NRZU Pěst 200F, Mi.80A, provisional rubber hand stamp TARNOVCI, by hand 6.VII.45, on reverse censor framed pmk and arrival BUDAPEST/ 45 VII.10.; good condition, rare postmark small postal office on/for mailing abroad, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208920 - 1945 TERESVA, BEREHOVE, ČERNOHLAVA, IZKY  comp. 4 pcs of bl
1945 TERESVA, BEREHOVE, ČERNOHLAVA, IZKY comp. 4 pcs of blank forms with definitive issue Hvězda values 10, 20, 40 and 60F, Mi.81-84, rubber cancel. with by hand dopsanými date, 3x folded blank form, 1x printed card; good condition, cat. min. 13.000CZK, nice postal imprints small post offices, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208880 - 1945 UZHHOROD  card Hungarian field post in/at green color w
1945 UZHHOROD card Hungarian field post in/at green color with šikmě shifted overprint NRZU with value -,40, c.v.. Majer Ud21, plate variety - damaged emblem; slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
208925 - 1945 UZHHOROD  folded blank form with definitive 3. issue NR
1945 UZHHOROD folded blank form with definitive 3. issue NRZU, Hvězda with year 1945, str-of-3 values 20F grey, Mi.88, cancelled provisory rubber cancel. UŽGOROD, supplemented with date stamp 6.X.45; good condition, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208963 - 1945 UZHHOROD  off. cash franked Reg letter to Uzhhorod, pos
1945 UZHHOROD off. cash franked Reg letter to Uzhhorod, posting rubber hand stamp MUKACHEVO/ b, by hand 29.III.45 and additionally written notice "0,60, No.1919" with signature clerk, supplemented with frame censorship mark.; good condition, rare, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208890 - 1945 UZHHOROD / ČOP  card Hungarian field post in/at green
1945 UZHHOROD / ČOP card Hungarian field post in/at green color with overprint NRZU with value -,40, c.v.. Majer Ud21, posting rubber hand stamp ČOP with by hand 29.V.45, addressed to to Uzhhorod, censor framed pmk on address-side; light vertical fold, c.v.. 9.600Kč, rare occurrence really Us PC, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208888 - 1945 UZHHOROD / card Hungarian field post in/at green color
1945 UZHHOROD / card Hungarian field post in/at green color with overprint NRZU, value -,40, c.v.. Majer Ud21, uprated with stamp definitive issue 60F red, Majer 1aI, cancel. UZHHOROD with date stamp 18.VI.45, addressed to to Hungary, censorship mark on address-side; good condition, c.v.. 11.900Kč, rare occurrence really Us PC, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208961 - 1945 VARI  cash franked Reg letter sent from Vari to Berehov
1945 VARI cash franked Reg letter sent from Vari to Berehovo, posting rubber hand stamp VARI and by hand 26.III.45 with remark " 104, 0,60," with signature clerk; good condition, only folds, quite rare mailing!, postmark VARI catalogue Majer doesn't report, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208937 - 1945 Velykyi Bereznyi  folded service letter addressed to to
1945 Velykyi Bereznyi folded service letter addressed to to Zahorbu, franked with. str-of-4 stamp. Hvězda 10F yellow 2. definitive issue, Mi.81, (shifted perforation), rubber hand stamp VELIKYJ BEREZNIJ; good condition, exp. Bulat BPP, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208938 - 1945 Velykyi Bereznyi  folded service letter with Hvězda 40
1945 Velykyi Bereznyi folded service letter with Hvězda 40F light green 2. definitive issue, Mi.83, rubber hand stamp VELIKIJ BEREZNIJ and by hand 19.VI.45; good condition, superb postal imprint, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208939 - 1945 Velykyi Bychkiv  folded service letter addressed to to
1945 Velykyi Bychkiv folded service letter addressed to to Rachova with Hvězda 20F blue-grey 2. definitive issue, Mi.82, rubber hand stamp VELIKIJ BIČKIV with date stamp 8.Júl.45; good condition, superb postal imprint, ex Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208353 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  II. definitive issue, Mi.79-80, 81-86, 8
1945 [COLLECTIONS] II. definitive issue, Mi.79-80, 81-86, 87-88, selection of blocks and parts of sheets single values, color varieties, production defects, without perf, shifts perf, 3x gutter, plate number, margins etc.., all in/at 1 small stockbook; mainly mint never hinged, research material, cat. only as single stamps 7.885€
Starting price: CZK
208976 - 1945 MUKACHEVO  folded service letter franked with. Russian
1945 MUKACHEVO folded service letter franked with. Russian special stamp. 30k, Mi.969B, provisional rubber hand stamp MUKACHEVO/ b with date-stamp 31.XII.45; good condition, ex. Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208974 - 1945 VOLOSIANKA, STANOVO, BUSHTYNO  comp. 3 pcs of folded le
1945 VOLOSIANKA, STANOVO, BUSHTYNO comp. 3 pcs of folded letters franked with. Russian postage stamp. 30k with provisory rubber cancel. from period of November - December 1945; good condition, postmark small post offices - sought, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK
208968 - 1946 KHUST  Reg letter to Uzhhorod, franked with. Russian st
1946 KHUST Reg letter to Uzhhorod, franked with. Russian stamp. 60k Mi.962, posting Russian CDS KHUST/ 1.3.46, on reverse arrival UZHHOROD, Hungarian Reg label with overprint Zakaznoje; only light fold
Starting price: CZK
208972 - 1946-1948 BUSHTYNO, IRŠAVA, Velykyi Bereznyi  comp. 3 pcs o
1946-1948 BUSHTYNO, IRŠAVA, Velykyi Bereznyi comp. 3 pcs of entires franked with. Russian stamp., i.a. Mi.938, 963, 1183, 1x Reg letter with Reg cancel with vypsaným domicile in/at Hungarian Bustyaháza place Buština (else/yet in 1948!), Russian postmark; good condition, ex Simády and Kobelbauer
Starting price: CZK