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2018 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2019, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970; prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4, very good condition U:Z
1895 Napier & Bacon : SAINT VINCENT - WITH NOTES AND PUBLISHERS' PRICES. Published in 1895 by Stanley Gibbons Limited, London. Card covers with deckled pages gold edged on top, 107 pages. Profound study of the Stamps issued from May 1861 to March 1893, printed and perforated by Perkins, Bacon & Co. Divided in two Sections : the Reference list in which the Stamps are described and priced, and the Notes providing detailed descriptions of the Watermarks, Perforations, Varieties etc. Published as Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbook No. 4, it has become a classic title on the Stamps of Saint Vincent. Very scarce and, for its age, in very fine condition. U:Z
1925 POSTAL PROGRESS IN SIAM 1885 - 1925. Published in 1925 by the Ministry of Communicatons and printed by the Bangkok Times Press Ltd. Hardbound, 36 pages. An account of the progress of the Postal- and Telegraph Services of Siam in relation to the countries in the Universal Postal Union. Describing the development of the Postal Service including the Old Mail Routes, Origin of the Inland & Foreign Mail Services, Parcel Post Service, Airmail Mail Service etc. With many illustrations including 4 colour plates of the Stamps issued from 1883-1925. A very scarce publication in the original first edition. In very fine condition. U:Z
1963 Marriott, John B. : THE PHILATELIC HISTORY OF TRINIDAD TO 1862. Published by the British West Indies Study Circle in 1963, ring binder, 65 pages. An excellent study covering the Early Postal History, the Stamps from the Lady Mcleod Local Issue to the later Perkins Bacon Issues 18591961, the Lithographed Provisional Issues and the Numeral Cancellations. A scarce specialised publication in fine condition.
1910 Griebert, Hugo : A STUDY OF THE STAMPS OF URUGUAY - WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE STAMPS DESCRIBED AND ALSO SEVEN SHEETS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS. Published in 1910 by Stanley Gibbons Ltd., London. Hardbound, viii + 90 pages. The classic handbook and major publication on the First Issues of Uruguay by the London philatelist Hugo Griebert. Describing in great detail the First to Forty-Eigth Issue of the Postage Stamps, Unpaid Letter Stamps and Official Stamps. A beautiful publication, ½ leather hardbound with gold lettering & ornaments on the spine and gold edged pages on three sides. A rare edition of this very scarce handbook, including the seven photographic plates, in almost perfect condition.
1950 Floyd, F. G. - MACHINE COMMATS OF BOSTON, MASS., 1876/86 - Part 1 & 2. Published in 1950 by Fritz Billig, New York in Billig's Philatelic Handbooks - Volumes XII and XIII. The profound study of the Boston Machine Cancellations, still the reference work on the subject. Other important articles in both volumes by Lindquist, H. L. (US Cancelaltions), Ayres, Paolo (Brazil Cancellations), Vallencey (Great Britain Postmarks) Friedl, Otto W. (Romania) and Dumont, General G.(France : Plating of the 20 Centimes, Blue - 1863 U:Z
1957-1959 Harvey Bounds - A POSTAL HISTORY OF DELAWARE, PART 1 & 2 and Charles Towle - USA RAILWAY MARKINGS 1861-1890, PART 1 & 2. Published in 1957-59 by Fritz Billig, New York in Billig's Philatelic Handbooks - Volumes 26 and 27. Two major studies published in two parts in both volumes. Including also the Fourth Part of the Naval Cancellations started by Hale & Gill in Volume XIV (continued in Volumes XVI and 17) and L. Nicholson : Jamaica - Temporary Rubber Stamps 1881-1946. Two volumes in very fine condition.
1951 Hale, Joseph M. & Gill, John E. - NEW CATALOGUE OF NAVAL POSTMARKS AND U. S. NAVAL POSTAL HISTORY - Part 1 & 2. Published in 1951-52 by Fritz Billig, New York in Billig's Philatelic Handbooks - Volumes XIV and XVI. The extensive study of the Naval Postmarks and Postal History with many illustrations. Included in these volumes specialised studies by Fuguro Gagmi (Japan : Prisoner of War Mail 1914-1920), Frederick Brofos (Norway : Catalog of the Postal Stationery 1872-1950), F. Fujita (Straits Settlements & Malaya - Catalogue of Japanese Occupation Stamps). Two volumes in fine condition.
1949 Thompson, Howard K. - USA : U.S. COUNTY AND POSTMASTER POSTMARKS. Published in 1949 by Fritz Billig, New York - Billig's Philatelic Handbook - Volume X, pages 7-179. The important reference list on the subject, showing and describing thousands of Postmarks, with scarcity guide. A specialised Billig's Handbook in very fine condition.
1949 GREAT BRITAIN / GUIDE LINES postal rate TESTER PENNY BLACK, P. Lichtfield, Robson Lowe 1949; important manual to rozpoznávání plate, 2880 charakteristik all stamp fields all plates, retouch, print making single plate; sought the first issue.! U:Z
1946 Brumell, George - BRITISH POST OFFICE NUMBERS, 1844-1906. Published in 1946 by R.C. Alcock, Ltd., Cheltenham. Hardbound, 201 pages. The original first edition of this classic work, describing in detail the Distnguishing Numbers given to the Post Offices and the Stamps in which the Numbers were used. With numerous illustrations of the different types of Postmarks. A scarce Great Britain publication in fine condition.
1949 GREAT BRITAIN / BRITISH POSTAGE STAMP VARIETIES ILLUSTRATED, Alcock-Meredith 1949, skvělá manual popular and sought printing flaws on issues Victoria 1862 - Edward VIII., incl. detailních picture and popisů; perfect condition, rare U:Z
1977 Alcock, R. C. & Holland, F. C. - BRITISH POSTMARKS - A SHORT HISTORY AND GUIDE. Published in 1977 by R. C. Alcock, Cheltenham. Hardbound, 314 pages. The revised and expanded edition of this classic work, first published in 1960. The essential guide to the British Postmarks, with detailed descriptions and numerous illustrations of the Postal Markings. An undispendable Great Britain philatelic handbook in very fine condition.
1984 Proud, Edward B. - HISTORY OF BRITISH ARMY POSTAL SERVICE, VOL I-III 1882-1963. Published in 1984 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound, 283 + 312 + 531 pages. Vol 1 covering the period 1882-1902, Vol 2 : 1903-27 and Vol 3 : 1927-63. Describing the Service & various Campaigns, including lists of the Post Offices, Postal Markings & Cancellations, Documents & Forms. An in-depth study of the Service profusely illustrated. Scarce volumes, long out of print. In fine condition.
1997 Mark, Graham : IMPERIAL & FOREIGN MAILS - SEA CONVEYANCE DURING WAR 1914-1918. Published in 1997 by The Postal History Society, London. Hardboubd, iii + 91 pages. A profound study of the Imperial and Foreign Mail lost at Sea during the first World War, based upon the discovery of an old Postal Memorandum. Including numerous illustrations of salvaged Covers, found by fishermen and others and an extensive list of the Mail lost at Sea with information about destination, Ship Company and the Fate Location. A major handbook on the subject in very fine condition.
1984-2014 GREAT BRITAIN / comp. of 3 catalogues: Stanley Gibbons Concise 2014, Queen Elizabeth II. Pre-Decimal Issues 1984 and Collect British Posmarks, J. T. Whitney; interesting set U:Z