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1897 SG.121-134, Jubilee Victoria, 1/2C - 50C (without 8C and 15C), set of 9 stamps, values 6C and 50C used; cat. ca. £660 U:A5
1908 SG.188-195, 300. Anniv Quebecku, complete set; hinged, cat. £550 U:A5
1857 Sc.8, Victoria ½P pink, imperforated with round cancel. "18"; left at top close, otherwise wide margins, cat. $700 U:A5
1859 Sc.17, Prince Albert 10c red lilac, nice rich color; new gum, cat. Scott for (*) $1.200 U:A5
1845 POSTMASTER´S PROVISIONAL NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington 5c black, "without signature"; very fine unused piece with certificate PSE 2016, cat. $3.750, very rare stamp! U:DR
1861-1866 Sc.98, Lincoln 15C black, GRILL "F" 9/13mm; new gum, cat. for (*) $1.600 U:A5
1893 Sc.239, Columbus 30C brown; lightly hinged, cat. $240 U:A5
1948 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.1a-7a, the first definitiveoccupation issue, values 5 sen - 1 yen, so-called. "first printing"; cat. $550, very popular set U:A5
1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X1-3X24, Miyako District, 1 Sen - 1 Yen, nominal complete issue with overprint "sealˇ"of postmaster J. Tomiyama, 1 Yen is on cut-square and is very rare stamp; very fine set, cat. $3.600 U:DR
1946-1947 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3X25-3X28-31, Miyako District, 1s-10s with overprints of postmaster J.Tomiyama; very fine set, major-part exp. J. V. B. - Joseph V. Bush, cat. $910 U:A5
1948 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3XR2-3XR7, provisional local issue Miyako District, 5s-50s with black and red overprints; very fine, cat. $450 U:A5
1948 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.3XR4a, provisional local issue Miyako District, Japanese 25s "cathedral Horyu" with black frame overprint; very fine piece, cat. $600, rare U:A5
1948 Ryukyu Islands - US occupation (1945-1972), Sc.5X5, 5X7, 5X8, Yaeyama District, Japanese stamps 20s-40s with overprints of úostmaster K. Miyara; very fine, cat. $330 U:A5
1842 Sc.6LB5b, CARRIERS STAMP Washington 3C, black / blue, on letter with red cancel. and CDS CITY DESPATCH N.Y. MAY 6; very fine and rare letter, cat. $750 U:A5
1943-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SHEETS / SELECTION of more than 24 complete sheets in original wrappings, interesting motives as birds, flowers, history, sport, flags, singers, butterflies etc..; mint never hinged, face-value 240$ U:Z
1863 Sc.11, 11a, Davis 10C blue on letter with blue CDS COLUMBIA S.C. (South Carolina) JUL 22, to Richmond in Virginia, here franked with 10C, light blue with CDS RICHMOND JUL 26; very fine small letter, provenance ex."Stephen D. Brown" Collection of US Stamps and Covers, 1939, Harmer Rooke & Co U:A5
1864 Sc.24, Numerals 2C black "Inter Iceland" laid paper, type II, pos. ; VF, cat. (*) $350 U:A5
1865-1887 SG.1-21, selection of 13 stamps Victoria, without watermark, with wmk CC and CA, 3 pcs unused; several minor faults, cat. ca. £900 U:A5
1877-1879 SG.16, Victoria 1Sh green, perf 14, wmk Crown CC; nice piece, cat. £325 U:A5
1888-1891 SG.27-29, 35, 36-42, 43-44, 49-50, selection of 17 stamps with overprint Victoria, issue 1888-1891, mainly unused; cat. ca. £260 U:A5
1891-1901 SG.51-63, Victoria 1C - $1 (without end $2 and $5), wmk Crown CA + overprint SG.66-68; cat. £380 U:A5
1902-1907 SG.80-83, 84-92, Edward VII. 1C - 20C with wmk Crown CA and 1C - $2 with wmk Mult Crown CA; cat. £360 U:A5
1916 SG.114a, pair George V. 1C green with INVERTED OVERPRINT "WAR", overprint in addition alos shifted; very fine, cat. £600++ U:A5
1916 SG.118a, George V. 3C orange with DOUBLE OVERPRINT "WAR"; very fine piece with certificate BPA, cat. £400 U:A5
1935 SG.144+144a, Jubilee George V. 4P, LL corner block-of-4, left upper stamp with plate variety - EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; very fine multiple, cat. for * £190 U:A5
1935 SG.144c, Jubilee George V. 4P with plate variety - LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR; superb, cat. for * £200 U:A5
1935 SG.144e, Jubilee George V. 4P with plate variety - DOUBLE FLAGSTAFF; cat. £400, rare stamp U:A5
1935 SG.144b, Jubilee George V. 25P with plate variety - SHORT EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; cat. £500, rare stamp U:A5
1938 SG.150-161, George VI. - Landscape 1C-5$; mint never hinged complete set, cat. £190 U:A5
1938-1947 SG.150-161, George VI. - Landscape; complete set, cat. £190 U:A5
1962 SG.202-213, Elizabeth II. - Birds; complete set, VF, cat. £80 U:A5
1932 AIRMAIL STAMPS Sc.C72-C76, Leon-Sauce 15C-1Cor + RAILWAYS Sc.575-579, Leon- Sauce 1C-15C; two complete sets, issued without gum, very fine, cat. $180 U:A5
1929 two Reg + airmail envelopes 2C and 10C, uprated with i.a. airmail Sc.C1 and Sc.C2 with INVERTED OVERPRINTS "CORREO AEREO", CDS AGENCIA POSTAL PANAMA, to Lima and to New York; very fine U:A5
1915-1920 US ADMINISTRATION - Sc.42-45, 49, 58-59, "Pictorials", 1 Cent - 1 Balboa with blue and black overprints CANAL ZONE; very fine and complete issue, cat. $580 U:A5
1856-1880 CORRIENTÉS - Sc.1, 3-7, 8, Ceres set of 6 values; very fine, cat. min. $180 U:A5
1859-1862 BUENOS AIRES - Sc.9, 9b, 10, 10 pt, 11, 11a, 12b, 13a; complete "Head of Liberty", 1859 4R green and olive 1P blue and indigo, 2P vermilion and red; 1862 1P pink and 2P blue (both as cheap blurred impression); very nice and rare set, cat. $1.195 U:A5
1891 LAND OF FIRE - private issue of J. Popper for post from golden fields to Punta Arenas and then to Argentina and Chile; 10 Centavos red TIERRA DEL FUEGO, single and pair, 2 shades; cat. 180€, rare offer U:A5
1890-1940 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 40 p.stat and letters, part addressed to Italy, mainly picture PC, envelopes, newspaper covers from that 11 unused, supplemented with lot of p.stat cut-squares - front sides of letter cards, covers and envelopes U:O5
1890 SG.209a, Tall Ship INLAND REVENUE 3 DOLLARS as post. provisional with DOUBLE OVERPRINT "ONE CENT"; cat. £150 U:A5
1898 SG.216-221, Jubilee 1C - 15C; complete set, cat. £130 U:A5
1913-1921 SG.259-269, 269b, George V. 1C - 96C and 96C "on lemon" 1916; complete set with wmk Mult Crown CA, cat. £140 U:A5
1921-1927 SG.272-282, George V. 1C - 96C and 96C; complete set with wmk Mult Script CA, only cheap 2C carmine used, cat. ca. £90 U:A5
1931 SG.283-287, Jubilee George V. 1C - $1; complete set U:A5
1934-1951 SG.288-300, George V. - Motives 1C - £1; complete set, very fine, cat. £140 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.308a-319, George VI. - Motives; complete set, i.a. end $3 MNH, cat. £110 U:A5
1954-1963 SG.331-345, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1963-1965 SG.354-365, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set U:A5
1966 SG.391var, IMPERFORATED corner pair QE II. 12C black / brown, issue De La Rue 1961 with overprint GUYANA INDEPENDENCE 1966; luxury and rare PLATE PROOF ex. De La Rue archives U:A5
1865-1872 Sc.1, 2, 4-6, set of 5 stamps of the first issue Coat of arms 1R-4R; very fine, cat. $925 U:A5
1865-1872 Sc.2, 3, 3a, 4, 6, selection of 6 stamps Coat of arms with atypical postmarks, i.a. 1R yellow, 1R yellow-brown and 4R red with postmarks "3154" of French postal office; various quality, cat. as basic stamps min. $450 U:A5
1928-1929 2x letter SCADTA with Mi.4I and 5I, additionally franked with postage stamps, CDS SCADTA QUITO 4 NOV 1928 and 27. ENE 1929, to Frankfurt; very fine, only stamps 145€ U:A5
1892 Yv.29+29a, overprint Allegory 0f05/15C as pair; lower perf loosen, signed A. Brunn, cat. 405€ U:A5
1865 Mi.32a, Coat of arms with condor 1P bricky red; o. g., very fine, cat. 150€+ U:A5
1921-1923 SCADTA - selection of 14 cut-squares and 1 letter with stamps and postmarks SCADTA, i.a. Mi.18+18+15, 37+38+39; 41; LA 188, LA 28, LA 160 PANAMA (R!), LA 389, very fine, cat. only as single stamps 930€ U:A4
1931 airmail letter from SURINAM through Trinidad to CURACAO, "Special Flight DO X" via PAA, frankef with Sc.C8-C11, overprint 10C-1½Gld, cancel. EXTRA LUCHTPOST VERZENDING PER DO X 18.8.31; very fine and rare letter, only used stamps cat. $250! U:A5
1859-1873 Mi.1Ib, 1IId, 2I, 3IIa, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18II, 20III, 21III, selection of 20 classic stamps issue Coat of arms; by the first issue print in USA and also local prints; chosen quality and postmarks, all included to sum as cheap variants, cat. min. 895€ U:A5
1930-1947 [COLLECTIONS] selection 32 mainly airmail letters addressed mostly to Czechoslovakia, part also as Registered, various countries as Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala, Chile etc.., various frankings etc..; part viewing of quality recommended, overall good condition U:A4
1903-1907 SG.40, Edward VII. 5Sh violet; highest value, cat. £110 U:A5
1913 SG.51, George V. 5Sh violet; cat. £95 U:A5
1921-1929 SG.55-60, 61s, George V. 3P - $1, wmk Mult Crown CA, value 1$ SPECIMEN; cat. min. £200 U:A5