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1955-1958 2 entires, 1x airmail letter to Czechoslovakia franked with issue 1950 Mi.18, 21 (pair), with mailing CDS 55 5.21., 1x postcard addressed to Hungary with Profession 1955, Mi.298, 299, 303, from that in picture side block of four values 1F with lower margin and plate number 230 (!), CDS 1958 4.1.; good condition U:A5
1949-1965 [COLLECTIONS] selection of used and unused stamps in stockbook A4, contains complete also incomplete sets, i.a. Mi.546-550, Fish Mi.534-545, complete set Chrysanthemums Mi.570-575 (part spots), used Mi.652-653 etc..; higher catalogue U:Z
1935 SG.134a, Jubilee George V. 5C, lower left corner block-of-4, left upper stamp with plate variety EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; stamps mint never hinged, cat. for * £350 U:A5
1935 SG.134a, Jubilee George V. 5C, vertical pair, upper stamp with plate variety EXTRA FLAGSTAFF, CDS HONG KONG; cat. £280 U:A5
1935 SG.136b, Jubilee George V. 20C with plate variety SHORT EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; cat. £900, rare stamp U:A5
1935 SG.136e, Jubilee George V. 20C with plate variety DOUBLE FLAGSTAFF; VF mint never hinged piece, cat. for * £1.100 U:DR
1915 Sc.560-577, Coronation Sah Ahmeda - "Crown", "Ahura Mazda", "Persepolis" 1Ch-5T, selection of 16 values with INVERTED CENTER; very fine and only rarely offered set! U:A5
1933-1963 14 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, USA (postage-due) and Germany, nice frankings i.a. 6 x Mi.625, air-mail 1953, "telegraph" 56, Surtax "Red lion", IRAN -UNO, air-mail printed matter U:A5
1894-1989 Mi.69-1538, selection of cca 400 stamps, for example. Mi.138 with perforation 13:13½, 152A-154A, various issues, color shades, wmks atd.; various quality, cat. 720€ U:A4
1938-1973 NATIONAL PARKS Mi.272-1173, selection of cca 130 stamps, after 1955 mainly complete sets; nice selection U:A4
1920-1964 selection of 17 entires, some interesting, i.a. Reg printed matter to Vienna, dispatch-note, printed-matters to Czechoslovakia, relief collage - postcard, multicolor frankings etc.. U:A5
1885-1925 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on 12 sheets, from issue 1885, complete and incomplete sets, postage-due etc..; overall nice quality, cat. according to owner ca. 3.600€, rare destination U:Z
1959-1974 14 Reg and air-mail letters to USA and Czechoslovakia, with multicolor frankings, sets, souvenir sheets etc. U:A5
1950 SG.78, 78a, George VI. 5Sh with overprint BAHRAIN 5 RUPEES, marginal blok-of-4, left lower overprint on face value with EXTRA BAR; perfect quality, cat. £950+ U:A5
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.6 - Turkish 1Pia with overprint "BRITISH OCCUPATION BAGHDAD / 2 ANS", cat. £550 U:A5
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.18 - Turkish 1Pia with overprint "BRITISH OCCUPATION BAGHDAD / 2 ANS"", cat. £550 U:A5
1917 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.22 - Turkish 20Pa with overprint "BRITISH OCCUPATION BAGHDAD / 1 AN", cat. £1.400 U:A5
1949 Mi.16, 18, Flags 20Pr and 75. anniv of foundation Petah Tiqwa 40Pr, marginal pieces with coupons; mint never hinged, cat. 210€ U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet TABUL 10Pr red; very fine, cat. 150€ U:A5
1949 Mi.18, 75. anniv of foundation Petah Tiqwa 40Pr, upper corner piece with coupon and date of print; superb, cat. 130€++ U:A5
1949 Mi.19-21, Jewish New Year 5C - 35C, complete set, corner pcs. with coupons (!); VF, cat. 950€+ U:A5
1949 Mi.22-27, Old coins 3Pr - 50Pr, complete set with coupons + 5Pr - 30Pr opposite facing pair; mint never hinged, cat. 155€ U:A5
1950 Mi.30-31, 2. Anniv of the state 20Pr and 40 Pr, complete set with coupons; cat. 650€ U:A5
1950 Mi.33-38, Exhibition of birds 5Pr - 250 Pr, complete set of marginal pieces with coupons; superb, cat. 260€ U:A5
1956-1960 set of 8 airmail letters to Prague and Vienna, from that 4 from today Palestine territory, cancel. SINJIL, BETLEHEM, SHU-FAT, SALFIT (Salfeet), rare! U:A5
1944-1951 [COLLECTIONS] MUSCAT / collection on 3 sheets, contains many complete sets; overall nice quality, cat. ca. £235 U:Z
1920 SG.30a, EEF London overprint issue PALESTINE 1P olive, INVERTED OVERPRINT; very fine, cat. £900; very interesting piece - overprint is in addition shifted, where PALESTINE is lower instead in the middle! U:A5
1920 SG.35, 1P dark indigo with SILVER OVERPRINT "Palestine"; very fine piece with certificate BPA, cat. £550 U:A5
1921 SG.60-70, EEF London overprint issue PALESTINE, complete 1mil - 20pia, all SPECIMEN; very fine, signed "S.R.", rare specimen set U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), "Surcharge" Mi.1-4; 1M-5M with DOUBLE OVPTS PALESTINE U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), Postage due stamps Mi.1IC, 2I, 3IC with DOUBLEI overprints and Mi.2I,4IC,5ICs INVERTED overprints; cat. only basic stamps 125€ U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION, Mi.1-3,5-10; King Husain, 1M - 50M with INVERTED overprints PALESTINE U:A5
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), "Surcharge" Mi.4; marginal block-of-4 5M, DOUBLE overprints PALESTINE U:A5
1949 JORDAN OCCUPATION (West bank), Mi.17, 18, UPU 1M, 4M, with INVERTED DOUBLE overprints PALESTINE U:A5
1931 ZEPPELIN - PALESTINE RUNDFAHRT, letter with Egypt "Graf Zeppelin Avril 1931" 100Mill., SST PORT SAID 9.AP 31 and red cachet; through JERUSALEM 13.APR 31 to CAIRO 10.AP 31; very fine, Sie.105Ec - 1.000€, very rare U:A5
1932 airmail letter with SG. 94, 95, 1. FLIGHT PALESTINE - CYPRUS, CDS JAFFA 21 APR 32, flight cancel. through TIBERIAS to LIMASSOL and back, in addition special postmark; very fine, rare occurrence! U:A5
1921-1925 French occupation, selection of 24 stamps Sower, Merson and Pasteur with Opt SYRIE and face-values; according to cat. Maury 131c-153b, all OVERPRINTS DOUBLE AND INVERTED; very fine, index inserted, cat. 1.270€ U:A5
1923 FRENCH MANDATE set of 13 values from Mi.185-193, all with INVERTED or DOUBLE Opt SYRIE - GRAND LIBAN on stamps "Merson" and "Sower", cat. Maury 650€ ++ , in addition Mi.199DD; very interesting selection, good destination! U:A5
1924 Maury 81d, 81e, Airmail No.8, issue "Merson" with Opt O.M.F. SYRIE, 60C Opt INVERTED and Opt DOUBLE, 1Fr AVION with normal Opt; perfect, cat. 430€ U:A5