Public Auction 59 / Philately / Philatelic Literature / Foreign

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209031 - 2016 6 Freeland, Charles & Jordon, John M. : ANTIGUA - THE S
2016 6 Freeland, Charles & Jordon, John M. : ANTIGUA - THE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY. Published in 2016 by the British West Indies Study Circle, Alicante. Hanrdbound in dustwrapper, x + 299 large pages. The magnificent study of Antigua including an extensive description of the Postal History, the Handstruck Postal Markings, Great Britain Stamps used in Antigua, Post Stationery, Post Offices and Postmarks, Censor Markings etc. A beautiful handbook with many splendid illustrations. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209035 - 2009 Bayley, Edmund A. - THE HISTORY OF THE POST OFFICE IN B
2009 Bayley, Edmund A. - THE HISTORY OF THE POST OFFICE IN BARBADOS. Published in 2009 by the author, Bridgetown - Barbados. Hardbound, xiii + 395 large pages. A superb handbook on the Postal History, Post Offices and Postal Services of Barbados, published in a limited edition of 500 copies of which this is No. 136. A major publication in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209024 - 1961  Benwell, B & Britnor, L. THE POSTAL MARKINGS OF BARBAD
1961 Benwell, B & Britnor, L. THE POSTAL MARKINGS OF BARBADOS. Published in a limited edition by the British West Indies Study Circle in 1961, ring binder, 29 pages + Supplement. A detailed description of all types of Postal Markings : the Pre-Adhesive Postmarks, "Paid" Marks, Ship Letter & Paquebot Marks, Circular Date Stamps, Registrations Marks etc. including many illustrations. A scarce publication in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208993 - 2000  Herman, Herbert S. THE JAPANESE MILITARY BURMA-THAILAN
2000 Herman, Herbert S. THE JAPANESE MILITARY BURMA-THAILAND RAILROAD 1942-1945. Published in 2000 by the International Society For Japanese Philately. Card covers, 58 pages. A profound study of the Post on the Burma Railroad 1942-45. Descrbing the historical bachground, the identification and location of Japanese Units in Burma and Thailand, the Post on the Rairoad, the Prison Camps with Postal Facilities, the POW Administration Post etc. Profusely illustated with POW Postcards and Covers and vintage photos. An important publication in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209336 - 1997-2006 BELGIUM /  complete set 6 výpravných specializov
1997-2006 BELGIUM / complete set 6 výpravných specializovaných bulletins to Belgian classic issued near/in/at occasion exhibition Monacophil 2009, skvělá product with lot of color picture - sheets, plate proofs, entires etc.. + MONAKO / CATALOGUE DE ´l EXPOSITION 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2006; comp. of 4 superb catalogues to exhibitions 100 rarities nejprestižnějšího philatelic club Monte Carlo + ZPRAVODAJ NAŠÍ PHILATELY / comp. of 8 čísel: 5-12/ year/volume I. + 11/ročník II. + 3 number Sberatel 10-12; all in very good status
Starting price: CZK
208975 - 1892-1893  Moens, Jean Baptiste : LE TIMBRE-POSTE + LE TIMBR
1892-1893 Moens, Jean Baptiste : LE TIMBRE-POSTE + LE TIMBRE FISCAL. Published in 1892-1893 by J.-B. Moens, Brussels. Two complete years (24 numbers) of each journal bound into one volume : Le Timbres-Poste (30 et 31ème Année) and Le Timbre Fiscal (19 et 20ème Année). A wealth of information can be found in these sought after journals published by the legendary Belgian dealer and philatelist Jean Baptiste Moens. A very scarce volume in fine condition. (frontcover slightly discoloured, contents very fine)
Starting price: CZK
208989 - 1962 Ludington, M. H. - BERMUDA : THE POST OFFICE, POSTAL MA
1962 Ludington, M. H. - BERMUDA : THE POST OFFICE, POSTAL MARKINGS AND ADHESIVE STAMPS. Published in 1962 by Robson Lowe Ltd., London. Hardbound, xiii + 283 pages + 50 plates. The major publication and extensive study by Ludington which has become the reference work on the Stamps and Postal History of Bermuda. The very scarce original edition of the classic handbook, published in a limited edition of only 265 copies of which this is No. 46. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
209002 - 1989 Watterson, N. - BORNEO: THE JAPANESE P.O.W. CAMPS - MAI
1989 Watterson, N. - BORNEO: THE JAPANESE P.O.W. CAMPS - MAIL OF THE FORCES, P.O.W. AND INTERNEES - Part 1 & 2. Published in 1989 by the author. Card covers, pages xiv + 1-137 (Part1) and xvi + 151-341 (Part 2). A profound study including the historical background and Postal History, a detailed description of the P.O.W. Camps and Mail, the Army Postal Service and many illustrations of the Letters and Postcards sent from the Camps and vintage photos. A major publication regarding Borneo in two volumes. Very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
1996 Maddocks, R J - THE POSTAL ARRANGMENTS OF THE ANGLO-FRENCH CAMEROONS EXPEDITIONARY FORCE 1914-1916. Published in 1996 by the author, Shropshire. Hardbound in dustwrapper, viii + 217 pages. The excellent study of the Anglo-French Military Campaign in Cameroon including a detailed description of the Postal Arrangements, Campaign Post-Prandials and other Postal Gleanings. Profusely illustrated with maps, postcards, letters, vintage photo material etc. An important publication in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209040 - 1993-1998 J. Van der Linden, CATALOGUE DES MARQUES DE PASSAG
1993-1998 J. Van der Linden, CATALOGUE DES MARQUES DE PASSAGE - POSTVERTRAGSTEMPEL 1661-1875 + THE SUPPLEMENT. Published in 1993 and 1998 by Soluphil SA, Luxembourg. Hardbound, 336 + 69 pages. The major study of the Transit Markings of Europe the USA. Describing and illustrating in detail over 4000 Transit Markings with their valuations. The classic reference work, rewarded with the Crawford Medal in 1994. Considered as the most important handbook on the subject, with text in french and german language. Two volumes in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209039 - 1994 Pratt, Richard : IMPERIAL CHINA - HISTORY OF THE POSTS
1994 Pratt, Richard : IMPERIAL CHINA - HISTORY OF THE POSTS TO 1896. Published in 1994 by Christie's Robson Lowe, London. Hardbound, xi + 500 pages. A comprehensive study of the Postal History of Imperial China before 1897. Describing in detail the evolution of China's Internal Postal Services, British Post Offices in China, the Customs Postal Services, the Shanghai Local Post office etc. An important handbook, profusely illustrated with 16 pages of colour plates. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
203979 - 1974-1980 DENMARK /  selection of čtyř specializovaných b
1974-1980 DENMARK / selection of čtyř specializovaných bulletins i.a.: Die Poststamps Dänemarks 1854-1863; Danske Poststempler; Brev samlinsstempler;
Starting price: CZK
203978 - 1951 DENMARK / POSTAGE STAMPS OF DENMARK 1851-1951, Schmidt-
1951 DENMARK / POSTAGE STAMPS OF DENMARK 1851-1951, Schmidt-Andersen (RDP), Copenhagen 1951, wide Monograph to/at 100. Anniv dánských stamp., významně contains classic issue, detail typology, editions, shades, plate proofs etc.., supplemented with row picture with descriptions; důležitá work to Danish classic on/for more than 230 sides, rare offer, very good condition!
Starting price: CZK
1994 Toeg, E. V. DOMINICA POSTAL HISTORY, STAMPS AND POSTAL STATIONERY TO 1935. Published in 1994 by the British West Indies Study Circle, Alicante. Hanrdbound in dustwrapper, x + 220 large pages. An excellent study in 27 chapters with major sections covering the Stamps, Postal Fiscals & Postal Stationery. Including many illustrations showing Maps, Views, Proofs, Stamps & Covers. Published in a limited edition of 300 copies of which this is No. 103. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208967 - 1999  Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF FIJI. Publish
1999 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF FIJI. Published in 1999 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 528 pages. Profound study of the General and Postal History, including the Airmail Services, Postal Rates, Travelling Post Offices, Post Offices and a detailed description of the Postmarks with many illustrations. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208984 - 1940  Pelander, Carl E. - THE POSTAL ISSUES OF FINLAND. Publ
1940 Pelander, Carl E. - THE POSTAL ISSUES OF FINLAND. Published in 1940 by Scott Publications, Inc., New York. Card covers, 63 pages. A marvellous study of the Postal Issues of Finland 1856-1937 by the world-respected expert on Scandinavian stamps and auctioneer Carl Pelander. Divided in four periods, the Stamps are described in great detail from the First Issue 1856 till the Issues of the Republica Era in 1937. A very scarce publication in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208973 - 1932-1934  Bertrand, Gustave : MÉMORIAL PHILATÉLIQUE - CE
1932-1934 Bertrand, Gustave : MÉMORIAL PHILATÉLIQUE - CE QUE DISENT LES TIMBRES, Volumes I-IV. Published in 1932-1934 by Librairie L. Gros, Montpellier and Yvert & Co., Amiens. Card covers, in total 1275 pages. The outstanding and classic work by Bertrand, including La France depuis 1880, la France en Hongrie, Memel, les Balkans, Alsace, Andorre, Monaco, Sarre (Vol. I), La Belgique (Vol. II), Luxembourg - Suisse - Liechtenstein (Vol. III) and L'Italie (Vol. IV). With extensive descriptions of the Classic Stamps and Issues, Plates and Varieties, including numerous Photoplates and Illustrations of which many in colour. A classic reference work and scarce philatelic handbooks. Four volumes in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208997 - 1991  Jickling, David L. - GUATEMALA PHILATELY : 1971-1990 I
1991 Jickling, David L. - GUATEMALA PHILATELY : 1971-1990 ISSUES & SPECIAL STUDIES. Published in 1991 by the International Society of Guatemala Collectors, Inc. Card covers, 168 pages. Providing extensive information on the Postal Issues and Stationery, Fiscal issues, Revenus Stamped Paper, International Reply Coupons, Postal Rates etc. during the period. In fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
1980 Gupta, V. K. - A HANDBOOK ON GWALIOR POSTAL HISTORY AND STAMPS (1837-1950). Published by the author, Delhi, 1980. Hardbound, 218 pages. Scarce study of all aspects of the Postal History and Philately of the Indian State of Gwalior. Includes original research on the Prephilately, Postmarks and Cancels, Stamps, Postal Stationery, Watermarks, Overprints etc., with 31 pages of black & white plates. The classic reference work. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208964 - 2004 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF HONG KONG. Pub
2004 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF HONG KONG. Published in 2004 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 1151 pages. An extensive and specialised study, including General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Post Offices and Postmarks, Marine Sorters in the Far East and Mobile Post Offices, Treaty Ports, Index and Bibliography. Including many (also historical) illustrations, especially of the Postal Markings. A most important philatelic handbook of Hong Kong, being the second revised edition and, with over a thousand pages, the 'heaviest' of all Proud-Bailey publications. In fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208970 - 1984 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF THE INDIAN ARM
1984 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF THE INDIAN ARMY POSTAL SERVICE - Vol. II. Published in 1984 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound, 291 pages. The History of the Indian Army Postal Service during the period 1914-1931. A specialised study profusely illustrated with maps and vintage photo material, including a detailed desciption of the Postal Markings. A scarce volume, long out of print. In fine condition. + THE POSTAL HISTORY OF THE INDIAN ARMY POSTAL SERVICE - Vol. III. Published in 1984 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound, 686 pages. The History of the Indian Army Postal Service during the period 1931- 14 August 1947. The last part of the specialised study of the Indian Postal Service covering World War II. A comprehensive and detailed study and an excellent volume in the series of Proud Military Postal History Handbooks. A scarce volume, long out of print. In fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209029 - 2007 Smith, Max & Johnson, Robert  - EXPRESS MAIL, AFTER PAC
2007 Smith, Max & Johnson, Robert - EXPRESS MAIL, AFTER PACKETS AND LATE FEES IN INDIA BEFORE 1870. Published in 2007 by the Stuart Rossiter Trust. Card covers, 291 large papers. An in-depth study of the Overland mail within India (from about 1840) particularly between Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. For the first time, the Express, After Packet and Late Fee Services are described from Official Sources, including a wealth of background information provided by the 12 Appendices. A major India handbook in fine condition
Starting price: CZK
208978 - 1990  Mazumdar, Mohini Lal - THE IMPERIAL POST OFFICES OF BR
1990 Mazumdar, Mohini Lal - THE IMPERIAL POST OFFICES OF BRITISH INDIA (1837-1914). Published in 1990 by Monika Jain, Phila Publications, Calcutta. Hardbound, 450 pages in dustwrapper. The excellent study of the History of the Post Office in India in the 19th century. Describing in large detail the Reforming of the Post Office System, The Imperial Officers and Pioneers of the District Posts in India, the Postal Operations and Regulations, Imperial Post Offices 1854-1916, Lists of Suddar and Subordinate Post Offices etc. An important and scarce British India handbook. In fine condition
Starting price: CZK
208981 - 1968  Feldman, David - HANDBOOK OF IRISH PHILATELY. Publishe
1968 Feldman, David - HANDBOOK OF IRISH PHILATELY. Published in 1968 by The Dolmen Press Ltd, Dublin. Hardbound, 175 pages. Scarce and sought after handbook dealing with all aspects of Irish Stamps up to 1968, including Fenian Forerunners, Overprints, Definitives, Airmails, Postage Dues, Booklets and Postal Stationery. Including many illustrations of the Stamps with enlargments of the variations. An important Irish handbook in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
1975 IRELAND / HANDBOOK OF IRISH POSTAL HISTORY postal rate 1840, D. Feldman and W. Kane 1975, Monograph postal history Ireland in/at předznámkovém period, historical introduction, types postmarks, rates etc..; skvělá work, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
209019 - 1968 Foster, Thomas. THE POSTAL HISTORY OF JAMAICA 1662-1860
1968 Foster, Thomas. THE POSTAL HISTORY OF JAMAICA 1662-1860. Published in 1968 by Robson Lowe Ltd., London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, xii + 180 pages. Excellent handbook on Jamaican philately describing in detail the History of the Jamaica Post Office, the Early Handstamps and British Postage Stamps used in Jamaica. With many illustrations of the Postmarks, Covers etc. A scarce Robson Lowe publication in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209027 - 2000 Jacobs, Norman - A COLLECTORS' MANUAL OF THE STATIONERY
2000 Jacobs, Norman - A COLLECTORS' MANUAL OF THE STATIONERY AND COLLATERAL MATERIAL OF ALLIED AND JAPANESE PRISONERS OF WAR AND CIVILIAN INTERNEES DURING THE GREAT PACIFIC WAR, 1942-1946, Published in 2000 by George Alevizos, Santa Monica. Card covers, iv + 137 pages. An extensive study on the subject, profusely illustrated with over 400 examples of Formulars and Postal Markings including a Rarity Guide evaluating all items. An important handbook on the Japanese Occupation during the Grat Pacific War, signed by the author. In fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208992 - 1959  Ichida, Dr. Soichi  - THE DRAGON STAMPS OF JAPAN 1871-
1959 Ichida, Dr. Soichi - THE DRAGON STAMPS OF JAPAN 1871-1872. Published in 1959 by Ikeda Publishing Co., Tokyo. Hardbound, 220 pages + 11 separate photographic plates in rear pocket. An exhaustive study which occupies a recognised leading place in the understanding of the Dragon Stamps of Japan. Published in a limited edition of which this is No. 368. Profusely illustrated by Yoshihiko Kanamori. Considered as the reference work on the Dragon Stamps of Japan and a classic masterpiece of philatelic literature. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208986 - 1944  Lobdell, H. E. - THE DE LA RUE GEORGIANS OF SOUTH AFRI
1944 Lobdell, H. E. - THE DE LA RUE GEORGIANS OF SOUTH AFRICA. Published in 1944 by The Collectors Club, New York. Card covers, 100 pages. The profound study of the De La Rue Georgians of South Africa, first issued on November 1910. Describing in great detail the development and introduction of the First National Issue - The "Kings Heads". A splendid publication by the The Collectors Club and important contribution to the philately of South Africa. In fine condition
Starting price: CZK
209037 - 1982 Marler, George C. - THE ADMIRAL ISSUE OF CANADA. Publis
1982 Marler, George C. - THE ADMIRAL ISSUE OF CANADA. Published in 1982 by The American Philatelic Society, State College, PA. Hardbound, 567 large pages. Describing in detail all aspects of the so called "Admiral" Issue, with a portrait of King George V dressed in his Admiral of the Fleet uniform, first issued in December 1911. The magnus opus by George C. Marler and the definitive handbook on the subject. An important reference work on this George V Issue of Canada. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
208966 - 1992 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF KENYA. Publish
1992 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF KENYA. Published in 1992 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 368 pages. The specialised study treating the General and Postal History, Postal Rates, Airmails, Post Offices and providing an extensive list of all known Postal Markings with many illustrations. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209041 - 1984-1988 Jones, W. & Roy, R. : HANDBOOK OF CUBA - PART 1-3.
1984-1988 Jones, W. & Roy, R. : HANDBOOK OF CUBA - PART 1-3. Published by the authors in 1984 and 1988. Loose leaf publication in two ringbinders. Part 1 : The Spanish Dominion 1855-1898 (87 pages + 4 photoplates), Part II : The US Administration 1898-1902 (vii + 43 pages) and The Republic 1902-1961 (ix + 322 pages). Considered as the most important reference work for the Stamps of Cuba, covering the Stamp issues, Postal Stationery, Telegraph Stamps, Special Service Stamps, Fakes and Forgeries etc. In fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
2011 Oliver, M. N. : THE LEEWARD ISLANDS - NOTES FOR PHILATELISTS. Published in 2011 by the British West Indies Study Circle, Alicante. Hardbound in dustwrapper, xviii + 324 pages. An profound study including detailed description of the Postal History, the Federa Postage Stamps and Stationery, Post Offices and Postmarks, Maritime Mail Services etc. With many beautiful illustrations of Maps, Stamps, Postmarks and Covers. An important addition to the Leeward Islands publication by Robson Lowe. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
1990 LEWARDOVY ISLANDS / TESTER ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS - VOL. VI.: TESTER LEEWARD ISLANDS, R. Lowe 1990, nepřekonaná Monograph this colonial destination from legendary line bulletins R. Lowe, postal history, stamps with typologií, postmark, p.stat and much of other; perfect condition, skvělý pramen
Starting price: CZK
1943 Dr. Térfi Béla : UNGARISCHE POSTABSTEMPELUNGEN - PART 1: 'VOR DER MARKE'-BRIEFE UND DEREN ABSTEMPELUNGEN. Published in 1943 by the Verein der Briefmarkensammler, Budapest. Hardbound, 323 pp. + large fold out map. The profound study of the pre-filatlic Letters and their Cancelations of Hungary, describing in detail the postal development in Hungary from the beginning in 895 to the introduction of the first Stamp Issue in 1850. Including an extensive list with illustrations of all known Postmarks. A very scarce handbook in fine condition including the large fold out postal map (72x51cm) of the Hungarian State 1750-1850. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209020 - 1990  Kearney, Patrick. - POSTMARKS OF JAPANESE-OCCUPIED MAL
1990 Kearney, Patrick. - POSTMARKS OF JAPANESE-OCCUPIED MALAYA 1942-1945. Published in 1990 by Christie's Robson Lowe, London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, x + 118 pages. Extensive study of the Occupation Cancels of the eleven Malayan States and the Thai Occupation of Kedah & Kelantan. With a detailed description and english translation of the Cancellations and rarity guide. About 700 Postmarks well illustrated. An important Malaya handbook in very fine condition
Starting price: CZK
208962 - 1985  Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF MALAYA - Vol.
1985 Proud, Edward B. - THE POSTAL HISTORY OF MALAYA - Vol. I-III. Published in 1985 by Proud-Bailey Ltd., Sussex. Hardbound in dustwrapper. Vol. I : Straits Settlements including Postal History and Postal Rates, the Chinese Sub Post Office and detailed listings of Postal Markings of Malacca, Penang, Singapore and Christmas Island.- Vol. II : Federated Malay States covering the Postal History and Postmarks of Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Selangor. - Vol. III : Unfederated Malay States covering the Postal History and Postmarks of Johore, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis and Trengganu. The reference work on the Postal History of Malaya. Three volumes in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
206493 - 2014 MICHEL / Deutschland (Germany) Spezial 2014, I. and II.
2014 MICHEL / Deutschland (Germany) Spezial 2014, I. and II. part, specialized catalogues Germany; good in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
206494 - 2014-2015 MICHEL / EUROPA 1-7, 2014 / 2015, complete set 7 c
2014-2015 MICHEL / EUROPA 1-7, 2014 / 2015, complete set 7 catalogues Europe; nice in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
206495 - 2009-2012 MICHEL / comp. 13 pcs of catalogues overseas, cont
2009-2012 MICHEL / comp. 13 pcs of catalogues overseas, contains: North America 2011, West Africa I.-II. part 2011; South and middle Africa 2011/2012; Jihovýchodní Asia 2012; China 2011/2012; Japan - Iran 2011; Central America 2010; Australia and Oceania 2010; South America I.-II. part 2009/2010; North Africa 2009; Caribbean 2008/2009; overall sound condition
Starting price: CZK
209025 - 1965 Britnor, L. E. : MONTSERRAT. Published in a limited edi
1965 Britnor, L. E. : MONTSERRAT. Published in a limited edition by the British West Indies Study Circle in 1965, ring binder, 95 pages. The major study of the Stamps and Postal History including the Stamps of Great Britain used in Montserrat, Commemorative and Specimen Stamps, Fiscal Stamps, Postal Stationery, Postal Markings etc. An excellent publication in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209092 - 1968 GERMANY / Altdeutschland Spezial-Katalog and Guide, 4.
1968 GERMANY / Altdeutschland Spezial-Katalog and Guide, 4. issue, Hans Grobe, Hannover, 440 sides; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
209005 - 2007 Hussen, G.J.J.M. van : POSTAL HISTORY OF THE NETHERLAND
2007 Hussen, G.J.J.M. van : POSTAL HISTORY OF THE NETHERLANDS - THE ISSUES OF 1852, 1864 AND 1867 - 'THE CLASSICS'. Published in 2007 by Van Dieten Postzegelveilingen B.V., Den Haag. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 257 large pages. The extensive study of the Postal History of the Netherlands during the Classic Period 1852-1867. Beautifully illustrated with many colour photographs of the Covers and Rarities. A major publication and the reference handbook on the Classic Issues of the Netherlands. In very fine condition (some wear to dust wrapper).
Starting price: CZK
209003 - 1995 Jersey, Stanley C. - NEW HEBRIDES ISLANDS: MILITARY POS
1995 Jersey, Stanley C. - NEW HEBRIDES ISLANDS: MILITARY POSTAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FORCES 1942-1946. Published in 1995 by the Collectors Club of Chicago. Hardbound, 186 pages. A profound study including a short island history, the Armed Forces mail system used in World War II, Postal History of Units stationed & passing through the islands, Postal Markings etc. A beautiful publication with many illusttrations and vintage photo material. In perfect condition.
Starting price: CZK
209014 - 2000 FORGERIES /  FOCUS ON FORGERIES: A GUIDE postal rate FO
2000 FORGERIES / FOCUS ON FORGERIES: A GUIDE postal rate FORGERIES OF COMMON STAMPS, V. Tyler 2000, Linn's Stamp News, new supplemented with and revidované issue classic trial forgeries from renomovaného of author, contains lot of picture, typologii forgeries, distinktivní coats of arms R and padělaných stamps etc..; good publication in perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
209023 - 1938 Williams, L. N. & M. - THE PROPAGANDA FORGERIES : A his
1938 Williams, L. N. & M. - THE "PROPAGANDA" FORGERIES : A history and description of the Austrian, Bavarian and German Stamps counterfeited by order of the British Government during the great war, 1914-1918. Published in 1938 by David Field Limited, London. Card covers, 42 pages. A very scarce and early publication, in small format, by the Williams brothers. Fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209021 - 1933 Frank, P.F. de  - THE FIRST ISSUE OF AUSTRIA AND LOMBAR
1933 Frank, P.F. de - THE FIRST ISSUE OF AUSTRIA AND LOMBARDY-VENETIA 1850-1858. Published in 1933 by The Vendome Press, Paris. Card covers, 78 pages. A higly detailed study of the First Issue of Austria, describing all aspects of the individual stamps. Including many illustrations and enlarged details. A very scarce publication in fine condition
Starting price: CZK
1980 Ryan, Gary S. - DIE ABSTEMPELUNGEN DER UNGARISCHEN POSTÄMTER AUF MARKEN VON ÖSTERREICH 1850-67. Published in 1980 by The Royal Philatelic Society, London. Hardbound, xxi + 641 pages, in slipcase. The german edition of this great classic work by the legendary Hungary specialist Gary Ryan. Describes the postal and historical development in Hunagry and provindes a catalogue system with valuation of the Postmarks which are all illustrated. A beautiful handbook with many illustrations (in colour) of covers and detailed maps. The extensive reference work on the subject published in a limited edition of 600 copies of which this is No. 160. In very fine condition
Starting price: CZK
209063 - 1927-1950 AUSTRIA / POSTMARKEN TESTER AUSTRIA, issue 1927 an
1927-1950 AUSTRIA / POSTMARKEN TESTER AUSTRIA, issue 1927 and GRUNDBEGRIFFE DER POSTWERTZEICHENKUNDE, E- Müller + 5 pcs of old catalogues on/for German and Swiss stamps; interesting set
Starting price: CZK
209501 - 2014 RUSSIA / ZVEREV 2014 - CARSKÉ RUSSIA A USSR 1857-1940
2014 RUSSIA / ZVEREV 2014 - CARSKÉ RUSSIA A USSR 1857-1940 specialized catalogue Russian stamps; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
206496 - 2013 SASSONE 1850-1900 / issue 2013; color specialized catal
2013 SASSONE 1850-1900 / issue 2013; color specialized catalogue staroitalské classic, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
208365 - 2018 SCOTT STANDARD 2018 / part 2A+B, contains countries C-F
2018 SCOTT STANDARD 2018 / part 2A+B, contains countries C-F, totally new, originálně zabalené with sale price $134.99
Starting price: CZK
208364 - 2018 SCOTT STANDARD 2018 / part 6A+B, contains countries SAN
2018 SCOTT STANDARD 2018 / part 6A+B, contains countries SAN - Z, totally new, originálně zabalené with sale price $134.99
Starting price: CZK
209034 - 1988  Beale, P. O. - THE POSTAL SERVICE OF SIERRA LEONE - IT
1988 Beale, P. O. - THE POSTAL SERVICE OF SIERRA LEONE - ITS HISTORY, STAMPS AND STATIONERY UNTIL 1961. Published by The Royal Philatelic Society, London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, xii + 240 large pages. Profound study of the Postal History and Postal Service, the Postage and Revenue Stamps, the Postal Stationery. Very well illustrated with many photos of the Stamps, Covers and Postmarks and 4 colour plates. A major handbook and beautiful publication in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
2014 Stanway, Len : SINGAPORE - POST OFFICES AND REGISTRATION LABELS. Published in 2014 by the Malaya Study Group, London. Hardbound in dustwrapper, 275 large pages. A major publication on the subject including the historical development of the Postal Services in Singapore, a detailed history of each Post Office & Agency, a study of the Letter Registration System and Labels used since their introduction in 1911, a comprehensive list of all known Letter Registration Labels etc. A beautiful handbook, profusely illustrated and in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209001 - 1955 THE WORK OF JEAN DE SPERATI - VOLUME I-II. Published in
1955 THE WORK OF JEAN DE SPERATI - VOLUME I-II. Published in 1955 by the British Philatelic Association, London. Volume I - Introduction and description of the Forgeries (vii + 214 pages) - Volume II : The 143 Plates of illustrations of the Forgeries + 9 Supplementary Plates A-J. The definitive handbook on the work of Jean de Sperati, describing and illustrating in great detail every known stamp that has been forged by the master forger. Published in a limited edition of 500 copies of which this is No. 169. The reference study on the subject and a major publication on forgeries in general. Very scarce volumes in fine condition (mild foxing to endpapers, ex-libris label)
Starting price: CZK
208379 - 2018 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2019, Commonwealth &
2018 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2019, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970; prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
208977 - 1895 Napier & Bacon : SAINT VINCENT - WITH NOTES AND PUBLISH
1895 Napier & Bacon : SAINT VINCENT - WITH NOTES AND PUBLISHERS' PRICES. Published in 1895 by Stanley Gibbons Limited, London. Card covers with deckled pages gold edged on top, 107 pages. Profound study of the Stamps issued from May 1861 to March 1893, printed and perforated by Perkins, Bacon & Co. Divided in two Sections : the Reference list in which the Stamps are described and priced, and the Notes providing detailed descriptions of the Watermarks, Perforations, Varieties etc. Published as Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbook No. 4, it has become a classic title on the Stamps of Saint Vincent. Very scarce and, for its age, in very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209028 - 1925 POSTAL PROGRESS IN SIAM 1885 - 1925. Published in 1925
1925 POSTAL PROGRESS IN SIAM 1885 - 1925. Published in 1925 by the Ministry of Communicatons and printed by the Bangkok Times Press Ltd. Hardbound, 36 pages. An account of the progress of the Postal- and Telegraph Services of Siam in relation to the countries in the Universal Postal Union. Describing the development of the Postal Service including the Old Mail Routes, Origin of the Inland & Foreign Mail Services, Parcel Post Service, Airmail Mail Service etc. With many illustrations including 4 colour plates of the Stamps issued from 1883-1925. A very scarce publication in the original first edition. In very fine condition.
Starting price: CZK
209026 - 1963  Marriott, John B. : THE PHILATELIC HISTORY OF TRINIDAD
1963 Marriott, John B. : THE PHILATELIC HISTORY OF TRINIDAD TO 1862. Published by the British West Indies Study Circle in 1963, ring binder, 65 pages. An excellent study covering the Early Postal History, the Stamps from the Lady Mcleod Local Issue to the later Perkins Bacon Issues 18591961, the Lithographed Provisional Issues and the Numeral Cancellations. A scarce specialised publication in fine condition.
Starting price: CZK