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1993 Pof.3, Havel 2CZK, the bottom block of four with omitted perforation hole - big perf. holes; rare occurrence U:A5
1993 Pof.3, Havel 2CZK, UR corner blk-of-9 with omitted perforation hole - big perf. holes and plate variety pos. 30/1; rare occurrence U:A5
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, PB with plate variety 2/A - black point, for comparison PB without plate variety U:A5
1995 Pof.66VV, Pitter 7CZK with production flaw - significant shift numeral value to "CZK" and shift grey color U:A5
1995 Pof.76VV, EUROPA 9CZK, marginal piece with production flaw 1 - partial incomplete-printing numeral value 9 U:A5
1996 Pof.125VV, Tycho Brahe 5CZK, LR corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - incomplete-printing black TESTER OTr color on/for marginal stmp R (missing inscription "ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA"); in block rare, cat. only as 2x pair 13.600CZK, like that markedly more, rare offer! U:A5
1997 Pof.PL162, Art 7CZK, significant shift black compared to ostatním barvám (lower and R sahají significantly outside frame); corner piece, interesting U:A5
1998 Pof.193VV, Kutná hill 8CZK, horizontal pair - both numeral value with color dots + shift yellow color; mint never hinged U:A5
1999 Pof.209-210VV, Nature Protection 4CZK, pair with significant shift numeral value transport to "CZK" U:A5
1999 Pof.209-210VV, Nature Protection, pair with production flaw - significant shifted print numeral value transport to "CZK" U:A5
2000-2009 comp. of 6 various plate variety and flaw print according to c.v.. Pofis also Pěnkava: Pof.254-255 Railway transport, without stains below oknem and with deflected perforation hole above K1; Pof.256 V. Nezval 5CZK, omitted perforation hole marginal block of four; Pof.396 Europe 9CZK, PB with flaw print 4/H "rozcestník"; ditto with flaw print 5/? "oblique red line protínající water face"; Pof.A409-412 Parrots, "without obrysu head parrot L lower"; Pof.473 Europe hipoterapie 10CZK, "blue lines through/over right pos.; high catalogue value, cheaply offered U:A4
2002 FORGERY to defraud the post, stamp. Pof.330 Beauty of Flowers - Maceška, upper and the bottom blk-of-50 with margin, marked mark Padělek U:A3v–
2003 Pof.PL380, Rosa above Prague (II) 6,50CZK, V163 II. variant; sought U:A4
2003 Pof.PL381, Lantern 9CZK, V176, II. variant; sought U:A4
2005 Pof.A439-442, miniature sheet Krkonoše, violet bell-flowers + miniature sheet with blue bell-flowers; cat. only violet bell-flowers 500CZK U:A5
2006 Pof.PL467VV, Still-life with wine (I), P0444821 I.varianta, production flaw high numbering; very sought U:A4
2008 Pof.514VV, Exhibition PRAGA 2008 11CZK, horiz. corner Pr with lower margin, production flaw - slepá the bottom horiz. perf; mint never hinged, c.v.. 4.200CZK U:A5
2008 Pof.A562VV, Lederburská garden, catalogue production flaw "rose circle R above střechou house above L upper corner pos.", sought U:A5
2008 Pof.PL573, Summer day, V161, II. variant; sought U:A4
2008 Pof.PL583, Children in winter, P039814, III. variant, size 108mm; very sought U:A4
2009 Pof.618, Christmas 10CZK, three unfolded bnd-of-10, from that 1x with date of print and number archu: 24.IX. (sole date without vynechaného perforation hole in margin counter sheet under the pos. 43 and 44) and 2x upper bnd-of-10 from same date with complete BTS and omitted perforation hole above pos. 9 and 10 (PA1 and 2), jedině this day! (from same zdroje as ticket 1643 in auction 58, nejspíš last possibility získat) U:A4
2010 Pof.A623, EXPO 2010, comp. of 3 miniature sheets with printing vadami: 1x significantly rozostřený print ofsetu (whole printing buildings) and yellow stínovaná numeral(s) 10 (2010) on stmp; 2x shifts perf, very well zřetelně according to "O" big EXPO and other zero in big "2010", unusual selection of U:A5
2010 Pof.A623, EXPO 2010, selection of šesti miniature sheets with various significant stains and kroužky: white circle in/at "P" (EXPO) above right nožičkou "in/at" (world); violet circle L from upper vidlice "X" (EXPO); circle after/behind EXPO in/at blue čtverci; significant violet stain R from upper vidlice "X" (EXPO); white circle L above "A" (Šanghaj) in/at blue čtverci; white circle above "ST" (exhibition) in/at blue čtverci, exceptional selection of U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet with production flaw - without pin hole, plate 4, light blue; c.v.. 40.000CZK U:A5
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, L the bottom corner blk-of-6, all stamp. double pin hole stamps also dělícího pin hole between stamps; c.v.. 5.400CZK U:A5
2012 Pof.PL752, Christmas motive "A", V281, very sought PB, rare usage U:A4
2012-2015 Pof.PL752, 822, 872, Christmas motive, poštovnictví and bouquet; comp. of 3 PB with "vykousnutým" margin U:A4
2013 Pof.772, St. Wenceslaus 13CZK, block of four with significant shifted perforation downward and transport to picture of stmp (upper frame is on/for adjacent stamp); interesting, from jediného still noted sheet!, c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
2014 Pof.PL822, Bouquet "A", V283; very sought PB, rare usage U:A4
2014 Pof.828VV, Christmas A, Lada, marginal block-of-4, shifted perforation L-wards to to picture of stmp; the first doložený takový shift on this stmp U:A5
2015 Pof.PL872, Poštovnictví "Z", V279; very sought PB, rare usage U:A4
2017 Pof.A936, miniature sheet Zoologické garden II., 3 pcs of, very different color shades (zubr on pos. 1 brown, grey-brown and hnědošedý); interesting U:A5
2018 Pof.PL963A, Mucha - Hradčany, with private added print B. Paleček, P056450 U:A4
2018 Pof.A988-990, 100 years postal museum, 2 pcs of, extremely different shades all colors, stamps very light and very dark (background also black color), statue L brown-yellow or black, dark color shade occures only absolutely exceptionally U:A5
2018 Pof.A991-994, 3 pcs of miniature sheet Zoo, making plate variety on pos. 3 (slon): three stains in/at "RE" (REPUBLIC); only one stain in "E" (počáteční stage defects, for the first time in auction); osm very expressive black stains in/at and others "RE", big red stain R from "R"; the most significant variant very rare U:A5
2018 Pof.1008-1009, Christmas A, marginal block-of-4 (2 various stamps), significant shifted perforation L-wards and crossways downward to picture of stmp, for the present doložený single sheet, decorative and rare U:A5
2018 Pof.PL1011, Art 33CZK (Komárek), PB with shifted perforation up closely to/at spodnímu inscription; unusual U:A5
2000 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov comp. 5 pcs of officially unissued values 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54 CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011), with katalogovou production flaw "cut H in the word HRAD", existují only three takové set; c.v.. without production flaw 7.500CZK, rare, collector sought! U:A5
2005-2010 Pof.AT1-AT4, Veveří (castle), Zvíkov, Jindřichův Hradec and Průhonice, selection of sets machine stamps AT1-AT4; total 78 pieces, face-value over 1.550CZK U:A4
1998 PT8b, Exhibition PRAGA 1955, unnumbered (!); printing mere 410ks, very fine, c.v.. 3.000Kč
2018 PT36, Exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), unnumbered, lower with additional-printing David Feldman and logo firm; very rare variant + FDC with stamp. Blue Mauritius, in/at original cards f. D. Feldmann + 2 pcs of Us official postal stationery covers CSO13 uprated by. same stamp. Pof.942; very fine, extraordinary offer U:A4
2018 PT36C, Exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter) WITHOUT PŘÍTISKU A ČÍSLA, incl. dárkového cover Czech post; superb, c.v.. -,- U:A5
1996-2000 selection of 16 pcs of PTM 3-16, contains i.a. 3-4, 5a, 5b and two PTM 6 slightly odlišného shade (included to sum as common variant); cat. min. 12.700 CZK U:A5
2013 JAP1, souvenir Czech Post to anketě about/by most beautiful stamp. dvacetiletí, number 0000903 U:A5
2011 PLZ13, Wenceslas Havel 1936-2011, number 0031130; commemorative sheet Czech Post U:A5
2000 graphic sheet BRNO 2000/ 150. anniv of birth T. G. Masaryk, cat. Merkur-Revue G4a 2x + G4d bicolored without numbers with signature J. Tvrdoň, total 3 pcs of; superb U:A5
2017 MAURITIUS V ČESKU - commemorative sheet issued on the occasion of ceremonial křtu this post. stamps, with signatures of authors Jaromír Knotek and Kamil Knotek; very low number 27/200 - printing mere 200 pcs of, print Postal printing-works valuable matters, luxury quality, rare! U:A4
1993-2015 [COLLECTIONS] selection more than 50 pcs of commemorative prints, special commemorative print for post. museum, souvenirs anket Czech post, příležitostních prints to exhibitions etc.., outside other JAP1 and PT9b; cat. over 6.500CZK U:O5
1994-2017 [COLLECTIONS] PT1-36, KOMPLETNÍ line commemorative prints, incl. rare PT8b - exhibition PRAGA 55 unnumbered; superb, all in/at covers, c.v.. 24.210Kč U:O5
1994-2013 [COLLECTIONS] practically complete set, contains PT1-PT31 (missing only PT24), incl. variants, some special commemorative print more times, i.a. 3x PT7 etc..; c.v.. 15.320Kč U:O5
1996 CDV7/ PM4, George Jetel, with special postmark to exhibition; very sought, sound condition U:A5
1998 CDV39, Praga 98, double inverted print, without hologram; find from Olomouc post, interesting U:A5
2001 CDV64B, Nine, mikrotext PTC 2002, additional printing Povodně August 2002; sought U:A5
1993-2001 [COLLECTIONS] MOTIVE SCOUTING / collection ca. 130 pcs of Un CDV with pítisky scouting, from CDV2; placed in big stockbook A4 U:Z
1993-2016 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÁ ACCUMULATION / stamps, miniature sheets, stamp booklets and PB in 3 stockbooks A4 (16 sheets) + 22 free sheets A4; dopněno popisky, pair interesting production flaw, face-value over 28.000CZK U:Z
1993-1999 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamps, miniature sheets and PB in/at 15-sheet stockbook A4 + on stock-sheet A4; face-value over 12.500CZK U:Z
2006-2013 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamps, miniature sheets, stamp booklets, PB and FDC in/at 15-sheet stockbook A4; face-value over 3.000CZK U:Z