1905-1937 GREENLAND / PARCEL STAMPS very interesting selection of 28 stamps from favourite issue Bear, values 1Ore - 1 Kr, various issues, perforation types, shades, from that 10 pcs unused; part various quality (some faults), rare set!
1867-1871 Mi.6Cx, Coat of arms 8P black, vertical strip of 3 with blue round cancel. WIBORG; very fine perforation, between stamps underlaid, cat. 750€++
1869 Mi.32, pair (!) of Napoleon 5Fr blue-grey, cancel. "star"; very fine, only several short tooth lower, without usual thins, cat. Ceres 2.400€, rare pair!
1900-1959[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on sheets Thiade in screw folder, contains singles from issues Sower and Merson, also many complete sets, joined printings, several blocks of four, after 1945 more complete; mainly *, several more interesting stamps and joined printings also **, cat. Yvert according to owner ca. 6.000€, it is worth seeing
1875-1951 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 38 entires from various period incl. classic, several Reg letters, entires abroad, 3x letter with surtax, blank forms, frankotypes, newspaper wrappers etc..; mainly good quality
1941-1944 set of 12 letters with interesting frankings, Reg, Ex- (rare), censorships, rich multiple frankings, 1x label ZOLLSTELLE, then i.a. rare broken out cancel KRČEDIN 3.6.42 etc.
1876-1970[COLLECTIONS] very interesting slightly specialized collection of unused stamps on sheets with descriptions, from issue 1876, contains various complete sets as Mi.35-47, 48-62, 63-68, 69-75, 76-82, 114-118, 125-140, 147-149, 150-155, 231-236, 275-277 etc.., without officials; to 1940 */**; partly classical stamps with minor faults, cat. by estimation 5.000€+
1856-1868 set of 9 letters, i.a. Sardinia with Sass.14C, Papal States 5, Napoli 3+6 exp. Sorani, Sardinia 13E+14E, MIXED FRANKING of Papal States 16+17+19+26 (!) and MIXED FRANKING Sardinia 13+14+ Italy Sass.2; various quality, part viewing of quality recommended, very high catalogue value!
1833-1845 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 35 prephilatelic letters with various postmarks, i.a. CITTADELLA, MONTAGNANA, VENICE, PADUA, VERONA, CREMA, MILAN, ZARA, ESTA etc.., i.a. 1x nobiliary letter sent from Venice to Prague; good condition
1852 Sass.5A+9+10, Coat of arms 4Baj + pair 8Baj + 50Baj (!) on cut-square with grid cancellation.; very nice franking, rare; certificate Dr. Avi, cat. min. 5.000€, extraordinary offer!
1859Sass.13, Coat of arms 20Gr; very nice piece with original gum, exp. and certificate Raybaudi, exp. Köhler, cat. 24.000€, rare classic stamp originate from old collection!
1859 Sass.8, 11, 13-15, Ferdinand II. 2Gr-50Gr, included as the cheapest types, 50Gr with minor fault on margin, otherwise all very fine, exp. Senf and oths., cat. (*) 1.750€
1942 C.C. CAMPO DI CONCENTRAMENTO DI CORROPOLI, set of 2 Italian p.stat sent from C.C. to Ljubljana, PC and letter-card, various censorship marks; good condition
1942-1943 C.C. CAMPO CONCENTRAMENTO INTERNATI CIVILI DI CHIESANUOVA PADUA, selection of 4 Italian PC and 2 letters, from that 3x written to camp prisoner 3x sent from camp, addressed to and from Slovenia, nice prints of cancel. in various colors, censorships; overall good condition
1946 Polish field post; Sass.17C, "Poczta Polowa 2 Korpusu" pair 2Zl in the middle with OMMITED PERFORATION; very fine, issued without gum, cat. 1.400€
1935-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ERITREA selection of 50 entires with various colonial issues, contains 2x Reg letter, 3x franked certificate of mailing, air-mail letters, censorship etc..; various quality, from estate of specialized collector of postal history, Ex Procházka
1936-1938[COLLECTIONS] ETHIOPIA, SOMALIA, CIRENAIKA, EAST AFRICA selection of 40 entires with various colonial issues, contains 2x Reg letter, 1x franked certificate of mailing, air-mail letters, censorship etc..; various quality, from estate of specialized collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1898-1941 [COLLECTIONS] LIBYA / ERITREA selection of 38 entires mainly with various colonial issues, contains i.a. PC with additional-printing COLONIA ERITREA, Express letter, Reg and airmail letter, promotional Ppc, uprated FP cards etc..; various quality, from estate of specialized collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1936-1942 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD POST IN AFRICA - WORLD WAR II / selection of 75 entires with postmarks of Italian FP in Ethiopy, Somalia and Egypt, FP cards from that 3x with war propaganda, franked letters, airmails, censorships, various units etc..; various quality, part of large estate, ex Procházka
1940-1945[COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL collection of ca. 400 entires from and to Italian war prisoners in Great Britain, in Africa - Egypt, Tunis, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa, in India and Australia, supplemented with letters of Italian Red Cross, and various documents of prisoners as discharge passport of Italian prisoner from German camp STALAG X-B ATD.; various quality, very interesting collection from estate of important foreign collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1865-1930[COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 400 entires mainly from period of 1920-1930, part commercial correspondence, mailing abroad, Reg or Ex-, PC also with advertising added prints, various frankings, surtax, several perfins, frankotypes etc..; various quality, very interesting set, originated from specialized collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1938-1970 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 600 entires mainly from period 1938-1950, contains commercial, official also private correspondence, interesting frankings, mailing abroad, Reg, Ex, censorship, postmarks FP etc..; various quality, ex Procházka
1940-1944[COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD POST - WORLD WAR II selection of more than 800 entires with postmarks of Italian FP, i.a. contains postmarks of units on a mission in Albania, Yugoslavia and France; various quality, very interesting set, it is worth seeing, ex Procházka
1931-1936 5 airmail entires, all addressed to Czechoslovakia, CDS SPLIT, DUBROVNIK, BELGRADE, SUŠAK, various frankings, part with airmail stamps, 1x as special delivery and airmail, 1x promotional added print air-mail; good condition
1921-1926 [COLLECTIONS] small part of collection of stamps and entires on 34 lpages, contains mint also used stamps issues King Peter I. etc., perf, imperforated stamps, blocks with plate numbers and marks, overprints, supplemented with several entires; various quality, originates from exhibit
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / accumulation of used also unused stamps in two stockbooks, various incomplete also complete sets, part classical stamps, same values several times etc..; various quality
1919-1950 SELECTION / complete set Mi.261Y-265Y and sought Sport Mi.403-410, then Mi.Klb.1035, perforated Mi.1111A 2x and imperforated Mi.1111B 2x and miniature sheet Bl.19; all mint never hinged, cat. 430€
1945-1958[COLLECTIONS] collection in album PFSA, almost complete, incl. miniature sheets Roosevelt, Bridges, then Mi.Bl.20-21, good sets of 1950´s fauna, sport etc.; one miniature sheet Roosevelt hinged, otherwise all MNH; very fine collection, cat. 2.300€
1868 Mi.21c, Coat of arms 7Kr "preussischblau" with fragmentem of CDS LICHTENFELS, cu to margins, at right repaired; certificate Peter Sem BPP 2009, this stam always missing, cat. 1.000€