Pof.51ax, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, clear print, perfectly centered overprint type II.; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak and Gilbert, nice piece
Pof.1-26, 1h-1000h, complete basic set with control-numbers (without Pof.6, 9 and 13), i.a. 5h blue-green, 15h, 120h and 300h corner pieces; from that 11 pcs of hinged, mint never hinged i.a. 400h, 300h, 200h, 120h etc..
Pof.1-26, selection of 46 stamp. 1h-1000h in various shades (does not contain Pof.6, 9 and 13), i.a. 200h blue (exp. Vrba), 1000h blue-violet (minor gum fault) etc..
Pof.140Na II, 125h ultramarine deeper color, imperforated, type II.; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., luxury piece, rare stamp, in II. type rare usage!
Pof.175B, 300h violet with plate number 4 in R margin sheet, type III with comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;; mint never hinged, 1x short tooth at top, exp. Vrba
Pof.SO7Pp, Hradčany 20h carmine imperforated, with very rare inverted opt "SO1920 (overprint)"; superb piece with certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák and Škaloud, špičková item missing also in big collections, extraordinary offer!
1919 Pof.PP2-PP4, Charitable stamps - silhouette 25K-1Rbl, comp. of 3 sets with line perforation 13¾;, line perforation 11½; and imperforated + complete set types I-VI with line perforation 13¾; + block of four 1Rbl dark brown, line perforation 13¾;;
1935 Pof.PD9-10B, Definitive issue, values 1CZK and 2CZK with line perforation 12½;, LR corner pieces with coupons and plate number 1; mint never hinged
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / very interesting estate mainly unused stamps after/around businessman in/at IKEA box in 6 various albums A4 + detached/free stamp. in/at smaller little-box, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint, 20. and 30. years, air-mail etc.., also blocks of four, plate number etc..; various, mostly good quality, suitable to other elaboration, we advice viewings, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1943 Pof.PrA1a, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in brown color, No. 564, size 170,5x131mm, issued on paper without gum; very nice quality, without usual folds and bends, exp. by Mahr BPP, in this quality rare occurrence!
1943 Pof.ZPrA1a, Admission stmp from miniature sheet in brown color, perf line perforation 10¾;, original gum (souvenir sheets was/were provided with gum and consequently operforovány); mint never hinged, authenticity konzultována with expert
1943 Pof.PrA1b, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in black color, No. 318, size 171x131,5mm, issued on paper without gum; very nice quality, without usual folds and bends, exp. by Mahr BPP, in this quality rare occurrence!
1982 Pof.664 production flaw, Lidice 1,50Kčs, marginal piece with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing on R side; mint never hinged, underprized, very sought
1966 Pof.1568 production flaw, Game 40h, horizontal pair, marginal stmp imperforated from three sides (!); one of most sought flaws on/for CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., exceptional offer, c.v.. 8.000CZK
1968Pof.A1653N, NEVYDANÝ miniature sheet Novotný 5Kčs připravený to 50. anniv of Czechoslovakia, with regard politickým events was/were whole printed printing miniature sheet skartován; dochovaný piece originate from skartovaných stamps, that's why have/has damaged gum - prostouplý to paper in margin and around perf stamps miniature sheet, only dirty without rusty stains and without restaurátorskýchzásahů, viewing of quality recommended, authenticity potvrzena expert Prof. Arbeitem, unique rarity, still known only three pieces miniature sheet and one imperforated plate proof in/at Postal muzeu!
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ACCUMULATION unused also postmarked stamps, miniature sheets, PB, blk-of-10, black-prints etc.., placed mainly in/at šanonech A5 with descriptions, also basic basic collection on album sheets from used also Un stamp. and label, complete annual volumes **/* on stock-sheets A5, disparate comp. of stamps Czechoslovakia I., then basic collection Slovakia 39-45 etc..; part various quality, we advice viewings, all placed in one Ikea box, total 29kg of material for elaboration, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1713 CHARLES VI. (1685–1740), Holy Roman Emperor from year 1711, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, father Empress Maria Theresa, autograph on tinted nobilitačnípergamenové (!) document for Georgia Sóse (povýšení to šlechtického status - Hungary), written in Latin, size 70x53cm, with big imperial seal in/at wooden box; document is in very good status, without usual proděravění, extraordinary offer, very rare!
1850- SELECTION / Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1 Kr - 9 Kreuzer, selection of 22 stamps and with mainly nice postmarks, contains i.a. 7x 1 Kr from that 1x marginal pair, 3x 2 Kreuzer, 2x cut square, several Reg postmarks, various types, colors, etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, interesting
1853-1859 Newspaper revenue stamps, Ferch.1, 2, 3, set of 6 stamps Coat of arms, issue 1853 2 Kreuzer blue-green and yellow-green Ib, issue 1858/59 1 Kr blue type I and type II, supplemented with 2 Kreuzer brown and 2 Kreuzer orange for Lombardy Veneto; nice pieces, cat. 560€
2008 AUSTRIA/ FERCHENBAUER AUSTRIA I-IV 2008, complete set 4 specializovaných guides and catalogues, base for all collector old Austria; very good condition
1918 Pof.RV43-65, RV71-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) in/at ČERVENÉ color, postage stmp Coat of arms, Crown and Charles 3h-1K, Large Emblem 2 Koruna, 3 Koruna granite, 4 Koruna, 10K light violet, then Express rectangle and triangle, Postage due stmp PORTO and Postage due stmp small numerals, missing only Newspaper stamps; mainly with light label, all exp. Vrba and Gilbert, sought
Pof.1-26, complete basic line (without Pof.6, 9N and 13N) in blocks of four (!), total 23 pcs of bloks of four; all mint never hinged, very nice selection of sought čtyřbloků!
Pof.7 joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, L the bottom vertical corner Pr with control-numbers, on pos. 91 spiral type I and bar type II.; mint never hinged, expert Benes
Pof.7Nd, 15h vermilion, vertical pair with margin and control-numbers, pos. 88-98, plate 5, full machine offset; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, sought shade!
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.23, 300h green-gray, complete 100 stamps sheet (!), plate 1 incl. all plate variety, nice deep shade; mint never hinged, only light vertical fold, wrapping Leuchtturm, sheets high values with in the market practically at all are rare!
1918 [COLLECTIONS] STUDIJNÍ COLLECTION on/for ca. 100 pages, rozpracováno according to values 1h -1000h, perforated also imperforated, zaměřeno on/for various plate variety, all described, identified pos., printing plate etc.., line bloks of four and larger blocks, also several entires etc..; interesting
Pof.1C-9C, comp. of 12 stamps, except 30h all values with line perforation 13¾;, supplemented with about/by color shades; mint never hinged, 20h blue-green exp. Vrba
Pof.3E, 4E, 11E, 4F-11F, comp. 9 pcs of stamp. outside 7E all values with line perforation 11½; : 10¾; and line perforation 13¾; : 11½;, supplemented with about/by color shades; mint never hinged, 4x exp. by Gilbert., Vrba
Pof.10NcD, 25h ultramarine with control-numbers, special line perforation 11½; stamp. mint never hinged, hint on margin with control-numbers, exp. by Karasek and Vrba, sought
Pof.45PI, 80h red-brown, print from the front also in the back side + overprint offset, on face-side overprint type I on reverse type II; hinged, exp. by Stupka., sought variety!