1905-1937 GREENLAND / PARCEL STAMPS very interesting selection of 28 stamps from favourite issue Bear, values 1Ore - 1 Kr, various issues, perforation types, shades, from that 10 pcs unused; part various quality (some faults), rare set!
1867-1871 Mi.6Cx, Coat of arms 8P black, vertical strip of 3 with blue round cancel. WIBORG; very fine perforation, between stamps underlaid, cat. 750€++
1869 Mi.32, pair (!) of Napoleon 5Fr blue-grey, cancel. "star"; very fine, only several short tooth lower, without usual thins, cat. Ceres 2.400€, rare pair!
1900-1959[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on sheets Thiade in screw folder, contains singles from issues Sower and Merson, also many complete sets, joined printings, several blocks of four, after 1945 more complete; mainly *, several more interesting stamps and joined printings also **, cat. Yvert according to owner ca. 6.000€, it is worth seeing
1941-1944 set of 12 letters with interesting frankings, Reg, Ex- (rare), censorships, rich multiple frankings, 1x label ZOLLSTELLE, then i.a. rare broken out cancel KRČEDIN 3.6.42 etc.
1876-1970[COLLECTIONS] very interesting slightly specialized collection of unused stamps on sheets with descriptions, from issue 1876, contains various complete sets as Mi.35-47, 48-62, 63-68, 69-75, 76-82, 114-118, 125-140, 147-149, 150-155, 231-236, 275-277 etc.., without officials; to 1940 */**; partly classical stamps with minor faults, cat. by estimation 5.000€+
1856-1868 set of 9 letters, i.a. Sardinia with Sass.14C, Papal States 5, Napoli 3+6 exp. Sorani, Sardinia 13E+14E, MIXED FRANKING of Papal States 16+17+19+26 (!) and MIXED FRANKING Sardinia 13+14+ Italy Sass.2; various quality, part viewing of quality recommended, very high catalogue value!
1852 Sass.5A+9+10, Coat of arms 4Baj + pair 8Baj + 50Baj (!) on cut-square with grid cancellation.; very nice franking, rare; certificate Dr. Avi, cat. min. 5.000€, extraordinary offer!
1859Sass.13, Coat of arms 20Gr; very nice piece with original gum, exp. and certificate Raybaudi, exp. Köhler, cat. 24.000€, rare classic stamp originate from old collection!
1942-1943 C.C. CAMPO CONCENTRAMENTO INTERNATI CIVILI DI CHIESANUOVA PADUA, selection of 4 Italian PC and 2 letters, from that 3x written to camp prisoner 3x sent from camp, addressed to and from Slovenia, nice prints of cancel. in various colors, censorships; overall good condition
1946 Polish field post; Sass.17C, "Poczta Polowa 2 Korpusu" pair 2Zl in the middle with OMMITED PERFORATION; very fine, issued without gum, cat. 1.400€
1935-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ERITREA selection of 50 entires with various colonial issues, contains 2x Reg letter, 3x franked certificate of mailing, air-mail letters, censorship etc..; various quality, from estate of specialized collector of postal history, Ex Procházka
1936-1938[COLLECTIONS] ETHIOPIA, SOMALIA, CIRENAIKA, EAST AFRICA selection of 40 entires with various colonial issues, contains 2x Reg letter, 1x franked certificate of mailing, air-mail letters, censorship etc..; various quality, from estate of specialized collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1898-1941 [COLLECTIONS] LIBYA / ERITREA selection of 38 entires mainly with various colonial issues, contains i.a. PC with additional-printing COLONIA ERITREA, Express letter, Reg and airmail letter, promotional Ppc, uprated FP cards etc..; various quality, from estate of specialized collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1936-1942 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD POST IN AFRICA - WORLD WAR II / selection of 75 entires with postmarks of Italian FP in Ethiopy, Somalia and Egypt, FP cards from that 3x with war propaganda, franked letters, airmails, censorships, various units etc..; various quality, part of large estate, ex Procházka
1940-1945[COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL collection of ca. 400 entires from and to Italian war prisoners in Great Britain, in Africa - Egypt, Tunis, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa, in India and Australia, supplemented with letters of Italian Red Cross, and various documents of prisoners as discharge passport of Italian prisoner from German camp STALAG X-B ATD.; various quality, very interesting collection from estate of important foreign collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1865-1930[COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 400 entires mainly from period of 1920-1930, part commercial correspondence, mailing abroad, Reg or Ex-, PC also with advertising added prints, various frankings, surtax, several perfins, frankotypes etc..; various quality, very interesting set, originated from specialized collector of postal history, ex Procházka
1938-1970 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 600 entires mainly from period 1938-1950, contains commercial, official also private correspondence, interesting frankings, mailing abroad, Reg, Ex, censorship, postmarks FP etc..; various quality, ex Procházka
1940-1944[COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD POST - WORLD WAR II selection of more than 800 entires with postmarks of Italian FP, i.a. contains postmarks of units on a mission in Albania, Yugoslavia and France; various quality, very interesting set, it is worth seeing, ex Procházka
1945-1958[COLLECTIONS] collection in album PFSA, almost complete, incl. miniature sheets Roosevelt, Bridges, then Mi.Bl.20-21, good sets of 1950´s fauna, sport etc.; one miniature sheet Roosevelt hinged, otherwise all MNH; very fine collection, cat. 2.300€
1885 Mi.17b, Coat of arms 2½F / 3Pf, left marginal strip-of-3 from printing sheet 10x1 stamps; at left toned, two stamps VF, cat. for ** 1.300€, rare offer!
1851 Mi.1, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. ½Sgr/6Pf, block of four (!), wmk "Lorbeerkranz"; very fine multiple, hinged on two stamps, two stamps MNH, cat. min. 1.200€!
1941 SERBIA - VIKTORIA letter franked with overprint stamp 2D, Mi.5, CDS KRUŠEVAC/ 9.VIII.41 with propagandistic label VIKTORIA with swastika on face-side, on reverse arrival postmark NIŠ/ 11.VIII.41, passed through censorship with label BELGRADE, hand written notice; envelope opened from 2 sides, fold and toned, after all rare usage of Victoria label!
1933 Reg letter to USA franked with complete issue Volkshilfe, Mi.161-167, CDS BECKINGEN 15.2.33, on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK 2.22.1933; letter incl. content, cat. min. 1.200€++
1898 Mi.1II-6II, "Krone / Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint CHINA 56°, 3Pfg in two shades 10Pfg "dunkelrosarot", in addition this stamp **, other *, cat. 400€
1905 Mi.37A, 5RM without watermark with overprint 2½; DOLLAR CHINA, very fine marginal piece on cut-square with CDS SCHANGHAI/ DEUTSCHE (German) POST; cat. 380€++
1938 GEHEIME FELDPOLIZEI Czechosl. card sent in time of occupation of Czech borderland from Pelhřimov to Česká Lípa, CDS PELHŘIMOV/ 3.X.38, supplemented with censorship line red cancel. Heeresgruppe 3/ Gehaime Feldpolizei/ Gruppe 540, German military secret police - "Gestapo of Wermacht"; nice postal imprints, good condition, very rare occurrence!
1941 NORWAY - VIKTORIA letter FP to Vienna with mounted propagandistic label Victoria with black "V", Mi. Vignetten A.2., CDS FP 24.10.41 and official violet FP No. 47 392; good condition, cat. - , -
1942 address card from parcel sent to Eastern frontline franked with Surtax stamp Eagle, Mi.2A and postage stamp A.H. 20Pf, imprint of machine postmark TÜBINGEN 1942, sent on FP 46646; certificate Mogler
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 entires with postmarks of German field post, part correspondence of Italian units with cancel. German FP, several entires with cancel. SS units, R-, redirected and returned mailing etc..; various quality, very interesting selection, ex. Procházka